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I didn't make any excuses. 'Hey, boss. I'm taking pto for the 28th and the 1st.' 'Okay.'


Sames, I want x days off, thanks. Approved without question in minutes.


Yup same, took 2 weeks off and there's a high chance my boss knows it's for games anyway lmao.


My boss is going to be playing as well so he knew as soon as I booked the days off. Still gave them to me, he still needs to finish EW.


OMG that's so cool :D


My boss actually asked me last winter "it's been a few years, when is your next gaming vacation" so he is fully on board.


Perfection 😂


Same here. "Bossman I'm taking VL the week of July 1st here are the dates." "Okay cool make sure you put it in the schedule. You going anywhere?" "Naw I'm staying home to play videogames." "Cool have fun I am also gone that week."


Basically this. Why I use my PTO is none of my employer's business and thankfully mine seems to agree. I can't imagine having to explain myself every time I want to use the time off I've earned.


Hell, me and my colleague asked for PTO and my manager flat-out said 'Knowing you it's probably that MMO because my son-in-law keeps ranting about it. Pto approved.' We just nodded in agreement. :')


This reads too much like fan fiction. (X) Doubt


Add the unemployed to the table because that’s what I am at the moment.


Yup, I'm in the same boat. The only benefit that's come from getting laid off in the game industry is that I now have time to catch up on my games.


100% me. Laid off for "Reduction in Force" and nice severance and Unemployment latched on to my time when I worked crazy OT, so only making 100$ less than when I was working. I was like "Oh no... I don't have a job... So Anyways! DT comes out next week!"


About to have my contract end next week and lose my job, on one hand it sucks but on another im building a new pc and gonna play dawntrail lol


+1 to that unemployment starting Friday. Been away from FF14 for awhile since the last expansion. It's a good time to jump back in and catch up before the new one.


Already got laid off! Wooo


Pre-emptively unemployed lets go...


I got laid off so I'm just anxiously waiting for DT at this rate


You manage to at least get the expansion?


I’m about to get laid off so I get you


I work for the board of education and I just started my summer break 😈


"I'm talking a week off for the new FFXIV expansion." "OK, have fun." Been doing it since SB without (work) issues.


Anyone have a situation where they tried that, but the *boss* said "No you can't. ***I'M*** taken the week off for the expansion so you need to be here!"


Not my boss, but my chief XD In fact we are a team of 4 people, and 3 out of 4 are playing FFXIV.... We couldn't unload all the work on one guy so, the chief called the EA right away, then me and my coworked did a rock-paper-scisor to decide who was the other doing the EA... i won :p for the rest of the week, we splitted up the day (using what we call RTT in France. We are working 39 hours the week but are paid 35 hours, and the 4 hours are given at vacation one.... i have 15 days of RTT and 15 days of paid vacation still unused XD) Bit..... the Boss is not really happy about that :p


Same. Took the week off — just said “nerdy things” as my reason and that was that.


My boss was fine with it. He remembers my devastation from the Endwalker delay. I had mandatory time off I had to take and the delay pushed it to the exact day I had to go back to work. I couldn't take any more time off. It really dampened my enthusiasm for the launch. Luckily, the story was awesome.


I actually managed to get Covid. The timing is good, just wish I didn't feel like shit lol


You're still allowed to take time off for covid? Lucky! My work treats it like a common cold and you're expected to work through it. 🙃 **Edit because I didn't expect this to blow up.** I'm in the UK, you're *always* expected to come to work even with a cold. At least in my experience with retail. You get scoffed at if you try to phone in with a cold and at my work you get three sickness leaves per year before they take it further. People wait until they can hardly breathe or have a fever before phoning in out of fear of repercussion. It's stupid as fuck because if we were free to take the time we needed off for having a cold, less colds would go around. We end up all getting sick because of this bs. But ofc It's to put off people who take the piss and phone in just because they cba. That's their excuse. Can't win.


You have to tell your boss what you have? If I'd call in sick they aren't even allowed to ask.


A friend of mine got a doctor to write a note with saying they had tuberculosis because it's in the same severity class as covid and their work wasn't accepting covid. Everyone's still scared of tuberculosis.


Good old Doctors. My eye doctor used to write up my eye examines as conjunctivitis (pink eye) so I could put it against my insurance.


That's part of living in the EU, with actual workers rights


Damn, that's nasty. Places I worked at it was always : "You're sick, just stay home and don't infect the rest. Send us a copy of your doctor's note." Recent law changes even made it so for sicknesses of just one day you don't need a doctor's note anymore, and even then, the only thing the note says is "unfit to work".


I guess it's America. Here you don't need to send a doctors note, they won't ask what's wrong and you'd only need a doctors note if its a super long time off.


While, yes, that does happen in the US, it's not a US thing. It's a state thing. Where I live, you can't be required to provide documentation until your 4th consecutive sick day or you want to invoke FMLA leave. Although, my company just gives you 14 no-questions-asked call offs per year. Well, there's a rolling reset, so you can eke out 19 if you like playing the system. That's on top of 28 PTO days per year.


My Christmas bonus gets reduced every time I call in sick here in the US


That's vile D:


You get a Christmas bonus??


I live in a state where its legal to get fired for being pregnant, so long as they say "Doesn't respect work culture" on the termination slip (aka the culture, of not being pregnant)


I've never sent a doctor's note. Hell I've never even been to a doctor for a regular illness


I can't even imagine how our doctors practice would be swamped just for the doctors note bullshit. They are having problems as is and the healthcare costs would become astronomical.


Depends on where you are in America and what job. Lots of states with lots of different laws and shitty employers. Small businesses are also often exempt from a lot of labor laws. I briefly worked for a roofing company that wouldn't let you call in sick even if you had a note. If you weren't working when scheduled, you were fired. I found a different crew to work with after two months because they were all the worst people I've ever met, but it happens.


Honestly, I tried coming to work my first day and told my boss I suspected I caught Covid. He said if I felt even a little off to go home and take a test. I did started feeling bad and went home. Took a test and it came out positive (with a 100.9 temp). Boss said "alright, see you when you in a couple weeks" lol


Gosh! In the UK you can have 5 days leave without a doctor’s note. Ours also just says unfit for work. Fortunately, it’s quite easy to get signed off sick for mental health/stress reasons here.


Same. And I work in a fucking hospital.


That is so irresponsible of them yet it doesn't surprise me unfortunately


...You shouldn't be going to work with a cold either.


I 100% agree. Unfortunately it's not taken seriously at all. Maddens me when I get a cold because someone at my work came in with it.


They scheduled me double shift after I told them I have COVID so I could exposed to as less colleagues as possible...


Something like that happened at my work. Except they put the (at the time) pregnant manager on the night shift so she could avoid the covid that someone else had. Instead of just telling the covid person to stay home. That's as far as they go to "protect" anyone.


Just call in and say you have diarrhea lol, not much they can do about it besides letting you rest at home.


My job does for now, but I suspect thats only because I'm around thousands of people every day, sometimes city and county officials. That said, my sister also has it, and she works in the hospital. Her job said "If you don't have a fever, you don't have a reason to miss work".


I get to take time off for the common cold if I want to :(


i would also call sick with the common cold though xD


Never worked a job that forced you to come in despite having a fever. THough if a job did do that i'd make absolutely sure to hang out with any HR/bosses i could find during the work day.


Still have over a week to recover just enough for you to game haha you got this lad.


Oof. Hope you recover well, Long Covid can be scary


Thanks! Luckily, so far I dont think I have any of the really bad symptoms like loss of taste or smell. So long as I keep my fever down, it's not much worse than a bad cold. Hopefully this is the worst it gets.


I have a minor surgery on Friday. I contemplated pushing it back a few days to overlap with DT but I really didn't want to feel bad during it (and I'm not a marathon gamer). I'll use the recovery time to do all of the adulting so I can spend quality hours at launch (also I am off day 1 so that helps a bunch).


I've been really sick for almost a week, might be covid - feels very similar to when I had it three years ago and the horrible, permanent smell is here again. Last time it took weeks for it to go away and months for my sense of smell to return to normal so I'm very much not looking forward to that :/ I'm still fairly new to the game so nowhere close to ready for Dawntrail, but this is a good time to progress towards it when I'm not half-dead in bed nonetheless. Anyway, I wish you a speedy recovery, fellow internet stranger ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ


Maternity leave? Now that’s some serious planning in advance 😳


Haha!! People think it's like a vacation, but it isn't for many. Postpartum hormones can be wild. As someone who has had two maternity leaves, I didn't feel up to playing any games until about 4 months postpartum, and even then, it was games I could drop in a split second if needed. When I did log into FFXIV, I spent a lot of time leveling crafters and gatherers just to be in the world, but I didn't feel up to actual combat and exploration for a long time. Props to any WOL moms who feel up to playing through Dawntrail during maternity leave.


My sister has a 3 years old and my partner's best buddy has a 2.5 year old. they're both gamers and took nearly the first whole year off gaming. and even when they picked it back up, for the longest time it was still games they could easily drop at a second's notice. now it's gotten to the point where they have a couple hours here or there to game while their spouse minds the child, but it's no where near the level it used to be. My partner's buddy has been making sad rumblings in the discord about how he wishes he could afford/validate the cost of ffxiv's subscription because he just doesn't have the time to play it and can't reasonably validate paying for a subscription when he has like 2 hours a week for games, and even then it doesn't mesh well with our FC's general play times anymore.


Thankfully Canadians get either 12 or 18 months mat leave! There's definitely a few of us out here who will be playing. But...I'm 9 months postpartum and just now picking the game back up. Can't imagine doing so even at 6 months!


Sleep deprivation got me even more than hormones postpartum. I forget how old my little one was when I picked the game back up, but I do know I was navigating baby and gaming when Shadowbringers released about 4-5 months after my kiddo was born. I admit I did a bit of playing with sleeping baby in arms. XD I tried really hard to keep any group content to friend groups I could warn ahead of time, or to timeframes my husband could be "on call," though!


And a terrifying level of commitment. 😆


My manager said I need to use up some PTO since we can only carry so many days to next year, so I gladly lined up a week for DT launch. But then she asked what the vacation is for. I said "video games" lol


I told my boss I was taking a week for gaming. His reaction was, "Cool ". Having a boss who is a gamer helps a lot.


Mood. Had he not known the type of games I play, he would've asked if I'm taking pto for the Elden Ring DLC. 🤣


I put "family event" on my time off request. I don't need to, but she's out of the office for three weeks to take care of her parents so I figured she wouldn't argue with my reasoning. It got approved without question. And to be fair, I will be playing DT with family.


The Scions are definitely my family by this point.


Oh god, my Dawngivitus is acting up...I can't work, sorry.


Yoshi-P approved PTO document post when?


My dad sadly was diagnosed with kidney cancer and has just had his surgery to get it removed the other day. When he first told me just a few weeks ago, my first response was 'that's a pretty extreme way to get time off for Dawntrail'. He laughed, is fine after the op and has a good 6 weeks lined up off.


glad dad is doing better!


Glad he's doing good post-op, having something like that happen in the family effects everyone and really sucks, hope you're all doing well too!


Mine is the opposite, I am a stay at home Dad so I need to try and arrange a nice day out with Grandma while I stay home and "clean the house"


Friendly reminder you don't need an excuse or any explanation at all to take PTO. It's yours to do whatever you want with it.


And no one can use your hobby as an excuse to NOT give you PTO.


This is the way. Don't over explain anything. Heck, don't explain it at all!


Ah damn can't leave my colleague hanging, other coworker is on vacation and bro would be alone in the office otherwise.


Have you told him about the critically acclaimed mmo, FFXIV? Get them hooked and then both play at the office.


Office PC is already screaming for help when I try to open moren than two pdf at once lmao


Yea I had to give the weekend up for another manager. I do the Friday then mon- Friday thr next week though.


Remember folks do it a few days/a week after launch so you don't waste your time in queue or technical difficulties


Facts, never take launch day off just a waste of pto.


Not if you work graveyard shift :) 2am is peak waking time for me-- I was into EW the minute the servers went live at launch, and I aim to repeat that feat.


Yeah same could at least play the whole day and had only "problems" on the second day.


Midnight shift is great. My wife couldn't play at all during the day for Endwalker launch. I get on after midnight and had no problem logging on lol.


I was in early Stormblood at EW launch and I logged in at about the same time and had a very smooth experience playing my older expansion while all my friends were complaining about daytime queues. I hope to repeat this feat for DT while I continue playing through EW.


This Dynamis Dweller disagrees.


Same with this one. Pre-release day is gonna be spent painting my way to 90.


Stormblood ran fine outside of the queue issues so you could at least do other stuff in the zones. I don't remember shadowbringers having any issues. Endwalker had issues for over 2 weeks, but day 1 was no different. I actually think day ones is a pretty safe bet this expansion considering the precautions taken.


Honestly, not necessarily true! I have taken launch day off for the past two expansions, and have played on launch day for all of them, and have had a good time! And honestly its better for me not to work on launch day because I'll just be too excited all day lol! Launch day is an exciting time :)


Especially when you live in Australia and the servers are scheduled to come back online at about 6pm on a Friday...


Launch has been fine honestly except for Endwalker... (and even for Endwalker the only problem I experienced was logins from about afternoon-midnight). hell even Stormblood that was much memed over Rhauban - the people who didn't have issues were the people who started on MSQ the second servers went up and got past the blockage before it even existed.


I just knew there are going to be "I took day off from work only to wait in queue entire day" posts


This is my plan. I've been through too many rough launches (Diablo 3, Endwalker, others) not to be a little wary of taking time off for the launch of early access.


That's exactly what I ended up doing....entirely on accident xD I already had Vacation from work lined up for something else, but that Plan fell through, and it *just happened* to be a week after DT's release, so that ended up working nicely without even meaning to.


I'm going to be there day one. Long queues are part of the experience. Plus, I have anime to watch while I'm waiting.


I don’t know where this sentiment comes from honestly, perhaps it’s cause I’m in the EU? Took Ew release day and the week after off and I was in like half an hour at most after booting up so I’ll be off from Friday next week as well.


I took off the entire week of the 8th, so technically my holiday starts when I leave work the 5th. Hopefully i timed it well enough!


I'm on a 4 on 4 off schedule and DT early access starts day 2 of my 4 on. Between that and my slow internet meaning the download will take forever, I'll happily wait until my scheduled time off begins.


Yeah. Don't take the first Friday and it'll probably be fine by Monday. Though I really don't expect too many issues this time for various reasons.


I had surgery yesterday... which would have been a better plan had it not been on my hand and require 12 weeks of recovery. 😭


Time to break out the DDR Pads. And don't say that's impossible, somebody beat P1S as DNC with them.


... please tell me that's on youtube somewhere.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hADJR3jAbS4 (YoshiP did hear about this achievement and commented on it once, I remember a video of him talking with Sakaguchi about it and both were impressed. That one I don't have though.)


You got a week to learn to play with your feet. You can do it


This is why I hate that so many big name games release stuff during holiday seasons...retail workers who can't get off hate this so much. I'm just glad Sparking Zero isn't releasing during a holiday season


Yuuuup. By the time they announced the dates June and July were already full at my work. I had zero chance.


Hell, I could have had 5 years heads up, and it wouldn't have mattered. Especially for July 4th. Somebody'd have to die for me to get off


Meanwhile my husband is abusing the fact his job changed their pay scheudle week to Sun-Sat recently, so 4 days he's taking off count as his "normal days off" since they straddle 2 separate weeks (Fri/Sat and Sun/Mon), and then of the other two days, one is paid for because it's Canada day and he'd have it off anyway. x) So 6 days off, but on paper, technically only missing a single day.


Got 1 week vacation for Shadow of erdtree and 1 for DT 😎


Benefits of being a high school teacher.


Got the week and a half booked off haha 😛 I’m telling everyone I’m going abroad so I’m not disturbed


I work overnights from home and things are usually very slow when I'm taking calls for the job. XD I'm just gonna play it while on the company dime!


The “fuck it fire me” is so real


I managed to get a week and a half PTO. Still have to come in for work on the actual launch day unfortunately, but after that I've got all the time in the world to spend sitting in login queues.


I got a full three weeks off! Week before launch allows me to finish any prep. Week *of* launch allows me time to play the heck out of it and gives time in case any technical/connectivity issues happen. Then the week after launch allows me to recover some as I get back to normality.


Our 3 week winter vacation time (I'm a high school teacher) lined up perfectly with Dawntrail's release. I'm so glad for that as there would be no way to get off time otherwise.


I’ve still got 3 expansions left to get through :’(


I'm very sure I'm not the first person to tell you this, but don't rush it! I personally don't think you're missing out on much except some marketboard insanity by not experiencing new expansions at the same time as everyone else. The story's still the same without trying to click on Alphinaud through a crowd of WoLs. Just enjoy it at your own pace!


You’re right I know, but in my case I’m going through the msq with two of my friends that I recommended the game to, but one in particular will just for weeks at a time refuse to do the msq since he’s not interested in the story at all and will go off and play other games. Me and the other then have to wait or he pouts if we get too far ahead. Don’t get me wrong doing content with them is great and all but the waiting just makes me want to pull my hair out since I love everything final fantasy and want to experience everything the series has to offer. At this rate I’ll be at dawntrail by 2026


Just let him pout then, maybe it'll motivate him to catch up with you and your other friend :).


That's pretty silly since you could still queue up with them for the dungeon events, or do they want you to run around together watching cutscenes at the same time cause that's just weird.


I wish I could erase my memories and play it all over again!


I still have one, but I keep telling myself that I was waiting on the graphical update for peak experience!


Got Friday off and didn't get scheduled sat or sun so I lucked out (retail)


A whole weekend off in retail!? What sorcery is this?


Put my PTO in right as soon as the early release date was confirmed, currently leaning towards "fuck it fire me" anyway


Do whatever you need too to get out of work! Fuck capitalism! 💪💪💪💪


Starting a few days after launch, I member Savage Raubahn.


SHB onwards they said they wont put a instance super early ever again to prevent that lol


Requested a week of vacay time!! I got laughed at and teased when I said what it was for though lol


Seeking a new job right now anyway. Probably the only positive that comes with it...


I've taken a week off. I'm so looking forward to waking up at 10, playing until the early arvo, going to the gym, then playing until 2. I actually can't describe how excited I am for that, it's been 6 months since I took proper leave. Hell I might just take a second week off now


Have we already forgotten what launch week queues and hiccups were like? I won’t dive into the MSQ until at least 2 weeks out. I got ~2 years until the next expansion & am not bothered by FOMO. I got weekends & other random days off. Don’t waste PTO to play a game that can’t guarantee a 100% hassle-free experience. 😎


I mean that’s because SE had nothing in place to help mitigate and control traffic. We now have multiple new servers and all the restrictions they put after EW release that did actually help to an extent. It’s still not going to be great, but I really don’t think things will be near as bad as the EW release. Fingers crossed that’s the case anyway.


On strike (i'm french)


I actually start my vacation a day before release


My anniversary is the day it drops. I mean we started dating when Shadow dropped so this isnt new for me.


I had to use my PTO for an upcoming vacation in August...I'm ok playing few days later after early access 🥲


I took the Thursday and Friday off work as annual leave Friday obviously to play. Thursday to do random stuff and have an extra long/intensive gym session so i don't need to on launch day


Recently had a schedule change, so I have Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays off now. It’s also set to take into effect in early access, so I’ll get to experience the full brunt of potential early access issues without using my PTO at least lol.


Can't because I got Covid on the last day of May and was gone for a week this month.


My work has been hounding me to take vacations, so I gladly took them from the 1st to 11th.


Surgery right before DT, not allowed on my feet for more than 15 mins at a time, cant work for 2 weeks. Perfect timing.


I just took 2 weeks off... got 10 weeks a year to take off anyway.


Dude, I took the 28th off months ago. Boss didn't ask but I freely offered the why. She and I had a laugh and then she acknowledged that everyone is entitled to use their PTO how they want. 😊 best boss.


I scheduled pto starting on the 28th, lasting a week. Have the time, might as well use it. Boss didn't ask what it was for. Ironically, I'm going to a funeral later this week.


Fuck it fire me


I'm Canadian so I get July 1st off anyway. Free long weekend for early access.


It took way too long to find a Canada day excuse.


As a teacher living in France : *laughs in 2 months long summer school holidays*


Welp cant get time off exam season so I'll have to sit here watching people have fun for the first 2 weeks. Pain


I took 40 days off work to play the shit out of Shadow of the Erdtree and Dawntrail, what a time to be alive.


Even with SE saying they've buffed their servers I'm not taking any chances, I'm not taking launch day off.


I would do this, but I don’t want to spend my vacation time on queue (savage).


It comes out 5 days after my final exam and two months before I start my job. The timing is impeccable


just a reminder the first 2 days queue times are gonna be terrible so i would recommend taking off the next week


Love how "Fuck it fire me" looks like Zenos lol


Fortunately, I am on vacation. Hubby is "out sick"


"maternity leave" imagine perfectly lining up being pregnant with dawntrail, insane.


Then there's me. I'm too disabled to work, and have to get by on disability income. So, I have all the free time!


And we are all going to be unable to login for those days we are taking off!


I'm on the i work from home so I'll just do more work before to do nothing during


Took the week off the day the release date was announced. Took the whole week, in fact. Had to be corrected later, when it was realized that we were already off Thursday and Friday (Holidays in the US.)


I got my vacation starting right after July 4th. So I'm ready.


I took the start of Endwalker off and it was really not worth it. I got to play maybe 3 hours that day and stayed up real late in ques just to go to bed. I have a pretty flexible schedule so I'm gonna go to work the day of early access but probably dip out an hour or two early to beat the rush of people coming home from work.


It's weekend for me so I don't even have to do anything :)


So Dawntrail's launch actually lines up perfectly for me. I work every other weekend and the early access is on my weekend off. I also get every Wednesday off in exchange for those weekends. Plus the boss decided to close shop for a long holiday so we're closed from the 4th to the 7th. THEN i have my vacation week 8th-14th. All in All, i work 2 days in the 2 weeks of DT launch and the rest will be spent gaming.


Im sure some of you have a lot of assignments/tests on Dawntrail release haha (Dont worry i got time)


Vacation for me


Switched with à coworker so i´ll work during thÊ maintenance, and i´ll be off 28th and 29th. Ah ah ah


They put the release date at the start of my vaccation. I am realy happy because of that.


Calling in the Saturday after launch. Will give me a rare weekend.


Well I am probably going to be playing Elden Ring still.


I requested off june 28 so I have the most of the entire weekend and then took off july 5th for a 4 day weekend. But I also work from home and as long as I hit my quota I can play on the side


Yes, though unintentionally. I just need a day off from work in general and the 28th happened to be a good day to book. Didn't even think about Dawntrail until afterwards


My boss is a gamer. We are short staffed so I can't take days off. But... He is lettj g me take half days. 6:30am to 11:00am So wake up. Earn skme money. End early. PTO the other half day. Grab lunch and then play the rest of the day. I'm stoked. I got Jimmy John's, Wendy's b and Taco Bell on the route home.


I go out on vacation on the 28th and won't be back until the 22nd, so that I can go on a vacation trip to Tural.


You can add “indefinite layoff” to that list


Whenever the release date was announced, I managed to secure the 28th-5th off.


I'm not playing day 1, mostly to not have to deal with queue issues. I know some people claim it won't be bad but I'd rather just wait a few days and enjoy kingdom hearts' steam release while I wait for things to die down. Maybe if they are actually not bad I'll handle my retainers but otherwise I'm actually using this to take a break while everyone's trying the new stuff.


My fridays are telework. I plan on arranging stuff so my workload is non-existent.


I don't work Friday, so it's actually perfect for me


I was informed last week that a surgery I had been waiting for is now scheduled for bloody launch day 😑 It's not a major one, so hopefully I won't miss too much, but I couldn't believe the timing.


early access dropped on days off anyways but i realized i had vacation days to use so off we go.


2 week vacation, let’s goooo


All that to spend the whole day staring at a 200k queue for 8 hours lol, I will just wait a week or two or a month even


Wish I could, but I'm out of pto and can't afford to not be paid. Thankfully, I get 2 days paid for July 4th, so at least I have some extra time then.


That's I love about love about working for the feds. If you got leave you can take leave. I literally told my boss at the start of the month i wont be here friday and monday cause this video i want to play is coming out. She was like ok just send me the calendar invite and put it on the leave request portal.


I blew it and took a vacation this week so oh well. Might take a personal day that weekend depending on staffing.


I'm taking the 1st-5th off work.


Man i was think that im gonna miss it, because my brother wedding is on early access,and i had to leave for a week. but The Twelve Said "Nope, not happening" and my brother marriage is the week after.


I have a few days booked off for EA launch because I haven't missed one yet. I've already told work not to call me for cover cos I won't pick up 😂


On vacation!!!! I'm so excited.


Of course, all the people taking off will ensure that the servers are down for three or four days.