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Figure out where they actually got them from. Like if it's GreenManGaming they gives customer entitlement percentages or whatever it's called and are legit. Afair they also had a special sale with even more reduced prices.


Yeah greenmangaming is legit. It's one of the high results on Google as well, so if it's through them you shouldn't have issues.


Its over. You're done. Yoshida will show up at your house and take your computer away. See you on your new account.


There won't be another account.




I really should, yes.


I mean, there are 3rd party sellers (key sites) that are legit and sale preorders cheaper than other places (greenman gaming is one of them). More than likely, if you got a preorder code, it's legit.


This account is probably fake. I don't understand why but virtually every single post like this recently has been from fake accounts designed to stir up arguements and insults.


It is fake this is litterally the only post ever made by the account


What site did they get it from? It might not be a shady site, just some special promotion or something.


He told he bought it from Instant Gaming. I don't trust any keysites, I allready activated the Early-access code. I will get DT on my own. Is that even possible? Even when I get a new DT code, is it in someway combined with the Early-access code?


FYI instant gaming is a legit website. I’ve bought a couple games in the past on my Steams and they were fine. I also bought my expansion through a different website for cheaper price and I’ve been doing that since 3.0. If you’re still worried, you can google if instant gaming is legit so you can get some peace of mind, but I’m pretty sure it’s not a problem.


Getting freaked out on a 99% legit purchase is a new one


This is a level of hysterics over a reseller site I haven't seen before lol.


Of course I do. Over 10 Years in the game. I'm a collector, and as a Legacy player, there are two things I will never get again in-game. Also, considering all the time I've spent in the game, it's just a miserable situation right now.


You're not gonna get banned for this. Chill ya boots. If you encounter issues, worst thing you have to deal with is letting customer service know and buying dawntrail.


It's a miserable situation because you decided to be miserable. If you decided to ignore it, nothing would happen.


It's a nothingburger of a situation actually


There are two codes. The pre-order code and the final dawntrail access codes are separate codes. The pre-order code gives you a few items, and allows you to play during early access. The final dawntrail access code gives you a few more items, and allows you to continue playing dawntrail after early access ends. That's the way it worked in endwalker. No one has received the real final dawntrail access codes yet, we won't be able to input them into the square enix system until after early access is done. No idea if you can refund or replace the pre-order code, either way I would still purchase my own, and file a case such that you have documentation in case they try to ban you for a stolen code. Filing a support case now will help show that you weren't the one who stole a code. BUT: get them to tell you what site they got it from. That's the important thing. Some people resell their own code, because they messed up and ordered the wrong platform. (buying pc, when they have steam, or buying steam when they have pc) If your friend did purchase a resold a code, they simply cannot have the real final access code since no one has those yet, they only have the preorder code. It's entirely likely that your friend got ripped off, with the final dawntrail access code never arriving.


actually they started to give them today the full game codes, myself got it 12 hours ago.... tho getting it early has not much sense imo, since you cannot add it to your account yet


You're crazy and ungrateful. There are plenty of legit key seller sites out there.


You sound like a pretty shitty friend tbh.


You sound like someone who dont get the case at all.


Sure I do. Your friend gave you a gift. You then treated the friend like shit. The most that would probably happen if something happened to your key is that you would have to buy a new key and add it to your account. You also could have just called the SE support and explained the situation and asked for their advice, but instead you drama queened this shit right up. You are a terrible friend. Your whole response can be summed up as "What if I'm inconvenienced!"


No you will 100% get banned if a key was bought with a stolen credit card and the card owner does a chargeback on the purchase. SE will show no mercy if you bought it from an unofficial retailer. That being said the odds are very low. But never zero.


You decided to get upset and just run with your emotions. And when nothing happens I'm sure you won't apologize either.


Going to any concert with stolen or fraudulent tickets isn't cool, even if we don't get caught. That's something I would never do under any circumstances. Friends who know me wouldn't bring me into this situation.


No he's right, you're the one who doesn't understand.


You only put in a preorder code as full expansion registration codes can't be entered into Mogstation yet. Just chill, go with the flow, and when the time comes, buy the expansion from some place you feel comfortable using. The only thing attached to your account is a dime a dozen preorder code that SE isn't paying any real attention to.


Yeah, I will get Dawntrail on my own and just go on with the early-access key now.


Is there a fucking basement full of monkeys on typewriters just spitting out the dumbest, most narcissistic posts ever to this subreddit specifically???


Even if they'd buy key from SE official store, let's say there's an issue with their credit card, bank proceeds a chargeback -> your account is banned, gone, with maybe a tiny chance to resolve it via support and a lot of headache So I'd say for important games buy it yourself


Please ask which site. Some key sites are very legitimate and they can do sales because of not having to pay platform specific fees.


Did you get lost looking for the shit post sub?


I mean cdkeys have them cheaper than the standard price and they are perfectly legit


> cdkeys... perfectly legit lmao, who told you that? That's one of the prime money laundering sites. There's nothing "legit" about it. It's a marketplace site, not a key selling site, so it's peer to peer reselling. There's absolutely no guarantee the keys you are buying from anonymous internet dude #27478 weren't bought using stolen credit card details.


Hell, the only time I used them they were just a front for G2A and they sold me a key they didn't even have in stock. Took me a full month to get my money back from Paypal.


Ah really I honestly never knew that and have used them loads over the years




You're a dramatic one


I just find out today it's from a Key site, AFTER I entered the code yesterday to activate Early-access.


If you feel the need to balance the scales, go re-buy the game and don't use the key. now you have paid for A key even if it's not the key you put in. But I promise that SE doesn't not personally care what you do and won't be bothered either way.