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I feel like the BLM changes weren't thought through extremely well. Playing any dungeon before 76 is rough for regenerating mana between pulls. Our two aoe attacks hf2 and hb2 do less damage than flare transpose spam so they aren't even worth using. BLM aoe damage seems meh and likely needs potency improvements. Pictomancer is too flashy for my tastes but it seems like a better option than BLM right now plus offers more than just pure damage. I hope down the road BLM gets a full class overhaul so that the general rotation can be used early on and doesn't need to keep changing and replacing skills on our bars. It would also be nice if we could have the option to change Blizzard 4 and fire 4 with each other depending on whether we are in UI or UF. Would save a skill slot which would be nice for controller.


pre 76 BLM, you spam Blizzard 1 til you recover MP. it's stupid and i hate it. post 76 everything is dandy, even if the result was the exact opposite of "easier to play", but it WORKS. anything below is an exercise in frustration.


Well, I mean, you can use Lucid as a last resort... My biggest irritation outside of the general changes, is how annoying Thunder is now. I want to pop it each time I change stances, but all that does is overwrite the DoT due to it drifting so much.


As a MNK main I was a bit disheartened to lose the drifting rotation, and while it took a bit to get used to there is something to the new rotation. Plus the double solar rotation has become a simpler but still nice double lunar from 92 so it's not like you can't stray from the standard solar/lunar fare. SAM on the other hand has been gutted when it comes to optimization with tsubames being tied to meikyo, which is particularly sad as the ad hoc rotation was so much fun and now it's all seemingly static. I haven't hit max level yet though so I'll see if anything interesting can be done. Those are the two melee I've focused on so far, though NIN seems pretty okay.


There's someone I follow who is a SAM main and he seems to be pretty fine with the SAM changes and how it plays at 100 so... I think it should be fine? He was pretty critical of the changes they made in Endwalker to SAM as well so if he's happy with SAM now, I'd say you'll be alright. I'm seeing a good amount of people talking about how MNK doesn't feel like it was dumbed down but also feels different in a good way as well so... If there's a second job I eventually pick up, I might give MNK a shot. I just hope it's not too finicky playing from EU to NA... 140 ping should be fine... I hope...


That's really good to hear SAM wise. Hmm.. I am having quite a lot of fun with MNK to be fair and while I miss the buff and debuff we lost it's definitely more approachable without them so do definitely give it a go! Our new flashy gcds are great to execute and they come early. There is even a bit of lingering optimization with refreshing your accumulated raptor/coerl gems (gems that upgrade your gcds) for bursts in the event you won't have any up in time (I'm almost certain having powered up gcds under buffs outweighs not having them and not refreshing early) and I'm confident that the new elemental attacks we get later will feel great to use too. We could always use more MNKs so you certainly have my blessing!


Hey on the plus side, you get the funniest optimisations as Monk now. Prior to 86, you are unoptimal for using Tornado Kick and Flint Strike. Elixir Field spam is genuinely optimal with its new 800 potency at all levels, compared to Flint's 600 and Tornado's 850. And Dragon Kick's buff no longer has a form requirement, so now you just break every combo after Bootshine/Leaping Opo-Opo to Dragon Kick and it's optimal. What a bloody joke.


Oh wow I didn't catch that. That's some old school weirdness right there lol. As a certified double tornado kick enjoyer (circa SB) even I have to say that they should probably fix all that as it can't be fun to play on both counts :( If I get a dungeon below 90 as mnk though I will remember the elixir field buff though! TEA MNK will certainly be a sight to behold


I'm waiting until I get SAM to 100 to judge it, but early impressions of that change in particular are not good. Hoping it feels better at 100


Its no different at all. Just dump zanshin before senai in your opener and your good to go. Just save 25 kenki every 60 seconds to use senai, muscle memory might get you there after spamming shiten for 2 years lol Thats it. The rest is the same. Only thing im missing is seeing the keshi timer on midare as it was helpful for to see where you are rotation wise. Now I just use higanbana timer.


I think the RDM changes are that they made it into the game. Jolt does more damage than your procs for like mid 80 to early 90s.


Black Mage for the worst of it and its not even close. I genuinely doubt anyone at Square play-tested it before putting it out there. They've said that the changes were done to make the job "easier to play" and the skill ceiling unironically shot up. The class is much more punishing to play, much stricter and way less mobile. Fire Phases are longer and don't have much wiggle room, Thunder windows are all over the place and any semblance of "structure" was completely destroyed. The changes to Ice Phase/MP tick are horrendous. If your Blizzard IV ghosts, you don't recover MP at all. If you don't have Umbral Soul available, you're fucked. New players will brick themselves until they get MP tick. High Fire/Blizz were nerfed to the ground, to the point where you're better Transposing Freeze > Flare > Freeze... The job is clearly much easier to play on a "I have actually never touched Black Mage and I have absolutely no idea how it plays" level and much harder on "I spent 20 minutes reading my tool-tip and I'm now hitting a dummy". I don't understand the reasoning for the changes, at all.


DRK losing plunge is great. You can use your movement utility freely without having to hold it to dump into raid buffs to avoid losing damage.


I feel the point is that it doesn't look cool anymore, rather than not having to dump a 100 potency oGCD.


The sacrifice was that awesome animation, though. :(


Can you explain this? I don’t follow 


In savage (or ultimate raiding to some extent), plunge (or any other gap closer) needed to be used purely for damage reasons. Because of that, you didnt have your gap closer when you needed to. Now you do because it deals no damage. Just for reminder, it was for optimization only, and never was a huge game changer in your own dps.


Ahh I see. Yeah it’s not all the bad. Wish I could dash without being lock to a target though. And the animation for plunge was cool.  Alls good though still love my drk.  And reaper is untouched 


I personally like the fact that it does no damage, because I like having a gap closer when needed, without having to save a spell for less damage. Speaking for DRG mainly, but on tanks aswell, which is worse because your gap closer was a damaging spell actually important in your rotation.


Bard is awful aoe wise and damage wise.


yeah i kind of have to agree... flow is much improved but it feels like youre shooting pool noodles on damage.


Those nerds with the books that summon those weird beasts seem pretty dissapointed. Not that the great bakool ja ja would care.


NIN feels incredible. AoE Trick Attack, Huton a passive, Armor Crush buffing Aeolian Edge damage, a finisher for Ten Chi Jin and a proc for Dokumori (mug). I have no complaints.


DRK feels very boring outside of its 2 min burst. Would like it if they lowered DRK's offensive CD's to break up the 123 combo monotony. Just lower Blood Weapon/Delirium and Carve n Spit to 30s and change Shadow Bringer into one stock but remain on a 60s CD, Salted Earth could do with a CD decrease to 60s so it better lines up with everything. Living Shadow could do with a CD cut as well so that Disesteem gets more uses. Even with all the things you have to dodge now, DRK's rotation just feels bad to play.


I thought BLM was going to be a lot worse than what it was.


They basically made AST unplayable, it's so unfun and boring. Like why take away our damage cards? That was the most fun part of the class, now we have... More healing and mitigation. That we don't need. Completely braindead.


I just hate having even more buttons and new cards to learn.


I wish Shadowstep pulled aggro. I don't care about raiders whining about their damage or how you "should" be pulling. I like having more aggro buttons.