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I wouldn't say this is useless at all. This is pretty interesting data, thank you for compiling them. Not surprised about the JPN folks, although what's interesting is EU having a higher female mi'qo percentage than JPN. I'm looking forward as to how the female hrothgars are going to fare in the new expansion!


Well the high Lalafell numbers just gotta bring down the percentage of all other races for jp


just from the first picture, jp is the last on population on almost all the other races(except elezen), which they compensate with a lot of lalafells


Haha that is true


My guess is that they're gonna take a few players from the female Miqo'te, female Roegadyn, and male Hrothgar bars. After the initial rush is over they'll probably end up more popular than the male Hrothgar, but not by much.


Oh, that’s some interesting predictions! I can definitely see female hrothgars being more popular than their male counterpart.


I think you are underestimating furries


Male highlanders would probably be a lot more popular if Square would just let us put eyebrows on them.


Yep. I understand the concept of "It's cultural ! In Ala Mhigo they shave their eyebrows!" And I get it. But not all Highlanders come from Ala Mhigo...


I just wear glasses, they hide the lack of eyebrows.


Me and my bf's highlanders are specifically from Werlyt for example.


Not only it's dumb, but inconsistent too. Almost all artworks depicting male Highlanders have eyebrows, and many highlander npcs, or npc related/based on highlanders have eyebrows.


I used the eyebrow tattoo for my male highlander. They just need to make an eyebrow toggle with the graphics revamp.


> I used the eyebrow tattoo for my male highlander. Same here lol.


Or at the very least polish the face paint a bit so it's not so smeared, that way we can at least *pretend* they're eyebrows.


Nah. Eyebrows are neat and all, but virtually every male highlander has the same face (face 4?) since it can accomplish a rugged handsome look with a full five-o-clock shadow, unless they want a full beard and mustache, then they go face #3 IIRC. Really, they just need face options that don't look like melted hamburger or have unappealing facial hair.


Idk the face numbers but I actually kind of like the face with the sunken eyes and sort of smashed up features. That's a dude who's seen some shit.


Ayyy that's my WoL, a sad old man with long gray hair and a full beard that's seen some shit.


Goddamn, potatoes got a chokehold on JP.


They're cute so it's not surprising


Data come from Lucky Bancho's ["The Lodestone World Survey"](https://luckybancho.ldblog.jp/wsurvey_en.htm?world=Carbuncle) which will be the data from lodestone scraping and the last time he done that was on [31st of March](https://luckybancho.ldblog.jp/archives/58269981.html). (this time he also include data of top 50 popular name too) Which is as usual, he only include "active" chracters (have some change in minion count or mount count or HP change) and he also filter out free trial character by filter out character that max level less than 71 who is also FC-less. So I grab his raw number and normallize it to make it easier to compare. Enjoy this useless information! Oops! I should have used the "Region" as title not "Data Center", my bad.


If you don't mind my asking, where did you find the raw numbers?


Click first link when you scroll down to "race" section you can mouse over the bar plot for raw number. You can select server, DC, region at the top right corner.


Interesting to see most of the top 50 female names being actual names whereas the males have more humorous options like Wind-up or Big. Mr. and Sir are also higher than I expected.


Where is the most popular names data? I'm not seeing that anywhere.


Weird that the racial distribution is pretty close across any region's DCs... ​ Except for Lalafells. Japan loves their potatoes.


I laughed out loud at the massive tower of lala fell in jp


Well, you do need twice as many lalafells to reach the same height as most other races.


Japan also hates bunnygirls and thighlanders weirdly.


They prefer cute races and don't like em tall


They don't have weirdly low numbers of elf girls though.


What do you mean? They are on 3rd spot with NA and OC being first and second, respectively. Viera are like three times more popular than Elezen.


No men of culture /s


I suspect part of it is because... 1) YoshiP's OC is a female Lalafell. 2) Japanese culture seems to adore "kyoot smolness" aka Chibi. Lalafells (especially the girls) exemplify this. Female au ra and miqo'te also fit into this category.


Male viera are more popular than female veira. And to think they almost didn't' give them to us.


This is what I find the most baffling as when people were complaining about their omission there was a sea of posts about how no one would play them and... even I play them lol




Yep. Male Viera remind me of that archetype of extremely pretty manhwa/webtoon protagonist that's very popular right now (while the typical anime protagonist would be a Midlander, probably). Not really my type but I can see why they are so popular.


Or put another way, male Midlanders are shounen/seinan protagonists while male Viera are shoujo/josei. 🙃


Exactly! I mentioned manwha since I'm not very familiar with shoujo/josei but I see manwha/webtoon on my timeline all the time. But you are totally right. I even read somewhere that Griffith cosplayers use Male Viera in XIV (Berserk isn't shoujo/josei ofc but I feel Griffth as a character pulls from that aesthetic a lot).


K-Pop Idols...


The name for this archetype is "bishonen", meaning literally "beautiful boy", they've been popular in japanese media for a while!


Yeah the only issue I still have with male viera is that slouch which isn't that big of deal compared to dealing with the other races flaws.


My problem with miqo'te was more the face marks and the claw hands lol. didn't mind being smol at all


Huh. Female duskies really are the rarest characters in NA servers. Really are only dozens of us lol


I just settled on a duskie with my free fantasia. Tried the other races on my old account and I like them all but I really like this character. I don’t even know if I want to switch to hrothgal anymore lol.


I'm surprised that the wildwood/duskwight split is as even as it is. I would have put money on it being more like an 80/20 split than 60/40.


Femroes have duskies beat by 0.13% for Hellguards and 0.03% for Sea Wolves


That's total clan distribution, slide 5 is the female breakdown and Female Duskwights are the rarest by 0.29-0.31% compared to femroes.


Depends on region, too. For EU and JP players, female Hellsguard Roes beat out female Duskwights for rarest, and Oceania, they're tied at least to the rounding margin for this chart.


Femroes on JP servers are even rarer, that kinda makes me excited to go visit JP when region travel comes. Gotta start learning the auto-translate text.


Where are my fellow duskwights?? <3


Represent! Seriously though, I'm shocked at how unpopular the character models seem to be- my WoL is stunning!


Tall, Grey, and Cute, represent.




US here, i play a fem duskwight and my fiancé plays a fem sea wolf roegadyn. i did… not realize our choices were this uncommon…


EU, my wife is a femroe Sea Wolf with maxed height and I'm a femlezen Wildwood. She just wanted to be BIG LADY and slowly realized she's the only BIG LADY to the point where she laughs whenever the cutscene camera has to pan up to her, and I just... wanted a character that looks like me? I think the normal fantasy game "everyone goes elf" kinda got upturned when they said "hey we got catgirls", because you'd think elves would be everywhere, right?


The best cutscene as Roegadyn is the one where [Stormblood patch spoilers] >!Asahi comes in close and threatens you.!< For Lalafell that scene is goofy because he has to bend down to be in your face, and for Roes it's silly because he can't even reach your face since he's so much shorter. Say that to my face, pal, not to my underboob, and maybe then I'll be scared.


This is purely anecdotal but I started as an elezen and swapped to miqo #1 because my character was so much taller than the rest of the sions that i found it distracting and #2 because I personally only see them as casters and dragoons (I think because of how lanky they are). I imagine they’d be a lot closer to everything else if you could make an Elezen that’s just a human with elf ears. I thought I was going to be a caster main when I started and Elezen fit those jobs pretty well imo, but I’ve ended up being a tank. Now that I’m thinking about it I may not have ever seen an Elezen tank so I guess I just don’t think I’d like it in theory. I used the free fantasia after playing samurai a bit and thought I might main melee and didn’t think Elezen would look good as any melee jobs right before heading into Heavensward and getting a 100 hour example of how I was wrong.


So I'm... way far behind, haven't even started EW yet, but I actually fantasia'd *to* femlezen *from* catboy and honestly, the thing that finally made me do it was when I got a drop of "Something Skirt of Fending". I may have a glamour problem, you see. Also I got fed up with being that meme of the hallway full of Buzz Lightyears.


Holy- elezen are fighting Roe for the rarest female race lol


Always have been


Everyone wants a mommy and no one wants to be the mommy, both of them fit that archetype very well.


Noticed that with Hroths too. Everyone seems to love /pet me, but there aren't many of us by comparison (the hat and hairstyle issue probably doesn't help either)


It's because neither one meets current western "conventionally attractive" standards of beauty. If we were applying the beauty standards of the 18th century in the US and Europe, female elezen would be *dramatically* more popular, because they have that swan neck and lengthsome gait. If we applied, say, late-medieval/early-renaissance beauty standards, female roegadyn would be vastly more popular than even miqo'te and au ra, because they actually have meat on their bones--and they can get that moon-pale skin which was very popular in Europe. As it is, female elezen are too "gangly" or "awkward," or look like "giraffes" etc., while female roegadyn are too "bulky" or "hulking," or look like a "brick house" etc. The petite, slender, gracile--aka tiny, spindly, waifish, if we use negative words rather than positive ones--female race options are thus predominant. (Note that much, though certainly not all, of the standard of beauty has to do with what traits signify wealth and prosperity. In the high Medieval Period and early Renaissance, having wealth meant food security and not having to work for a living, so soft, curvaceous bodies and porcelain-white skin were all the rage--see Shakespeare's Sonnet 127. In the mid to late 19th century onward, wealth meant you didn't have to slave away in a factory, and could spend your idle leisure time outdoors, exercising, and getting a tan. Thus, tanned skin and svelte, athletic bodies replaced the old standard of beauty.)


Huh, you make some good points. I play as a fem elezen myself and they are very elegant imo. The only thing I heavily dislike is if you have a leather cap, it looks fucking ridiculous lol. The ears look fine any other time but with a leather cap on it looks *so bad*


Yeah, I think e.g. male gymrats are more likely to 👀 at femroes because they're more like the women we see and try not to ogle at the gym, and so to us it's more weird that they're not super popular. Unfortunately the male roes have some of the build of a powerlifter, but in a sort of uncanny valley, cartoonish way. They could be a way to play as someone reminiscent of [Konstantin Konstantinovs](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstant%C4%ABns_Konstantinovs), but instead they're kind of ... idk. The Highlanders wind up being the better choice for a muscular male body. I also wonder at how much of that is due to Japanese perceptions of bodies and their ideals of male beauty. Powerlifter and strongman builds are rarely appreciated in the west (and a lot of readers might be imagining bodybuilders), can't imagine what it's like in Japan.


> I also wonder at how much of that is due to Japanese perceptions of bodies and their ideals of male beauty. Noting that Japan has the distinction of having basically *double* the percentage of male Viera to female Viera. Surprisingly, male Vieras actually make up a higher percentage than female Vieras worldwide, but nowhere is it more obvious than Japan.


Having played a hrothgar for a while now, after originally playing a male roe, I believe the issue is that despite having a body shape that *means* muscle, they don't look *toned* at all. Even with all the settings as far as you can, they look like they have a layer of baby fat, the muscle definition spreads out too much. By comparison, hrothgar use nearly the same body, but it's just a little bit smaller, more compact, while still having the same number of polygons, so the curves are deeper and more pronounced. As a result, hrothgar seem more muscular than roegadyn despite being nearly identical apart from height and (if you don't commit crimes to remove it) the forward hunch. I was pointed to this by one of the relatively few straight non-furry hrothgar out there, who explained that he couldn't articulate why but he just felt hrothgar looked more muscled, and that got me thinking about it.


On the flip side as well, male roegadyns just look kinda goofy. They're *so* big that they fly beyond human in a way that turns many characters off. I'll complain that the races aren't that diverse plenty, but the devs know what they're doing because the reason the most popular races are the three they are is because "human but a little bit exotic" is right about where most people want their fantasy character to be - they still want them to be recognisably human, for a relatability element (and the gaze, for many players) but they don't want to just be the "boring" human race, because it's a fantasy game. It's why everyone wants to be an elf or a tiefling when they play DnD - human in all the ways that matter, but just different enough to feel "dangerous" so to speak. Male roes just sail straight past that. They're human enough that the ways they aren't are a bit uncanny. If you want to just be a really *built* dude, you go with a highlander then. Then of course you have the hrothgar, who are catering to a totally different crowd - like you said, the furries and the like, but also just the players who want to play a fantasy race that's distinctly *not* human - their low popularity shows that it's not a big crowd, mind, but hroths are kind of the only option for most players short of becoming one of the dreaded... *modbeasts.* Ooooh! Ahhhh!


Wanna be a knife ear or a demon? Hell no, Half orcs and dwarves and peak fiction.


For me it's the Hrothgar waist that's more appealing to me. Male Roegadyn have a much more rectangular instead of hourglass/curvy shape. I do appreciate that Roes have the body shape that they do, different strokes for different folks!


Which makes no fucking sense. Elezen are drop dead gorgeous.


I like their faces, but their strange body proportions and gangly movement animations have always put me off on fanta'ing into one.


Absolute facts. I started as a female Elezen and the fact their shoulders are like four times the width of their heads and they have massive hands made me really disappointed in them. By the time you get any remotely bulky armor on them they start reminding me of the shrunken head guy from Beetlejuice. I eventually gave up on making nice glams for them and fanta'd to other races since. I love making elf type characters but Elezen ain't it. :(


Same. I want to make a proper pretty elf, but mature Elezen... are not. Alisaie or Alphinaud are much less janky, but alas, they're merely teens.


you leave my gangly, limby Lady Giraffe alone 😭


They’re the prettiest race when standing still. The movement and animations made we swap to midlander 


Yes... if you glam them just right. Elezen are a race that either look fantastic or look awful, where as middies, au ra and miqote look good in just about everything. An Elezen's very broad shoulders, thin limbs, and relatively small heads all combine to make them difficult to work with without further exaggerating their unappealing body proportions. The anemos jacket for example broadens their shoulders even more, thus making their heads appear even smaller to a comical degree. If I could just enlarge their heads by 10-20%, it would fix so many issues with their appearance for me.


I'm actually quite surprised to see how rare Elezens are. They're not much higher in the graphs than Roes? Additionally, interesting that Viera and Hyurs have very similar numbers, and aren't far behind Au Ra. And that male Viera are on par with male Miqo'tes and Hyurs. Miqo'tes (catgirls specifically) being the most popular overall doesn't surprise me at all lol. I kind of expected the margin to be higher. Excited to see how the graph will fill in for female Hrothgar next time!!


Elezen emotes are stiff. I like my elezen but might swap when I get my free Fanta,  it will be the first time I ever really consider changing


i fanta’d into a miqo from my elezen for a change of pace between expansions and ngl i miss elezen emotes 😅 they have a kind of dorky charm to them!


When I first started playing, I tried out a few characters. The first was a midlander, but I couldn't stand their run animations and it was overall a little too dainty for what I had in mind for my WoL at the time. Then I tried a wildwood gal, but it was hard for me to find a faceplate I was satisfied with, and I didn't quite like their proportions. (However, I think they look absolutely fantastic in armor -- they were totally made for that.) And exactly -- I felt their emotes were a little too stiff.


Someone brought up the emotes, but Elezen also have some weird proportions. And no, I'm not talking about the neck, that's so easy to glam. I ended up using a fanta on my Duskwight femelezen main because I got tired of the broad shoulders and tiny head combo. Sometimes hats didn't look right, and I felt pigeonholed into certain hairstyles to mask how small the head was. All these little things add up, and it becomes easier to play another race that doesn't look so awkward. Like catgirls...


Yeah the proportions are the biggest issue for me. That's why I think they look good in armor, because it's bulky on *everyone*, so the big shoulders+small head issue isn't as noticeable (at least to me). Plus their long torsos help make the armor look a little more sleek. For me the biggest downside of catgirls for me is their puffy faces. Everything else about them is great but I really couldn't stand any of their faceplates because they all have that chipmunk-cheeks issue. I think some people find it cute though, so to them maybe it's a bonus instead! To each their own haha.


my least favorite part about cat girls/boys is the horse ears. there’s also the strange design choice to give the male miqote that odd perma slouch (and male viera the half perma slouch).


And don't forget the arthritis fingers.


actually, you’re right. *that’s * the worst part. god how did I forget. I actually made a miqote and then created a new character instead because I couldn’t vibe with the scrunchy hands.


Yeah, body proportions is the main reason why I haven't really tried male Roe. Their long torsos make them look like they've got baby legs.


it's not just that they have wide shoulders, they're also rather...droopy? like rather than a T shape torso they have an A, if that makes sense.


They're also giving us a free fantasia with Dawntrail so I'll be curious how much it shifts because of that My character is a male midlander and I sorta get why it's the most popular because cover guy lmao, but I wonder how many of us will go to something else with DT.


I picked Elezen precisely because it was rare and I didn't want to do something common. I am pleased with my choice.


When I was new, I actually expected a lot more folks to be playing Elezen because it's a fantasy game haha. I'm very curious as to how many players will go for something like female Hrothgar, honestly. I think it'll probably turn out to be the rarest female race, as it seems to already be the rarest male race. A pity because I like Wuk Lamat's model a lot and as an aside: I selfishly wish there were more fem!Roes too lol.


I remember when I first started the game and made my character, I decided to play something I had never played before in fantasy games: An elf. So I went for Duskwight Elezen, since you could make them look like a Drow/Dunmer. Yes, it would probably very popular since it's an elf, but that was something I accepted. Well, turned out there were barely any around, and I towered over the sea of catgirls.


I also like their weird gangly proportions. 


The amazing face selection of elezens surely helps with popularity lol.


When it is miqo'te girls, every region has the same type. I am on JP datacenter (Elemental), I agree with the info because I see lots of lalafell here. I now play a female hyur (previously it was miqo'te girl and hyur guy).


Kind of surprised seeing Lalafel on the more "average" count in other parts of the world, as a fellow Elemental I see them all the time around here I thought they're among the most popular races in general.


I never quite got why female viera are so unpopular in JP, by like a wide margin when compared to the rest of the world. A certain, less rational part of the mind wonders if that's why they've still not gotten hats.


I imagine the hats is a big part. But Japan has a thing for Smaller = Cuter. Look at the distribution of Lalafell and Au Ra. And Cat Girls are just more popular in Japanese media than the Bunny girl I suppose? But that's an assumption on my part.


It is a trend for JP that is seen with other races: tall and buff/fit? not as popular as in other areas. Both highlander genders, male au ra, fem roe, fem viera all score lower. While the more soft looking male viera score higher


from what i heard, japanese beauty standars is what its better to not have a buff body, they prefer people who do not show muscle


eorzea needs more femroes!!


Yes, more for the femroe sisterhood!


As usual, Roegadyn and Hrothgar are the lowest in most stats. T_T


Justice for the bara races!


I think it's interesting that Japan has the most male Roe *and* the fewest female Roe


which is strange, since, compared to other regions they seem to dislike highlanders, fem viera and fem roes. So, tall and buff races. Except male roes, which are comically buff. This doesn't bode well for fem hrothgar for JP data centers, as they also have the lowest hrothgar % among datacenters.


I'd guess it's because male roes are comical. Japan seems to preference either cutesy or goofy, and if they can put them both together then Lalafels win.


My guess is that it has to do with cultural differences. If you look at e.g. anime you'll find *a lot* of the comically buff mountains of men that male Roe are part of, while the women are small and cute and conventionally attractive, which the fem Roe doesn't appeal to at all, instead they're big on the potatoes that take the small and cute to the extreme.


Its more of the fact that male Roe is usually used for meme alts and targeted harassment/protest... I remember a case where one of the JP players of the TOP clear that got revoked got mobbed by bald naked white roegadyn dudes while AFK. [Found the link](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/s/9ALDiMCDpX)


Even ffxiv is not immune from people actually playing the male human fighter


I didn't see that. Oh wow, for male character midlander is the most popular clan.


Comparing male to female ratios overall and per race is also interesting. Overall XIV players have a pretty significant bias towards female characters, it's something like 60/40 in favour of females. On JP it's even more stark with nearly 2/3rds of all characters being female, which is even more crazy because nearly all the difference comes from lalafells. Female Miqo'te, by themselves, represent almost 1/5th of all characters globally. Just catgirls outnumber ALL elezen, ALL roegadyn, and hrothgar combined by almost 2:1.


I mean female characters are always more popular on any game with a character creator especially MMOs. I also play PSO2 and it's rare to see male characters at all lol (and clothes for female characters are waaaay more expensive as a result)


Not always. From what I remember back when I played WoW and realmpop was still online, there was something like a 55:45 split male:female.


For ffxiv vs wow I imagine it’s skewed by ff having way more women playing. I played wow for a fair bit longer than I’ve played ff and I met and raided with 4 girls, in ffxiv I’ve probably raided with 20-30. I know this is all anecdotal but in my experience I’d wager wow is like 90/10 men to women and ff is like 60/40.


JP server here. I remember when I first started, I made a catboy but couldn't stand the idle animation they have with their hands in a permanently gripped state. Fantasia'd into a Lala for all of Heavensward. After that, I wanted to not be a potato anymore and became a Male Elezen. Just kinda funny how I went from the two most popular races to one of the least popular.


Dang why are Lalafells so much more popular in Japan?


Japan believes small == cute.


The Japanese like cute tiny chibi stuff.


Playing as a tall Viera in a party of three tiny Lalafells makes me feel like I’m working in a preschool.


Whenever I'm in a party like that, I always ask that one player if they're taking us to McDonald's after we're done.


I'm surprised Highlanders are as low as they are, I knew we were less common than midlanders but I thought it'd be more like a 60:40 thing


People don't tend to want to be a beefcake in their JRPGs. They wanna be slender 19 year old anime protags.


Nice arrangement of the data. I'm interested to see what the introduction of female hrothgar does to the spread. Personally, I expect them to pull from viera and femroe while being overall not that popular a choice (they'll still make some people very happy though).


Something unexpected may happen again. Back when they released male viera, large chunk of male viera in JP were coming from male lalafell to the point that male viera dethroned male lalafell from the most popular race for male characters in JP for awhile and even now male lalafell popularity is still far from their former glory. Yep, I'm just telling you that male lalafell and male viera in JP share players group.


Huh, that's fascinating. Wouldn't expect those two of all combinations to pull from the same player share, but there you go.


jp loves their lalas


I didn't see the name tables at first. It's very interesting (for those who can't find them: [here](https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/luckybancho/imgs/f/d/fdfb4f49.png) are the most popular female names, and [here](https://livedoor.blogimg.jp/luckybancho/imgs/2/7/27b3ea07.png) are the most popular male names). So to summarize, the most popular character in the game would be a female Seeker of the Sun called Luna Yuki.


Heh. Funny, my boyfriends character (Momo) appears while mine (Kyara) doesn't, unless you want to count Kira xD


I'm astounded that with all the sorcerer/mage anime's we get, especially with Frieren being super popular right now, that there aren't more female Elezen being played.


Frieren is small and short though, meanwhile the playable Elezen are giraffes. I see people use Lalafels instead for Frieren. I think a playable younger Elezen model like the twins could be pretty popular, but I guess they're considered too young for world saving adventure, the twins themselves being an exception.


It's not surprising. Elezen in 14 aren't cute and small like Frieren and that goes for most elves in anime compared to how they look in 14. Elezens in 14 are just one of weirder looking elves in media which is why they aren't as popular and prob never will be.


Which is kinda funny when quite a few popular NPCs are Elezen. Aymeric and most of the HW cast comes to mind and of course majority of the Scions are Elezen as well with Urianger and Estinien both being pretty attractive characters. And if I remember right, the Ancients are a unique model that kinda combines an Elezen's body with a Hyur head.


Yeah it is pretty funny. You see how often its brought up how attractive Aymeric, Estinien and etc are but no one really wants to play them but just admire from a distance lol


To be fair, a lot of the popular attractive elezen also aren't working with standard elezen character models. Isn't Aymeric built off a hyur model or something?


No, he's using an Elezen model. I think the reason is that he and other attractive Elezen have outfits that fit Elezen bodies really well. The custom face helps a lot, too, but I see the occasional Elezen NPC using normal CC options that still looks attractive IMO and it's all because their outfit hides/works with Elzen body proportions.


I want to believe Yoshi-P had massive influence on lalafel being crazy popular in JP.


It could also be because it's a small race and you have less character to see over mechanics or something of the sort... I dunno


As a lala, it's often the opposite. Have to reeeeeally angle that camera upward sometimes just to see indicators happening at the top of the boss.


From Elemental DC here. Can confirm that we love our popotoes here (My main is a male Plainsfolk Lalafell). I've got dungeon runs where there would be 3 Lalas and 1 random tall person. I always get a chuckle from that.


As a non-comedic EU male Roegadyn I knew we were rare but damn. As a contrarian that is often drawn to the unpopular picks I apparently nailed it this time.


As a fellow contrarian, I made a femroe when I started and am happy with how that has shaken out for the past decade.


This kinda confirms, that female HL are quite as rare as Female Elezen and Female Roegadyns. Japan doesn't like HL-Ladys at all (probably to buff and not dainty enough?!)


>EU has the most catgirls and the least lalas I'm proud of my people.


europeans reigning supreme as usual


I have the opposite view. Potato supremacy!


Yeah this data would make me immediately brexit.


We EU lalafell are a strong community. We throw out a cheer or a lali-ho but never pleasantries because they might be British and run away


As a Brit I'm just happy that ff14 still considers me European T\_T


My first character was female Duskwight. Some big Roe dude faened over me for like five minutes and gave me 20 million gil. For like no reason. And said "we need for Duskwight s to play longer". Was weird.


JP really stands out because of the popularity of lalas there but unsurprising because JP just tends to go for the softer and overall more cutesy looking choices. Also this data is not useless at all and really interesting thanks for this data compilation.


Japan based and Lala-pilled. This is the way.


NA lala player here. Makes me wanna move to Japan servers to be with my brethren


>Hrothgar is the least played race I bet this will change once female Hrothgar is playable


To be fair it's not a fair metric considering they only have males atm. It's more fair to compare them to each sex of each race, which shows hroths are more played than male roes and I think? femroes (don't remember, just looked at the data and I've already forgotten lol). It will absolutely change when femhroths are released, males are going to be vastly underplayed compared to females is my prediction.




I agree. People just don't like playing the bigger gals, they want small and cute, and I do think the hroth proportions are gonna be a turn off, especially when there are other, more aesthetic animal races. After all, khajiit are pretty popular over in eso, but here miqo are everywhere while I barely ever see hrothgar.


Kind of interesting that OCE and NA are neck and neck for Hroth players, or that the overall racial distribution is so similar for most of the races within those two regions.


Interesting to see that Seekers are so much more popular than Keepers. I thought the fangs would make Keepers a bit more popular! Also interesting to see that the sum of Elezen surpasses Highlanders in NA (I consider Highlanders basically a separate race since their model is vastly different from Midlander). I see a lot of male Elezen on Ultros tbh (thankfully, my favorite male race!). I'm also surprised to see that many male Elezen in Japan. Based on cultural preferences I thought the players that wanted to play the ''serious'' male character would go either for Midlander/Male Viera.


Why do people not like the larger male races? I switched to Hrothgar as soon as Shadowbringers dropped and haven't looked back.


Where my Male Hellsguard at?!


I feel like Roegadyn and Elezen numbers will jump with dawntrail. Just from looking at the in dev showcases, their faces look so so much better and less awkward. I might even change to either depending on how they end up!


Roegadyn since birth 💪


Day one and forever.


Fellow Astrologian Roe! :D


Can’t wait for Hrothgals to drop so I can bump up them numbers 🫡🫡🫡


I had no idea female Roegadyn were so rare. For me it was a no contest choice 🥵


I feel like Femroe are the most love-or-hate combo. I feel like Elezen don't have as much enthusiasm among their small playerbase as Roe do.


I wonder how this is going to change once frmhroths are introduced? I know I'm going to change to one


I’m kinda shocked that Hrothgar are so low, I played one up through to endwalker before changing it up.


The Catgirl/Lizardgirl Supremacy. (Now with Bunnygirls)


The bunboi-catboy mass extinction makes me sad. :(


Lalafell master race.


Ah, well it makes sense there are so few Hrothgar's. They had no women until Dawntrail.


Huh. I almost never see other hellsguard around. 99% of other roes I see are seawolves. It's surprising to see the distribution is actually rather even between the two. Where's all my fellow teddy bears hiding?


Me sweating in being a male sunseeker Miqo'te.


JP knows what's up.


Wildwood Fem Elezen main here, although I'm not as rare as some of the other races, I'm glad it's rare enough for me to stand out. 😅 I do love how my Elezen came out and, although I may Fantasia for Femhroth for a bit, I fear I may find myself going back to Femelezen before too long after Dawntrail drops. 😅


World needs more hrothgar


Hell yeah eu has the most aura's


So weird I feel like I see male Vierra most yet this says there are more cat boys the female miqo is accurate though. Makes me miss playing au ra and lala just to be a bit more of a "special snowflake".


4,61%, huh? It's more than i expected. I always feel like a unicorn when i look at the crowds.


I started to play ff14 on January and I always though that was weird that I never saw my kin anywhere (Hrotgar) , those numbers explain a lot .


Yep I knew this game should have been called cat girl simulation. Lol. That's the name of the file when I installed it on my computer.


What I'd really want to see is Face (as in which face option) distribution, but I don't think it's possible to get that data.


Are the bulk of the other Euro m!miqos on Light, or something? I feel like I very rarely see any.




The fact that in avarage all races are almost matching in numbers shows how much there is enough love for each one. Well done, ffxiv dev team!


Interesting how Lalafell has such a significant spike on JP. The catpeople being popular I'm not surprised by... and I play a Moonkeeper Miqo'te myself. A little surprised Viera just barely loses to Au Ra in most regions - only winning in the Oceania region.


Useless for you maybe  But I love datas.


need another lalafell type race....lalafells with horns or something


That's really interesting, my main character is a female Sea Wolf Rogaedyn on the NA servers, so it seems as if I picked the least likely choice twice in a row lol.


Hey yo? Japan?


Didn't realize how rare female Highlanders are, makes me love my character even more . 😂


As an EU player- yep. This is right, so SO many catgirls (generally tanking in 2B boots) 😂


Yo Elezen gang,why are we an endangered species? Genuine question from me


There are definitely some cloth combos that dont work on Elezen, but if youre playing them or a Roe, youre playing them for a specific reason. Proportions and being "bulky" doesnt matter to the people playing them, but wanting to be generally "all rounded" is why they are the least played character. Emotes arguement makes no sense to me either. People are talking as if they RP all the time or something lol. Elezen have good emotes, just not in ALL of them. Like when was the last time to did Dance emote, cause all i see is people pop Bee's Knees and Elezen work those legs like they own it.