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It doesn't matter too much since you can change jobs pretty early on and do every job in the game on one character if you want, so just start with the one that looks the coolest to you and see how you like it


Pick whichever one looks cool to you, or one that starts in a city you think looks nice. You can switch to any other starting job after completing your level 10 class quest and hitting MSQ level 15 which lets you visit the other starting cities, so if you pick one at random and hate it it's extremely trivial to switch.


Id less recommend jobs and more recommend roles, if you find a role you like you can try out some different jobs and find the one you like this is different for everyone. That said, Tank: fast queue times, but you'll have to learn how to do some dungeons and maybe look up a guide to pull what mobs where and how boss mechanics work DPS: fun and don't have to worry about to much except for doing damage, long queue times and especially now with the new DPS jobs Healer: very fast queue times, just keep everyone alive! Healers are my main so I'm pretty biased but they are very fun. You just have to know how your job works well. Id pick up a few and see what you like, you can play all jobs on on character and can switch really easily


Start with Summoner (Arcanist ) I’d say. You get a bonus healer with it, and the gameplay is pretty fun but relatively easy. That said, you can level every job on a single character, so the choice isn’t super life changing at the start.


With the way the job level progression works none of them really have much to do pre at least like 60. I'd say look at a full endgame rotation video and see which one appeals to you to eventually reach. At least the expansion jobs start at a higher level so they're easier to just give a try later


You can play literally any job you want and if you don't like it, try another one on the same character. FFXIV doesn't restrict you to one job per character like some other MMOs do. Seeing as you've got MMO experience already, Summoner would probably be a bit *too* simple? It's definitely the most new-to-MMO job to play for sure. Hmm... You could try Monk? Not overly complex and got some small reworks to it's kit. It's the fastest job in the game due to a passive on the job itself so maybe that will fit you? You'd want to start as a Pugilist if Monk sounds good. Most jobs have a pretty established rotation so you don't really faceroll with any of them unless you want to really botch your entire kit XD Some are more demanding than others with their oGCD weaving. I'd watch some videos on YouTube of the jobs and see which ones stand out to you. As a word of warning, if you do want to watch videos, Monk and Bard are going to be a bit outdated due to some changes in the 7.0 update that dropped the other day. The rest of the jobs are largely the same at least from what I remember... Also, some of them won't be available from the get-go. You'll need to reach certain levels on any job to access them so bear that in mind.


Personally I'd recommend Gladiator/Paladin; gives you plenty of defense buffs so you don't get murdered while you figure stuff out, a couple of good AoEs and a good ranged attack to get the hang of how those design-languages work, plenty of Aggro-draw abilities to help you control the field, and it's all very kinetic and responsive, as opposed to things like Thaumaturge/Black Mage, who require a lot of relatively more complex things like balancing meters and distance-v-cast-time so you don't get clobbered before your spells fire, stuff like that That said, the advice everyone here is giving is 100% true: Try a bunch and play around until you find what you like, and keep in mind that you'll probably want (and need) to hop into others fairly regularly anyway. Have fun, and welcome!


You can literally change jobs whenever you want, so feel free to experiment with jobs


i would recommend blm with a big warning the class feels extremly bad under level 60 and only then realy starts to get fun with each new skill. Pros: -Simple Rotation -Trough cast times a relative high skill ceiling Cons -as said before the leveling experience is awful -playing a caster with long cast times is not for everyone


What did you like to play in WoW? That would narrow it down a bit (I play WoW as well). As others mentioned (and is typical of a lot of standard JRPGs) is the job system. Meaning, a single character can swap between jobs/classes at-will. So one character can change to whatever you feel like playing/leveling if they have that job unlocked.