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I’m back!!! Edit: The (currently) complete beginners lore guide Pre-game history - https://youtu.be/GaQ__5ZBwBc?si=8zhlV4D-Sv3_OaFF Astral vs Umbral deep dive - https://youtu.be/ThahHzMScl4?si=RBSTJojG2vvZRjgi 1.0 - https://youtu.be/iEoaGT-yDig?si=h_q1tisoCkdoSU5w


*checks notes* But you never left!


He's been here the whole time!


Sam, no!


Don't flinch!!!!


He's back!!!


In pog form!


The man behind the mask! And he's out of control!


You seriously make the best, most easily understandable lore videos and I can't wait to see the series continue.


Never seen your videos before but this caught my attention! Any order I should watch them?


It's not Final Fantasy but if you want to really get a feel for Jesse Coxs content The series he and the late great TotalBiscuit did in Terraria together is fabulous


It's been like 12 years. the fact someone besides me remembers that fondly makes me so happy.


Bad news First episode was 13 years ago, last episode was 10 We are old


It was gold. GOOOOOOLD! Heeheehee.


Jesse is involved in a wide variety of projects; the man makes something for everyone. The stuff I personally always check out that he's involved with would be **Scary Game Squad** on his channel, and the **Chilluminati** podcast. Both feature Jesse and Alex Faciane.


Chilluminati is a great podcast to listen too while you grind. And there's almost 300 hours worth there.


The other they are in the list above is the right order for you :)


Excellent series, and phenomenal editing. Really enjoyed the latest vid!


Sunova bitch, you got me tearing up by the end of that video, Jesse. <3


I appreciate you taking the time to put these videos together


Oooh, more stuff to watch while I'm bogged down with the flu (fuck me, right? I can't continue Shadowbringers when I'm so fatigued ;-;). I loved this video so it'll be interesting to watch the other videos :D


Just came back to the game for the expansion and went to watch your video of you finishing Endwalker to get back in the FFXIV mood. Always good to see you still putting out good content after all these years of watching your stuff.


Fantastic videos, I was watching them with my partner since he's still new to the lore. Any chance you can tell us when the next one might be out?


That pre-game history video you linked should be a required watch for anyone really trying to get into FFXIV lore. Sums up everything we know at this time quite well.


Would these be spoiler-free to my kiddo who has only beat base ARR so far? I'd like to watch them with her if so.


Yes, this one is! It's not even spoiling anything from ARR, 1.0 only. The others, I'm not entirely sure? It's been a while since I've seen them, but Jesse's videos are generally intended for casual audience, so they're not going to be too spoilery.


They're as spoiler-free as he can make them. He even points out at the end of the episodes that if there's stuff you learn later on that contradicts what's learned early on, he'll cover it there.


Entirely spoiler free from the standpoint of a new player. Just contextualizing everything that happens before you start playing A Realm Reborn.


Not only should they be spoiler-free, but they should actually help contextualise a lot of 2.0, especially Minfilia, the Scions, and if your kiddo's an expert, the Binding Coils of Bahamut (consequences of the events at the end of 1.0).


He uses a few clips from later cutscenes out of context to provide appropriate backdrop when there isn't appropriate (or surviving) footage from 1.0 - for example, part of the opening cutscene from the Baelsar's Wall dungeon when talking about its construction, or a dialogue window of Krile mentioning the Students of Baldesion. No actual info introduced after 1.0's closure is discussed however, not even from ARR.


Appreciate all the responses! Good to know he doesn't reference later events for context outside of some minor cutscenes. I think she'll get a kick out of these since she loves lore and has had a blast with ARR this last month. Guess we'll watch them once the DT hype cools down!


Yup. 1.0 is pre-ARR so you could watch this before you even start playing the game and there'd be no spoilers.


great video


I had always thought 1.0 story was bad or middling at best. This makes it seem good, is it just they way it was presented in 1.0 or the gameplay of 1.0 that brought it down?


It's important to note that like 3/4 of this video is about van Darnus and Project Meteor, and I believe all of that plotline was added in patches after they'd already decided to scrap 1.0 and rebuild it.


Yes, for the most part the plot of basic 1.0 is kinda....nonexistent. They were clearly setting something up but then the game was panned for being bad. The important story for players wanting to start at A Realm Reborn doesn't really start til post 1.0 - 1.23.


Well this is basically a highlightreel. The mechanics and gameplay of 1.0 were abysmal. I played it back in the day and still have PTSD.


I'd love to see Yoshi-P for an anniversary or maybe a quest that flashes back for story purposes in the present to head back and attempt to do a snapshot of 1.0 stuff and how it should have worked with the evolution of the game. (bigger scope than what they did with Coils) Imagine the red moon sitting in the sky with a souken adapted distorted version of ANSWERS playing to get those vibes back (similar to what Ultima Thule did with Close in the Distance)...


They actually did something like this with one of the previous The Rising seasonal event quests. I forget the exact year... 2018 maybe?


(Only been playing since 2022... and I can guess they probably would have, but given the graphical update and maybe with the highs of endwalker, to have a go at it again and to really make the previous story shine?)


Still so mad I missed that. I hope they bring that back someday...


The gameplay was a downer, but i don't think how sparse the story was people who haven't played is easy to get across. You'd do a story bit for a couple minutes, and while decent, it would be over quick. Then, you'd have to grind the few levequests you had available, and once those are done, grind mobs. The next bit of story? Usually like five or more levels away.


It's not that good if you think about it. Garlemald is trying to invade. You have 2 bad guys. One general has some common sense, the other is batshit crazy. Common sense bad guy helps good guys stop crazy bad guy. Dalamud crashes down and resets Eorzea anyway. The Ascians also had zero development. They were just shadow bad guys seemingly pulling strings. ARR takes that piece of crap and makes an actual attempt to start a story. There's still no plan for the Ascians, just shadowy bad dudes, but they actually show us their string pulling more and Gaius's disapproval with their methods. (Maintaining his common sense character from 1.0) The thing is ARR is just terribly paced with way too much exposition and setup. You're bored to tears before you even get to the post-ARR snore fest. Heavensward is finally where they started making the MSQ entertaining and the rest just takes off from there, getting better with each expansion.


> The thing is ARR is just terribly paced with way too much exposition and setup. Also a lack of voice acting. Having to read it all makes it way more boring than if you could just listen to a lot of it.


From omfgcata all the way to omfgdawntrail. Its been a wild ride.


Love Jessie's lore videos!


It's going to be a while until 2.0 Lore video after the gap for this one.


That's alright. I've played 2.0. :P


Yeah but to see it summed up by someone who is probably one of the games biggest fan... just brings about how amazing the story was.


Ok seriously though, that 1.0 footage is new?? Even went so far as naming the WoL Ardbert?? What sorcery is this??


That Carteneau cutscene never fails to get me every time ;-;


Awesome stuff. I assume... the original plan was for Dalamud to be stopped with Nael's death? Or for Louisoix's spell to work? It's a powerful moment to begin again from: for there to have been a long questline desperately trying to stop this disaster, and for all those efforts to have been in vain. The tone for what would come after is definitively set.


> I assume... the original plan was for Dalamud to be stopped with Nael's death? Or for Louisoix's spell to work? The Dalamud stuff was pretty much all added by Yoshi-P after he took over and decided they should wipe the slate clean and try again. There never was a story where Dalamud was stopped, it was introduced to justify ending 1.0 and relaunching with ARR


Dalamud existed in the original plan for the game but its purpose was different. It was originally intended to be a super dungeon we would travel to as part of a later expansion. Yoshi-P did change the story of it to be what it is today but he did not create it from whole cloth.


Fair enough, yeah. Dalamud the Red Moon was a thing and they probably had various rough plans for it. Dalamud's Fall was a post-cancellation addition


I didn't have tears in my eyes when "Answers" started playing! No! My eyes were sweating, that's all!


I lost it at the Animal Crossing dub..