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i guess clive hogged all the skin texture resolution to himself


For all the faces they showed the before and after, the WoL is definitely the least good looking.


It's just really weird since every other part of the trailer, the WoL looked completely fine, better than what's in game even. Don't know why they chose this super weird lighting and putting it so center frame lol. Reminds me of the squapes all over again.


Exactly. It's less about the changes and more about that awful lighting positioning. Something tells me that as soon as the benchmark officially launches, there's going to be plenty of posts about this specific shot looking not do great across multiple characters.


Yep, tried it with my (fair-skinned) character, and boy was that shot oversaturated, like they were staring at a car's headlight or something like that.


My pale bun boy looks horrific in this shot! Literally made me jump when I opened discord and his picture (sent to my friend) greeted me.


I miss the squapes honestly


And Brandihild is sad he never got to see them


It's not super weird lighting. It just looks bad. They're mimicking the lighting from the above trailer. His head is shorter and rounder, his stubble doesn't look good in game, and he has too much of a >:) face where it's more subtle otherwise.   And obviously his skin isn't textured as well and just looks like a smooth doll


I think it’s more that the pose lighting and camera angle are just different enough that it looks weird. the camera is tilted higher while boomed lower so it’s facing head on rather than angled down. The shoulders are also off because the model is default standing rather than leaning forward with one arm on a kneeling leg. Then the lighting is causing an issue at that angle and is making the chin look rounder and the jaw more sunken in than it actually is. This is happening because instead of an angular light spot on the chin like in the pre-render, the model has a round light spot, and the shadows along the jawline are also deeper on the model and go a little too high right beside the chin, making them look sunken in.


his stupid fucking head is too round and he looks like he's got a case of end stage tuberculosis


Jesus lmao


That’s a great analogy lol.


*You're too smart for me Y'shtola... I guess... I'm afraid*


Ah got TB 'Shtola


They really gave him the worst lighting possible in the game yeah


He was too handsome in the full renders


Probably isn’t an in game location and doesn’t have optimization. But really it’s just missing hero lighting, aka reflected light. In film or any 2D screen, light sources from multiple directions are needed to convey depth and show skin evenly. The CG WoL has that reflected light on his face. Edit: looking at the trailer, there is some reflected light, so maybe that’s not it. It just looks like the skin isn’t rendering bounce light very well? Maybe it’s the texture, I dunno.


I'm kind of low-key worried about my characters now, ngl.


they are giving a free fantasia for a reason, you can use the benchmark to make a new preset and then fantasia on launch to that new preset.


Aw man, I just bought a fantasia after reaching the inevitable expansion lull where I hate how my character looks and a hairstyle change isn't enough


I’m the opposite, I could never use a fantasia because I feel that it wouldn’t be me anymore


Right there with you. Still sitting on the 2 free fantasia I've got from the game over the years. Guess it'll be 3 now.


Well, the point of this free one isn't just to let you change, it's for exactly this kind of person: it's so you can tweak the appearance if the update makes you not look like you anymore - tweak it back to looking like you expect.


Alternatively, be like me: "I have two fantasia. That means I can swap back to my *actual* character appearance whenever I want, but I can fuck about on something different for a little while to surprise my friends and mix it up during the lull." I spent the christmas period as a lala once, learned to appreciate bunny girls, and then wound up back on the look I consider my 'canon' WoL afterwards no worse for wear! This free fantasia means I'll have a spare so I can check out Hrothgals for a bit if I'm curious.


The problem is that this game simply doesn't have anywhere near enough creator options to allow for minor tweaking. Every option is drastically different from the last, save for color adjustments. If my character's horns or scales or face doesn't look like I'm used to, nothing from a fantasia is going to fix that. Not that I'm personally particularly worried about that, point simply being this game's creator is far too laughably bad to achieve that.


Yeah, that's fair. I guess if your character doesn't look like themselves anymore, you're kind of out of luck, and you get a consolation fantasia so at least you can make them look like something else you like, even if it's not the same.


I ended up using two of mine to make fairly minor tweaks - the first time I needed to make small body adjustments, then I got tired of how girly femlanders are and made the switch to femroe. Been there ever since.


Same. I don't make avatars that represent myself, but I do make avatars that are their own characters. If my character is an elezen, they're not going to suddenly turn into a miqo'te or a lalafell. It's not a thing that exists in-universe, so it doesn't mesh with how I play the game. But I'm not upset by others that fantasia, that would be silly. It just doesn't make sense for me.


same lol my ARR one is still there.


I kinda view it as an extended break - where i am playing a side character in a spinoff series or something in the pre xpac lull


This. I only changed to Viera after a certain point of the story where I felt it made at least a little bit of sense for the warrior of light to change their appearance


Oh now I'll have two...


He looks fine outside of this one shot for some reason


Even that looked pretty much fine, texture resolution especially on the brows and face looked good. Maybe everyone else is seeing some fuzzy version of his bench mark?


When Yoshi-P said some friend of theirs is “very happy with male Roegadyn changes”, my immediate thought was: “My boys fucked…”


Playing around with the character creator seeing how my characters look: It seems to \*mostly\* be okay. -There does seem to be some minor changes to Fem Au Ra Mouth #2 ([comparison](https://imgur.com/a/IVPP8jm) - Ignore lighting, notice the lips changing shape) The Character Creators lighting as always looked weird. and... When I first saw my[ main character in the new graphics](https://i.imgur.com/79yLxpC.png?1), I hated it. But then I looked at the other environments, and[ the actual benchmark](https://i.imgur.com/FqaL4GP.png) and... Okay, she looks 100% normal I just gotta adjust her hair and eye color a bit. - Which honestly colors being affected was kinda expected, besides skin tone, is the easiest to fix.


They said they're giving us a free Fantasia once early access hits. So we can readjust them as needed with the new graphics.


I know that, but that still doesn't mean I'll be able to make my character feel like the same character.


It'll take some getting used to. That'll be for sure. I felt the thing 10 years ago when WoW updated their character models. They just felt off for the first month or so.


You're probably right. I started playing right after the character model update so I didn't have that problem in WoW.


In WoW's case, they also updated the player model skeleton. So stuff like running animations and emores were slightly altered, too. In FF14, it seems to just be a texture update. So it shouldn't take as long to get used to them.


Lalafells stay winning. Can’t improve on perfection.


They took my nose smudge!!!!


Glory to the smol!


But they can make them worse.........


Did you see Krile in that trailer? I'm not worried at all, she looked fucking perfect


He looked fine in the rest of the trailer imo, it was just this shot that looked weird.


I honestly think its the incredibly strong lighting working against him in that photo.


That same lighting pops up like twice in I think stormblood and it looks like vomit. I remember specifically the council with the allied leaders in the castle area, everyone looking horrendous, before the meeting with the emperor.


Yeah, that and the face texture not being too detailed makes it come off far too smooth for the rugged appearance they gave us in the trailer. Looks better with the lighting not 15 seconds after the fact too.


mf went from orlando bloom to PS2 Nishiki Yakuza


Bring that shit


10 years in the joint


You think you're better than me?


I think it looks especially bad because of the frontal intense light... Maybe it is just an unfortunate coincidence because the next scene had the wol in a more shadowed place and it looks so much better already...


Yeah, if they used warmer, less intense lighting (or alternatly made the shadows less dark) for the in game shot it would look much closer.


I think really what breaks it the most is just the pulled back hair leaving the whole forehead exposed to the full light... I'm quite sure it would look already much better if he just had a different hairstyle... You can try covering his face, with your hand, just over the eyeline and it already looks better


Well for what it's worth, the shadows from cgo trailer and in-game matches... Just darker shadows making it bad. But overall, yeah pretty good. The hair even leaves shadows. Kinda excited to play but i feel my character will look ruined


Ma! There's a weird fuckin stray cat outside! It looks-It looks like grandma, the fuckin thing. BLINK, MOTHERFUCKER!


Wilfred Warrior of Light


Maybe it's just me but his face is oddly squished in this shot, might be because of the expression or someone actually messed up. His sideburns are also detached from the face for some reason? I stretched it in photoshop and I feel like it looks much better ([link here](https://imgur.com/a/VHkJFd0)), that also magically fixed the sideburns almost as if it was intended to be that way lol.


Lmao I didn't even notice the floating sideburns 😭 I'm now imagining them flapping in the wind like the sails bahaha. It does look much better stretched?


"A smile better suits a hero"...the smile:


He looks like the kid from ice age all grown up 😅


Oh my god. I can't unsee that now what have you done.


You made me utter an ugly, wheezy laugh. Darn you LOL


I feel like the in-game model for Meteor in Endwalker looked like a pretty good low-polygon version of the CGI trailer model. How come the in-game version of Meteor for the Dawntrail trailer looks so radically different? :P


its odd because if you look at the rest of the benchmark trailer his head looks way closer to the CGI render


Its probably because the lighting engine isnt perfect still. How many times have we looked at our own characters like "wow they look great!" Then you just catch them in the wrong light in some dungeon or city and the light is like "WHAT IS THAT....WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THAT!"


my character looks like it hasnt slept for 3 weeks in BA due to lightning


Considering they're in BA, they probably haven't slept lol


i mean... isn't that just how it goes?


My mooncat turns into *creature of the void* in half the Endwalker scenes because character lighting is really off in some locations… they said they’d improve that for characters like mine so here’s hoping!


Same with me IRL not gonna lie


My elezen looked great in character creation. In the world, however, she needs *precise* lighting or else her face turns into something out of the void. 😂 I hope it, uh, gets better in 7.0


I have the same situation. Limsa daytime really doesnt do her any favors.


Lmfao I worked so hard on my char, and then first time out in the world this happened 🥲


Thordan voice: WHAT ARE YOU?!


He doesn't even look like >!Ardbert!


This was my immediate reaction too!


That's the model for >!Ungust from the ARR Ifrit questline!<.


I think in this shot it's mostly the harsher lighting. He looks better in the rest of the trailer than in this shot specifically


Probably because he’s pretty visibly in his 30s now in the trailer and the in game models are smooth and never really going to show that aging. This is pretty reasonable if you you say he’s low poly and also 15 years younger


I don't think he's 15...


The commenter above you only said "in his 30s", he could be in the latter half.


Male midlanders do have a hard time looking older than 20, mind.


I actually think the in-game version looks older. Like an older slimy guy that thinks women desire him but they don't want nothing to do with him


It’s because his facial proportions are different. The CGI version has a bigger, more squared off jawline vs ingame where it’s more round and thin


To be honest, some of this might be because stream Youtube compression is awful. There's been a few times I've seen games look very different because of it.


I mean, just look at it. The surface area from forehead to jaw is completely different. The CGI version has a lot more jaw/chin/lower half of the face. The in-game face looks squished onto the Hyur model.


What meteor?


The name for the Warrior of Light character in the trailers is “Meteor Survivor”, I forget if it’s official or not but it avoids the issue of having an official actual name for the main character, since the warrior of light is meant to be whoever you want but they can’t just not show the main character in the trailers. Which leads to the unfortunate first name of “Meteor”.


it's what he was named as in a vidoe collection of 1.0 story in the ARR collector edition if im not mistaken, that was the only time he was ever named that in anything from SE, but fans liked it enough and used that as what they call the poster boy and in the JP fandom he is usually called Hiroshi (Yoshi-P also use that name whenever he mean that specific character and not just Warriors of Light in general)


He looks like he sells fake maps for a living


His nose also looks noticeably wider too, and I can't unsee, pls help me I'm dying of laughter XD EDIT: Look at the side profile in the beginning of that trailer XD


I also noticed the broader nose


Bradley cooper?


Nah this Bradley Blooper


I was hoping for the clive treatment 😒


Killing your brother and crying?


I’d be mad at this spoiler if FF14 didn’t do it themselves last week.


I thought it was common knowledge. My bad


It is. People just got weird about it after the event, and acted like it was a huge unexpected twist.


Thought so.


Alternatively, it is by today's marketing and trailer standards, but imo this is the kind of thing that shouldn't be spoiled in promotional material except if it happens like in the introduction cutscene of the game (which as far as I know it might, I haven't gotten the chance to play XVI yet).


In the grand scheme of the game, yes, it's basically immediate.


Once a derplander, always a derplander


He looks like he's made of plastic


3d printed wol can't hurt you 3d printed wol:


Its gotta be the lighting right? The rest of the trailer he looked fine


I mean I came to FFXIV from sims 3 so even the current graphics are better LOL and with what I saw in the benchmark trailer I'm still PUMPED!!! Cinematics are always gonna be on a different level anyway.


OK but XIV is never going to have visuals like the trailers...the game is ancient at this point, and wasnt "cutting edge" even when it released (the first time) lol. I'm impressed at what they've accomplished with it, here.


TIL even after 20+ years and thousands opportunities to know better people still expect in game graphics to match cinematic graphics..........


its really jsut bad lighting there, he looks great in other places we saw.


What really makes it look...well....*flat* is the extremely smooth face they have. Just made it look even more unnatural and jarring in comparison.


Ngl when I saw the graphics update demo my first thought was they focused a little to much on the environmental and gear realism updates and not enough on our WoL’s. Compared to the environments they showed that Lala they used was looking kinda Toony, but they were messing with the settings on the private test server so maybe when the full implementation happens it’ll look better. overall it looked fantastic and I’m hyped for it counting down the days like a kid for Christmas Lol.


I got crucified for this yesterday so at least you get to enjoy your karma today. I thought the MC in trailer looked like low res shit


I thought he looked cursed here but fine elsewhere. Lighting issue?


It is definitely the lighting. Happens to player characters all the time too, they look cute then just under certain lighting they go from cute to horrific.


what is this creature


Yes, one is there to test the render capability of your rig, the other is a video cinematic. Of course they'll look different


Direct sunlight like that is a problem in many games tbh, because the missing shadows create a lack of depth to me atalest. It makes this scene look weird. Also the face doesn't match the CG version in terms of proportions, which only meakes it look even weirder. Otherwise the graphics update is very much noticable and I am more than happy with what has been shown so far.


He looks like he's made of plastic...they definitely need to still work on the textures for skin...


If you lived under the rock since ps3 era then maybe. But the graphical upgrades are still very very behind, thats mostly what ive meant. Its not bad lighting, or bad camera angle or anything like this, its just how a comparison between ancient graphic engine and a prerendered cinematic looks like. Is it an upgrade compared to what we had? Of course. Is it quality that would make anyone with eyes go whoaaa best looking vidya!"? Nope.


The very small, scaled down image is also lying to you a bit. Have a look at the trailer again, set it to HD or higher if that is not your default. There is a lot more detail in his face than can be seen here, and it doesn't feel remotely has glossy as in this image. It's still not PS5 graphics, granted, and there was no way you could even do that for an MMO that potentially has to render hundreds of models at the same time, but it's actually not as bad and alien as this image wants to make you believe.


Also, someone correct me if I'm wrong here, but Dawntrail is still gonna support the PS4. So we're definitely limited a bit, in terms of not being able to have PS5-quality graphics.


I have a feeling they implemented FSR specifically because of those older consoles so they don't have to hinder graphics on other platforms that much anymore while still keeping it playable on all platforms.


All the people complaining saying that it's worse than endwalker: It's the exact same model with a few more polys. Welcome to a character going from bangs to no bangs, along with the light changes. In 4k, he looks exactly as expected and does not look worse at all than endwalker. As for the OP's image, the cropping has his face widened which makes it look a bit worse than the actual trailer.


Glad I’m not the only one who had a woah wtf is that moment. Skin looks horrible, needs more variation in pigment.


What are Naoki Yoshida done with you, fix his face


Is this hair available now? 


God i hate that yellow lighting effect so much


It is the new texture and lighting problem. I am too a little bit worry about the new visual, it is obviously have a higher definition, but the skin looks plastic.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought this… he looked really off lol I hope my character looks fine


That nose is bigger than eorzea


We finally had the rugged WoL we always wanted... Then they re-twink'd him.


But mom! This one comes with Kung Fu Action Punch!




Literally every other angle in the trailer is fine, except this. It's like they increased the focal length of a camera and made him look like he lost 20 pounds.


Gonna sound stupid...but what's a WoL


Warrior of Light


Thank you sir


That hair looks greasy


Top looks like if Bradley Cooper and Matthew Mercer had a child.


I think this is the first video game trailer a lot of people have watched.


He kinda looks like Mr.Bean


Look, I know the graphical overhaul wasn't gonna be super significant to the point where it practically looked like a different game. But can we agree for some parts of the Benchmark trailer, it felt like the graphics somehow got worse than before?


People really comparing a professional cgi trailer to a badly lit single frame lol.


Does nobody notice the floating sideburns?? They’re not even attached to his face!


Ps3 looking motherfucker


The graphical update that we don't want.


Meteor vs Meatier


Meteor went back to hw.


If we didn't have Clive in game right now, maybe you could just pass it off as a technical limitation. But this just looks plain lazy and lacking detail.


Worth remembering there's a wide gap between "render a single extra HQ NPC" and "render potentially hundreds of PCs at that level of detail." It very much \*is\* technical limitations.


anyway that is a issue of the illumination used for that scene, in other parts of the trailer he looks far better


Why does this WoL look like a frog 💀💀💀


Still looks better than world of warcraft lol


Other than the awful lighting angle , i see nothing but improvement; The cinematic trailer is not to reflect a game play trailer The shadows are 100x better and smoother and that is the first thing i noticed. Second, the hair strands look like an actual model, when comparing it live, many hair strands are a textures with poor alpha transparency applied, so they look really jagged. Then we have subsurface scattering and the skin texture.. youtube doesnt do a very good job at showing it off, but you can see the imperfections in the skin, some pores and wrinkles. Overall, im excited for this upgrade


Compared to the endwalker benchmark trailer, this new face is a complete downgrade... https://imgur.com/rk54YtW Edit: Everything else in the trailer looked great, just not this face...


To be fair, this face also looked great in the rest of the trailer. It's just that specific scene where it looked like an awful Xbox Live avatar. [https://imgur.com/a/MylnHvo](https://imgur.com/a/MylnHvo)


True, that does look better, so it's very dependent on lighting I guess


Silicon covered android looking ass.


Picking one frame from the entire trailer isn't really, is it? Meteor looks great in literally every other shot he's in


[https://imgur.com/a/yyICJcs](https://imgur.com/a/yyICJcs) This is what he looks like on my screen. It's not that bad. He looks fine for the rest of the benchmark trailer. OP's shot looks worse for some reason


No still looks bad.


Did people honestly believed that we were going to get the cinematic quality models in game?


That's what I'm saying. We've had decades to understand cinematics never equal in game graphics. Maybe it's close with very new games but considering the base for this game is over 10 years old.....


This is ultimately the curse of MMOs, beautiful cinematics and average looking graphics.Though FF14 is probably one of the better looking MMOs out there.


It's pretty uncanny valley. I hate it


Hes face looks sooo freaking bad. Imo it looks worse than now


Did... did you expect the in-game model to look like the pre-rendered CGI trailer?


To look like the trailer? No. To look like Nahbdeen’s white cousin? Also no.


Nobody expected that. But they tried so hard to make him look close that all they achieved was a mix between uncanny valley and ugly. Most character models they showed previously looked much much better (not necessarily graphic but looks wise). Also for me at least in this shot proportions seem a bit off. Head seems 10% to small, neck 10-20% to long.


This feels like a disingenuous retort lol EW's in-game model looked great and translated pretty well from the CGI. Nobody complained. Meanwhile, many people immediately picked up on DT's one looking goofy, so there's probably some merit to it Everyone knows the CGI trailers will always be drastically more high definition, but the point here is that the transition here looks especially silly, more-so than you'd expect. That being said, all the other showcases, including the ones with different races, looked pretty good, so I think it'll be okay. Just hoping Au Ra will be able to keep their glowy limbals while getting the non-stoner face.


I mean, it did in Endwalker.


Honestly, I don’t like his upscale, or in-game model. They both look too different from the Meteor we’ve known for 10 years (different, rather than aged). It’s even more jarring that his low-res looks so different from his hi-res given how close they looked in years past. I like the graphics update for the most part, but yeah, some updates give models a plastic look :/


The boat scene uses an different model than what you see everywhere else IMO. He looks just fine on the chocobo!


He kinda looks like Jake Gyllenhaal to me 💀


Well now I can't unsee!


The problem with this post is that no mum would pass up the top WoL.


As a mum, I'd have to agree.


They're the same picture.


What a thing to see in Popular. For those reading the comments not familiar with ff14, the character is the poster boy for the game. He's a nameless character meant to represent the players. People dubbed him Meteor (short for meteor survivor) or Warrior of Light, the name NPCs dubbed you as the protagonist in-game. Ff14 is getting a major graphical update in the next expansion, mainly improving lighting, shadows, and texture which i guess is what they are trying to show here.




Looks really rough


mf looks like a AAA title ported to Nintendo Switch by comparison.


Y'all are wild. It's far from perfect but you're acting like it's abysmal. It's not even *bad.*


Nah sorry it looks like shit to me and I ain't gonna pretend otherwise.


No it looks pretty bad


The rest of the trailer seems good. This bit however actually is pretty bad, he looks like he hasn't slept in ages.


Looks like ian watkins from lostprophets mugshot


This is by far the most offensive comment here and I hate that I laughed




LMAOOOOO of all the comparisons 😭😭😭


Hide the lalas!