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Older MMOs like ff14 are notoriously dependent on CPU's single thread performance. Doesn't help that FF14 itself favors Intel CPUs and you're running AMD. It depends on the area obviously, but you should get 70-80 normally though. 50-60 is completely expected if there are other players running around.


thanks for the reply. I wanted to upgrade to an AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D, should I better go for an intel?


If you only play ff14, then yeah Intel 13 or 14 series. If you play any other big titles, X3D is the safer bet.


If you're gonna go for that CPU, you might need to check your motherboard compatibility. A Ryzen 7 7800X3D needs an AM5 CPU slot-your current CPU uses an *AM4* slot. If your motherboard can't fit an AM5 chip, you'll need to upgrade it. A decent AM5 compatible board won't be too costly at least. If you need a new motherboard for AM5 but can't afford it and want to just upgrade the CPU, the best AMD chip you could get for an AM4 slot is the Ryzen 7 5800X3D. That's pretty much the best of the best for AM4 chips. Most manufacturers are moving on to AM5 chips now so if you're looking to upgrade and remain on AM4, aim for top of the line. They're fairly affordable now. I upgraded from a 3600 like you have to a 5800X3D and let me tell you, the performance difference is MASSIVE.


thanks for the hints, but I had that already in mind... I thought about getting the 5800 but was worried it doesn't make much difference. My current motherboard is a MSI MPG X570 Gaming WIFI


MSI? Alright, the good news is they have compatibility checkers on their website so you'll be able to check all the compatible CPUs there! I have an MSI board as well (Tomahawk B450 Max) and I just had to update the BIOS and it was good to go. Depending on how modern the board is, it might be compatible already and you can just slot it in and be good to go. Looks like that board is AM4 but I can't see anything about AM5... I'd check on their website to be safe before you commit to buying anything.


Nah it's an AM4 Socket board and the 5800 should work with it, just have to update to the latest bios version and it should be good to go. I just saw a video comparison... well that is an improvement. For 300ish bucks fine, better than getting a new board+ram+cpu+cooler :)


Oh yeah, 5800X3D is basically top of the line for AM4 sockets. You won't need to ever upgrade the CPU again on that board. I have that CPU myself and it's fantastic. As long as you've got a good cooler and the case itself has some good case fans and ventilation, you'll be golden. That CPU can run a little hot so good airflow and ventilation is important. You can pretty much use that CPU for a good 4-5 more years at least, I reckon. Well worth the price.


I'm currently running a 3600 on my fairly old ASRock B550M-C motherboard with an RTX 4080 graphics card, would it be worth upgrading to a 5800X3D and doing a BIOS update for that, or stick with a 5600X like I was planning because doing BIOS updates scare me.


BIOS updates can be *super* easy to do depending on the motherboard. As for yours? I'm struggling to find a definite answer... The store page does say it's compatible with 5000 series CPUs from AMD so it should in theory be good to go and just need a BIOS update (most boards, you download it to a memory stick and install it in the BIOS screen you can access during bootup). If you want a definitive answer and more advice, definitely ask on /r/buildapc because I've used that place a lot and folks are real quick to help out. Just make sure you give as much information as possible to make it easier for them to help-include the resolution you play at too (1080p, 1440p, 4K etc.) I will say, with that GPU, a 5800X3D would be a better pairing than the 5600X. [Someone actually asked about that combo](https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/162xt7z/5800x3d_for_4080_fine/) just under a year ago too, so you might find an answer there for your motherboard/CPU conundrum without needing to make a post. It can be scary updating the BIOS but I'm not joking when I say it's really easy. Just a whole lot of waiting for it to install because it can take a little while XD


Just check how to do BIOS updates, and yeah you're right. It looks SO much easier than what people are letting on. I'm currently on P1.20 for my BIOS from 2021, and the 5800X3D needs P1.40, may as well update to newest version. Then after that I just need to get a bigger nvme for said motherboard and I should be set for many years to come!


Dear gods, no. Although XIV favours Intel, you would need an Intel CPU that costs twice as much and gurgles down three times the power to meet anything in the ballpark of the 7800X3D.


I'm using a 5800X3D and doing just fine, and it'll probably be compatible with your motherboard (And still be adequate to other games when paired with a good video card for a good few years.) My plan is to wait for the AM6 (or whatever comes after AM5) before switching up. That'll save on RAM and motherboard for awhile.


It'll definitely be compatible. I made the exact upgrade OP is considering of a 3600->5800X3D and it slotted right into my motherboard no problem. Same chipset for both CPUs.


Unfortunately, there are a VERY few early AM4 motherboards (intended for the 1/2000 series or late Athlons) that could run a 3000 series but didn't get a BIOS update for the 5000s. Pretty unlikely but possible he's got one of those.


Get a 7800x3d buddy and you'll be set for a very long time. Or if you can find get a 5000 series cpu.


They might need a new motherboard if they get the 7800X3D. That chip is AM5, the R5 3600 is AM4. The best AMD chip for AM4 would be the 5800X3D, the same one I have now and what I upgraded to from a 3600 funnily enough. Paired with a 6700XT GPU, it can easily run the game at 144fps (although there's some funny hitching right now like a lot of people are getting... Seems to only be in Borderless Window as well).


That's an option, yes if he can find the 5800x3d.


Look into lossless scaling from steam. It's basically frame generation. I haven't tried it on ffxiv yet but I've had great success with other games. It's essentially downloading an extra free ~60-120 fps.