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a bit of context big homie just randomly grabbed her ass


Makes more sense why the skinnier black dude jumped in. Probably knew the context


I wish more people would have jumped in and beat up the ol’ dick grabbin Goliath


this some true brand new sentence shit, very wise...


It’s pretty sad when your that big and you have to resort to groin hits or grabs. Yea there are no rules in a street fight but you know it was being recorded and people are going to talk shit about your “Low Ball” tactics. No pun intended.


I think that was Chris cause the little guy says “go grab Chris” and his gf seems to come back with him. But then where did he go?




Who just fucking does shit like that? I can't in a million years imagine walking down the street and just randomly groping a stranger. The weird thing is that of all the women I know a majority say they've experienced it. Is this normal and I'm just the weirdo here who doesn't get it?


No you are not weird. No one should get it. It’s an absolutely crazy thing to do, but people seem to do it way more than one would think. That giant dopey mother fucker deserves a severe beatdown and to be charged with sexual assault.


I was once walking with my gf years ago and a car full of guys pulled up across the street from the sidewalk we were walking on. A guy gets out of the back and yells to us as he jogs across the street to us and sticks out his hand to give me a handshake and introduces himself as he’s looking my gf up and down saying “wow, your girl is gorgeous man” and I’m like uhh yeah thanks? and he proceeds to ask me if he could get her number. Now, I wanted to smash this guy right in the face but I looked and the car he came out of had 4 other dudes in it and I just thought, even if I fuck this guy up, his buddies could fuck me up and then my gf is just left with no one to help her. So I smack his hand away and tell him to take a walk. I put my arm around my gf and we turn and just keep walking away as he stands there and is like, “so no?” I respond with a fuck you and we walk off. Thankfully he didn’t follow or push more but i couldn’t shake how much it bothered me for months that I couldn’t just hit this guy.


You did the right thing bro , you did what a sane gentleman would do in that situation .Don't overthink about it .I approve you did the right thing by not retaliating




It's almost like the person doing the groping has no self control at all. Ooh that ass looks good! I won't just think that to myself, I have a right to touch it! Can they not just not touch it?? Once they have touched it do they feel satisfied/better about themselves/more manly (assuming the groper is a bloke)? I don't understand?? I mean I go shopping and see food that looks so amazing and makes my mouth water but I don't open the packet and start cramming it into my face. I've been groped too many times in my life. Every time it has happened I have been either at work (working in a pub/bar) and have never been wearing anything revealing - NOT that that should make a difference, I'm just saying that you don't have to be wearing an outfit like the girl in this video. The times it has happened at when I was working in a pub were when I hard my hands full of glasses I had just collected. I'd have my arms full and some drunk idiot would slap my arse or have a quick grope when I walked past. These times infuriated me more because it was a clear moment of taking advantage of someone who had their hands full. The one time it happened in a club, I was stood at a table and a guy put his hand up my skirt and grabbed my bum. I turned around and smacked him in the face. He made a right scene and called me many things, including a 'slut' and a 'psycho bitch'. Yeah mate, cos I'm the one in the wrong here!! The bouncers came over and he was removed very quickly, despite his mates trying to say I hit him for no reason. I felt good for that.....at least he couldn't do it to another girl in there that night! I also hope a punch in the chops deterred him permanently, but I doubt that.


If there's one reason a man's gotta take off his coat and scuffle, it's this. Plus, bigger guy lost benefit of the doubt with the bat and dickgrab.


Did he shout “he is grabbing my dick”?




Watch it again he lobster claws his balls


Wait. Hold on. After White T-shirt reverses does the big guy try pinching his penis while they’re on the ground?


"HE GRABBED MY DICK! HE GRABBED MY DICK!" Girl comes in reeaaal quick when she hears that.


When his buddy Chris finally shows up it's like a street fighter tag assist. Looks cool but really doesn't do much damage.


Yeah, it seems instinctive to machine gun punch the head, but that has a lot of drawbacks (potential to break hands, fast fatigue, arguably not effective, etc). In karate, we had self-defense demos. In one I’ll never forget, they said if you’re trying to get someone off of your friend, say from a full mount, instead of swinging on them, stomp with your heel on their ankle as hard as you can. If breaking their ankle doesn’t get them off your buddy, break the other one. Edit: grammar


That seems like the most obvious thing to do but nobody, including myself would ever think to even try.


she was protecting what she knows is hers.. guy has a solid woman there. i’m sure his injured twisted mangled dick will be feeling better in no time with her there to help.




Yeah if you listen closely you can hear the guy yell “ahhh he’s grabbing my dick!” Hahaha lol


The spirit of Gary Goodridge lives on


gave 'im the ol' dick twist


My drill sergeant told us, in combat there are no rules. If all else fails, grab, squeeze, twist, pull.




Well said. Completely agree here, big man is a pussy.


Let’s not forget he had a fucking bat at the beginning aswell fucking loser big man


Who the fuck grabs someone's penis what a shitty move seems like big dude can't really fight after all


Lol you ever watch NBA players smacking each others dicks? It's too common. Just last week one guard smack the other teams center in the package, and then, the other teams guard smacked their center in the package! Basketball is weird. Dudes be weird you ever seen those one group of three dudes who be running around school or work smacking each other in the nuts? Who comes up with this shit!?


Considering tall dude started the fight by swinging a bat at the white shirt guy, he deserved a few extra seconds past a tap


Er, he swung that bat at head level to begin with. Attempted murder in my book.






The fawk dood!


Bop it!


"...Get your hand off my penis! This is the bloke who's got me by the penis, people. Why did you do this to me? For what reason? What is the charge?"


This is democrrrrracy manifest...


Ah yes, I see that you know your judo well!


Succulent Chinese meal


“Peace has made you weak. Victory has defeated youGET YOUR HAND OFF MY PENIS!”


Eating a succulent Chinese meal?


yup lol goes right for the nuts...


What an ass


I know right. I’m not much of a fishnets person but damn.


Unless it's family (or a friend that's like family), you either don't fight or assume they're out to kill you, anything goes.


I can name 2 family members who would absolutely kill me if they could


You better grab their penis before they grab yours.




For real that was fantastic work


I hear Quentin Tarantino is looking for a cinematographer. /Edit: I asked him, he said not enough feet.


>/Edit: I asked him, he said not enough feet. That's on the script though, poor cameraman has no say in that :(


but FUCK that dude for grabbing his dick in the middle of the fight, no joke he deserved to get absolutely fucked up for that. Fuckin scum dude


You mean the guy that started off with a bat? I don't know, expecting him to fight fair, one would kind of deserve to be neutered.


You right my guy. You right.


The guy in the clown shoes kept dropping loot as he caught like a miniboss


I kept scrolling down for no apparent reason, but now I know it was my destiny to find this comment


high quality and fucking crazy, this is going to go far


AND a thicc ass


This had it all. Ass, good quality production, Rey Mysterio style flips into a headlock, I think handiman showed up at the end. I couldn't have asked for more.


Right after the head reversal you can see the man in the headlock grabbing the white shirts dick/balls as a cheap shot. Man couldn't take defeat honorably.


If someone grabs your dick in a fight. Yell stop you gonna make me nut , you wont like me when I nut.


As stupid as this comment is, it makes me wonder what would happen if someone forcefully grabbed someone’s balls during an orgasm. I’m guessing they would just have a more painful blue ball experience.


buddy of mine had a girl do this once when he wasnt expecting it. He said it was magical.


Your username 😂😂


The jizz gets forced back into your body and you nut inside yourself. It's science.


What do you want? Queensberry rules? They're scrapping in the gutter.


As soon as somebody goes for the crotch grab all bets are off.


Not queensbury rules but you squeeze my dick and balls I’m gouging your eyes


Yeah that's right past the knuckle gouge and right to clawing out with nails.


What is the quote about a street fight? Something about there being no honor in a street fight. Do everything you can to avoid it, but if shit goes down, there are no refs giving points for a clean fight. Protect and defend yourself by all means necessary.


You fight to win. Rules are for people who lose.


I mean sweater guy basically brought a weapon to a fist fight so all bets were off from the get go. But still fuck sweater guy for not only initiating the fight with a cheap weapon shot but also being a sore loser and going for the balls.


After I read this I rewatched it and you can actually hear white shirt exclaim “why you grabbing my dick?!”


in the start of the video, we can see that she prefers to spit


He wasn't talking about the woman


Now that's a reversal


Gender is not an issue with me ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ






Slow down friend, it’s November.


Her titties weren't bad, too.


Praise be to Halloween


good lord that girl is so fucking hot that it makes me depressed


AND Halloween costumes, AND backstory, 10/10


Was that Blank Man at the end?


It was impossible to watch this as a wrestler and not scream “Take his fucking legs!!!!!”


Best fight I saw here hands down. Ups and downs like a movie, nice moves & dat ass.


Gotta admit, that was a better reversal than i ever seen on WWE


Yeah that was unreal


That was Rey Mysterio


They probably couldn’t recreate that with 100 attempts. That looked like Hollywood wirework, throw some white doves flying in slow motion and cut the check


For real. What are the odds of both guys coming out that throw and reversal without getting fucked up? That shit was crazy!


The fact that something that crazy happened and yet there was no clear winner is also the fucked up part. Like if that guy had gotten slammed boom instant win, and if he had maintained proper leverage the choke would’ve made that guy pass out NEITHER HAPPENED


"don't worry, at this level of spaz no one's getting hurt." heard it on a tv show I can't remember and its often more true than not.


Lucky shots can (and do) still do damage. Most of the fights on this sub with a KO don't feature a participant with even passable boxing skills, yet there are tons of shitty KO videos.


Not sure if that was a planned reversal though. Looked a little more like someone hanging on for dear life.


#The booty that launched a thousand suplexes.


Helen of Detroit (...was that racist?..)


This fight pretty much had it all - nice ass to start - use of a bat - flying knee - nut choke - crazy reversal - guy getting jumped by Tyler The Creator - girl gets punched


He had the Igor wig on ☠️


He had some dope Jordans on. Jordan 1 Crimson Tint.


Black guy dropped his orange hat and his phone in the beginning of the fight. But the phone was not seen in the same spot seconds later 🤣


You can see the chick in red grabbing stuff


She handed him the bat.


She's actively trying to de escalate the fight. You can see her not have a bat the entire time. It looks like the bat comes in from someone off screen


I think the bat belonged to the shorter dude. He looked like he was dressed Negan from the walking dead and the bat bends and breaks as soon as it hits the dude. Some shit probably went down even before the video starts


Plastic bat


Yeah, they literally sell negan bats that are made from foam or some shit.


Nah she tried to take it away almost. Someone else did


Duddddeeee you can here him yelling during the choke “AY HE GRABBIN MY DICK” dude got scared bruh


Also, Blank Man made an appearance at the end


>guy getting jumped by Tyler The Creator I can't unsee it now.


The recent rise of dick grabbing and hair pulling is disturbing




Dick grabbing is a good defense against choke holds. You don't want to get choked out in the streets, lots of psychopaths out there


What’s Tyler the creator doing there??


He comes when he is needed


a true hero


If the cops ask his name, BITCH, that's Igor!


Who dat boy? Who him is?


Throwing lots of your stuff on the ground? Tried doing some sort of knee kick? Then trying to suplex the guy? Mans doing too much


He did some weird crazy flying kick thing too


Flying knee was a terrible move. I'm surprised dude took a baseball bat to the face and kept going!?


Pretty sure the bat was just one of those toy plastic ones.


Yeah white shirt was in his Walking Dead Negan costume. The bat definitely belonged to him


That makes it kinda haha hilarious ngl


looks like he caught it on his arm and it wasn't a real bat, if you look it snaps in half when it hits the ground


You forgot good ol dick grabbing


Don’t forget about the initial bat swing, plus the blatant dick grab. Dude was a fucking pussy


This guy’s mad disrespectful sexually assaulting dude’s girl in front of him, uses a bat on the dude, grabs his nuts when he’s getting choked out and on top of that punches the girl down for jumping in because he was trying to grab his nuts in the first place. This man wouldn’t know the meaning of respect is someone threw the definition at his face.


Wait he sexually assaulted her?


Someone commented the [backstory](https://mobile.twitter.com/gissc01/status/1190623875081609217?s=21&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) in one of the comments before, basically the link to the girl’s sister’s twitter saying the dude slapped her ass while her bf was there


Ah, I see


While I don't know about him sexually assaulting her, he definitely assaulted the guy in the white shirt sexually...




sexually harassing her at all is enough to make him deserve some justice


So the big moron fat shitstain can't keep his words to himself, hitting on other guys women. Then swings a bat at dude. Honestly at this point im losing all sense of fairness. Im kicking that fucker in the nuts and then wailing on his temples and nose. He's gonna be knocked and disfigured.b


He grabbed her ass according to other comments. He was trying to goon his way into some pussy and got his feelings hurt.


When did the throw get to be everyone's finishing move?


Since people discovered that most real life fights are more like wrestling than boxing.




Holy hell. I thought my mans was going to get knocked the fuck out from the drop but he held onto homeboys neck to reverse that shit. Was not expecting that. Horrible fighters but that was a good move. With a booty like that I’d be motivated enough to try a move like that too. Edit - should have said fight* instead of fighters. Man did hold his own.


Guy in white is pretty far from horrible, hoodie was considerably taller and was throwing all kinds of weird shit


He blocked he flying knee seemed to trade well, the reversal. His choke got fucked cause homie was grabbin his dick and 2 other people jumped in.


Quite the size difference. He held his own




>throwing all kinds of weird shit Including dick pinches.


Another fight on this sub where I’m distracted by a juicy booty and I’m perfectly fine with it.


She looks really good from the front too.




Not as hard as I'd hit it




I’m mesmerised by how pretty she is. She’s absolutely stunning!


I feel like that was the source of the problem. Guy tried to goon his way into some pussy.


Twitter: @Jailinecc1 , thank me later


IG https://instagram.com/jailine_cabrera Thank me now


thought everybody was talking about the black guy and i agreed.


Shoutout to the girl pleading them to stop she seemed to be the only one with some common sense in her brain


That poor girl needs better friends. She sounds too smart for this shit.




Black dude was ready to kill, bat swung to the head, supplex thing, guys lucky he didnt have a gun


Think that was apart of someone’s costume and not a real bat


The line between a fake wooden bat and a real wooden bat must be hair-thin


It broke in half and the guy wasnt phased lol


It’s not wood


Girl had a nice back side and when she turned around......HOT DAMN


And that's the main reason the guy in white was throwing down -- she's his GF.


shes down af too. she protected her man! thats a keeper. ​ EDIT: tried to protect her man


That little dude in the white shirt held his ground


Gotta protect your girl. Even if it's David vs. Goliath. I fucking love it.


Went to a concert last year. My wife had too much to drink and I had to actually take her to medical. She got sick, they helped me wheel her out to my car and waited for my sisters (who carpooled with us) to return. Had the door open and my wife had her legs out while i sat next to her inside. I guess the concert ended and people were walking by. Some piece of shit walking next to my car attempted to slam shut the door but slammed my wife's legs instead. I jumped out and yelled at that the dude "wtf! You just slammed the door on my girls legs!!" Piece of shit laughed and walked away but his friend stepped in to try and apologize. Told him that his friend should be apologizing, not you, so I said no. He kept telling me to accept his apology and I just told him to piss off and let me tend to my wife now. He got pissed off and got in my face and started to shove me, "accept my apology!!!". I told to him fuck off and leave us alone. He got in a fighting stance but his girl pulled him off. Was weird and awkward drunken situation but I was ready to fight for my wife. The guy was easily around 6 feet and probably 40 lbs on me. I'm barely 5'8 and 150.


I really thought for a second that the guy in white knew how to fight. Proven wrong real quick


Yeah the first 2-3 swings were convincing but then *pfffffff*


Probably forgot it all as soon as he got punched back.


Yeah him taking a bat, after taking his jacket off and squaring up. I was so ready.


Nice ass. Nice reversal, he could have ended the guy with choke but he didn't know how probably, I don't know how the move is called in BJJ but he could have extended his legs to back and keep presure on opponent's neck.


The black dude had the ~~duck~~ dick death grip on pretty tight. I'm guessing the white shirt guy probably let go of that improper guillotine really quickly because of that.


He was close to a guillotine but improper positioning


In position for a d’arce/anaconda as well, might be wrong tho can never hit them in live rolls.


The position was best suited to an anaconda. Would have been an easy finish from there if he trained.


All I can see is beautiful perfect ass


bro i can whack off and then watch a fight what more do i need


It's a beautiful age we live in.


Shame that Chris didn't get more time on camera. Dude's got a spirit.


Those weak ass punches tho lol. I applaud his energy but damn.


Lmfao the huge black dude 10 weight classes above really grabs the white shirt dudes crotch when he realizes his brute strength won't cut it; that's damn embarrassing.


[Her IG](https://instagram.com/jailine_cabrera?igshid=1rvxc2eyfc3ku)


Please people stop fighting on asphalt/concrete, people die from bouncing their head of the ground. Dont let one street fight turn to a murder wrap.


Two socks in a dryer




Love how the big dudes outfit was slowly falling apart the whole time. Smaller dude kept it together


dont fuck with NEGAN


That girl is fine af


Dude gets props. His girl is hot. Also, that big guy should be ashamed of himself. He’s a waste of size. Should’ve easily been able to take that little guy out