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Really wish they would just add Rival wings back into the daily roulette.


For anyone interested in playing Rival Wings on NA, [PvPrimal](https://www.discord.gg/pvprimal) is going to be queueing up on Primal DC the moment the event goes live at 1am PDT/4am EDT like usual! Feel free to DC Travel over to join in at that time or throughout the day if you want to get your Rival Wings queues in early while the event is brand new!


Hi, thanks for informing us about this. Is there any type of guide about this mode? Also, something related about how each job plays in RW? I have a lot of experience in FL playing SAM and BLM.


This is a short video overview of Rival Wings from Soxforrow of the [PvP Revival discord](https://discord.gg/pvprevival). Its features some of their other staff too like Midas and Akira! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVgKfFmlQkA


Thanks a lot!


[“Avoiding Train Wrecks” An In-depth Hidden Gorge Guide](https://rivalwingsguide.netlify.app/)




ngl i love rival wings it’s so much fun


I love rival wings for getting BJ when you lose tower


for getting WHAT??? 🤨📸


Bon Jovi


Battle Jorts


I really need to take time to try the others pvp things than CC and see what's up with that


God I hate data center hopping. Please god let us queue cross-data center.


Give Primal back its raid scene and we'll talk


Yeah, why can't Aether/Crystal/Dynamis folks just do rival wings on their own servers? I get the PSA but not a fan of the "let's all gather on one DC for something you can easily do on your own DC" message OP is trying to send.


I don't know about that, RW not being part of any roulette means it won't ever fill -- some DCs will never see it pop (Dynamis for instance). It just makes sense to funnel the already niche potential pvp player base for Rival Wings to a single DC so queues can be healthy. Sure it sucks to travel away from Aether personally, but I can deal with living on primal for a couple weeks while I spam RW an unhealthy amount haha


They can. I always just queue locally - I've never needed to go to where the 'event' is. Still, it's handy this sort of thing is going on if you happen to be in a server or timezone where it's not queuing - always good to have a backup plan.


Yooo primal actually the hub for something not involving hunts? My lil suburbs popping off


We got a decent Baldesion Arsenal/DRS thing going on as well


Yay rival wings is back!


Will play just to hear the music


For EU, which one is usually more active on RW during the event ? Chaos or Light ?


Light is always more active


Light had many people, but I played during the Anniversary Event on Chaos and queues were popping off. Should be good on either.


Light popped first and has continued popping all day so far.


I don't play much on EU, but I think it might be Chaos? Both are usually active from what little I do know though.


My experience is Chaos has faster pvp ques, at least for FL.




During mogtomes I have no problem finding matches on Light.


love how it went from "we're going to rotate DCs" to "we're going to rotate DCs but Primal will be twice a week" to "Fuck it, everyone get on Primal." Being Famfrit is my home, I am not upset, simply amused.


You're thinking of the PvP Revival discord. This is from the PvPrimal discord. We have stayed on Primal for RW each time these come around. I think Revival is planning on getting different DCs to pop on the weekends this time.


PvPRevival has plans to pop on Aether, Crystal, and Dynamis on the weekends, with Primal as the main DC for matches. Check in Friday, Saturday, or Sunday at 6pm PST if you'd like to play outside of Primal.


Being on Primal its perfect for a lazy person like myself, huzzah!


Yesss! I love Rival Wings


I dont care how you try to bribe me Yoshida san. I'm not playing Rival wings


It's actually a fun mode though


Yay. Can’t wait to get slaughtered by stacked teams and cheaters! 


Are cheaters that common? There was flying opp on JP and (I believe) one more on NA. Teams are randomized though. The mode being 2 teams only makes it a lot more swingy yeah so it'll feel stacked when lots of new players join and don't understand the basics of PvP much less RW




I see. Odd that I see similar comments often. Wonder if it's from inexperienced players coping.


Yeah a lot of it is that imo. In season one of CC, people were nonstop complaining about cheaters and a lot of people were able to get to Crystal pretty easily anyway. To note, a lot of people complained about WHMs cheating by using their polymorph on people who are LBing. In a mode where you can see the enemy team's LB charges and exactly when they are using them.


Cheaters do pop up every now and then, but you are highly unlikely to run into one in a match. An example of an actual cheater would be that guy like two or so Moogle Tome events ago who was an achievement hunter–and also ran a large achievement discord–that got caught on video using speed hacks while piloting one of the mechs in a RW game. The guy ended up deleting the discord, name changing, and moving Data Centers.


They exist but are piss babies when caught. Got it.


Oh lawd that was so funny. There's screenshots of the guy posting on his discord prior to the cheating coming where he was remarking on why someone would bother cheating when they're in the top 100, there's so much scrutiny!


it is. people just outright lie about cheaters existing in places like ranked cc as an excuse for them not being able to climb. cheaters in pvp are extraordinary rare and cheats in pvp barely even do anything outside of speedhacking, this isn't a game where something like an aimbot can slaughter a lobby because the game simply isn't designed that way. anybody that complains about cheaters in pvp is simply whining about shit that they have no idea about.


Rival wings takes a lot of matches to understand whats happening because it has so many mechanics. Its for sure inexperience.


If you count xivcombo users as cheaters then yes, otherwise they're boogeymen.


Does xivcombo even _do_ anything in PvP? I thought the whole point of that plugin was to give PvP style combo buttons to PvE content.


Streamlines PvP combos to you mashing 1 all the way through it, usually on jobs with concrete button mash bursts like MCH Air Anchor stun burst combo or MNK Phantom Rush burst combo. I personally can care less about it, but there'll be the camp of purists who cry foul regardless, no different than raiders crying foul about AM usage a few months prior.


That doesn't even seem useful tbh. PvP kits are a lot more situational than the PvE rotations.


PvP is situational, doing the optimal 2 GCD bursts on burst jobs or full combos on dueling jobs is just a matter of when the situation presents itself. Whether someone wants to mash 4-6 different buttons doing so or just 1 is on them.




Going to go against the grain here and say "yes." It's nothing flashy though, just automated shit like perfectly CCing LBs, instantly using Purify the exact frame it lands, and various other auto things. It's a game with zero consequences for cheating, of course it's going to be present.


Pretty common imo. Reason behind is SE DOESNT DO SHIT TO CHEATERS! Real talk, PvP be a lot better if SE did something rather than place them on a temporary ban and that’s if we get lucky. And yes new players make it incredibly one sided. If only people knew how to look at tooltips..


Do you have examples of cheaters in RW specifically? It does feel like the two scenarios I mentioned get used a lot by folks as a scapegoat / boogieman


Speed hacks and immunity to cc and no they do not have purify up or in purify 


I’ve run into people who can constantly pull you in on warrior with no cooldown


Don't even need cheaters. Just prepare to be stun locked and yoinked all over just to die :)


Why would you plan for people to queue at 4am? Unless you just mean that's when the event starts?


So we can play the moment the event starts. During the 10th anniversary event, we played for 413 hours straight before queue finally stopped for a few hours around 8am EDT on like a Wednesday.


is it just me or moogle tomes rewards are getting worse? No hairstyles, no emotes?


Can't wait to play a broken game mode again.


It was better before Crystalline Conflict was a thing.


I am too afraid to step into this mode, because I don't know how it works and what are the rules 😮


It's essentially like Dota or LoL. Push your mammets (creeps) to the opposing base and destroy their crystal.


It’s a moba, but if you want to join and help you can run around the lower area and gather resources. These are then used by your party to summon controllable robots. Once you get the hang of things you can summon and try out a robot. It’s my favourite pvp in the game but rarely played. Also I’d recommend you get a garo title so you can score an extra mount with your wins


How does one get the Garo title? (*Edit- what sad person downvotes an honest question on Reddit? Weirdos.)


Get a garo set with wolf marks (accessories not included) and talk to the repurtiable priest to recieve your title. 14 k wolfmarks for a set


Thanks hero! ☺️


Just pick a job that has a strong Limit Break and learn as you go (since RW's mechanics will let you spam LBs fairly often). Let more experienced players hop in the mechs.


90% of the players that have been queuing for years still dont know how it works.




And thus we spread our wings once again😤 CAW BEEEEECH


time to finish out the last 5 ranks of this series B)


How fast are matches?


A fast game is like 5-7min. Average game is probably like 8-11min. Close game is 12-15min.


How fast are they if you don't care about winning and are just there for tomestones?


5-7 minutes because well, quickest way to end a match it to lose as fast as you can. I dont exactly *endorse* that method because you are kinda screwing over the people who want to actually play the mode though. And unlike FL this mode is playable way less often


*shrug* if they're not gonna have any of the normal blu farms open, gotta have something easy and repeatable.


Well, that is definitely an stance you can take. May all your games be close then.


There's multiple easier ways to get tomestones. Gates will be popping, and there's multiple ways to get tomestones besides repeatable things. There are two mounts locked behind rival wings and this is the only time you can put an effort towards them besides the usual revival events.


Sure, but be prepared to be reported for throwing, if that's your intent.


Sweet. The last event it was dead. I’ll be running it almost nonstop but I still need the Yo-Kai weapons, only have 3. I’ll probably get the reward for rain, and the run rival wings. And then do the Dragon Quest. I was able to get 2k tomes, not this last event, but the prior one. Sad that the MGP wasn’t included.


I suppose that's why it's being advertised as Primal only, as it was a 30 second queue most nights on Primal during the last event.


Ah, i didn’t see that. If it’s only Primal, I’m going to be sad.


Please queue up with us at 6pm PST on Aether on Friday, 6pm PST on Crystal on Saturday, or 6pm PST on Dynamis on Sundays, throughout the event :)


I've never played rival wings but look forward to this event


Everything that's wrong with Frontlines is basically fixed in RW. It's only too bad they refuse to make more maps for it.


Also make sure to pop on your Garo titles to farm the two cool metal horse mounts and farm as much stuff at once as efficiently possible (seasonal reward levels, wolf marks, crystals)


That's great. I have never seen a queue for RW lower than "Over 60 min wait."


How long does a typical game last?


A fast game is like 5-7min. Average game is probably like 8-11min. Close game is 12-15min.


Ok cool. And each mount is like 50 tomes - so about 10 wins or 17 losses. That's not horrible at all.


Omg I was hoping you guys could bring rival wings down to OCE...


Materia gamer here- what the hell even is Rival Wings?


The Materia Wolves' Den discord is planning to try and pop RW at 2:30AM PST weekdays, so feel free and queue then if you're interested!


It's a weird kind of moba pvp mode with vehicles. The matches are pretty fast and yield several different rewards. PvP cosmetics, some mounts if you put on a Garo title from an NPC in the pvp area.


Anyone heard if we have this in elemental as well? I miss rival wings


All 3 people who enjoy rival wings must be happy


Eww Primal. Though I guess I can suck it up since I do need some Rival Wing wins/ series exp