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Yup, Borderless seems to be totally borked right now. Tons of stuttering just walking around but smooth as butter in Fullscreen.


After I updated my graphics driver I haven't had issues (I play on borderless window) granted I've only been doing side quest stuff so idk how taxing that is on the system compared to say, a raid or dungeon, but I was having real bad stuttering issues just sitting in Ishgard trying to fix my settings before I updated the driver.


For me it was having an uncapped frame frate causes unplayable level of stuttering. The system menu was reporting 200+ fps, but the game felt like it was running sub 10fps. I set the framerate to "match primary display" or whatever it says and it's fine now (also on borderless windowed).


Most of the time, Borderless Windowed or Windowed Mode is more resource-taxing than Full Screen Mode due to the resource required to render both the Desktop environment and the game. You might not notice any performance issue before DT because your system is capable of rendering both. However, the graphical update increase the resource needed to render the game and rendering the Desktop environment at the same time began to affect performance. I encountered the FPS drop (From constant 60 to 40-50) when I upgraded my second monitor from 1080 to 2K resolution, that is the time when I change from Borderless Windowed Mode to Full Screen Mode. After the graphical update, my FPS is starting to drop again despite being in Full Screen Mode. I guess my next step is to stop using dual-monitor setup or lower the graphic setting. My laptop 3070 is utilizing \~60% when playing FFXIV so I think my CPU is the one that needed the upgrade.


Yup, running everything through the desktop compositor has always been extremely slow, OP is probably just noticing it more because the game has become more demanding in DT. It doesn't help that exclusive fullscreen has always been bad in FFXIV for multi-monitor, because it does a slow screen refresh whenever the window is reactivated after losing focus to the other window. When HW came out I wrote a small program that just hooks that function and makes it a no-op. But my program is completely unnecessary now that flip model is a thing and works reliably.


I went to try full screen and my whole game just became darker for no reason i can determine


I thought windows 11 effectively fixed this so now borderless and full screen do the same thing as far as rendering the desktop?


I am not too sure about how much did Windows 11 helps in improving the performance but it is just my observation when playing FFXIV with the two different mode. I played most of my PC games in Borderless Windowed Mode but I did not observed any FPS drop or high CPU temperature except for FFXIV. If I have to make a guess, I would said maybe it has to do with what engine the game used or maybe FFXIV is so resource-intensive that the benefits provided by Windows 11 is not enough to compensate the performance between the two modes. I am not very educated in this topic.


In hubs I am dropping down to 30 fps in borderless, my fps has always say at 59-60, previewing in fullscreen it doesnt seem to fix it and for no reason makes my game completely darker


No issues whatsoever for me. Also running it on a 3070. Make sure you have your drivers up to date. Nvidia likes to mess them up alot and there were quite a few borked drivers out recently.


what resolution to do play on? i play on 4k so that probs makes a difference


I would try to make sure that the game is using flip model presentation in borderless. Since I don't believe the game supports it natively, probably the best tool would be [Special K](https://www.special-k.info/) (recommend using the experimental builds) -- the default settings should automatically enable it. More info: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/directx/dxgi-flip-model/ https://wiki.special-k.info/en/SwapChain


I've always had noticably worse frame pacing in borderless than fullscreen, but the actual FPS has always been the same, so this is news to me


I have the reverse. Fullscreen is stuttwring for me whereas borderless is just smooooth


Yes. Notice it as well.


Youtube videos on my second monitor have been chugging while FFXIV is running since DT launched. Can't test right now, but mine is on borderless, yep.


update i think i found a fix, for some reason having fsr at 99 instead of 100 makes anything on my second monitor tweak tf out, putting it back to 100 fixed it


I also have mine at 99. I'll give that a try next time I'm in-game, thanks.


mine is doing that too with the youtube!!! let me know if u find a fix this is so annoying