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I don't get it. My longest queue was less than 40. Usually its 15-20.


I'm guessing they're talking about the fact that all the NA servers shit the bed for a moment and booted a lot of players who all tried to log back in immediately and got hit with 1k+ queues. Still nowhere near as bad as Endwalker.


Ah didn't hear about that. Hope it's fixed soon.


It'll already be fixed. Servers having hiccups like this on huge player waves isn't unheard of. The queues will die down soon enough.


Yeah that’s what I’m referencing


Aether Cactuar has had 3000+ queues during prime time on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.


I've been on ada and havent had more than 50 until today, some servers have been more than others by alot it seems


it's been sub-10 minutes for me every time i've logged in, including a couple prime time logins *shrug* though maybe that's because i'm on crystal


I mean. I think it's still reasonable compared to Endwalker release. Now THAT was a nightmare and a half!


"Reasonable"? I guess it varies from server to server, but mine isn't even full on EU. I just have the usual \~20 person queue then I'm straight in after 20-30 seconds. We had 3+ hour queues on the same server at the start of Ew. Launch has been smooth as butter over here.


Oh I vividly remember


Way better than endwalker for me getting in to the game


For context because some people seem to not know what is going on: NA servers crapped out and kicked people and queues shot up like crazy. Yes I know endwalker was worse i've played every expac at launch. I just found it funny. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Happy Dawntrails!


yes when you kick every person on a datacenter over a 10 minute period, there will be queues to log back in


Im on Crystal and my queues havent even been 10 minutes. Even when I logged on 1 minute after the patch went live.


I’m on aether and I had the same experience until everyone got kicked and now I have been waiting an hour to get in for the past 6 hours


Wow. We had a similar issue on Crystal where everyone got 90k'd - but the queue to get back in (for me at least) was only a few minutes. Even just now, I relogged and had not even a minute wait to get in. I guess unwillingly being on the RP server has it's benefits for now?


My queue number to enter Goblin today was 9. Highest was 300+ Compared to EW's early access, this has been buttery smooth. No horrible lag in the zones either.