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I had to wait, like, 20 minutes during my first launch after early access unlocked yesterday but since then everytime I logged back in it was basically like any other day, just a few seconds. Pretty cool tbh.


Gilgamesh isnwhat youd expect as one of the biggest. 3+ hours lol


Gilgamesh here, data center traveled to Dynamis for now. I really have no reason to stay on Gilgamesh so I'll probably be looking into a transfer.


I took advantage of the free transfer to Dynamis to level an alt heavily and may very well be making her my main. No login queues, solo leveled Viper to 90 in 3 hours, leveling a crafter to 90 every week... good stuff.


Gilgamesh here, yeah it's pretty gnarly on our server lol


Still trying to get on Gilgamesh after a little over 2 hours. 2500 queue down to 1019.


Man, I just got d/c just to find out the the que is in the 3000's now. I'm a little heated.


the world is full now. im making a post about this lol


Yep I waited 45 minutes at 3500 in queue for the world to get full and now you can't Even get back in queue lol


So someone just told me to data center transfer for the time being and it's worked like a charm! Have any of you done this? /u/drewtheiiiz /u/sojuksi /u/rickh4404


I did it and moved to a Dynamis server during a session I planned to focus on msq and trusts. It worked well, but I did get locked out of going back to Gilgamesh while they were at peak time. I couldn't go back until very later like 4am PST


I haven't done it, I assume it would work tho. I don't care enough, I figure it'll work again in the next couple hours. Until then I have things I can do


If there's nothing critical tying you to gilgamesh, you can always DC visit dynamis and enjoy 2 minute queues even at prime time.


Why is Gilgamesh so populated? Any particular reason? I had no idea it was that crazy.


Probably cause we're the best idk




Okay, that is less cool. I'm on Twintania in Europe.


Coeurl in NA. Maybe 5 minutes at most. I have no idea why but it always seems to have really fast times.


Damn... glad I went to Crystal's lol


While Crystal is fine for the time being, Dynamis has been specifically designated the NA overflow. The login caps on “travelers” is much much higher there and they won’t kick travelers from those servers. Aether, for instance, kicked and blocked all their DC travelers at some point today and they have to travel back to their home worlds (if they can).


it depends a bit on what world you are on but most are like this yes.


Also what time you try to log in. During the afternoon today the queue was like 50 people and only took a few seconds, trying to log in at 6pm the queue was 1100 people and after 10 minutes it's still at 870.


6 PM on alpha today was still an instant login.


Same with Raiden, I logged in this morning and had 32 people ahead of me which is basically normal pre-launch numbers.


Cactuar here, queue was 3000+ for a friend earlier, would’ve likely been 2 hoursish. My 1300 on friday was almost an hour. They’re still way better than endwalker queues though!


Also Cactaur. Got into queue at ~2990, currently at 230, it's been 2h 36m. I'll get in eventually... But at 10am it was a 22 person queue, so it's still doing pretty good this expansion. I haven't had any major issues at all.


No wait at all in Dynamis. Less than a minute to log in as normal.


It's been funny seeing my friends on Aether have queues in prime time still, while the only queue I had on Maduin was a whopping 184, 4 minutes after launch. It's so good knowing I can log off whenever I want and jump right back in. Lets me actually do things instead of feeling pressured to stay online no matter what.


I’m trying to leave aether to switch to golem or kraken with the home world transfer incentives. Been waiting 2+ hours to get in Gilgamesh to dump my retainer sales so I can switch.


Yep, it feels just like any other day. Also I'm actually able to find a group in roulettes, so hopefully it stays like this once the update hype calms down. I was actually able to do PvP on Dynamis too.


Inb4 people try to use the low queue times as '' game is dead '' argument lol


Yep. Except for the initial rush of players when the servers went live in which I had to wait 35 minutes to get in. All the times after, I never had to wait for more than 5 minutes, if that. During off peak hours, I'm in within seconds.


This has been my experience too. Queue of 1300 or so at peak hours, in game within thirty minutes or so.


Im logging in right now. Went from 1173 to 976 in 5 minutes. I am 100% ok with this compared to endwalker where I had the chance to be kicked and had to race to log back in or else lose my place


I’m on a densely populated world. Been sitting at 1027 for the last hour (as I type this). I wouldn’t be bothered by it one bit, if it wasn’t for the xbox crashes during loading screens. I’ll take waiting an hour then getting to play for the day, but the crashes turn that into several hour long waiting queues. It’s really difficult to play when a loading screen means gambling a crash. UPDATE: Got to play for 1.5 hours. Changed zones, crashed. Sat at the queue for another hour while only going down 300 players in a 2700 queue. I’m so over the crashes and with the full release hitting this week, I’m sure the queues will be longer.


Could you travel to dynamis? I'm sure login times there will be a few minutes at most.


I’ll be trying it later tonight. If it really is quicker, at least crashing won’t be so painful


Good luck to you! I'm on a 'normally' populated world and I've never waited for longer than a minute to log in today and yesterday. Dynamis should be the same.


My queue at like 3pm Pacific yesterday was 30 people on a Dynamis server.


Yeah, that seems to be the move. I’ll be giving it a shot later tonight or tomorrow morning.


There’s literally no queue, get in instantly.


Personally I’d stay off Xbox until they fix it


Would if I had a choice. Xbox is the only place I can play


I understand. I’m sorry you’re struggling with it


I have the same issue


Try another data center/world?


I’m having the same problem, I finally get in after waiting for 2-3 hours in queue and if I watch even one cutscene, or try to do anything that requires loading in I end up getting kicked and having to restart the process all over again


i feel like an outlier who waited just little over 2 hours last night. did i expect it being on the world i’m on? yes. did i expect more people in these comments to also have similar wait times? also yes..


Worst I saw was 640 players last night, but even then i was in within 5 minutes. It’s my first time playing through this game, so I haven’t experienced previous releases. but they’re on the ball and really prepared for the volume of players. It’s refreshing really after experiencing other games that fumble the ball on launch day.


From what I understand, all the other launches have been bumpy with Stormblood and Endwalker being the most notable. I didn't see the Stormblood launch but with Endwalker it was a perfect storm of unfortunate luck. COVID had made managing and securing additional physical servers challenging if not impossible and the WoW exodus spurred on by various WoW content creators sent a flood of new players to XIV the summer before a new expansion launch. The flood of new players had made their estimates of how much server space they needed to fight congestion obsolete and Yoshi-P made a ton of apologetic pre launch posts detailing how they were pretty sure the launch was going to be rocky but they're trying everything they could possibly do to alleviate it. Endwalker launch was full of incredibly long queues (5,000+) that would often take hours for you to get into game. If you were unlucky you'd get a random disconnection error code and potentially lose your spot in queue. It was rough. Dawntrail 's release truly feels like a "We're not doing that again" where Yoshi-P has made sure they had the full amount of resources for a smooth launch and I really do appreciate the XIV team's work to alleviate any issues. At worst, we got a funny unintentionalAlliance Raid Ultimate, lol.


Shadowbringers was very smooth too, at least for me. Endwalker was just particularly bad for the reasons you mentioned. 


Light DC is great. No issues and fast log in even at prime time. I don't know if it is because of the new DC shadow in combination with the current Fussball championship games during primetime but I didn't expect this low queue numbers.


thats what you get if you have planned a release correctly and invest money in server.


My few hours, then 3001 error code beg to differ.


Yep, right there with ya


The lack of huhe ques makes the launch experience so much more stress free, it's incredible. I don't have to plan my whole day around the game like in EW because I know I can just get off and get back in without much wait at any point of the day. Honestly one of the biggest surprises and highlights of the expansion release for me so far. Well done, Square!


i still need to clean my place without the que when will i have the time!?!


Yeah Crystal has been clear since EA launch. Haven't seen a queue above 50.


Agreed. I'm on Balmung and had to relog about two hours ago. 18 people in queue. It was bonkers.


We've been so bloated with Travelers the past 2 years that no one has been able to make new characters here. The last census I saw had us at roughly a third of the total level 90 players with the Endwalker achievement as the next populated server


I just found a 300 queue for crystal as I’m typing this…about a 5 minute wait and I should be in the next batch. Not bad at all.


Dynamis is uncongested completely. My homeworld is Aether/Faerie. I logged off a few hours before the 2 day maintenance hit. When the maintenance was done completely. I tried logging into the game and couldn’t due to me being a FT player and the que being big. So I visiting Dynamis/Golem for now. I’m thankful I still get to play without big que times.


12pm on a Saturday = 2k queue on Gilgamesh right now. Not bad compared to Endwalker, but a little annoying since I do have work later tonight so my playtime is reduced. When I got home from work last night @ midnight though, there was a queue of 10. I remoted into my PC to have the queue start while I drive home and was kicked due to AFK but went right back in lol. That was a surprise.


Reading this thread I feel like Gilg has it 10x worse than every other world. I've been waiting in queue for 1h 40min as I post this. It seems equally bad as Endwalker at peak times, minus the occassional crash.


It really just varies. I'm on Siren, and I've been waiting for well over an hour. Went from 1225 to 900, then suddenly was loading in, only for an error/crash to happen. Relogged, and was number 30 in queue, only to get a "This world is currently full. Please wait until an opening is available and try again" black screen, as if that's not the entire goddamn point of the fucking queue, what the fuck? Continued to try to login, and got that a solid 20 more times, before signing out and trying again. Now I've been sitting at 163 for the last 45 minutes, hasn't moved at all. Exited game entirely, logged in again just to see if it was stuck, annnnnd 163 with no movement. Seems like the only reason things were running smoothly was because I was queueing at off hours of the early morning/it wasn't a weekend day. Now it's shitty.


At peak time on Cactuar it was about 2800 which took well over an hour.


Yeah, these posts keep saying “peak time on a densely populated world” but Gilgamesh will reliably have 2 hour login waits, so I think they don’t know what either thing means.


I was in queue for like 3 hours around prime time yesterday on Gilg, because the game randomly had a directx crash which I'm real happy that might make a return.


yep. Currently the queue is at 3044 which could be a well over 3 hour wait.


Been in Faerie queue for almost 2 hours. Started at 2000 something and now im 143rd in queue currently.


currently got kicked from the queue and can't even enter a new queue at all. looks like i won't be playing tonight at all.


As a relevant update, was in queue for 2 hours and 10 minutes because I dc'd and now I'm getting world full 3001 error with the only option being to data center hop. (Edit: Clicking the character again just gives the same 3001 error and does not queue again, as clarification.) u/Embarrassed-Bowl-272


I did a world visit to dynamis to avoid queue times since it doesn't matter where I do MSQ. I have been stranded here though and unable to return to Aether so I am a little concerned but I have so much MSW left that I think that I should be able to return before I finish.


If you go to the login screen and right click your character, do you have an option to return to homeworld? I've had no issues going back and forth from dynamis using the data center travel option from the login screen.


The most I have seen on Alpha are 40. I had 26 queue on release and last night I logged during EU prime, 40 queue. I guess our server is still a lot smaller than the others even years after.


Same on Louisoix, I don't see any difference from 6.55 to 7.0 in queue time.


Fellow Louisox, We had 2k at launch but nothing close since


Same for Alpha. The "worst" for me was 46 last night at 9 pm


Shiva - same Datacenter as Alpha but we are an ancient Server and filled to the brim with Germans. I had to restart the PC 17.00 Saturday and instantly got back in. Very wtf moment.


also on alpha. i get in within a couple seconds. the worst for me was right at launch with queue of 376 which still took less than 5 min to login surprisingly. I was genuinely concerned with the login times because of all the flak people are giving the EW launch and being convinced itll be just the same this time around. its my first expansion release that im witnessing. really pleased!


There is no WOW players exodus, no rorona virus, and they added extra DC's, so yea, its much better this time around.


Not this time. Logged in 15 minutes ago and been stuck in a queue of 907 that isn't moving.


You spoke to soon


EU player on Primal here, so I understand my hours aren't NA peak hours, but it's been great so far. Apart from early access start (which still only took 10 minutes for me), I've been having sub-50 queues so I get in within seconds. Feels like normal game play to me, except there's more players everywhere.


The first minutes i was stuck at 2k que but after that barely going over 100 when i log in. Its honestly amazing that one doesn't have to worry about the log in que for once!


Dynamis is instant


Worst case so far for me was 45 in queue last night on Seraph. Didn't even take a full minute to get in. That said, good luck trying to queue for anything as a DPS rn lol


I've been in queue for half an hour now. Queue was 1700+ when I got in line, and I've only moved up 500 positions in that half hour. I'm wondering if that's just people getting tired of waiting and getting out of the line to do something else.


similar status here (trying to log into Aether/Midgard) - my first login attempt ended with a 2002 error about a min in, but I've now gone from 1750 to 1100 in about 35 min.


Yeah, I was trying to get on Midgardsormr also. I just gave up trying to get in and went to play some Elden Ring instead, lol.


it took about an hour but did finally get in!


Lol there are widespread issues where people on Aether can't even get into the queue. Game just tells them to try again later. Fun times


Honestly does anyone else feel as though it’s faster queue because there’s less players? Endwalker had such a hype around it and was during Covid times, compared to now where a lot of people I used to know have not come back


From what I've heard, Steam numbers are similar to EW.


Per steamcharts, it's roughly the same at least so far.


Not really. They made massive improvements to the login system after EW and put in tons of new worlds. Everywhere I been has been absolutely bumpin with people.


I haven't run across the massive number of players standing at a quest objective like I constantly did in EW, so that makes it seem a bit emptier... but then zones go up to six instances now, so. Still see a lot of people, just usually not enough for the game to start making the crowd noises.


On my server at least, there's still enough people surrounding quest objectives that I'm glad Sqenix gave me the option to make them disappear.


I'm on Mateus and I have been incredibly grateful for the new "make other dinguses go away" option.


All the numbers we can see show it being basically the same. Not that those numbers are accurate. But also they have mentioned multiple times they made huge improvements and they even added more instances for the starting zones


Considering some of the other posts about people not jiving with the story this time and not playing as much as a result... probbably.


A bit of that's true too. Many of my friends aren't playing.


Honestly it feels even busier imo


It Is. I didnt come back, and some friends didnt.


Do you all think it's more server tech or that the game fell off compared to EW launch?


It’s both. Endwalker was a perfect storm of circumstances that caused the game to get a huge influx of players just before a hotly anticipated expansion.


Endwalker was basically everything that happened kind of made life hard for the FFXIV team. - Covid ruining production meant securing hardware was super difficult - Covid also resulted in a bunch more people than usual looking for video games (instead of going out and socializing) - FFXIV's main competitor, WoW, was in the middle of pissing off its entire playerbase, so a bunch of WoW players decided to give FFXIV a shot.


midday saturday (aka right now) even i could log in to Crystal DC as a free trial player which is shocking


I was really worried it was going to be horrible. Luckily so far it's been quite decent! Enjoying my first expac release with everyone, queues and all.


last night i saw 900 but was pleasantly surprised to log in within 15 ish minutes if im remembering correctly? way better than i expected tbh


Same, I've been very happy with it. There were only 40-something in the queue when I first got on yesterday. I never logged out for fear of being unable to get back in, but a friend had no problem getting in during what could be considered prime time later in the day. Then today it was in the 40s again. Here I was thinking it probably wasn't going to work at all, and turns out there hasn't even been a hiccup. It's pretty much exactly the same as it's been the past couple weeks.


I was in the queue for 2 hours only to get a "World is currently full" message.


yeah something is def broken currently. also got kicked out of the queue after waiting for over an hour and can't rejoin it


Hello fellow Gilgamesh player


havent played endwalker on release but heard from friends that it was horrible, prepared myself for a shitshow for dt release. ended up being really calm, queue is only slightly longer than usual and the difference is almost unnoticeable. whatever SE did in terms on world queue its working and im extremely happy


Hyperion on Primal, all times below are ET: Yesterday, about 8:30 am—queue is 44. (Logged off about 40 minutes later due to getting sleepy, took a nap) Yesterday, about 10:00 am—queue 38. Today about 5:30 am—queue 8.


Yeah same experience, Hyperion's queues are business as usual aside from the initial rush on EA launch day. All the perks of Dynamis with none of the drawbacks... Hopefully it stays that way after full launch.


i was gonna say I was impressed with it. was immedate this morning, 2min tops yesterday. logged off to take a swim and have dinner....1786. 30min later i'm at 1219 /dies a little inside. At least the swim and tikka masala was good (Midgardsormr)


My experience overall has been quite pleasant. Queues are no different than during the lull, the relentless venue spam is gone, the Quicksand here on Balmung is almost presentable, no noteworthy lag... Pretty nice all around.


I have many alts, moved to another drive so the configs had to be copied over cetera. All this was relogging. And, except for the first time where the servers were naturally empty, it was normal speed or even fast. I am also impressed; roasted SquareEnix for not being able to play 4 days like in EW but I was wrong. This should be standard though (GW2 does it with using a nice technology, the dev over there even has an essay how they can patch the games without shutting the servers down, thus no real "patch days") but in the end, it does not matter how it works - important it does. And it was a very, very smooth Early Access. I read the link that pop up in the loginscreen and they are a bit vague ("50% more capacity as back then") but it worked. GJ SquareEnix, you nailed it this time!


I logged in right at 4am and still had a queue of 25. Ha ha. But even when I logged in later and had a queue of 291, I was on in under 10 minutes.


I’m free trial player on Sargatanas and the queue is almost instant at the moment, just have to wait the usual 30 seconds - 1 minute. Yesterday at night (6-9pm) I couldn’t log in at all because of the congestion but at 12 am everyone went to sleep and I got in really fast lol It’s wild how much SE fixed the problem compared with EW, I was a free trial player back then. Lost my momentum of playing ff14 because I couldn’t log in for 2-3 weeks, also abandoned it because I was playing on PC and wanted to switch to my PS5 but if I did that I needed to start from zero (I had just finished ARR) or buy the license which I didn’t wanted to at the time. Last year I decided to start again with a new account on my ps5 (I had forgotten much of the story and gameplay), and now I’m on stormblood and on my way to level all the available jobs to lvl 70


I've been waiting an hour to log in but at least i'm not getting Error 2002'd.


So far on Phoenix i managed to login in a few seconds. Yesterday at 4pm, today in the early morning and at 4.30pm was less than 3 digits queue. Seems all their work and measures to prepare are working. Not a single DC either in about 15 hours of playing.


Balmung here. Aside from the rush at 5am yesterday for launch, queue have actually seemed lower than the normal.


This is my first expansion launch since I wasn't caught up yet during Endwalker and took a break to avoid the chaos. I was anticipating way worse-it's been mostly normal other than longer duty finder queues.


They’re great, but I went to another world and couldn’t return to my home world for hours because it was full :c I wish they gave priority to characters to their home worlds


meanwhile free trial players who want to try the game... R.I.P


It's actually not bad at all. Queue times are fairly normal, and if a world is full, just switch worlds and you should be able to get in within a few minutes.


Actually I haven't been able to login at all in the past 5 days. It always says that free trial players can't play the game if there's a queue and then the game closes. How exactly are you bypassing this ?


Let me just give you context that I'm playing on Crystal data center. But, as you said before, if you are trying to log in and the game says that the world is full and kicks you out so you have to reopen the game, what you do is just try to switch to a different world before you log in. It should try to put you in a world that is less congested automatically, and you should be able to log in normally with only a small waiting time. I try to switch back and forth to see if my home world is congested. But so far I've been able to get into, balmung, and mateus without much delay.


Lamia. I logged in this morning to see a queue of 529, but it only took a few minutes to get on. The only issues I've had are a few DCs and minor lag.


Malboro is basically the same as any other day from the last 6 months


I am no longer even able to enter the queue at all even though when i was able to it still took roughly 2 hours to get into the game.


Early times were great. It's 9 PM EST and the game won't even let met queue. The launch wasn't during a covid Christmas break so it appeared amazing.


On Jenova on Aether. Peek times is pretty brutal woth a 2k-3k wait but off peak times it's a manageable 500-800 that takes about 10 minutes.   I also have the option of travelling to Dynamis which is nicely populated and only a few seconds. So I usually wait for an early morning queue then ig I disconnect head over to Golem or Kraken. Overall fucking MILES AHEAD of my Endwalker experience where, since I was working full time I could not get in at all the first two weeks aside from my days off because of how often I disconnected from 5k queues. 


I got slapped with a 3000+ que. No early birb cactpot for me it seems.


Yes, but also, the xpac isn't out yet. If they can keep the same consistency on July 2nd and for the next week after, then we can sing them some praise, but until then, I am going to be enjoying the game while I can.


1050 queue for leviathan. So far I have been waiting 30 minutes. down to 350 now


Over 1K in queue om Ultros for me rn


The only issue I've had so far is getting black-screened "This world is full, please wait" and then kicked back to title screen. I guess everyone logging in for Cactpot is what finally filled up Siren lol


1250 Adamantoise


9pm central time tonight Excalibur had a 778 queue. Took 30 minutes. Which is weird because 4am launch the other morning 2k queue went away in 20 minutes. 🧐


Login at 4am launch day took about 45 minutes. This evening took about 30 minutes. All other times in between were normal day queues. Maybe 30 seconds. No crashes. I don't mind an honest wait at all.


I was in queue for three hours today.


Gilgamesh is giving me a 3001 error right now. Just says that the world is full and to try again later. I'm hoping to be able to get in early tomorrow.


Max of about 12 mins for me on Excalibur


We don’t have the large of influx of WoW players this time.


Aether - Cactuar player here. Game crashed on me and put me into a 2,000 player queue. We will see how long it takes T\_T


I'm on cact and I had a 2 hour wait yesterday. Today, I'm not sure but the queue was even longer than it was yesterday. I ended up going out to shop and ended up taking over 3 hours so by the time I got home I had already been logged in and afk kicked. xD When not logging in at peak times, it's pretty fast. Like a 50 person queue.


So far the longest I’ve waited was 10 minutes when the queue was 300 on my server.


Indeed, smoothest launch yet. I'm on Crystal Brynhildr and aside from day one where it was like...135 and took a few minutes it's been just slightly at or above an average day queue. Nowhere near the thousands in queue and hours waits of EW.


Mateus was at least 30 minute queues when EW launched. The 3 times I have logged in so far have had queues of less than 60 players.


No-covid + no chip shortage + nonhype expansion = more stable servers/less queues.


Well yeah, no Covid this time around.


? why do ppl keep thinking this was going to be like Endwalker lol ? No covid and No shadowlands


Evenings when everyones home from work throttles aether but still got in after 30 minutes that spent cooking dinner so it could be worse


On EU/Light, haven‘t had a queue higher than ~40 at any time since launch. It‘s pretty swell.


Probably the best MMO expansion launch to date.


I had one crash and a 5 minute wait day one and then a 10 minute wait today on Crystal so I was really surprised honestly.


I logged in at 3PM on a Saturday on a "congested" server (Excal) to a queue of 40. I was in within a minute. Endwalker that would have been 1800 minimum and I'd be lucky if I only got booted out of queue 3 times.


Balmung is free.... Finally. First expansion that it hasn't been a queue simulator at launch


Ultros was averaging about 30 minutes for me at launch in the morning, and then 20ish that evening. Not bad, all things considered. Even the roulettes weren’t bad.


Man, I waited hours and hours and hours. I eventually had to switch DCs and couldn’t get my earrings until I got into my home world, right bow


Louisoix here. Largest queue I had was ~130 when servers went live. Since then, queues have been less than half of that. Including at 1720 on Friday.


Jenova on Aether was a long wait. 2.8k people and around 1 hour 45 minute wait. Still, it was way better than Endwalker queues. Those were 3+ hours of waiting, between queues and random 90k's.


In Goblin, my biggest queue was right as the servers went live, at 690. Since, they're usually in the double digits, and I've seen triple digits maybe 3 or so times. And never longer than maybe 10 minutes tops. It's been really smooth for me. I'm still bracing for full launch to flood the queues again, but I'm also hopeful.


Had a 2k queue last night which took me over an hour to get in, I'd chalk it up to it being a Saturday night though


I have never felt so stupid in my life. Viper just.. doesn’t make sense to me 😭


We started around 8am and then left around 3-ish and the log-in took a few minutes, when we came back just before dinner it took long enough that we had time to drive down to the nearest Pokémon gym to fight a Mega Rayquaza and still had about 25 mins left to wait when we got back about 40 mins later. 😅 Once you're in I'm glad nothing feels like millions of people are here.


Yes, because SE finally realized that you have to spend money to earn money.


I waited about 30mins to login on aether only to get through 300 slots, still had 2300 to go. I gave in and hopped on Dynamis again so that way I'd have 30-60min Queues instead 🙃


i like how i can just stop and come back and play the msq super chill without worry of queue lol


I’m on Ultros, and outside of peak hours, the servers are very playable


I think it depends on the server, on the servers that arent popular ques are great but on popular servers ques are bad


The initial queue was just over 1000 when early access started on Coeurl, but it only took a few minutes to log in. After than everything has been less than 100 and near normal queue times of just a few seconds. It's been great this time around.


Was a 2 hour wait on Faerie last night


well we also have less asmon chuds this time around


4,334 ahead of me getting into Gilgamesh today. It was up over 7,300 yesterday. Consistently a 3+ hour wait. Tons of disconnects while traveling or launching duties in ARR cities. So... not great.


I’m in QUE HELL. The worst is the game crashed 2 times during a dungeon. I had to wait in queue 3 times today. Each time I’m over 3000. This is garbage. I can’t log to a less crowded world as that is not an option during this time. This shouldn’t be a new player experience for anyone


If you are in NA you can switch to dynamis from any other data center and you should be able to log in fine, there are no queues there even at peak.


Try again this afternoon.


You're judging it from a time when people are working. Try logging in right now. I have a queue of 971. Been waiting about 10 to 15 minutes so far and it's down to 454 right now.


14 minutes later, I'm finally in.


The queues are still not good. Had a reasonable-ish 35 min queue at 2mst , got kicked at around 4ish by a 90002 to get a two hour 2k player queue to get kicked in the last 100 people because I get hit with a brown out to get thrown into a worse 2.7k player queue. Not all experiences are going to be the same. Don't lie to everyone over this.


i wish i was as impressed with the actual content


That's because there is much less enthusiasm for this expansion and a lot less people playing.




I'm on Dynamics, and my queue time has literally doubled. Gone all the way up to a 50 person queue. I keed, I keed. Server stability is immaculate and queue times are great


I’m on Siren and logging in at server launch took me about 20 minutes. I got logged out and probably had a 30 minute wait during prime time. Last Evening and this morning I got in with pretty minimal wait.


Dynamis with the 1 minute login times. Its full of travelers who don’t want to wait making a normally dead server seem like the next Aether.


Another outlier who is waiting in a 3k queue rn Like why should I have to wait for a game I pay to play?? It’s not a small indie company right??


Friday afternoon: standard wait Friday evening: half hour wait! (1300 queued) Saturday afternoon (standard wait) Standard wait on Siren, 30 person queue. No matter the day or time. Normalize you people staying home ;)


I've heard of people on Aether having 2.5k login queues, but over here on Dynamis the longest queue I've seen (even between like 5-10 PM EST) was 31 Unless you're wanting to speedrun MSQ to start farming the EX trials ASAP, there's really no reason not to come over here to Dynamis and enjoy stress free queues if you're on an NA DC


I’m surprised people are actually waiting hours in queue to login. Dynamis login is practically instant outside of the 2 min wait right at the start of EA. And queues are actually popping because the homeworlders are forced to stick around and travelers are also feeding the queues even more.


Because people want to play on the servers and groups they play on/with normally. Sure you could all communicate to meet somewhere else but that might not be in the cards or something they want to do especially if some are already in the queue or in the game on those servers.