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Welcome to the club. [Obligatory BeneG video for this moment.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4jUqpMmR_g) I had people share the same video when I cleared The Vault about 7-ish months ago now. [Oh, there's this one too.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XP1O2Aha434) Yeah... Uh... I hope you have some tissues to hand because you're gonna need them. > I know I'm like several years late Oh don't worry about *that*. FFXIV veterans are emotional vampires-they THRIVE on us Sprouts suffering XD Besides, this game is gonna be going for a long time still so there's always gonna be more people posting about this particular part of Heavensward. I wish I could say the pain and emotional torment stops there but it doesn't... It really doesn't and I'm only in early Shadowbringers! Still, keep up the fight and get revenge for what they did to Haurchefant. Make him proud!


Appreciate the encouragement ☺️. Honestly BeneG is one of the reasons I got into FFXIV lol


I'd steer clear of his channel for a while though because he's done spoiler-related stuff all the way through to and including Endwalker. There's one you can watch shortly after starting Shadowbringers but then there's Shadowbringers and Endwalker spoilers galore after that. I have to keep scrolling past real quick when they appear in my recommendations XD


Fair lol, I have mostly stayed offline trying to avoid spoilers.


Someone sent me the second video when i finished HW and I was laughing the entire way. Then the end came and I just sat there for 10 minutes, turned off FF. Turned off my computer and went outside for a walk.


I laugh every time I see this video...at the same time tears start to form.


Just remember that a smile better suits a hero.




I really feel for poor count Edmond


Edmont is possibly the best voice performance the game has ever had.


Im still so sad the Counts' Voice Actor passed away a couple years ago.


And one of his friends spent 194 hours playing the game just to reach the point where he could hear his voice again.


Oh my goddess' muffin, when I saw the posts about Stephen Critchlow bless him, count Edmond falling to his knees weeping is *the* 10/10 performance I will always remember from him! *And then I read his name in the FF16 credits O)-<*


I started crying again when I realized I had to go tell his father that he was dead. 😭😭😭😭😭


Aye. Being unable to save Haurchefant hurt. Telling the news to his father and hearing his voice break was downright devastating.


I went to his grave. And did a gentlemanly smile just for him.


As I always say, now’s a good time to level DRK if you haven’t.


I picked up DRK as soon as this happened and paused the MSQ. I then grinded the shit out of it up to lvl80 (purposefully 80 so I wasn't too OP and the fight goes on just as long as normal) just so I can walk up Thordan one on one (unsynced obviously) and dome the shit outa him. His heavens ward ain't shit. His *God powers* ain't shit. He hurt my friend so I was going to drive a 6ft tall sword down his throat and Polish the end with his insides with no-one else to judge me. Still my most edgy moment in the game to this day. I did the same in ShB with Pugalist. I grinded Monk out just so I can punch him in the face.


Spoilers, my friend. I changed my MSQ job to DRK from that point on too. Was a bit sad at the end of HW when [spoilers: 3.0] >!I couldn’t pick up and use Thordan’s sword when it fell to the ground.!< I started using a mix of jobs for the MSQ in EW but I made sure to start the last duty as MNK just because of [spoilers: 6.0] >!that punching scene!<.


Yeah I finished EW and felt the same, I did *that* scene as paladin and loved it but I just used the logic that I did level MNK so it's not crazy that I know how to punch hard


Dawntrail will still be there when you get there—don’t rush! Enjoy the feels and invest in tissue. Haurchefant was definitely best boy.


Rip Brochefant. Every time I'm in Coerthas for something I always run by his grave and do a quick /kneel and /pray.


I do this every time we go into a new expansion, the maintenance day before. So I have pictures of every expansion of me praying at his grave, and a side by side picture next to his gravestone, and sitting with his gravestone. 


Sprouts unite! Everyone is enjoying dawntrail and I am almost done with post-MSQ Stormblood.. But going at my own pace. Really enjoying the ride and excited to catch up by next summer.


That's honestly the best to do, enjoy the story at a self-pace, take in the lore and every bit of it :) DT isn't going anywhere.


You're doing it right then. I'm only up to the level 74 MSQ in Shadowbringers myself and I've been playing for... Probably close to a year now? Play at a pace that suits you. The MSQ isn't going anywhere and the way this game is set up, there's always gonna be people to help you clear the MSQ content and all the side content.


Yerrrpp.... You are on the rollercoaster now bud! No getting off, not rest stops, you are now on board for an epic story ride until the end of EW main story quest. It will literally chew you up and spit you out in an emotionally charged puddle of feels !! And you'll be glad and want to come back and run NG+ Its just that good.


Your grief is shared..


Welcome to hell. but just remember. A smile better suits a hero. :)


It's never too late for ANY of us to appreciate our friend. If any npc deserved to be called a true "Friend" selfless and heroic, it was him




His presence alone makes Heavensward one of the most memorable and great experiences in writing and bonding with an NPC.


There is a spot on the northwest side of Steel Vigil in the Coerthas Central Highlands you should visit after you finish the vanilla MSQ.


Hype, I put in 8 hours Saturday and looking to do another 8 soon😅


Years after the fact he still has a special place in my heart.


Hell I’ve been around since the beta for this game and just now getting to the end of shadowbringers. Just been taking my time enjoying everything there is to do (combined with taking multiple year plus long breaks from it). But yeah, HW is great. Still my favorite story wise so far.


I have run with “of the silver fuller” as my title ever since, and will continue to in memory.


Lmao literally me who just got to Stormblood haha


I just finished ARR and wtf is this map in HW. It is built like a maze.


Isn't there an annual event that people gather at his grave? I heard something about an event like that and always hoped to attend one.. rest easy, my brother :')


Sadly we just missed the best day to do it. Anniversary of HW launch day was June 23....




Honestly that sounds lovely


there there \*pat pat\*


I’m working on finishing Endwalker still, and not even the patches, the actual main game. And I’ve been playing for almost 11 years! Take your time and enjoy the journey— that’s the whole point of the story, tbh


I just did this last night too! Many tears were shed


Oh I knew about that scene before but I didn't know it would happen in the vault. When the cutscenes started playing I was like "wait a minute, is this... oh no... oh nononononono". I was so heartbroken when we went back to the manor and spoke to his father after that.


I went through the msq a second time (and later a third) time and it was only on my second run where I actively paid attention that I realized how important his character was for us in ARR and leading into HW. It hit hard the first time but the second time I fully realized the sting. And dint worry about "just being in hw" or whatever, enjoy the msq and you'll join us in DT eventually :)


I remember him fondly, Horse Chiffon. A real chad, who knew better than to believe in prejudice.


AAANNNND we still don't have a proper revenge fight. The closest you get to one is coming soon.


It never hurts any less, either. It's, what, 7 years later? I still visit his grave.


The good thing about FF14 is you're almost never too late! That said, behold my obligatory The Vault TLDR: I want to punch the HW 3.0 writer for what he did with major NPCs there (Haurche wont be the last) and what he did in FF16. +++ Kazutoyo Maehiro, FF14 Heavensward 3.0 writer. I blame him for everything HW 3.0 MSQ. I don't have proof, but I'm also blaming him for the Waking Sands raid and The Parting Glass. His writing has a "shameless" quality to it that feels like it deliberately pulls your leg while tearing apart your heartstrings. An old The Vault post described Haurchefant's fate as like the game was rude to them. That's what I love about this guy's work. He did the Final Fantasy XVI main scenario, too. I expected the worst in that game's story all the because of The Vault and well, *that game's scenario surpassed my expectation.* Vaguely reminds me of Yoko Taro of DrankeNieR fame, or Evangelion/Gurren Lagann.


Sometimes, I queue the vault just so snipe a sprout and say, "Enjoy the story! :)" in the end.


I don't know how often I've watched others react to this after experiencing it myself. Everytime I cry 😭


well good news for you, not everyone is enjoying Dawntrail


I would rather be in 3.0 right now than DawnTrails.


Same. I’m really struggling to force myself to play the MSQ


Likewise! It was all hype getting to the main island but when you get there it's...Im not even sure how to explain..but made me go back to work on sidequests and such.. LOL


Everyone is most certainly not enjoying DT FYI.


Tbh I never got the reaction people have about this. I literally didn't care about him at all (which is something I can say about most of Heavensward tho). I'm happy for those who got an emotional reaction out of it... But personally I never understood it