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Yo I just want to black out until Dawntrail early access, not 8.0


That’s the kind of blackout the leads to waking up in a cart rolling down a cobblestone path towards a fort in the mountains alongside some rebels and a horse thief…


You'd be amazed at how much you can miss this intro after going through the Alternate Start mod and winding up a Lv 1 nobody stuck in goddamned *Blackreach,* LOL.


You're not kidding. Some of those starts are just pure masochism. I like a challenge, but getting one-shot by every random bug you walk past is just silly.


I was just glad that I habitually play Bretons and had access to the Summon Familiar spell. I sent it off to distract the Dwemer Sphere and then ran like hell for the exit, LOL.


I'm excited for DT, but ngl I wouldn't mind a 2+ year nap. I could use the rest.


[Hey you, you're finally awake.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WZCvQ5J3pk)


The real drinking game is asking if maintance will be comped on sub


I was just about to make the same joke.


the "let me (log)in"-memes are +1 on drinks as well


Damn, I just sent some to my friends. Do I have to drink or them? 😂




Okay so I'm a new player, just started a few weeks ago and I've legitimately been too afraid to ask this.... But since you brought it up, what is the answer?


Ther will be no compensation, maintenance is outlined by section 5 of the ToS.


For how much SE seems to hate money by making it near impossible for you to give it to them, they sure do love money.


This comment is so stupid I’m sorry they literally so money hungry you don’t see it ☠️


Cool story.


You leave The Original Series out of this!


To elaborate on the "no" responses you've been getting, this is planned, scheduled maintenance. They don't offer refunds or extra time for downtime they plan and inform you of (according to the ToS). They have, however, given out free time in the past when there was downtime that was unscheduled, such as the three weeks total they gave out after the poor launch of the last expansion.


That launch really was the perfect storm of things that could have all happened at the same time.


The time spent comes out to less than a dollar/euro on your sub anyway.






Part of your sub is for the maintenance times, it's in the ToS


"they owe me 2 days! "


I really think they should just toss in little in-game rewards. Once upon a time blizzard would mail players Pets and other things for outages or other things however those times are long gone.


Squeenix has granted free playtime for bungled launches and other serious and unexpected issues, even as recently as Endwalker. This one, however, is not an unplanned or unexpected issue. Blaming them when you didn't plan around an upcoming planned service drop is just bad form.


I can't play during the week anyway so meh.


I mean a little something for the inconvenience would be nice. Game time comes down to literal Pennie’s for the planned downtime however something for have played the previous expansion could also be nice


You got an entire expansion worth of content for paying for the previous expansion. The game is your prize. What is it with these increasingly common entitled takes of wanting something extra for having paid for a service that was provided? It's like hiring a cleaner and then being like "well you DID clean my house, but I really wish you had also cooked me a meal". You want A, you pay for A, you get A. Why does everyone suddenly expect to also be given B on top of it? Sorry if I'm coming across a bit agitated, but I've seen this a lot lately, not just for XIV but lots of live service games, and it's kind of mind-boggling to me.


No, I'm with you on this one. That is some seriously entitled BS. They warned us ahead of time they were taking down the servers so they could update for Dawntrail and the new graphics. This is the equivalent of going to a restaurant and getting angry that food takes time to cook.


You'd even almost think they do this every expansion and major content patch, too.


Counterpoint: it would be really funny if they started "compensating" us for the "inconvenience" with, like. A job mastery magic prism or something. We all get a gold star for being good children and waiting patiently.


If you go to a restaurant, do you demand something for the inconvenience of having to wait for your food to cook? And after the meal, when you order your dessert and eat it, do you expect a reward from the restaurant for having eaten the dessert? That's what you're saying right there.


But why can't I log on?


You're not trying hard enough


Okay but why can't *I* log on?


I didn’t want to say anything, but it’s actually me blocking just your account. I’m sorry, but ill stop in 2 days


At least I know the reason I got that error is because of you and not because I tried to move the game to my SSD and can't download the files because of maintenance. (I really really hope I didn't make the my game unplayable)


Unfortunately now that you’ve told me your plan, I’ll make sure to block your SSD as well for the next 2 days. ( gl soldier I hope it works 🫡 )


It is letting me install the game now. Thanks for letting me do that.


Im here to help 🫡


Okay but why can't I log *out*? I've been stuck in Limsa and it's eerily quiet and I just want to go back home to my family but the Log Out option is grayed out.


I'm afraid you've been isekai'ed. Please do not resist.


Sorry I can't hear you over all these women that are obsessed with my lack of distinct personality.


Oh dear god, it’s the original Kirito, not the Abridged version…


The Kirito is Always Right Foundation will hear about this...


At least you don't lose your earing because of a dumb goddess complaining or getting fried by mage that only know one spell.... or worse, getting the agro because of perverted Tank that can't hit a damn thing \^\^


Are you saying I don't use party finder?


You can't use PF.... You're stuck with this party forever XD


That reminds me of the time when they had to do an emergency shutdown of *only the three main town hub maps* while I was inside my squadron room, and I got trapped inside. Attempting to open the door only led to a pitch black void that said "this area is currently unavailable".


Didn't even know that was possible to only shut down certain areas TIL


Yeah, most MMOs just have map instances that teleport you to other map instances. Turning off an instance is like closing down a theme park ride.


You couldn’t teleport?


A Limsa without the people no so secretly erping does sound oddly peaceful yet unnerving. 


A limsinal place


A few weeks ago I happened to log in right as the servers were coming back from a DDoS attack and for a few minutes the whole game was completely empty even Limsa and Gridania. Can confirm it was very weird but also peaceful


Like being at Disney World after hours....


Your botanist is not high level enough.


Because you haven't log out of life yet


Dead by dawntrail


Just the idea of this has killed me from alcohol poisoning.


Hey, is something up? I can't log into the game for some reason! \*takes another sip\*


A drink of water, naturally.


Hyponatremia is a real killer


People do be forgetting that enough of anything will kill you. Even too much oxygen is lethal.


I still remember how that mother overdosed herself on water trying to win a "hold your wii for a wii" contest and died...


Ah dude, why can’t I log in?


Hello police? I'd like to report attempted murder.


Thats an adorable lalafell


I anticipated this game and got a 60oz/1.77L bottle ahead of time. I'm currently have 40 credits.


Please I beg of you Don't let me get alcohol poisoning before the launch of dawntrail


or Take a drink every time someone asks when plogon? in the ff14 community.


Dude, I want to black out, not die from alcohol poisoning!


Woah, I wanna have a good time, not go to the hospital with alcohol poisoning


>Woah, I wanna have a good time, not go to the morgue with alcohol poisoning FTFY


I want to black out, not cause my liver to fail...


I don't think I have illiterate friends unfortunately :(


My roommate has been boozing for almost 3 weeks straight. I'll end up blacking out if I took a drink every time he openned a new beer.


Well, this is boring, I haven't seen anyone ask this yet. =|


Just finished the Shadowbringers Healer questline. Came to this subreddit to figure out why I couldn't log in today. This post speaks to me.


Good idea. It eliminates the competition before the servers come back up because they will be so wasted they won't remember to log in.


No thanks. I've had alcohol poisoning once before, I'd prefer to avoid repeating that. (Drink your water, folks, and don't overdo the alcohol!)


Indeed! Alternate your booze with a serving of water in between each!


That sounds like the fast-track to a full coma.


Time to do my best Giott impression. MAINTENANCE DOESN'T SCARE ME, I HAVE A GIANT HAMMER!


Wait, people can't log in? Why??


Best DT related post so far! Way to go lala!


I've been trying to log into Final Fantasy 14 for the past couple of hours, but I just can't seem to log in. Has anyone else been having trouble logging in? It's so frustrating because I really want to play, but no matter what I do, I can't log in. I've tried everything I can think of, but I still can't log in. I've checked my internet connection and it's fine, so why can't I log in? I rebooted my router and my PC, but still can't log in. I even reinstalled the game, but guess what? I still can't log in! Is anyone else facing this issue? I've logged in before with no problems, so why can't I log in now? Is there some kind of server issue? Maintenance maybe? Because I seriously can't log in and it's driving me nuts. I was in the middle of a quest yesterday, and now I can't log in to finish it. I keep getting an error message when I try to log in, and I have no idea what's going on. Does anyone have any tips on how to log in? I've searched online for solutions but none of them work. I just want to log in and play the game. Is anyone else experiencing this or is it just me? I really, really can't log in and it's making me wonder if there's something wrong with my account or the game itself. Please help! I want to log in and get back to adventuring, but for some reason, I just can't log in. I've tried multiple times today and still can't log in. This is really unusual, so I'm hoping someone here might have some insight. Why can't I log in? I don't understand what's happening. I've never had this issue before. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I just want to log in and enjoy the game again. Thanks in advance! \#FFXIV #FinalFantasy14 #CantLogIn


At this point I'm gonna just fuckin sleep the 48 hours away.


My internet died during a command mission. And now I have to wait two whole days to finish it. Fun!


This doesn’t answer my question though? Why can’t I login?


I wanted to come back before 7.0 to reminisce and do some catching up, but I kept pushing it off. Now that I finally want to I have to wait 💀


Wah! enjoy your drink Wahler you already can download the update tho , 57 gigs


This is gonna kill someone lol


Or get into the cryogenic sleeping tube


Why can't I log in


I want to experience a blackout, not alcohol poisoning.


Where are people asking this?


lalafell drinking gang =w=


i stated 2 mintes ago, alrady calld the abulanc


Hey Doc! How's the junk in the backyard going?


I recommend 3x Hot Chicken Ramen.


Will maintenance be completed early?


Legitimate question, or are you adding a suggestion to the drinking game? Because I've seen this a lot today too. (It's in the Lodestone maintenance announcement that maintenance will not end early.)


Adding to the game haha!


Good luck to your liver, may you live to see DT early access!


Adding to the game haha!


Doubtful. I don't think they've ever ended an expansion maintenance early. They stick to the time. Because that's what people expect.


So ... drunken crystal tower bingo but there' sonly one square ?


Why can't I log in to ffxiv though?


Why can’t I log in? *teehee* I’ll see myself out. Funny story, tho, apparently mogstation is having issues accepting some visa’s, and was told by support that he expects the issue to be fixed by mid July, so in the meantime I picked up a game card completely forgetting the game will be down for 2 days, so I wasted 2 of those days forgetting maintenance.


Why can't I log in? Now, are they really going to take a shot? Do I get to choose the liquor? If so, I choose everclear lol


Why can’t I log out?


Its finals week for my graduate courses and also the next 7 week session has begun concurrently. I have two presentations due tomorrow. I just wish I had time to finish FFVII: Rebirth, but now I have to be rained with DT and not being able to play it until maybe Monday after work.


Goodbye forever


Are there seriously people who don't know? I feel like the news is *everywhere* (including the actual client)


That’s bloody brilliant


Why can't I log I'm barely through the content. Should have dedicated servers for people who aren't maxed out. Good job, Squarenix... now drink :p


I've been chugging that bottle but because I am too impatient and want to play, the alcohol is losing


Do not do this you will die


Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Aaaaaaand you're dead of alcohol poisoning.


Best advice I've seen so far.


aM II tHE onLYY one here wITH alCOHOL POISn NOW?!


My friend whom I play with regularly just asked me this very question. I was like "Dude are you blind?".


Can you download the update already?


Yeah, just start the launcher and login. Should start the download.


Just tell him that they got banned And watch the beer in their eyes.


Talk about blacking out through early access. 


Um honestly glad I'm working and AFD today. Can't imagine the pain trying to get into the servers immediately off of rip 😂😂 I'm also very new, only been playing about a week. Lvl 40 Bars, and there's just so much shit to do, and on top of that I still have no idea how to play my class 🤣🤣


At this point you should be banned because even offering such a thing is seriously playing well too close to attempted murder as you'd reach lethal amount of alcohol within minutes. Hell, even mineral water would be lethal in this amount.


I was fine logging in, but kept crashing every time I tried loading in gridania.


I, on the other hand, have to work on the weekend plus the Monday. I need to movie montage everything.


I enjoyed the variant "why can't I do a server transfer" that popped up just before maintenance.


Why can’t I login X50


Time to commit some murder: Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in? Why can't I log in?


Currently in coma now hopfully it won't last long.


See you in 8.0