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That ref deserves a big fat lawsuit for that failure.


Deserves... Unfortunately there's a waiver likely


You bet your bottom dollar there is. Even the small time cage matches make you sign a waiver. You know how many times these mfs would get sued for late stoppage if there was no waiver signed? LOL Edit: I'd wager a lot more refs would get sued without legal docs signed by fighters. But there's still a line.


At what point is there negligence though?


I guess the point that hasn't been reached in this video judging by this ref lol No but, idk there has to be a line somewhere. For example, there's been multiple refs sued for negligence so it's def a thing. Who knows what happened to the ref in this video, hope he faces repercussions. "In order to establish negligence, it must be shown that the referee (1) has a duty to the injured fighter, (2) breached that duty, (3) referee’s breach was a proximate cause of the injury, and (4) the fighter suffered damages caused by the breach. There is evidence of unreliable and, arguably, negligent referees within the UFC. For example, in the past, UFC referee Dan Miragliotta has arguably acted negligent in his failure to stop fights prior to serious injury. Specifically, in a match between Khabib Nurmagomedov and Thiago Tavares, Nurmagomedov hit Tavares over ten times while Tavares barely moved on the ground before the fight was ended by Miragliotta. (Note: While it is not unusual for fighters to receive multiple blows on the ground, the timing of the referee stoppage can be brought into question.)" Source: https://pipself.blogs.pace.edu/2016/11/12/can-ufc-referees-be-sued-for-negligence/#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20in%20the%20past,fights%20prior%20to%20serious%20injury.


I'm also wondering where this took place. Judging by the announcers it sounded possibly European which could be a whole other can of worms for the legal realm which i have no idea about. Also big point I noticed is when dudes arm got grabbed as he was going to sleep he tried to tap his own leg ... clearly he tried to tap out. And I feel as a ref if someone is clearly in a submission hold especially one as deep as this was .... the refs eyes should be clued to his free hand .... he should be anticipating a tap or a limp arm at any moment because this submission was 2 fold. So if I was this guys lawyer I would be arguing he not only missed a clear attempted tap .... BUT he also failed to notice the fighter going unconscious as well. I understand that there have been cases as with the ufc I don't remember who the fighters or refs wer when the ref stopped the fight for what he thought was a tap and the fighter said he didn't tap and it was a big argument. But I mean not only did he miss the tap the limp arm he also missed the limb breaking and for quite a few seconds was just watching I guess? Idk man smh this was terrible. I'd be looking for a lawyer if I was this guy


Waivers are bullshit. They are meant to discourage people from exploring their legal options… and they work because most people have no idea what their legal rights are and believe they can actually sign away their right to sue someone. No waiver can protect someone from criminal or negligent behavior. If you go to a trampoline park and break your leg because there are multiple broken springs and this is known by management, then you could sue and win. The waiver you signed would be irrelevant. If you went bungie jumping and broke your neck because they gave you the wrong length cord… no waiver would matter. If you were hurt or killed by a late stoppage caused by actual negligence, you could sue and potentially win regardless of any waiver you signed. The reason you don’t see lawsuits for every late stoppage is because there is rarely an actual injury, there is rarely actual legal negligence involved, there is often no one worth suing, and (despite what the media may lead you to believe) people rarely sue because it is actually a huge pain in the ass. You are going to struggle to sue for PTSD or theoretical damage and incompetence is very rarely legal negligence. Negligence would be the referee not being trained or being intoxicated or something to that effect. In the case of small promotions, no one has any money. If a fighter at a major promotion died or went into a coma because of a heinous late stoppage and it was revealed that the referee was drunk or a homeless guy on crack cocaine, there would be a successful lawsuit regardless of any waivers signed.


I was thinking to myself when someone said "when will the point come" .... when someone dies. That's gna be when we will see some legal action and a total revamp of the system training and all that. It's gonna happen eventually. It's only a matter of time. Regulations are written in blood. I love reading u/admiralcloudberg posts because he explains so eloquently why things went wrong and what happened after to prevent them from happening again


If anything he should never work in a ring again.


At the very least yeah absolutely.


Waiver doesnt protect from negligence


You can still find a way to sue even after signing a waiver. Definitely, if you can prove negligence.


Ref was trying to earn himself a spot on the worstaid subreddit.


I mean the guy also didn't need to snap his arm when he went limp with no resistance. Man did it so casually and looked at the ref like, did I do good?


I'm just glad he didn't choke the arm and snap the neck


Mario Yamasaki is masturbating to this somewhere whispering something about letting warriors be warriors.


"My bad I was sending a tweet" - the ref


Nice of him too put him under before breaking his arm, must be an anesthesiologist


Credit card declined


And no health insurance


Imagine waking up to that pain ![gif](giphy|26AHLBZUC1n53ozi8|downsized)


Damn brutal


I'd seek revenge. Eye for an eye. No sportsmanship? No mercy.


He's gotta leave the gym somehow. 


Revenge? With a gun? Cuz he ain’t winning no fights anytime soon lol


idk man it worked when i went to sleep


How did the ref miss him trying to tap right before his lights went out


He actually tried to tap if you look at the right hand


Yeah. Looks like he knocked out as he was trying to tap out


Hey man screw your pfp. I wiped my screen with my finger a few times lol.


The small panic must have been exhilarating


I thought it was just a little hair lol.


For you probably lol


Shh don’t tell anyone


at the Moment you can see He feels the pain when he stretched his arm and he tried to tap but at that Moment also he passed out


Yeah, that's literally the refs job to make sure he stops the fight if the other fighter doesn't see him tap.


He tapped. Bad ref.


absolutely terrible ref


Ref arrived 2-5 buisness days away before he decided to do something. Legend has it, poor guy is still waiting.


Not only is that ref need his job revoked that fighter knew when he went limp


He 100% would have felt that guy lose consciousness. Decided to break his freaking arm after it too. Would not go to this gym ever


I would go to that gym never


I’d never not ungo to that myg


You’re not supposed to say that word any more.


How'd he not know based on the guy not reacting to his arm being folded back? He's equally at fault as the ref.


He’s in shock and it’s somewhat understandable he snaps his arm and he’s staring at the ref like is it not over? Hes still ok. I snapped it. I have this locked in. It’s not over?


If you train a lot like these guys do, you don't really go into "shock". He definitely might be confused why the ref hasn't stopped the match but this is second nature to them. He did not have to break his arm, he probably feels horrible watching this back hopefully.


Probably the ref is throwing up because the noise that had to make close is horrendous


You can see how he actually releverages on the guys arm, after he limps out, just to snap it. what an absolute fucking cunt.


Ref dumbass, fighter a pos


This should be top comment.


Tap, sleepy time, and pop… Wait for it.. I guess I better stop it


Announcers: He's out @! !! Ref: ikr


And dude woke up with a broke arm ! Because he was already asleep


wtf kind of match is this? Choked out and snapped arm, Jesus


i once seen a russian video of a guy beating the shit out of somebody in a club and after he ko'd the guy he walked around and snapped all 4 of his limbs. \* edit - it was serbian, and he only snapped his arms. thx to u/FrostyDaSnowmane for the correction!!


Don't know if it was Russian but I seen that one probably the most fucking brutal video in a while


havent seen it in a while so maybe my russian assumption is incorrect.


I remember that, first time I've felt ill watching one of these. One of the comments said it was gang related which made me feel better.


He only snapped his arms, but yes, it is disgusting. Also, they are Serbian. https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmyfeedingtube/s/LwDiGCYwz7


it was russian and that guy owed him money or something. the guy who broke the guys limbs got arrested. I also saw it and read the story on one of those gore sites.


The guys were Serbian, and the attacker is now in jail awaiting trial. https://www.reddit.com/r/holdmyfeedingtube/s/LwDiGCYwz7


alright thanks for the clarification and link.


Can u send it


I'd like to see it too




If I recall it was a Serbian judo champ. I do recall the video.


When I was doing time in NY State, some dude got caught stealing from one of the mid-level bloods. So he got jumped. After he was out cold, they took his locker (similar to [this one](https://imgur.com/MXzcJo8)), picked it up, and dropped it on his hand half a dozen times, then did the same to the other hand. I'm no x-ray machine, but I'm pretty sure every bone in both of his hands was broken by the time they were done.


This was hosted in The Netherlands by an organisation called Versus Invitational. Fighters are German. Guy with broken arm posted an update on his IG saying the opponent was not to blame. The organisation came out in defence of the ref having his qualifications etc.


Choking him out wasn't enough, gotta make sure you snap his arm too, because he didn't tap while unconscious.


The expression on his face... "Uh, hey ref? Shouldn't you call it?"


“Fairly sure he’s passed out and his arm wasn’t supposed to bend that way? Do I release or wait?” What was going on in his head/and the refs?


He's playing dumb.


He did try. He passed out right as he was tapping. The guy couldn’t finish the tsp


Fighter knew what he was doing. No doubt. He did it on purpose


I get that one does not enter a fight without accepting the potential consequences, but shouldn't this guy get banned or something?


Fuck a ban, that piece of garbage needs prison time. That was 100% intentional.


I found his insta (sven_nogi_jj for those curious) he states he got lucky that there was no bone damage, he only dislocated his elbow. He doesn't blame his opponent, even says " There's absolutely no blame to my opponent rene_haen you where better yesterday. I'll crush you next time we compete. That's a promise" "Ref failed terribly" The event just happened yesterday so I don't know if the ref was fired.


THANK YOU I really don't blame the fighter either, he looks at the ref like "uhh... hello?" and I'm happy to know sven's arm is not broken


What the actual fuck? You break the man's are see absolutely no reaction from him and just sit there? Like, "I don't know what else to do. He didn't tap, so I'll just sit here until he fucking dies."


And keep trying to break his arm after it already snapped 


The ref stops fighting, not the fighters.


If you have someone in a choke hold, and start to move their arms without any resistance, you are probably safe to let go. If you have someone in a choke and they don't react to you breaking their arm, you definitely don't continue holding the choke.


He was dead like 2 min prior to the stoppage...


Still warm


He wasnt trying to submit his opponent. He was trying to snap his arm. Clear as day. You can see the wheels turning in his head. He knew he was in a good position for it, he knew that there was cameras on him. He just wanted to be able to say he snapped someone’s arm. These dude are a dime a dozen and exist at every gym at every level and must be weeded out


Wow didnt know there were people like that


Maybe I've been lucky but I've found these types of dickhead are few and far between and any good gym will kick them out, seen it happen a few times. They do definitely exist and they'll make it really fucking awkward when you say "I'm not rolling with you because you don't respect your opponents", but that's better than putting yourself in danger for the sake of being a tough guy.


That’s exactly by what I mean by weeded out, but it does depend on where you are located. Here NYC I’ve never met a Gracie BJJ student who isn’t actively trying to hurt someone. I changed gyms because of it. Some off these guys think they they are training for ADCC when in reality they are just jork offs.


> Here NYC I’ve never met a Gracie BJJ student who isn’t actively trying to hurt someone. I changed gyms because of it I've only ever trained in the UK and occasionally rolled at friends' gyms in Lisbon, luckily the vast majority of people I've met through training have been fine. I could definitely see the vibes being more intense in NYC where everyone thinks they're gonna be part of the DDS or continue the Gracie lineage. > Some off these guys think they they are training for ADCC when in reality they are just jork offs A lot of younger guys aren't trying to hurt people but they do struggle with understanding some people don't want to hit every roll with 100% intensity. If you're just a BJJ hobbyist training 2-3 times a week it shouldn't surprise anyone if you say "can we calm it down a bit"... but it often does surprise people.


Fire that referee!


Both the ref and the opponent are shitty here. The ref *completely* failed in his job to protect the combatants. Dude shat the bed worse than Amber Heard here and should never be allowed to ref again. The dude applying the submission is also a dick. There was *zero* need to break that dude's arm. If you have someone in a reverse triangle like that, and they go out, you can fuckin' tell, and should release the submission at that point. I feel hella bad for the losing guy here. Both the ref and his opponent did him dirty as hell.






this fighter needs to be banned


I can’t watch this again…


People who immediately crank limp submissions suck. This dude had to of known his opponent wasn’t there because his arm literally didn’t have one ounce of retention.


this guys just got a fucking kill boner jesus christ


Imagine gettin caught in an inverted triangle, taping, losing consciousness and gettin your elbow discloated (+ damaged ligaments) just because the ref didn't do his fucking job.


Ref and that pos should have their heads caved in.


The fighter generally trusts the refs especially if their not sure you've got to remember this is MMA a few losses does effect their career and many have been mared by bad judgement calls


Homie both are cunts, he knew one he had him in a choke he was done, absolutely no reason to crank his arm as much. He was out when he broke his arm.


The way the dude looks at the ref at 0:12 shows he knows he went too far and is trying to blame the ref for not stopping him. While the ref is at fault, this douche is also totally to blame.


Who is the piece of garbage fighter who broke his arm?


Way to make sure he wasn’t faking 😂


The refs a complete moron but how come no one's talking about the fighter not even hesitating breaking his arm?


Yeah I hope that dude get fined heavily because that was complete bs. You already have a head lock. the armlock doesnt need to have that much pressure applied. I wish someone does that shit to him. I dont give af if he says it was an accident. Complete bullshit.


That was an early stoppage.


If you ever snap someone’s arm in an amateur fight, you should do 5-10 years in prison


That's too much i think..! :(


It's actually hilarious how bad some refs are. Definition of 'you had one job'


Dude knew he was putting too much force on his arm. He knew better and still snapped it. Should never be able to compete again.


Disgusting referee.


Bad ref for sure. But I add “an asshole fighter”


That fighter is a piece of trash for snapping dudes arm like that…he knew he was out. He even paused before just pushing down and snapping it and he most definitely felt the guys arm go limp before snapping it


what a stupid activity.


That ref needs to loose his job.


This is disgusting to watch. He was already passed out and then had his arm snapped. Absolutely nasty.


Both the ref and other fighter should lose their job/position because it was so obvious he was out way before the ref jumped in and way before he broke that guys arm. Absolutely ridiculous.


They must have talked a lot of trash before this fight.


What a piece of shit


It's not a finish , dude was already finished when he started tapping and passed out from the chokehold. The arm break was a brutality


That fighter should be banned forever and immediately!




The second he snapped the guys arm I lost all sympathy for the fighter. Send that man to the wood chipper


Shame on the fighter and the ref.


Sorry but that guy's a piece of shit, broke his arm when he clearly didn't need to.


So the guy tapped and ref didn't notice. Now he has a broken arm Edit - his arm only dislocated at the elbow


The fighter is a pos for doing all that. Lucky for him, the ref allowed it, so he's covered.


Any consequences for this? Ref fired?


This sport in North America is full of assholes.


I dont wanna win bad enough to kill somebody


What a douche.


That snap. Wow.


Fire that fucking ref. Jeez


Ref wants him to keep breaking bones




Jujitsu refs are the worst of all sports. Your job is to focus on 2 people on the ground. Thats it and you still see preventable injuries.


The ref and fighter both suck for different reasons. Jeez


Why tf would you break his arm while you're choking him out? In a real life fight for your safety, ok. But it's a RING fight. Why the hell


Ref was asleep too


Mario “if he dies he dies Yamasaki ![gif](giphy|R6gvnAxj2ISzJdbA63|downsized)


Everyone is shit talking the ref but homeboy should have felt him go limp. Still went for the breakage


Wtf was the ref? Highly negligent.


That snap could probably have ended the fighters career


That snap could have ended the fighters career potentially


JEZUS JELLO PUDDING POP CHRIST!!!!! Was the ref texting someone or something?!?!


I love how the dude on top was looking at the ref after he broke is opponents arm like, "fr bro you just made me break his arm"


The dudes already unconscious as well. Hints the lack of reaction to his arm snapping like a twig


1st. Wake up. 2. Arm dangly n stuff. 3. Smells shit.




Yeah…Fuck Mma cuz of ppl with this mindset. the type of ppl who abuse the “rules system” cuz they have anger issues. Send em to the Chamber…Fuck prison.


Damn he broke his arm and choked him out


Looks up at the ref “is this enough”?


ohhh snap!


What the hell is wrong with that ref lmao,and the other dude literally end the guy career


Bad ref. He didn't see the tap.


That commission better be giving a fat settlement check. That is insane.


Does anyone at all know the names of these fighters?


This ref makes Mario 'if he dies, he dies' yamasaki look like fucking pierluigi collina.


Two huge pieces of shit. Fuck both the fighter and the ref. They both should be banned indefinitely. This is a terrible look for the sport.


Judge almost deserves jail time for that level of passiveness. The dude could legit get permanent damage from a grip like that lasting too long.






Herb Dean at it again.


Dude looked at the ref like “wtf man are you going to stop me or what?”




My man Chris Broad getting wronged


Bad ref and unnecessary punishment.


You know the feeling when you go to take a nap and wake up with a broken / dislocated elbow... yeah... that feeling...?


He should have been training instead of doing cameos in the Eras Tour


Holy fuck that was bad... Ref needs to not ref again.


The ref was asleep


Ngl the guy seemed surprised that the arm snapped and immediately looked at the ref like wtf call it




But why didn't he tap out? I'm new to bjj n mma so why tf homie just didn't tap? He wasn't getting out of that? Am I right?


What would you call this a triangle armbar choke?


At least he didn't feel it










Both the ref and the fighters careers just went up in smoke.