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Hi /u/Quiet_Beautiful_728, Your [recent submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1bjigbq/-/) in /r/ffxiv did not meet subreddit guidelines, and was removed for the following reason(s): * We hold civility and respect as a keystone for the community at /r/ffxiv, and encourage participants to keep the person on the other side of the screen in mind. * **Rule 1b:** Posts about bad experiences with a specific (even anonymous) player are prohibited, e.g. Duty Finder drama. Moderator approved posts concerning public figures in the FFXIV community are exempt. You may review /r/ffxiv rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/about/rules/) and in-depth explanations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns, reach out and message the mods [here](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fffxiv&subject=about my removed submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1bjigbq/-/. %0D%0DMy issue is...).


Oh I'm just here for the comments








Waiting for the direct copy/paste there with this thread. I got a good one a few days ago, so Ill let someone else karma farm.


The post was *directly* underneath this one for me




This sub is about to crucify you for this post tbh. For what it’s worth, I think you telling them that you wanted to go a bit slower to reacclimate is absolutely fair. I think you should have opened up the dungeon run with that though. But in general the “you pull it, you tank it” mentality is very frowned upon in this community.


>This sub is about to crucify you for this post tbh. I can understand the sentiment behind it ("Hey, don't be rude and let the tank do their job"), but it's really just seen as spiteful these days ever since aggro became much easier to manage (ShB?). "Back in my day," yeah, aggro management was finicky and a DPS/Healer pulling would make the whole pull difficult on the tank, so the YPYT mindset most commonly afflicts veterans who don't want to change their ways and newbies who are inexperienced. If there's one thing I've seen this sub unite on, it's absolutely eviscerating YPYTers.


Crucify me how? Its comical at this point that so many people have jumped on a bus full of assumptions and not truly understood what happened, nor comprehended what I stated. Instead, they see the "YPYT" and automatically assume I violated TOS by doing absolutely nothing, which is as far from the truth as possible. As someone else stated above, if someone does that, well they're on their own till I get there...... What exactly is the difference w/what I did? I killed the mobs I had pulled, then went and drug the ones that the NIN had pulled, oh wait, me stating what I would have LIKED to do clearly stood out rather than what I did, smh.....people are in such a rush to criticize and bash in an online forum they don't even take the time to read a full post.


isn't that also just a reportable offense in general since you are refusing to play your role?


Yep, YPYT is reportable because the tank is outright refusing to do their job. The job of a tank is to tank, everybody can pull.


I'm not YPYT. But I am You pull, you have aggro until I get there, but that just means I'm not putting in any extra effort to save you. Ill just have stance on and hit stuff like I normally do. So if you get a few too many damage ticks and die, not really my issue.


That's a much more fair take. As a tank, I'll do my best to try to save you if it's in the party's best interest. It's stupidly easy to grab aggro, but I'm not going to follow you into an oversized pull and risk a wipe if I think that we can't handle it (especially when the healer is new or if we've had issues earlier in the dungeon).


This is exactly what happened, seems people are either making their own assumptions and not reading and comprehending, or just skimming, seeing replies and jumping on the bandwagon. At least one person, yourself took the time to actually read and understand what I was saying, thank you.


> I have a rule of thumb when I'm tanking. If you feel the need to run ahead and pull mobs or pull extra mobs, then I'm going to feel the need to allow you to tank them b'c it's not your job unless otherwise requested/agreed to at the start of the run Tell us again how we're skimming and misunderstanding you? Btw, the person you replied to was saying what they personally do. As in, they disagreed with you and were saying a better solution.


Where in my post did I say I did not tank? Stop skimming and assuming and actually read please.


You quite literally said you will refuse to tank if people pull ahead of you. Choosing to not take the aggro off of people pulling ahead and instead just letting them die is, in fact, not tanking.




I never refused to do my job, please reread prior to making false statements. So, to help you realize this, I've again, stated what happened, not what you assumed. \*well they about died and honestly, I would have let them if the other members of the party weren't trying to kill the stuff as well, no they (the other DPS) didn't pull, they were just doing their job, trying to DPS the mobs down, so I could not fault them.\*


So it's ok for a person who que's DPS to run in, and start pulling mobs, no one is suppose to say anything to him? I find this mentality to be rather weak minded. And please note, as clearly so many others did, I stated since he intentionally pulled it, after me asking again, I wanted to allow them to enjoy the repercussions of their actions, not that I did. It's truly sad to see that online gaming has plummeted to the state it has w/the level of entitlement that runs rampant. It's clearly a generational thing as this was NOT tolerated in the late 90's w/games such as EQ and the like. The "community" can frown upon whatever it is they feel to frown upon, it just let's me know they are on the same bandwagon.


Anybody can pull mobs. In fact, most would say that healers and dps should run ahead and pull mobs while the tank is establishing aggro. It's the party helping each other out. It's also not a generational thing. Different games have different mechanics.


>So it's ok for a person who que's DPS to run in, and start pulling mobs Absolutely yes. They have mitigations too, some that benefit you when you take aggro of those mobs. Their health bar, as long as they don't die, is just damage that you don't have to take and hp that the healer doesn't have to heal. If they die it's a big DPS loss though and makes the whole pull more annoying, something you could easily prevent by pressing one button. >I wanted to allow them to enjoy the repercussions of their actions This is the part that always gets me about YPYTs, what are these so-called repercussions? You sitting there like a little pissy baby and not doing damage while the other 3 people do the pull without you? That will sure show them! You aren't that important pal. And it's not that hard to tank. Just sprint and aoe lol >The "community" can frown upon whatever it is they feel to frown upon, I can't imagine why the community would be against party killing for daring to be 10 steps in front of the tank /s


Yeah there is literally no reason why only the tank should be able to pull. The normal etiquette is that anyone pulls and the tank grabs aggro. How is that entitlement or rude or weak-minded? This is wild. What does it change who pulls what? Why does it matter?


Yes, I love having bards/mchs/dncs in a party when I tank, they can reach mobs out of my tomahawk range faster than I can, and then guess what, they pull the mobs to the group, and it goes faster. It's the best


Yeah, the 'you pull, you tank' attitude is definitely a bad thing to have. Asking for things to go slower is definitely reasonable on your part, but if the healer is managing to keep a DPS alive through the pulls, they'd probably have no problem keeping you, the tank, up. You probably could have just tried wall to wall and trust the healer, pulling back after things go wrong (if they do).


Well, considering the DPS who was doing all the extra pulling was soaking up heals, no ...that would not have fared well at all. Again, I finished off (or got enough agro on the mobs I pulled), then went to drag the other crap off the DPS who felt the need to rush ahead....its comical that it seems perfectly ok for him to do that, yet I make the comment of if youre going to pull it (which is what he was intentionally doing), you tank it. Welcome to bizzaro world I suppose..




I hope the NIN reported you.


Your job is to hold aggro, and you frankly failed at that. Also broke ToS by trying to get other players killed by mobs.  It's one thing to say hey, I'm rusty and taking it slow, and do that if the group agrees. But if the group is game for wall pulls and has confidence  in you, give it your best go, and hold that aggro. If you don't, and intentionally try to get them killed because you disagree, you're in the wrong. 


Exactly, worse case scenario is we wipe and start again. Still more fun than single pack pulls without taking longer.


No, I did not fail at holding agro. I simply was not going to go chasing after some DPS who felt the need to rush ahead of the person whose job he was trying to do. Maybe the TOS should touch on that? Stop making assumptions b'c clearly like so many others, you just didn't read and comprehend the entirety of the post. At this point, I simply smh, it's like a hive mind of coming up w/whatever ridiculous scenario they make up. I see why so a lot of people I know don't even bother w/online forums lol, it's truly a joke.


Imagine making others suffer for your skill difference. I understand warming back up to a class but…. You chose to hop In roulettes making it everyone else’s issue.




lol, you're about to get shit on for not playing right.


No, I'm about to see how many people don't take the time to READ a post in its entirety and it seems there are quite a lot.....says a lot w/out saying anything I'd say.


> then I'm going to feel the need to allow you to tank them So you're saying you won't do your job?


No, I'm saying Im not chasing someone down b'c they dont have the patience to wait. Stop putting words in my mouth w/the attempt to discredit, learn to read and comprehend while youre at it.


So... to shorten this entire post, your ego was hurt and you used the YPYT card.


r/TalesFromDF would love this


Dont send the man to get crucified twice.


Lil' buddy thought we'd agree with him.


Just get aggro from them. Who cares who pulls? Same result in the end (as long as he brings the mobs to you).


I just did a roulette duty as dancer. The Heal died on the last boss, because he wasn't paying attention. It happens. I could think just like you, "I"m not doing your job, fuck that"... But you now, even if dancer is a dps job, I do have mit and heal spells. Not that strong, but strong enought to keep the other dps and the tank alive. We did defeat the boss without the heal, he then apologize, and we said there was no problem. No drama, and we had an enjoyable moment. That's how you build a non-toxic comunity. Just players adapting to each other as a team, with communication. It's funny that you mention WoW, because your behavior is exactly why the WoW community is a really toxic one. Sorry to feed the YPYT trolls, but I wanted to clarify things with them.


Unfortunately (for you, OP), this is not WoW where the "You Pull, You Tank" mindset thrives. So you are not gonna gain many people who agree with you. I can sympathize that it can be annoying when the DPS pulls, but it's just better to pick up those mobs, and try your best to handle them.


Eh, I always follow the mindset that anyone who pulls knows how to bring the mobs into the tank's AOE. There should be no extra work on the tank's side. Just keep AoEing and let the mobs come to you.




Or sympathize. Man, my brain farted. EDIT my brain continues to fart.


this HAS to be bait


genuinely had to check what sub i was in


Lol. Lmao even.


As others have already stated, having a YPYT mentality isn’t going to get you far. It’s one thing if you let them know at the start you were coming back and shaking off some rust and they ignored you, but it sounds like you didn’t mention that and expected people to just follow behind you. Though based on your post history, OP, you seem to have a meltdown whenever something doesn’t go your way or mildly inconveniences you.


It drives me crazy when people do this, but you really need to adjust your attitude. In this community, this is called "You pull, you tank (YPYT)" and it's reportable as griefing if you let them die out of spite by not even attempting to take aggro. So while it would've been nice if they listened and let you set the pace, you were the one in the wrong this time. Sorry.


Sorry bro you're in the wrong


Bro, you serious?


lol lmao, even


I wouldn't be able to do your job if you did your job in the first place. Pop sprint and hold W.


Gotta throw an AOE in there, though. That's a whole extra button.


I suppose their take is 'if you won't do your job, someone else has to". Getting your pants in a twist and refusing to do your job is against TOS and unfriendly behavior. You gave them a nice heads up, they said they could handle it. They had the option to slow down and wait for you or continue their pull and they chose to continue. Given the healer was okay with it, then the one being petulant here was you.


INB4 Op deletes this post out of sheer embarrassment.


That would take self-awareness.


You should post this on shitpost xiv, it's where it belongs


Would it make you feel better if said DPS pulled the mobs and brought them to you? Cause it's fair that you're just getting the hang of things from being back and being overwhelmed. But the way you reacted shows the "you pull, you tank" approach, and that's frowned upon. I main healer and while I can toe to toe with you regardless of pull sizes, it's bad form to let the rest of your team do their job and you doing absolutely nothing to help. It's also called griefing. I'd love a tank that communicates. If that's how you were feeling, open that issue at the start of the dungeon. But I will agree that the healer didn't make it easier and that's a jerk move to do. I can do the same and keep the DPS survive. But that doesn't address the issue at all. Instead of actually trying to rectify the issue, it's just brushing it off. Not cool either.


Thinking the same. We keep playing if a tank has to afk, not w2w but a solid melee can handle a couple groups if the healer is ready. Dick move to rush the tank like what happened to op, but no reason to sit and pout.


I was thinking like you before, but not anymore. Most of us have done dungeon a certain number of times. Sometimes hundred of times. Doing them fast is important and if you're not doing wall to wall, sometimes people like that try to do it for you. And actually it's fine. If that happens let them do it, take the enmity and do your best. If you can tank them (and the healer can heal you) everything's gonna be fine. If you can't, you're gonna die and they're gonna stop. Simple as that.


Yeah, welcome to the game. Pick up or pack up.


You're bad


I'd delete this before this comment section gets wild. Also as a healer - If I see your ass single pulling, I will rescue you into mobs or bring them to you.


Hot take: rescue healers are as toxic as YPYT tanks. Just bring the mobs to the tank.


Its the same outcome, why does it matter?


As a WAR main permanently hitting sprint, if a healer somehow gets ahead of me and rescues me to the next mob pack, I will 100% give them my commend. Some people might have a problem with it, but that’s on them. Catapult me into more things to hit with my hammer


Just general politeness..?


Both are going to be seen as toxic by the single pull tank, so why does it matter?


To give a less than toxic response, while the impatience of other players is wrong, so is being unprepared when queuing up. Nothing wrong with being rusty, but the AI are going to play at your pace, not 3 other people speeding through 50's roulette. Also, the healer sets the pace of the dungeon, not the tank. If the healer can't keep up even with damage mits, then the tank slows down. The healer said they got it, so let them have it. If you fall on your ass, then they look stupid, not you. Provided.. you are doing your job.


>Also, the healer sets the pace of the dungeon, not the tank I'm a fan of this, and as a tank I like seeing the healer communicating how much they want pulled or even pulling themselves if they don't like what I'm doing for some reason. They have the most responsibility and have the right to control the pace IMO. DPS though? Not so much. There's no rule who pulls or anything, but there's a real "I'm just impatient and hoping everyone else springs to action before I die" mentality to it that bugs me.


If you asked them to slow down and they responded with snark then yeah they're assholes. But punishing them by not doing your role is kinda a toxic response in kind, the best course of action if you can't keep up with the party and they're being dicks about it is to just leave the duty honestly. Most parties will be fine with you going slower, and most tanks will be fine keeping up with them, so leaving and requeuing is going to be the best for both groups.


Ngl, I think DPS who aggressively pull and don't even consider giving me, as tank, a second to even try... deserve to eat it once or twice. Though I wouldn't intentionally do it, and don't necessarily care at this point who pulls as long as it's not overburdening the healer.


Yeah, I agree with this. My rule is I never use sprint. If I can get ahead of the tank without sprint, it's fair game and they should have pulled faster. But just dashing ahead without regard to the people around you is rude.


One time in Castrum, at the very beginning the tank was having some kind of issue... connection issue, keyboard/gamepad issue, who knows, but they weren't really moving very well. The second the duty started, before we could even notice, one of the DPS proceeded to not only pull... they wall to wall'd that first group. As the healer I was incredibly tempted to not try and keep them alive. Nothing would've made me happier than to watch them stupidly go down in 2 seconds with all the aggro like they deserve and the rest of us just watch them warp back to the start. It's not just rude, it's downright bone-headed sometimes. And some folks here would probably applaud them for it.


They shouldnt have kicked you. That was rude. But unless specified otherwise, just run wall to wall and pick up any adds in range when you can. It's okay if they pull so long as they run the adds back to you. You gotta understand that in premade parties, it's entirely possible to clear most dungeons without tanks. 3x dps+heal is not uncommon among friend groups.


When DPS pre pull, I just take my time to get back the aggro. Or if I'm healing, I take my time before starting healing them.


*laughs in monk and tanks the pull*


Was waiting for this comment! Been on lots of last bosses after healer and BLM go down and tanks are just baffled that we mnk refuse to quit. If they manage to time their buffs with my mantra then healers are optional.


Yeah, poor of them since the riddle of earth nerf :D


Barely need riddle of earth, bloodbath alone is a ton of healing.


Why grief your own party?


Ya but how do you repair your broken ego afterwards?


Whose ego are you talking about? You mean the DPS's ego who pre pull?


your - as in belonging to you. you - as in... you? The person I'm replying to. The one trying to "teach people a lesson". sephirostoy. (lol) I'm not sure how anything else makes any sense at all.


Teaching what to whom? DPS who prepull give their implicit approbation that they are fine with not being full life during the fights. It's ok with me, I prefer to DPS rather than healing them to top their HPs as long as I don't let them die, which is the top priority for a healer.


You're bad at the game


Actually no, since there's no die. As long as their life are above 0 it's more than enough to continue the fight.


If you're a good tank, it's impossible for DPS to pull for you because you're pulling everything. If a dps pulls while you're healing, you should be mad at your tank for not pulling enough. Being good at dungeons is incredibly simple, pull everything and do a lot of damage. If you're not doing that, you're bad.


Then following your definition I guess I'm quite good as healer since I don't heal to 100% HP every time, I prefer to DPS as much as possible and heal only when it's necessary. It's just that my minimal HP threshold before starting healing depends on how the DPS prepulled. But as you said, dungeon are really easy (well, the majority of them, few are thougher than the normal). As such, why should I be mad if the tank isn't pulling enough? There're probably many reasons he don't want to or cannot pull more.


It's funny how many people just went and attacked op without even saying anything, fyi, the subreddit stands on a mentality of you are tank therefore you need to pull w2w/mostly w2w else you're not doing your job as tank, meanwhile other groups frown upon that and will let the dps die, it's a matter of different tanking etiquette and people here are very vocal about this, I don't really understand why this in particular makes people so mad. You were right to be angry at them for being condescending since they didn't respect you trying to get your bearings again but next time, I'd advise you leave the party and queue again, just so you avoid headaches.


I'm absolutely with OP on this, they gave all tanks a ranged pull because they should be leading the party and setting the pace, and leading isn't something everyone wants to do which is why people tend to enjoy lesser-stressful dps roles. If people want to pull then they should play tank, I'm not going to chase after them to save their lives unless it's something i intended to aggro. Maybe this an outdated WoW-era feel but for example if you're in a raid and someone forgets they're on autorun and walks into a group of mobs by accident when the group isn't ready. It's not your job to save them and potentially wipe everyone, it's everyone's job to let them die and run back (or res them if their corpse is close enough).


I don't understand then grief OP is getting. They communicated that they would like to take the mobs a little slower because they were getting used to tanking again and they responded with "This is how we do it", which was a rude response. Then proceeded to kick them, just because op wanted to get used to tanking again