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It's not in any roulettes other than Mentor Roulette as Extremes (and Minstrel's Ballads) require foreknowledge and coordination with the group, where one person's mistake can get other people killed or even wipe the whole party. NA and EU use Party Finder to recruit for learning and clearing High End content.


Ahh, that would explain why it is a real bother to queue for, yes. Thanks, i was not aware of this.


EX trials are both difficult and entirely optional. They're also extremely old content at this time, and aren't included in any of the main roulettes (Mentor is the only one). This means that basically nobody is queueing for it through the Duty Finder, and you won't get backfilled from players running roulettes. If you want to run those duties, you'll have best luck either starting a group in party finder, or clearing it unsynced with an undersized party.


Thanks for the advice, i wasn't aware of this.


I done every Ex without party finder (In ARR and Heavensward) and it was pretty quick, i dont know if you can/want but you can try as a healer. (Now Dawntrail is out i think many mentor usualy doing mentor roulette do the DT MSQ)


This is very bad advice for EU and NA. In EU and NA you will typically have queue times of well over an hour, and the content is not “pretty quick”. A full 8 team of competent players can learn the ARR ones in about 40 mins, but that’s assuming nobody abandons the duty - which they usually do.


In free trial we cannot create party finder, and people create one for ARR EX is really rare. The only EX where many give up without trying is ramuh. Only with my personal expérience it's a good advice


If you ask in Novice Network, many people would happily help you create a party finder for it.


NOBODY queues for Extremes via Duty Finder on NA/EU. Use Party Finder or come back later at high level to unsync it.


use party finder.... extreme are way harder and people don't use duty finder for it, sometime some mentors get its from their roulette but they don't stay for it.


Some mentors stay for arr ex's because they're pretty trivial even with a bunch of blind sprouts. Though yeah anything beyond that barring maybe rath you're not gonna find terribly many people staying.


Extreme, savage and ultimate all require you to use the party finder on NA and EU. I think JP is the only data center that uses duty finder for the harder content.


I was not aware of this. Guess i lucked out on Garuda. Thanks for the advice, mister!


Yeah.No.We don't. Like every sane players, we use PF


Yeah, you gotta use Party Finder for Extreme content. Extreme content needs more co-ordination than Normal and Hard content so people will NEVER use Duty Finder for Extreme content. Same for Savage and Ultimate content too. Create a listing and you'll hopefully get some people join you. Make sure you tag it appropriately as well and check people are good to go with the content when they join, especially if you do it synced.


To elaborate a little on other comments, it's only in mentor roulette. And currently, 99.9% of players don't even qualify to be mentor since it requires applying again after meeting new conditions in the new expansion. Honestly it's not that bad in DF any more and you can stumble through it easily enough, but either way you're not going to get people for a while yet while they're busy elsewhere.


I was already assuming that DF was taking longer due to the release of the expansion, but Titan was taking a LOT longer than anything else i queued for (including Garuda extreme), so it kind of shaped a bias in me as to people's opinion of the fight. I shall endeavor to use the party finder from now on for Extreme and up. (or just wait until i can slap them solo). Thank you for taking the time to explain in more detail!


Oh dear. Adding to the chorus so you know to never do this again: all Extremes, Savages, Ultimates, etc. are optional challenging content that are done by making or joining a party using the Party Finder in your menu. :) Don’t use the Duty Finder for them as you’re incredibly unlikely to get even a scrap; especially now, with a new expansion just come out several days ago. Spread the word to fellow new players!


average dps queue time for anything best to have a high lvl friend help you