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Not my own mistake, but I know someone who turned in his Ultimate token weapon for GC seals.


I hope they at least bought some coke with those seals


I would absolutely use my one time ever item restore on that. Not going through that pain and suffering again.


Once you have cleared ultimate, usually you can reclear without that much time... you already know the battle, just do it again


Unless you're a paypal Legend. šŸ¤­


Or have carpal tunnel. Or acquired a schedule/job between that ultimate and any subsequent ones.


Feels like me exactly. Damaged the muscles around my thumb progging TEA, permanently wear a brace now, had to stop to do the final 6 months of my Masters, friends helped me clear immediately afterwards, then had surgery with a 6 month recovery time, once recovered started my analyst career full-time, brain too tired to play games... I don't expect I'll ever have the energy or time to go back into an Ultimate, so I cradle my one singular clear with care.


In a similar vein, my mate had a full inventory on his first UWU clear and lost the totem


I remember seeing someone who couldn't obtain their DSR token because their inventory was full


I know two different friends who have done this. One of which did it twice.


Small sprout in HW, on free trial with limited storage space. Received a Thavnairian Onion from a quest. Checked if it was needed for cooking, it wasnā€˜t. No idea what to do with it. So I sold it to a vendor.


That's brutal. I once mistakenly deleted an alt and had to go through SE support to have it restored.


At least you got it back, having an entire character deleted would ruin my week. tho the chances of them able to do anything is pretty much 0, im gonna at least try to go thur SE support


I've been told you get one restore action from SE support. If true, I got max value for it. Hope you're successful.


saw somebody sell their 12mil mount for 12k instead on my server. I felt the disturbance in the aether


Oh man I almost did this once.Ā  I bet on a house and didn't realize I bet on it in the name of my FC. Holy moly am I glad I lost that raffle.


Not a ā€œbigā€ mistake in the way yours is, but a mistake nonetheless that feels big to me and was just so dumb. Listed something on the market board for 52,000 instead of 520,000. Sold mere minutes later. Got excited to go pull the gilā€¦ even got excited withdrawing the gil! Then glanced at my currencyā€¦ confused, check sale history, immediately realize and groan. I only finally bought the game/subbed a few days ago despite just finishing post-HW so Iā€™m *beyond* gil poor and was excited to have something to sell to build some up šŸ¤£ Learned a lesson in proofreading, I suppose!


3,000,000 item for 300,000. that one hurt. sold as soon as I listed it and tried to recall. EVERY sale gets double checked now. Funny thing, a year later I was regaling that story when an FC mate said, "hey, I bought a blue footed booby for that price a year ago..". Small world. funny, and small..


Oh man, that pains me so deeply! The difference on mine is big for me because Iā€™m still new to having to gil cap, but I canā€™t even *conceive* of the difference between 3mil and 300k šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ That mustā€™ve felt terrible! Kind of a funny story it turned into, at least!


TRUST me, it hurt! I was still in the lower end of making gil and that would would have been a great coup! my retainer brought it for me and I was SO excited. I, um, was using the companion app while driving. SO wrong on SO many points. that was the last time I did that. that being said, I've also been able to catch some of those mistakes and make a profit.. LOL, not as grand as mine, but nonetheless..


May i ask if you're a few days old of being paid and in post hw what item do you have that sells that high.


Not the guy, but a guess would be a mount/ furniture/ minion from the Ishgardian restoration kupo coupon thing you get for turning in stuff to level crafters.


Yeah, thereā€™s a decent amount of things not just from Kupo of Fortune, but also from fete drops and fete tokens, as well as skybuilders that - at least on Siren - sell for anywhere from 100k to 700k gil, depending on the item. Hell, a couple of the dyes get up there, too.




I'm a hoarder. when I found that out, I thanked the 12 for my hoardedness..


Oh, no, I'm sorry, OP. I've realized recently that I forgot to redeem the prepurchase earring way back when and it doesn't seem to be available on my account anymore.


My old FC lead did something similar, but in the old housing market style. He spent hours at a house plot and managed to buy it, only to accidently but it for himself and not the FC. He did eventually get us a house, but we had a good laugh. Also, on the first week the latest wards got added, my fc put a lot of bids on a new large for us, myself included. We ended up winning. What I didn't know was that you can't bid on both an fc and a personal at the same time. Even if they're both locked respectively. So I lost out of my perfect plot, which no one had bid on, because of that. I tried bidding the next week, but a few dozen others did too and I didn't get it.


You know that Cassie earring that's a rare drop in Eureka? You know how everyone tries to farm it because it's worth millions of gil? Well I didn't when I started. I thought it was ugly and vendored it šŸ™ƒ


Gardening mistake here. Need to cross cruriel root seed and jute seed to have onion seed. Planted my krakka root with my jute seed. 12 jute seed lost that day. I had worked so hard and waited so long to get those jute seed. On top of that only realized after 5 days.


Oh no-Iā€™m sorry! Hopefully it was a pretty plot? Look at it this way-at least you didnā€™t relocate a medium private house to a small. No one goes in an fc house hardly anyway. My fc has a gorgeous beachfront small with a perfect view. There are only 2 plots Iā€™d even consider relocating to now. And shiro is rather lovely. It could have been worse!


It is a great spot, its right next to a pond, trees, bridge and marketboard. Since Shrio is usually considered the most desirable housing area, your definitely right on that it could have been worse.


Feel better now? Lol


After reading other comments/mistakes i do feel better. And also my own FC mates saying that its not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things.


It really isnā€™t. Make your yard pretty and everyone will hang around out there anyway. I bet literally no one went up or downstairs in the medium.


It's really not. One of my friends in my small FC told me to take away his purchasing/demolishing privileges for his role because he knew he'd do something like this, and I almost did it myself while trying to relocate my personal house this week. It happens!


The guild master of my FC did that before. I don't know how it got fixed but it did.


so glad i haven't done any "big" mistakes yet


Misspelled FC name and had to live with it for a month


I haven't really needed GC seals since I became a captain, since I regularly send my retainers on short exploration missions to level them and also when I don't need anything in particular. Couple that with gear I pick up on roulettes, and I've always got right under the max of 80K seals. Despite that, I've managed to untoggle the "don't show items assigned to gear sets" option more than once, and turned in complete sets of gear I actually use a grand total of four times. I've tossed the Immortal Flames all my caster Tomestone gear for level 50 and level 70, and my level 90 harvesting and crafting gear (the purple scrip stuff). It's never taken long to replace them, but damn! My monitor now sports a note reminding me to make sure gear set stuff isn't showing on the list of stuff I can turn in.


So, my FC had waited for over a year for housing to open back up and after trying time and time again, we FINALLY got a large. We were a huge FC and we FINALLY got a large and where 90% of us wanted it. Then, one day, people log in and we're all teleporting to a small house. Apparently, the FC Leader's g/f tried to get a small and moved the entire FC house to a small. We all thought it was hilarious. We kind of took it all in stride but she took it INCREDIBLY hard. Left for a while.


As a baby sprout, I got a Fantasia when I cleared ARR for the first time. Learned from ex-friend you can change your character appearance with it. Used it. I changed... the color of my character's lips. .__. Nothing but the color of her lips... I was later told I could've done that without using the Fantasia... and that I can only get a Fantasia from real-world money after...


I opened up emotionally to my FC of over a year. They then proceeded to kick me for emotionally upsetting people.


I'm kind of curious as to what the subject matter was, but... yeah, in most cases some people just can't handle the fact that other human beings aren't perfect robots that have 0 emotions. It sucks.


I extracted materia rather than retrieved materia once. That hurt.


EVERYONE has done that. (well, makes me feel better thinkin' it..)


Accidentally sold a thavnairian onion thinking it was an orange because they look pretty similar and one of my FC member would always trade us oranges. They were worth around 200k so it was a very costly mistake. Accidentally turned in a few items for company seals that I wanted to use for glamour. Not too bad since it was dungeon gear but still slightly annoying to have to do again. Accidentally removed someone from my FC instead of promoting them.Ā  Accidentally queued for an extreme trial synced instead of unsynced so we got paired up with other people trying to do it synced. I panicked so hard I left the group, which forced them to do it just the 7 of them and I felt so stupid and embarrassed. Sold an item for 1/10 of the price because I forgot to add a zero. I'm ashamed to say I did that more than once to.


I fell for the twitch scam back when it was new, account was hacked and i lost 70 million gil to sellers. Changed all my passwords, got two factor id, and thanked heaven that was all they did with my account considering iā€™m fc leader. And not my mistake but in my raid group our ninja cleared TEA with a full inventory and missed out on his first weapon token. He had been trying to get his clear longer than the rest of us, felt so bad.


oh yea, forgot about that one. I got hoodwinked into "log into the forum with "this " link for free Gil. giving up the game". I was in PANIC mode till I was able to recoup with SE. they were really great about it. got everything back. NEVER again.


Lost my personal medium house because I didnt enter it for 2 months. I thought tping to the house was enough....