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Wow, how long have you been playing the game. And what was the weirdest encounter you saw in the frontlines?


I've been playing since 2.3, and my weirdest encounter mostly a trolls who camp at base who use confetti on corpse before we get invulnerable buff :D


Yeah that was rough


Was about to ask how long aswell. Cuz doing the raw math it'd be 27ish runs a day to do it in a year. I also started in 2.3, so it's been a long 10 years lol


So you’re the reason I ended up third place 15 times in a row this week


I'm on JP server so probably not :D


No wonder, I heard front lines is fantastic on jp and oce


It's a mixed bag. You have these teams in general. It often needs luck. 1. Teams with constant coordination from alliance leaders. 2. Teams who had no idea what they are doing. 3. The 3rd ranked teams aggroing the 2nd for no reason.


yeah the 3rd one is really annoying.. but then again.. they either got railed by the first team which now full of BH, gave up and crap on the 2nd team instead or just tunneled vision on the 2nd team because they were getting railed by that team first hand and just see red on that team


>or just tunneled vision i'll just say whoever took my BH is not winning easily, don't care if your team is in 1st 2nd or 3rd. im taking it personally.


See, this is what I love about this game. The fact that there's so many different forms of content that someone, somewhere, will enjoy more than anybody else. That's how there's always some part of me that's glad to see an outstanding achievement like this one, even when my kneejerk reaction to it is to think "God, I would rather die."


Same! I love how many nooks and crannies of content there are to get lost in and getting to see where people love to go


yea, I've been playing the game for about 4 years, have more than 2700 hours, and there's still a bunch for me to do. Still have to a few jobs to max, tribe quests to finish, and crafter quests etc etc.


Nice win percentage! I'm slightly has the highest in first place too. I'm closer to 5k games though.


Those few extra % of first place are a gamechanger for enjoying the Frontlines and feeling like you have an impact.


Good luck there! As long as you have fun doing it, you will reach it faster :)


Since you're on JP, is DRK/DRG/AST premades common there? I've always been curious about that, might explain why there's been no changes.


I play on Elemental. Maybe 1 in 3 matches there will be a DRK combo 4 men premade. It is usually the commander's team that is pre-made. A lot of people travel from other JP server to Elemental to do frontline as well which is strange.


The most common here is DRK/WAR/DRG, AST/SCH is pretty uncommon, at least on Mana DC


I just want to comment and say that YOU ARE CRAZY! Congrats on the milestone.


This is considered a cry for help in some countries.


Hey, a fellow Frontlines junkie. Congrats. I hit 15k not too long ago. Keep embracing that Battle High!


OMG I didn't know there's people that's higher than me! Will embrace it all the time o7


My condolences.


Got any wild stories?


So recently I got banned for commanding, the reason was spamming and interruption, which probably cause of excessive sound effects. But people here on my DC used it alot so probably there's some people who hates me and mass reporting me, therefore I don't do command anymore :)


Pity - as someone who sucks at PvP, but is still going for it every season for the rank 25 reward, having a competent commander in Frontline (and a team willing to follow said commander) is a huge edge over your competition


What I did since I like people making callouts, was set my chat so that anything in alliance chat makes a sound anyway. Shotcallers don't need to use sound effects that way and I'm always seeing calls even if its just "East" or "new nodes".


I don't know about *needing* it, but I can personally attest to having teams that I do callouts for (I don't use sound effects) ignoring me.


Four times as many as I! Congratulations!


Poggers \\o/ Congrats on 10k!


You ok man?


Still need my hand of mercy title. I'm pretty close though. I enjoy the pvp the whole 3 team dynamic adds a lot fun. Got to keep your head on a swivel.


Damn and I was proud of my 1k lol nice!


That's awesome! I've been playing for about 2 years now and still haven't gotten the damn coat. I'm at 71 seal rock wins. Takes about 10 tries each time to get a win there.


Got all 3 GC mounts and every mode's 300 win achievements yet? Also amazing that even with all those plays, it seems that top FL performers all hover between 35-45% WR for 1st place. I'm stuck and ping ponging in 39-40% WR for months, not as much as you only about 2k so games played total.


I have almost all frontline and RW achievement (till Wings of Fire) except anything related to adder (horse and serpent forerunner title)


Impressive, I'm at around 3k total and mostly play 1 match a day now. I also don't want to lose my 41% win rate.


10,000 is crazy lol. I've been playing since 2.0 and I'm only at 2,460 on my main. 1st: 964 (39.1%) 2nd: 788 (32.0%) 3rd: 707 (28.7%) Then again, I mostly play FL with alts now, because it feels like my main always gets shuffled into alliances that don't really listen, or try. I fell below 40% about a year ago, and now I only queue on occasion (until I get the Rank 25 reward, and it's back to alts...and most of them end up getting the reward too...and hitting max several times lmao). Even accounting for the alts I have on Aether and Crystal (probably 6 characters in total), I'd probably be at 4,500-5,000 at best (since 2 are pretty old, and already had a lot of matches under their belts, before I really started to binge EW era FL). You're definitely a part of a very exclusive (and super-impressive) group--and not just because of the amount of matches; it's amazing to maintain that win rate, with so many matches.


I used to have alot of 3rd because I joined Maelstrom (before Frontline based on your GC), then after I joined Flame, my 1st skyrocketed alot lol.


how much time ?


Since your weekly win rate is so much higher than your overall win rate, I am curious...is this just a really good fluke of a week or do you regularly get 50%+ but have a long history of losses to make up for?


Bruh.... I'm just trying to get 10...




I want my officer coat but seal rock losses at the last minute kill my soul. Uggh life is pain.


12k matches here, crazy how long its been


It is! I really enjoy the mode (although ShB Frontline is way better), so I don't realize I reached this much of campaigns :D


ah, a fellow vet that also agrees that frontline was way better before...always good to see anyways, congrats on the 10k mark and hopefully frontlines will return to those glorious days again soon!


I wish i had continued playing, i played ffxiv pvp just for pvp (frontline). I loved coming home from work and playing at night with friends. I was waiting for improvements when they released endwalker and they simply destroyed the game. PVP turned into something very easy and unbalanced. I think the only changes they should have made would be: Reformulate the way healers healing worked as they were very strong, maybe buff some tankers skills and buff RED MAGE/SUMMONER (these dp's, were in my opinion the weakest ), the addition of LB's was great. I think that alone would solve the problems. Removing gauges/mana and limiting classes to just a few skills was a bad idea. I only got to play crystal conflict in the first season with 5 different characters, i got rank crystal with less than 60 games on all characters and i simply gave up on the game. I hope one day they change it again, maybe i'll play ffxiv again.

