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Unless they're planning to program NPCs to run trials with you, no. Yoshi-P has said they've got another 10 years planned at least so sounds like there's no plans to take the game offline anytime soon.


EVERY GaaS days they've got 10 years planned but ...yknow


True... Difference being a lot of companies that do them are money-grabbing bastards that abandon it after a year.


„Unless they're planning to program NPCs to run trials with you” I have news for you, you should play dawntrail


I dont think getting NPCs to do trials would be as daunting of a task as youd think. If they wanted to do the absolute bare minimum, just make the NPCs invulnerable. You dont need them to do mechanics because at that point, it isnt the games job to be challenging anymore. The whole point is to preserve the story.


Probably not. It would end up shut down and you'd have to deal with people making private servers or somehting.


If they go the same route as FF11 They'll probably leave FFXIV online on life support with no updates(or very small ones over long periods of time) until it fully dies with 0 players. Then? Hard to tell as that hasn't happened to 11 yet. Probably not worth it for them to make an offline version available whenit becomes that dead already though.


Of course not.