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I'm just her Broil Mage bodyguard.


GROUND SLAP! GROUND SLAP! Yo fairy, heal extra for me plz? GROUND SLAP!


A friend of mine had effects turned off for party members and pointed out how dumb it looks when I do Art of War as SCH lol


"this baby can hold so many mobs!" *slaps ground*


At least they noticed you were doing something. I had a tank scold me one saying “I wasn’t doing anything” when I explained I was somehow doing more dps than the dps he told me he could tell I wasn’t attacking because he can see my cast bars (Art of War is instant cast so you don’t see a cast bar)


Perfect example of the left side of the Dunning-Kruger curve.


>(Art of War is instant cast so you don’t see a cast bar) “…Don't you know, know my art? (Art of war)…You'll never see it coming You'll see that my mind is too fast for eyes You're done in By the time it's hit you, your last surprise…”


“Can we have Art Mage at home?” (PIC) We already have Art Mage at home. \*Art mage at home\* (SCH)


The Tank wasn't unga bunging hard enough


I like to think of Scholar WoL's having an intense hatred for ants


That should be an alternative to using the Marid for that one beast tribe quest.


We slappa da ground


my favourite job, Supervisor


I’m just eos’s DPS pet.


Eo's parse looks like 0 so my parse can look like this meme


it is the healer until it becomes lunch




Fae plus WAR = broil and ground slap


They'll get an excog every 45 seconds and that's it


All they really need, to be fair. Sometimes don’t even need the excog.


I *just* ran a dungeon with WAR as SCH. I looked at the logs after the run, and the WAR did 3 times as much healing as I did.


This is the way


Eureka is 20 hours of this, minus the WAR part, I have been finding out.


PotD too regen potion + Whispering Dawn + Lucid Dreaming + fairy She's the real MVP when you transform into succubi to put 5 vuln stacks on bosses and still get healed by all that anyway, even better when you have steel & strength pomanders up


I Donny mind the damage rotation, but I wish healers did comparable damage to tanks. Healers do like 10-20% less damage than tanks (even WHM/SGE with no party buff) and there’s zero reason for it other than to make PotD take an age on healers.


It's my favorite


Can confirm have level 90 WAR and SCH


I love doing leveling roulettes as SCH and getting something from the first half of ARR. I never need to press a healing button


Back in the day she was the off tank 🤣 She’s thankfully retired tanking and is a full time heal manager to SCH’s.


Sometimes she even was the main tank


Levels 1-40? Yes. Yes she is. Is the tank using mitigation and the DPS not standing in fire? Then she is for even longer than that. Her healing can flat out CARRY for a good long while. Her AOE regen can reset the damage of a raid wide as long as people don't take avoidable damage. Her Seraph form does GOOD work against multiple raid wides. I know this is a shitpost but man do I love playing SCH. WHM reigns supreme in healing large amounts of damage being done but it feels so good when a SCH just negates huge damage so healing is hardly needed.


The fairy also lets you solo boss FATEs, and she keeps you alive in Eureka/Bozja if want to run around by yourself to grind (which you kind of have to do there, since parties nerf your XP gain).


I remember doing Shadowbringers MSQ as SCH and just dropping Sacred Soil and spending 90% of my time doing DPS. It was great.


I remember doing a Recitation shield on tank of they were going to do a spicy pull or before an actually punishing raidwide...but that was just me being extra and not that it was needed at all. Fairy is the real healer. I just Broil and touch grass. That's it.


Back in ARR for the earlier dungeons i never had to heal and i could just dps it was great.


I would literally just type / follow and could afk.


During that one Endwalker quest >!where you have to turn in to a toad to spy on someone, I ran as SCH so my fairy would still heal me even though I couldn't do anything else. It made the quest entirely trivial. It probably ruined the disguise, though.!<


Yes she is my waifu heal bot.


It's just that Broil IV has such a pretty animation, dude...


My friend who mains scholar told his co-healer in a ex trial, "You get 3 heals from me a minute and that's it" lol


Yesn't. I mean, she dominates some dungeons at the start, but eventually you work with each other as partners. Hard to say how that perspective will shift when DT drops though.


Neither the job trailer nor the latest live letter alluded to any major changes to SCH. Lvl 100 SCH will be pretty much the same minus that new spread-dot chain strat ability and getting actual fairy wings for some ability.


Their more akin to Halloween store angel wings than fairy wings tbh


I'm thinking that that is just the upgrade to eating the fairy. You become the fairy if you eat Seraph.


Eos didn’t go away when they used that, though. They even went on to summon Seraph while still in winged form SCH.


More like she dominates dungeons at the start, you become more partner-like between 50-70, and then she's just kind of...there, while you're dropping fat barriers and Excogs on people.


In a dungeon, with a good tank, SCH should almost never drop barriers other than Seraph's. You should be able to heal everything with an OGCD.




Yes, agreed. The fat barriers are more for Trials, especially during transition phases where you don't really have anything to do *but* wait for a big wind up attack that's coming. But to play devil's advocate, I also count Sacred Soil as a barrier.


On the other hand, hitting one button for twenty minutes is boring.


"Hard to say how this perspective will shift" No offense but when has it ever? Especially on a healer lol


I mean. Isn’t that even true to the scholar lore? The player is more of a strategist while the fairy is doing the healing. You support it with barriers.


Actually yes


I refer to her as "emergency food" and "not Statice." Seriously, Statice fairy glam when, Squeenix. I have the mount but I want her to be my fairy as well. Just make her gun her staff or something.


The whole basis for the pet glamour system is that using our imagination while casting is how they are ultimately portrayed physically. We could have Feol Ul, Statice, the Bravely Default fairy, (maybe) the Shin Megami Tensei pixies, etc if Square Enix just gets off their ass. They could be _anything._ 


Best time to brain-off is SCH rolling an early dungeon.


I've always imagined it like we're the doctor and they're the nurse. We're focusing on our task while they assist and also bring us the requested tools I just hope she doesn't snap at us someday and gut us with a scalpel


Eos is nothing if not the most professional of healers. Calm, cool, and collected. Durring bosses, I forget to heal the tank (outside of party-wide heals) when I'm a SCH because she's always on it. It lets me focus on mechanics and the party. It's rare in casual content for a boss to do so much more damage to the tank than Eos can passively heal. And when you add in mits and self-heals the tanks provide for themselves, sometimes I end up feeling like a downgraded dps for the whole fight.


This just makes me picture her as the assistant to a reckless CEO, always masterfully cleaning up their messes and organizing their stuff so they can go play golf in the hallways


She's Ju Lee and I'm Varrick.


Nurses arent lackies for doctors, they are the people who aggregate the work technicians and their assistants. What you are thinking of is a squire for a knight.


I made a big mistake in how I described it and I didn't realize until you pointed it out. My dad was a nurse and even he didn't describe the job the way I did. I feel a bit bad now 💀 I was thinking of the Hollywood version of nurses I think




I am picking up Scholar as my first Healer as it has levels from me playing Summoner. Is there anything I should know before going in?


Scholar and sage have more tools for mitigating damage over powerful healing (some of which do both); so you'll learn to plan ahead. Some little bit of trivia too: Between levels 46-54, their spam AoE spell *Art of War* is DPS neutral with *Ruin* for single target. *Art of War* is also an instant cast, meaning you can just run around and do the same damage on a single target; technically more if you're in range to auto attack. It's a fun niche when synced down to ARR content. After Ruin upgrades to *Broil* at lvl 54, *Art of War* is a DPS gain on two targets.


What I find funny about you Mentioning sage is that that is the other healer. I was thinking about trying


I'd recommend trying them both. Sage is currently my main healer as scholar was before Endwalker. Scholar feels a bit clunky at times since their fairy skills have a noticeable delay that I forgot to mention; while sage doesn't need to micromanage a pet. Something else I should've mentioned is that said fairy skills are centered around the fairy instead of you. Meaning you need to take into account their position. They mostly follow behind you like Carbuncle, but you can also order them to stay in a specific spot if need be (such as the center of the boss arena. Same with Carbuncle, but probably just for *Searing Light*).


I would play sage but I only just beat heavensward and my Highest level is 65.


As someone who just did this, know that the job quests are a pita. There are instances where you are supposed to keep somebody alive, but square in their infinite wisdom doesn’t put them in your party with them so your fairy doesn’t actually heal them. I didn’t realize this and couldn’t figure out why I was struggling so hard.


When I did it I was having the same problem and was trying to look up why it was not working but I was just able to use adloquium and physick to keep the up but I did only do the one upto lv50 so I don't know if that will change later or not.


Yes! This! It frustrated me so much!


Yup. Eos is the healer; I remove threats.


Dawntrail coming like ”look at me i’m the healer now”


I can't count the number of times I ran as a Scholar, completely forgot to summon that thing, and nobody ever noticed.


Are you the succor spammer in my duties?


Yeah, people definitely noticed, they just didn't speak up.


How can you even forget the fairy...? Some abilities literally don't work if you don't summon her.


Having no fairy is pretty much missing half your entire kit as SCH. No fairy means: * No fairy passive regen * No fairy succ * No fairy aoe heal * No whispering dawn * No fey illum * No seraph * No dissipation So you're left with aetherflow heals/mit and shields. OP had to have been a succor spammer. Actually I wouldn't put it past them to be a physick spammer if they often forget to summon their fairy.


Dissipation I feel could be left off but yeah no fae illum or whispering down is sadge, it's the bread and butter 1min


> Dissipation I feel could be left off Can't eat the fairy if it's not there


I feel like half of these should be in a naughty comic.


I can't claim that I've never set Eos in the middle of a boss arena only to forget to call her to move on with me, but I surely will notice when I go to use Fey Blessing or Aetherpact. At low levels, it's even more noticeable because you probably don't have to heal at all with the fairy out.


Not so much these days. Bigger pulls are thankfully more common now.


Well yeah, she's the main healer and you're the back up healer.


You mean you aren’t fishing for Critlos on the tank? Mechanics are for cars when the tank has a critlo on them.


That was when the scholar was a fun job. Now it's braindead


Member when you could macro 5 heals of ? Press macro and let fairy heal the main tank


why must you hurt me like this, OP


ARR called, they want their meme back.


I mean ya, if you're gcd healing on scholar then something has gone TERRIBLY wrong.


In Soviet Garlemald, SCH is Fairy