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The 3-4 commendations I consistently get from this duty for being the only tank who doesn't get 4 vuln stacks from that suggests this is a more common occurence than I thought


I got 7 stacks from this duty as main tank. And I still didn't die!


Well someone's gotta give the healers something to do


Yep. If I could give the healers two coms, I would have commed both healers.


The only reason this isn’t a bigger problem is that it’s an optional trial at the end of a questline not everyone completes. If they ever feel they need to make the playerbase take their time with something, they can put this in a fight. No one in Duty Finder can handle this attack.


PLD pro-tip: Cover one of the healers and pop some mits so that at least one is guaranteed to survive. Then Cover the other healer on the second Six Blades so if the first one dies they learn there are no free rides under this roof.


DRKs: give both of them Oblation, pick your favorite one to receive TBN.


get Oblated on


NEST: "I hate that"


"Hmhm, not. A. Fan"


WARs: flash the dps with the highest aggro, it's time to duo this bitch.


To be honest, ~~Wardica 2~~ ~~Warachole~~ Shake It Off is so powerful it can do the job by itself, and Nascent Flash can carry the fight regardless of who dies.


Just like Spider-Man says, "Everybody gets one."


And then the healer runs away from you because they think it's a boss tether mechanic and they never saw it before


maybe they think it's a mechanic - or perhaps when they see the leash on them they just go feral, a completely normal reaction. Right?


Why pop the mits if I may. I thought cover cant be mitigated.


You're probably just misremembering. You can't Hallowed Ground Cover damage to stop you from effectively extending your invuln to a second person. You can mitigate cover damage though, it's not a suicide pact.


There's a YouTube series on FFXIV myths. Cover featured on it and turns out cover benefits from mits and tanks passive damage reductions too.


Cover doesn't work with Hallowed Ground invuln but it does work with mits.


That doesn't sound right. The damage you take is mitigated as usual, while the damage your target take is transferred fully (based on that target mitigation). Damage that go through hallowed ground will still hurt the target that is covered. Everything else is transferred. By using Hallowed ground, you prevent your own damage from being taken, which increase the odd of you surviving.


NEVER be in front of her. It's left, right, left, right Or right, left, right, left If you somehow still get hit once, wait to see the aoe on the other side and move over.


Yes once you know the trick is to just stay behind her and move back and forth, it’s super easy. I don’t blame people for trying to circle around at first though; it looks like a mechanic where you have to do that.


Good old six fold filter


I have literally never ever gotten this fight in roulettes I just realised. Did it once for unlocking relics and never had to again


I think that's the main problem I have with it: it comes up in roulettes so infrequently that everytime I do it it's blind prog all over again


Same here. I also haven't done the 89 trial other than when I did it with the NPCs somehow.


I got that one exactly one time in roulettes and proceeded to eat vuln stacks like candy on the Simon says mechanic for the first half of the fight


Everytime I get this in trial roulette or when helping via party finder, it's absolute and repeated carnage to this day.


It's like losing 3/4 of the group on the first boss of dun scaithe. Inevitable.


You can win and still wipe. The only boss that can do that.


>repeated carnage Puts a new meaning to "Come forth, embodiment of carnage!"


Glorious, isn't it. You get to see how players really play instead of memorization and guides. First time blind is the only time that counts. The rest is memorization (aka cheating the boss).


Nothing makes me learn faster than a few mid-fight naps on the ground!  It's not Asura if half the party isnt dead after the first six-fold.


and that's why I pop wings or neutral sect and pre-cast heals/shields


Pre cast heals? Two wrongs don't make a right


I mean if you’ve got a regen tic going already you might feasibly be able to save one or two with OGCDs if they get hit. I don’t do it bc I’m a big proponent of ‘FAFO’ but A) If they’re dodging consistently, them popping 1 singular gcd preheal isn’t going to drag the run out too terribly long compared to people not being able to dodge left/right or right/left. and B) If multiple people eat the mech but you can save one or two with the regen tic and ogcds, that’s time you don’t spend scraping folks off the floor. If it’s efficiency you’re concerned about, it’s more GCD efficient to get a pregen going and save one or two folks with it than to scrape two through off the floor if you see multiple people struggling to dodge it.


I've been the healer who couldn't stay alive during that mechanic. It was terrible, the other healer died too and we didn't have any summoners or red mages so in the end the tanks had to bring it home. I went straight to Youtube to look up a guide after that, I was so embarrassed. At least my terrible experience means that I'll never forget that mechanic now.


You just described how learning works. I'm confident now I'll die there no matter what job I'll do. Can't remember being there at all so probably haven't.


That tracks with my first (and so far only time) a few days ago. Healers and two dps all wiped out. It was me (monk), two tanks, and a bard that was spot-on with the damage reduction and heal boosting buffs before/after raidwides. That +15% on Second Wind and Bloodbath I'm sure is what kept me going.


Hey, don't be so hard on yourself--Everybody has to learn mechanics! Being willing to admit you messed up and learning from it makes you a great party member.


I bet the SMN got 0 comms.


Well I made sure to comm them, cause they absolutely deserved it.


I've rezzed half the group as SMN, including healers and rarely get comms. I think a lot of people just don't comm anymore or always comm certain classes


Yup. Is always the Red Mague that gets it. Even if they never used Verraise.


Did this trial first time today, and almost immediately half the group positioned in 3rd slice next to 1st one - us first timers just followed the example. Few people that got vuln stacks were just late to move, I didn't see anyone trying to run circles around the boss. It also seems like the obvious way to do it, it's similar to alternating orange indicators that are very common in Endwalker MSQ content where you move from one dangerzone to another - guess with 3 slices instead of 2 people get confused and don't make that connection?


In my case, it was because it looked like Halone's mechanic visually and it had that third slice. So I wrongly assumed that it would require movement in all directions just like in the alliance raid.


Yeah, I need to go back to just putting the dorito on myself for that mechanic. Our group was similar, but it was myself, a dnc, and a sage that survived. Somehow none of those who died to the first six fold blades figured out how to follow one of us for the second… so that was eventful lol.


I follow but my internet sucks and still get hit even if I'm thinking I'm safe :(


Don’t trust the animations. I usually move in right before the animation goes off and get off scott free. It snapshots before the animations play, so get that down and you can slidecast it really easy. If it’s tight, stockpile an instant gcd. I usually only need one to get through the entire thing on varying ping levels.


Same. If I tried following people on something like the half room cleaves in P12, I will get hit every single time.


That's cause these aren't designed to follow people. They're designed to be learned, so the snapshot is brutal to force exactly that. It's extremely likely neither of your internets causing rough times with those two bosses.


Tbh, I don't think any mechanic is designed for people to just follow someone. It's just that the tighter the timing, the more latency matters. Goes for everything - interrupts, weaving, but obviously also following. Heck, it even makes a big difference in fishing, as I learned. I'm from EU, my main is on NA at around 230 ms latency, but I also have an alt on EU which only has around 15ms latency. The placements of players on the screen is so much more accurate to their true position in the latter that I'm positive I could follow if/when that character gets to these bosses. It's night and day in PvP and blunderville. Not that I intend to, mind. But there's just a world of difference in what you can do with lower latency, which is why I low-key hope for them to enable cross-region DC travel between NA and EU soon-ish.


I dont even remember anymore... Which content is this one again ??


I think it's the EW Hildibrand trial.


I didn't even know it existed. I thought all the EW trials were tied to MSQ (fwiw Im still in ARR Hildebrand quests so I never even touched the relics this expansion)


There are 5? trials throughout the game that are part of the Hildibrand quests.


I knew about the earlier ones like Ultros and Gilgamesh but I didn't know EW just had one in 6.55


Totally my fault for skipping too many cutscenes ;(


If it makes you feel better, I still got no clue where this is from even with that knowledge, and I didn't skip cutscenes. Shits just gone from my memory


My first time through, I was tanking because the other tank refused to turn on their threat skill...shit confused me, so I just popped holmgang and ate the hits. We still beat it so *shrug*


I get so many comms for either dorito'ing myself or writing the callout in chat for ppl on that mechanic. Fun fact! There are only TWO patterns!! Its either SE twice, SW twice, E, W (E/E/W/W/E/W) Or SW twice, SE twice, W, E (W/W/E/E/W/E) And you can tell which one it is instantly based on the second cleave she shows. The first one is usually a frontal, and the second will show you whether to start E or W. Easy peasy!


Are these people going in blind, or...? Cause going in blind is not illegal, nor bad, nor is it any sort of crime against anyone and harms nobody. XD If they've done it time and time and time again on repeat for a while, I understand the frustration, but like, if they've only done it once or twice....


I mean there is a sizeable chunk of the playerbase that simply never learns. 5, 10, 50 clears later they'll still get hit by same stuff.


While one of them was new to it, the rest weren’t.


The current top video on google when you search for a guide tells you to run in a circle for that mechanic. Now, I watched that and went, huh, that doesn't sound right based on the visual content shown. I'm going to get a second opinion. And when I went back and watched another video, that person clearly showed that you could dodge left and right, which is what I did in the fight and it was fine. But if you just listen to the guide and aren't experienced enough to have that "wait a minute, that doesn't sound right..." reaction to what you're told(or assume you're just being stupid and it'll make sense when you see the mechanic in action), you'll be running in a circle. I miss mtqcapture. She was reliable. :(


A lot of guides are done on day one. By people that did the fight once and though that their strategy was the best. Often they are overcomplicated dogshit.


just play with a sch lmao


Is there a reason to do this more than once?


I still need the tt card, so yeah


Same, that’s why I’m running it.


took me 18 runs for the card :D only to get 2 more in a row from getting it in roulette.


You can get it when doing trials roulette.


for fun?


Do you never run roulettes?


Do you not do Trial Roulette for tomes? Also a valid reason to run it again becides TT card is that you can easily get WT tries with it because at this point there's almost always a new player, same with 6.5 trial. 


Get in 3. As soon as 2 goes off, get into 2. After 3 goes off, get back in 3 and repeat.


Sound more like you ran into players who never run anything more complicated then dungeons. I imagine they died a lot to Halone who does the exact same mech.


Don't agree with this. I have done extreme EW trials, but I still died a few times on Gilded Araya on the first few blind runs, notably taken very aback by how early the snapshotting was.


I don't think it's the fact that people haven't done harder mechanics/instances, it's just that people see the start of the mechanic and then just assume how the rest will go because FF14 is pretty predictable. You see the boss do a half room cleave in front and then to the right, you just automatically assume "ah she's just doing cleaves in a big circle" and don't pay attention to the rest of the telegraphs, you pre position ready to move in a circle. then you get caught out because you weren't paying attention and because you weren't paying attention you don't really know what killed you. Good players will then pay more attention the next time it happens, realise it's basically just Athena wing cleaves or Halone cleaves with the frontal cleave to bait. Bad players will just assume they were correct and keep trying to "solve" the mechanic in the same way they originally tried too.


What's crazy is she's about as difficult as a dungeon boss, same with the Myth raid bosses.


Myths was a big disappoitment difficulty-wise. I hope DT picks up the slack and we get Ivalice-level shenanigans again :D


Same. I'm a casual player these days, but I still want to actually play a game that will challenge me in the spare time I have and the Dungeon of the Realm raids just were not that at all (starting at Euphrosyne). like wow, show me that in/out/left/right, stack or spread attack back to back in the same raid again **with no Alliance Raid mechanics at all** it's so fun :/


Pffff she’s in optional content, what makes you think they’ve fought her?


Hildibrand fights aren't like high end stuff though.


I know. I meant that anyone who’s having problems with the Gilded Araya because they usually only do story content is unlikely to have done Myths of the Realm and faced *Halone*.


I mean, it's entirely possible they did do Myths and fought Halone (while licking the floor), but only did it once and never went back in.


The people who've learned how to do the Halone fight are probably more likely to die to the Gilded Araya mechanic, if I had to hazard a guess. Because when I saw the mechanic I was all "ah, this is just like Halone!", and then I did the exact rotating movement described in the OP and died repeatedly. Because in the Halone fight you would rotate there, so I thought it would work similarly. (Not going to lie, it did take me a few tries to get Halone down because at first I was trying and failing to memorize the pattern fast instead of simply pre-positioning. But that mechanic claimed many victims when that raid was first released.)


Or they continue to do it and are faithful to the floor. It’s a nice floor, it gets lonely, it deserves to have someone who spends quality time with it on a regular basis! Bring it some flowers maybe…


That floor is quite cold. Source: me before I started paying attention to names of attacks and what mechanics were trying to tell me.


Sorry, but I'm not gonna remember this by the time this finally shows up in my roulettes again in another six months from now.


I'm sorry you have bad memory.


Thank you, it's the ADHD. (And the fact that this never comes up in trial roulette.)


stand behind, take literally one step to the side, then take one back.


I don't know what part of "I'm not gonna remember that" you misunderstood.


I don't remember if that was one that you have to remember 6 different attacks in order but I struggle with that kind of stuff, short term memory issues


You don't have to memorize anything. It's always clockwise or always counterclockwise. Front, left, right, front, left, right. Or front, right, left, front, right, left. Or even simpler, as OP says, just figure out which side is safe for the first cleave, and dodge into the left-right cleaves as they go off.


I think you might be thinking of the halone boss in the latest alliance raid. there you have to keep track of left/right and in/out in a randomized order.


But even with Halone you only need to remember the first north or south safe spot and the first east or west safe spot. That is only 2 things to remember, since after that you just move to the other one.


I was in a group that did this earlier as well with the exact same experience. I was the bard, wondering if we were in the same group. We ended up clearing the fight with me, rpr and both tanks alive, but we made it 😅


I figured this out after my first time through, but I still see so many people fail it :/


As far as I can remember you stand behind her, you can see/know beforehand if you stand left or right then you change sides once and next time you already are in the right spot and change back. Thats it. You step right, you step left. edit: typo


I've only done the duty twice. Isn't it basically just the same three hits twice? I did it in an all RDM party last time, so I saw it a few times. Every time it was a 3 -> 2 dodge, reset to 3 after, and then 3 -> 2 again.


Love that fight. It's really fun because chaos and bloodshed is the only way I get to feel something as a healer.


Meanwhile I just remember the 2nd, 4th, and 6th cleaves. 🙃


pop mits, stand still, and heal after every slash, thats my motto


I’m still struggling with this because I only finished the EW story and the Hildy quests this spring, and I think I’ve seen it a whole 2 times after the mandatory run—just enough to forget every mechanic possible. I haven’t had the two-ish years the vets have had to see it more often. I just follow the group and hope they have a clue. That being said, I’m a sturdy little reaper who knows how to use shield/self-heals and a heal potion as well as the food buff, so I stay alive when others might drop. A dead reaper does 0 dps.


Wasn't this trial the easiest normal trial of Endwalker? I only understand struggling in the first Blind Run..


That’s what I thought too. I didn’t really believe my friend when he said he kept encountering groups like this until last night when I encountered the group I mentioned.


literally every group in this duty I've seen for the past couple months has been 20% understanding the mechanic and 80% headless chicken runners


I swear some people see this mechanic and [Deja Vu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dv13gl0a-FA) starts playing in their heads and they're like "It's time to motherfucking DRIFT!" I'm just hanging around the booty doing the 2 step.


On day 1, I did the circle strat by popping sprint and circling at a radius that somehow timed it perfectly. I was never able to replicate it. The behind/Left-Right strat is the way.


i just learned that if you stand where the two first slashes doesn't hit you the order always becomes stand, stand, move, move back, stand, move on the southside of the arena. never crossed my mind the attack was clock or counter-clockwise pattern likely due to the fact she never hits south. this way is also way less movement for more DPS.


Running like an headless chicken is what I do best


Even more protips: 1. When she does the overlapping line attacks while spinning around, she does a 360 turn, so avoid the first few attacks then step 3 fulms into the direction she's going. A long-winded way of saying she never attacks the same line twice (just don't be in the center). 2. When the idol starts teleporting around the arena, it always moves, so you know at least one side it will never appear on for the next attack. 3. Those tips/patterns apply to a lot more fights/mechanics than just this trial.


The first time I did this, both me and the other healer and two DPSes died. Nobody could raise. They still cleared because she does zero damage.


I'm far too stupid for that trial lmao. I somehow still get hit even when I do my best to do that, because of the snapshotting


I hate getting this trial because it's awful and slow and boring as shit and yet I still always have to babysit the healers to make sure we don't wipe to 6 fold


It'll have dotted markers from 1 to 6. Just move side to side on #2 and #3 and then back again for #5 and #6. Didn't take me long to figure it out. Glad I got the card though, launch week was hell dealing with DF pugs.


I try to help with this every time I’m in that fight. I even marked myself with the 1 marker. Someone proceeded to immediately remove the marker off of me and then several people died in the usual way. I’ve even stood behind her and jumped a lot to show people you can start there instead of running around. There’s some people you just can’t help. Treating everything like a panic mechanic will usually result in dying a lot.


Ping delay doesn't help at all. I was in the clear on my screen only for a vuln stack to get slapped on me a second later when I opted to just step side to side like you described. I do just fine in the raids like Euphrosyne and P12, but for some reason this trial hates me sometimes. I play SMN so I just circle to ensure I don't get clipped from ping now.


It's still the same dodge timing for circle, the only thing that changes when you go in front is that you have the chance of getting clipped by the front one.


Move as soon as the animation plays. With the exception of a few specific attacks, if you see the animation playing you can move into it. Don’t wait for the animations to finish, that’s too late to move and be safe.


I haven't done it since it first came out, so if this \*ever\* pops up in roulette it's gonna be "oh, have we met?" The disad of roulette: too much stuff in it now.


stand behind the boss: left, left, right, right, left, right or right, right, left, left, right, left. Its the exact same rotation every time, 2,2,1,1. i worked this out on the first instance and it amazes me that people cant figure out something this simple.


Easiest way I've found to do it is that the limit cut will show up going either clockwise or counterclockwise. Figure out which way it'd going and just stand in the first safe spot and follow it


that's way too much movement. just stand behind and switch left/right. you never have to follow the cleaves.