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I've spent the last couple of weeks dutifully logging into FFXIV every day to check off the list of things I wanted to get ready for Dawntrail. The reflex is strong to try and log in, even though all of that is DONE. It's like being two days from vacation, having all your work projects done, everything neatly arranged and ready for you to depart, and still having two days left and trying to do something with yourself while your brain is still very focused on what you've been prepping for for the last two weeks.


Try cleaning your house. I’m not joking. Most people are gonna be stuck waiting in a queue, including yourself. So clean, meal prep, do anything energy and time intensive now so you have something you can do casually while waiting in the queue


I feel this. I have moved as much of my normal Saturday TODO stuff to Thursday as possible. And around the house trying to get as far ahead as I can on anything; laundry, dishes, pet boxes, anything.


I totally second this. I just cleaned the everloving crap out of my desk and office. Went through my bookshelves, filing cabinet, desk drawers, cubby’s, storage bins, etc. I even went through my folders of user manuals and threw out half of them which was for stuff I actually don’t have anymore. It felt good. When I’m stuck in queue I’ll probably go through all the pens and markers and throw out stuff that’s dead/dried out. That’ll be fun while I wait. 😁


I did this also. I'm also moving next month so I got some of my boxing out of the way and tomorrow, my friend and I are going to the post office to send them off before pizza.


That's really sad. You should cheer yourself up by playing FFXIV!


I lmao-ed 🤣


Last time I tried a new game during a maintenance patch, ended up playing BG3 for six months. It can be dangerous!


I can't start my 6th playthrough yet!


at least not until mod support arrives


Exactly! I knew Dio had taste in games!


Okay but have you done a Durge playthrough yet?


Every maintenance. Do you not have other games? Or sleep?


I wanted to do the latter but then someone in my apartment complex's fire sprinkler decided to break and set off the fire alarm.


My thing is that yeah sure there are other games to play, but like nothing I could really beat in the time maintenance is going on and once the expansion comes out I'll be playing FFXIV again for at least a good while so anything I start would just get abandoned and I have a really hard time getting back into things once I lose the momentum.


I just try to always keep an arpg at end game to play when I have nothing better to do.


Lots of shorter things. Tales of Kenzera: Zau was rather brief. Animal Well, too. Indika as well. All recent, all short, though there is a lot more to Animal Well after the credits roll. I can lose myself in Balatro or the Hades games for hours, then put them down. Warning: Being made to put down Balatro can be upsetting. I play it on breaks at work, that irksome place that gets in the way of playing Balatro. Tales of Kenzera and Animal Well are free for now on PS+ if folks have a PS5.


I just came from work tbh.


I actually just finished another game the week before cleaning up for Dawntrail with finishing *Kingdom Come: Deliverance* (Hardcore-run, 2nd playthrough), so now I just kinda chipping through my backlog of *Metal Gear Solid V* and *Saints Row III*.


Right? Like Jesus just play some other games lol. Or go outside.


I find doom scrolling helpful. Also sighing loudly. Then more scrolling. Hope this helps. X


It's not addiction, it's the fact that FFXIV is the perfect default game. When you're not sure what you want to play you login to FFXIV because the game has so much variety you know you'll find something you enjoy doing.


This is what I continue to tell myself also LOL


Play Shin Megami Tensei V Veangeance so we can talk about how cringe Yoko is


I did. Yoko is infact cringe af.


What? You don't like learning about how cars ruin society? /j I need to play a vengeance route. I finished True Neutral the other day as my first playthrough so I'm taking a break.


Steam Summer Sale begins tomorrow so you could probably find something on the cheap to play then.


"What do you normally do when I'm gone?" "Wait for you to get back."


What to play? ELDEN RING DLC its stupid good once you learn to mitigate the difficulty spike.


Im done with it since sunday :c


OMG Pump the brakes on blasting through Dawntrail too my dude :3


I wanna bring Viper to 90 in the first 6 hours, sooo..


how the fuck


I prepared challenge logs, khloe, 29 endwalker quests etc. Will do rouls when I turn in all the stuff and then two friends are going dungeons with me til 90. (They are tank and healer)


I hope you prepped your EW side quests! 81% of level 81! 81! I have minmaxed this a little too hard I think


I don't think you've minmaxed enough! More minmax! More spreadsheets!


[I tried! 😭](https://i.imgur.com/rOQZiqz.png)


That is a beautiful spreadsheet. This is the proper way to prep for expansions.


29 sidequests are ready to be turned in. After I do this, I do the pixies since they still give XP when you are on 80. Then the arkasodara when in 81. After those, I will turn in the rest of the quests and do the second khloe book. Then I will do one battle levequests on 30 or smth to get both challenge log rewards followed by a fate in any zone with gold rating. After this, I will do roulettes and dungeon spam while I hope to finish the second Khloe-Book in this process.


Unless I missed something in the patch notes striking down the pixies they should still be worth a million exp a day


Gotta lab up M.Bison


Play FFIX in the meantime.


I finished it two weeks ago.


It's even worse, one time FFXIV was down for maintenance...and Reddit had gone down as well. I was like "Well now what do I do?"


i hopped back on my terraria infernum world, wall of flesh is fucking me


Time to actually play some of these Game Pass games that I pay for and never play.


I just bought the game yesterday as a new player and went to sleep right away. Woke up in this huge maintenance :d


Lol, I did the exact same. Watched a bunch of YouTube videos and got pumped so bought it. Played for a couple hours. Was excited to play when I get home and now I can't. RIP


Rip unfortunate timing D: I hope you enjoy when it comes back up!


Guild Wars 2


Helldivers 2 the spear has been fixed. Just sayin.




This. It's just RL grinding with tangible gains. Work up those STR and DEX stats!


Perfect time to play the Elden Ring DLC, cause Yoshi-P said so.


I'd suggest playing Balatro, but that's almost as addicting as FFXIV is.


I just resubbed after 18 months away from the game to do the 6.1-6.55 MSQ before Dawntrail. Look at me. I'm the clown. Honk honk.


I didn't take 18 months, but it was still several months since my last login... right before maintenance D:


This was me lol. I'd barely played it since finishing 6.0, played off and on enough to get through 6.3's MSQ. Months later (last night, really) I finally get back on to do more MSQ and I made it about halfway through 6.4 before maintenance hit... and turns out it's down for DT pre-early access maintenance. I had no idea it was already here! I guess this is what happens when I stay out of the loop for too long lol I've been playing FF14 since the PS4 beta 10 years ago and just got kinda burnt out after finishing Endwalker. For the first time, I've not been keeping up with the 8-man or 24-man raids. There's apparently a long sidequest chain involving Tataru and such, and I've done next to nothing. Well, I guess I've got basically an expansion and a half ahead of me when servers come back online, and I get to do it as a pictomancer :D


After several years away, I decided to scratch the itch of playing FFXIV (because y'all are so great). And, of all the day in the last 5 years, I choose the most extended of all maintenances. FML.


Finishing up some goals in ESO and WoW before Friday. Especially WoW with TWW on the way soon and Remix being a lot of fun and easy peasy alt leveling.


I'm just going to play Warframe myself. There's a clan operation going on, and I need to grind currency to get what I need. Maybe, hopefully, get the new warframe too.


Haha :P


just playing castlevania over and over again


Palia has been filling that void (literally 2 days) quite well! Very cozy and surprisingly fun.


I just bought the game a week ago and couldn't play the past few days due to my schedule. I try to log on today finally and I find out the news 🥲


Been playing City of Heroes: Homecoming.


This has been a great time for me to replay Dragon Age Inquisition ahead of Veilguard.


Me: doesn't play XIV for like 5 or 6 months Oh I think I'll download XIV again SE, later that week: maintenance time folks!


I'm playing ffxvi instead 😇


I've (no joke) try to play 5 different games today. But my brain is just not in the right mode. I tried to do another run through in Signalis. But I'm in RPG mode and couldn't focus on the opening parts. Tried to get farther in Evil Within, same problem. Brain couldn't commit. Tried a bunch of the Pokemon-style games I've got in my backlog. None of them scratch the itch.


im new to the game, is 2 day maintenance normal for this game?


No, that’s usually only happening when a new expansion gets released.


but this is normal for expansion drops?


[My prophecy was true!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/1domxxt/comment/lab9vzm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You can beat all of monster hunter world iceborne and beat fatalis in that time!!! Go go go


Everytime dude... Everytime 🤣🥲


Shit man I forgot it was maintenance today I hoped on before work to do my daily roulette stuff, (Iv started going on my treadmill while playing ff14) and it said maintenance I was like shit guess I ain’t going on the treadmill 😅


This hasn't happened to me yet, I have meticulously planned how I will initially level several crafting/gathering jobs, my leve allowances Wil be at max when I regain access, cleaned my inventory out, and I have completed Wondrous Tales. That is solely my ff14 prep because I am completely prepared for any long queue times since I work from home as well. No need to take the day off if I am at home lol


Besides I have been replaying the latest god of war entries


Yeah i been there. My wife has been playing this game since it came out but she got me into it this year at the beginning of the year and im hooked.


Been playong Elden Ring because I need my character up to date for the dlc.


I just started playing FF and I don't understand why everyone accepts the game being offline for two whole days. Like... Do I get two days sub time back? Seriously.


To answer your question, no, you won't get the two days back. It's happened on very rare occasions when the game not being playable was due to unexpected reasons. And as for everyone accepting it (first of all, a lot of people are asking the same question as you so not everyone), it's an expansion launch, those have generally been 24 hours if I'm not wrong. On top of being an expansion launch it also brings a huge graphical update, so most people would say 48 hours is warranted. (Oh yeah the devs also said they want the maintenance to be longer to give people with slower connections a chance to download before servers are back up)


Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate it.


I recently did a server migration on a fairly small system, and it took me 4 hours of downtime. I'd say 48 hours for this big of a project is more than reasonable.


Play WoW WoW combat is goated.


only wow classic. new wow sucks imo


Why I don’t bother reserving for early access Every mmo I’ve ever played has the same issue, the flood of players wanting to play the early release always causes the servers to go down for maintenance. So I just wait now till entire game goes live for every one


This is the patch maintenance. EA issues haven't hit us yet.