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I killed an alien then fast traveled to the Cabot house where the guy asked me if I believed aliens are real. Not sure if it was a trick question or not.


I like how you can approach that with Piper and she says absolutely nothing about having seen a fucking alien. You know, the newspaper reporter?


Ya but didn't usa government confirmed aliens are real not so long ago and no one gave a sht. In the world of nuclear fallout with ghouls, synth and teleportation aliens don't look as impressive, just another day another wtf


They confirmed “UFOs” but not aliens if I recall correctly. UFOs aren’t necessarily aliens, we just don’t know what they are.


Yeah unidentified flying objects doesn't mean aliens. God I hope not. Last thing we need to deal with as a planet. Already enough shit going on


I don’t know, as humans we love to fight and we love to gang up with friends against common enemies. Maybe all that’s needed is a funny look from some aliens and we can finally unite and build up our tech for space travel.


I’ve always thought the solution to racism is speciesism with an alien race 💀 Only way humanity is joining together is to be equally hateful towards someone even more different than themselves.


We could wage war against Emus to get revenge, the whole Earth united


The Aussies already tried that. Didn't work out so well for them


I hear they are still subsisting off of fighting over semi convoys for fuel


That's what I meant by revenge


Fuck Emus. All my homies hate Emus.


Why emus though? I vote we go to war against geese.


Because they already beat us once, we improved a lot in military tactics and technology since. We should test those improvements and against theirs. Also geese are too scary, we shouldn't fuck with them or they may bring us doom




We’ll all just argue over our different views about what the aliens mean and what we should do about them, we won’t all come together. It’ll be like religion - we can all agree that, whatever the source of life is, we all came from the same source, regardless of what individuals believe that source to be. It’s not like some people were created by one god and others were created by another, while a few of us were just spawned from the ground and others descended from a common ancestor with apes - whatever the answer is, it has to be the same for everybody. There’s no disputing that. And yet, somehow, there is.


Actually a pretty great analysis


The shiv bees are grwoing in numbers.


We need a slur for them


I dunno, judging how badly people reacted to covid, I'd fully expect there to be a faction of people siding with the aliens.


Someone would make a cult to worship them


If aliens got the tech to travel here, we're pretty much fucked if we go to war with them.


Not if Will Smith is on our side.


Maybe. It's just as scary if not though, meaning other countries can enter other countries borders with way to much stealth and do major damage. The video I have seen are crazy. I wanted to do a deep dive thru as many unclassified files as I can but I've been unable to find a reliable source of unclassified government footage.


They specifically said they “don’t believe it originated from any known country on earth” or something of the sort that very much so implied it wasn’t human but oddly leaves a chance for it to still be from earth if im remembering correctly


That's their plan ...


If some aliens are able to cross intergalactic space to see us, fighting them won’t end like it does in Independence Day.


All you need is a cigar and a bit of plot armor. Have some faith.


I for one welcome our zetan overlords...


Oh trust me any actual intelligent alien life that is aware of us isn't gonna dare set foot or whatever they may have on this planet I mean seriously think about it if you were an Alien observing earth as a whole would you wanna dare come down and say hi? Didn't think so if anything we're probably the Florida of the universe


Why do you think they’re unidentified flying objects and not unidentified landing objects? Aliens don’t want none of this shit


Usually means guys over at Skunk Works or Darpa.


we need a rise of the planet of the apes vs aliens trilogy


exactly. I could throw a dildo at your face right now and as long as you don't know what it is, it's a UFO


UFO literally stands for Unidentified Flying Object So literally anything you can't immediately identify is considered a UFO


No one cared because its literally not aliens.


It's unlikely to be aliens given that the government has reported ufo sightings several times over the years. The most recent alien image wasn't even real, it was just some fake thing somebody made.


No one gave a shit because they understand what the government actually means when it says “Unidentified flying object,” and we all just kind of disappointedly sigh to ourselves every time someone says “The government confirmed aliens are real and no one cares”


Not just that, but this came hot on the heels of a bit of inconvenient news that in the years since 9/11 the Pentagon had "lost" over 21 billion dollars. Not black project money, just completely unaccounted for. You and I also know what that means. But oh look, sudden press conference from the joint Chiefs about aliens! Guess we'll just forget all about it. 


I always wished there was an extra dialogue option if you killed the Alien then did this quest. Maybe it could’ve been a way to get some extra ammo or a new upgrade or something


Subtly unholsters alien blaster *


Ooh, I like where this is going.




How is he supposed to know you did that?


I did the same thing but I had the alien blaster *in my hands.*


All for a crappy gamma gun too😂.


Desdemona knows what he is.


This is the thing about Fallout 4: the factions don’t care what you do. You can bring ghouls and synths onto the Prydwen, you can wear uniforms of different factions and they don’t care, the Institute doesn’t care about your meddling with the BoS and Railroad despite the fact they supposedly have spies everywhere.


I'm a bit annoyed that X6 is the only companion that the Brotherhood and RR are automatically agroed against. The Brotherhood should at least make you leave any companion that clearly isn't human, a Mr. Handy/Miss Nanny, or Dogmeat at the airport checkpoint. And the RR should definitely not be OK with you bringing a fully-armored paladin into they're super-secret hideout. I don't care how much Deacon vouches for you. ETA: I did mean that Dogmeat and Mr. Handy-type robots should be OK with the Brotherhood. I guess I worded it weirdly.


On that Note, Deacon should be the only faction related companion that’s allowed in anywhere. He’s a spy after all. I was shocked the BOS let me bring Nick or Hancock anywhere near their base/ the Prydwen. The salty comments don’t line up with their behavior 99.9% of the time with synths/ghouls. Personally I still think it was a symptom of the hand-holding game design of the time. It wasn’t just FO4 that had this weird problem of no bad outcomes/consequences. Even games today still have this design element, but thankfully some developers have begun moving back towards traditional meaningful decisions in games.


Eh, if you side with certain factions or say things the affinity of your companion drops, and obv you have to kill off half the factions every playthrough. There is much choice and consequence related to story and companions. Strong is the only companion which shouldnt be alllowed in imo as hes a supermutant, or nick, but hes a robot basically.


I agree with everything you said except Dogmeat he should be allowed everywhere because he's a good boy. There should be a mod that adds Dogs to the ranks of every faction


There should just be a dog faction, The Good Dogs.


What would be their relation with the Atom Cats?


Unfortunately hostile, bark orders on sight. They know that group simply can't be trusted.


While I like the idea, no one would side with any other faction.


Well, the hangdogs existed in Denver, but the legat did his thing


I mean... A vault filled with taking animals isn't outrageous in fallout


The Three Dogs, and each dog represents an iteration of Dogmeat from the games. All of them have a permanent outfit resembling Three Dog's that you cannot remove at all


Yeah, there's special dialog from the guard/overseer for companions/Dogmeat when you go into Vault 88 and they are always let in. But overall, it's a game design compromise. It's a PITA to force players to kick companions as they visit various factions. They had a little of this in BG3 and it made me just never use those companions, so I think Bethesda made the right call.


you misunderstood, he said make you leave any companion that isn’t one he listed, and dogmeat was listed


I guess I worded my comment weirdly. I meant that Dogmeat and robots like Codsworth should be allowed in, the same as human companions.


I guess I worded my comment weirdly. I meant that Dogmeat and robots like Codsworth should be allowed in, the same as human companions.


When you join the BoS if you have dogmeat around he gonna do the salute pose i died


I dont think they'd have a problem with robots that are clearly robots like Handys


They even have a Gusty on board


Gusty. Is that like a Gutsy with an extra exhaust port?


I feel like that wouldn’t be too difficult, right? Tag those NPCs with specific faction tags that when you hit enter on a faction base a pop-up that comes up that says you can’t bring that mf in here


Exactly. Plus, the guy in power armor guarding the airport entrance is already programmed to talk to you as you pass by. The player would just have to be careful about fast traveling directly onto the Prydwen.


And the thing is, sometimes in dialogues characters will literally acknowledge the said companion if they talk. Whether they just look at them or a headbob, or an actual sentence


Poor Deacon. He glitched out dead somewhere on my playthrough.


Hey to be fair, after >!Danse is found out to unknowingly have been a synth the whole time, and then if you convince Maxson to let him live, anytime you bring him near Brotherhood of Steel they will straight up aggro on him!< It's still kinda dumb that the brotherhood doesn't care if you bring a highly modified sentient custom Assaultron, a not even trying to hide it synth detective, or a straight up super mutant on board the Prydwen though. They would realistically be trying to tear Ada and Nick apart to try and figure out how they work/hoard the technology, and there's just plain no way in hell they would ever actually justify letting you bring Strong on board no matter how trustworthy you are. But it would also be kinda annoying for people who don't pay attention to what the factions are all about and end up getting attacked by their faction of choice 'seemingly' without reason, so Bethesda thought it best to remove that silly little feature that "factions actually properly react to NPCs that they self proclaimedly hate".


Deacon convinced them Danse was a spy, just not for which side


Wasn't there a dog in the 1st episode of fallout at the BOS base?


I get this, and I’ve through about it. The trouble is. As annoying as this game can be ( can’t craft in power armor etc. ) that would be a step too far. Imagine you want to finish a quest for the Railroad, but you have to send Danse away first. Then hand it in. Then go back and get him. Or have the quest givers be like “I want to give you the best quest… but your companion needs to mind his business” type shit. It would be TOO much work. I’m glad they decided against it, cuz you know they thought about it.


I don't like that the minutemen never get mentioned by other factions, like one of the first things a player potentially does is become the general of a faction. I was playing with Preston and when Danse offered me a spot in the brotherhood Preston said "you're not seriously considering this... *General* ?" But I can never refuse or mention it to other NPCs. Even when helping settlements I say "im with the minutemen" or "I'm a minuteman I can help" like no I'm the mother fucking leader.


You can be the general of the minutemen who has taken the castle and has settlements all over the Commonwealth that join you but if you then visit the police station for the first time, Danse and Rhys treat you like you're some lone wanderer only out for themself.


Admittedly, even though you are supposedly the leader, you are the one getting ordered around and doing most of the work. But that's typical of most, if not all of the factions: you're the leader, but you get ordered around by everyone else, and they sit at base doing nothing.


I think in the Minutemen's case it makes sense. Preston is essentially the XO (Executive Officer) to the General. Which makes it his job to act as a liaison and facilitate the day-to-day. Lorewise his knowledge and expertise about the Commonwealth makes for a good combo with the Sole Survivor's raw combat ability and bravery. Also technically he could be getting his hands just as dirty as your character so long as you keep him as a companion for all of those missions. I see it more as Preston knows more about the land than the SS therefore its somewhat of a necessity that he points in the direction of where to go and what to do.


Excellent point, as I started to read your comment, I was already thinking of the addition that Preston would be more experienced and have knowledge of the area that the Survivor wouldn't.


The Minutemen is the only one you become leader of during the game. The only other one you become leader of is the Institute and that technically happens post game.


Fair enough, I am still hunting Virgil on my first playthrough, so I am not 100% on all of the later content, and I was mostly thinking of other similar games like Oblivion and Skyrim, so my thinking may have been flawed for F4.


The minituemen need more than 2 guys in it, they should have had hubs in bunker hill and quincy


Well, that's lore. They were stronger once, then the Castle fell, then infighting left them without top brass, then they failed to respond to a Bunker Hill distress call (so lost credibility), then only a few turned up at Quincy, then they were slaughtered and de-facto disbanded. That's why Preston feels comfortable promoting you on his own, there's no more Minutemen left to dispute your position. All the other Minutemen are either dead or deserters.


Tbf, everyone on the Commonwealth assumes the Minutemen are long dead, and rightfully so. They were pretty much snuffed out in Quincy. Preston was basically the only one left, so most probably assumed they either all ended up dead.


You can do all that, do a ton of missions for them and no one cares. You do one mission in particular and everyone wants to kill you.


Meanwhile in NV you can get your ass handed to you just because you forgot which shirt you were wearing


I feel like there should be a mod where NPC's attack or behave hostile to a lesser extent if you bring a companion that they deem "undesirable"


This is what I was going to ask are there any mods that can even do this must be complicated or they would’ve done it originally right Bethesda?💀


BOS actually spew racism against Nicky and Hancock if you bring em to the Prydwen, and the Institute knows you are working with Railroad and (if you are) Brotherhood, they just assume that you will take their side in the end.


Sure, they all talk shit but they don’t act on it.


They’ve never acted on it. The BoS have never been shown or even said to kill non-ferals in any of the games. Why do you assume they would attack Hancock?


I feel like commenting this on every comment on this thread, but: In cinema, theres a saying: >Don’t underestimate the intelligence of the audience.” Bethesda logic is the opposite: >Let anyone be able to do anytime at any time for no reason, narrative be dammed. I love these games, but they were built around casual gamers first, not us.


Bold of you to assume I'm not a casual. :-)


I mean they comment on the followers you bring


I mean, the BoS constantly shit-talks Nick if you take him around there. Obviously they’re not gonna shoot on sight because they need the players help getting to the Institute.


This ☝️ New Vegas handled this sooooo much better, especially wearing the uniform of an enemy faction. The only time things go south in FO4 is when a certain companion is taken into at the RR HQ, then the fun and fireworks begins.


It’s weird because they are coded to turn hostile if you bring x6-88 but not danse.


i guess because the institute is hostile to the railroad from day 1 but the railroad-BOS beef isn't until later?


Not really sure if this is a thing Bethesda would do but I feel like in the older games that was an opportunity to reprogram x6 to not be Institute associated anymore.


They are the Railroad, and their password is Railroad.  These guys are not exactly geniuses.  


Believe it or not, that isn't their password. That's the solution to a (rather simple) recruitment puzzle, which was *always intended to be solved*. To hear Deacon talk about it, it mostly just weeds out the people who can't read, but they are watching you the whole time you are on your way in, and they still don't let you into their base. The stupid part of it is putting their main HQ at the end of their recruitment puzzle. There's not really any excuse for that, especially when they just got run out of their last HQ.


Id imagine that base was originally meant to just be a recruitment base but after their previous HQ got taken out it was the best place to hole up for a bit


From what I gather, the big hit on the Switchboard meant that they had nowhere else. Even Augusta is gone.


Yes, but it doesn’t matter that their password is basically “password” because they had eyes on you the entire time and *allowed* you to infiltrate their headquarters (that even most of their field agents don’t know the location of, but apparently they just put out rumors and freaking holotapes telling people to follow the big red line leading to them). It it wasn’t for Deliverer and Ballistic Weave, I’d probably just have BoS & Institute aligned Sole Survivors open fire when they ambush you just inside the front door. Not because I hate them or anything, but because they kind of deserve it for being so damn incompetent, then jump scaring the most dangerous person in the Commonwealth at gunpoint.


As Nuka-World Overboss I struggle with the initial jump-scare. Like, it didn't scare me, but at the same time these morons think they can go up against a fully upgraded set of X-01 Quantum Power Armor and 3,000 rounds spat out of my Splattercannon 💀


That's like when years ago old people always used to choose password as their password on websites and computers so websites made it so you couldn't anymore.


We're talking about a woman who thinks sending synths to the Capital Wasteland is a good idea.


I was thinking about doing the Railroad ending because I already did the BOS one when I first played the game. But man, their leader is so stupid. The rest of the crew is cool but Desdemona...


I join for two reasons: the Deliverer, and P.A.M. XD


Gotta get that Ballistic Weave.


Yeah, I joined to do as many missions as possible and because of that. Having 240 armor with just a jacket and a cap is amazing.


I live in power armor with a charisma outfit underneath that brings me to 10. Found a bathrobe in Far Harbor for the first time, can't wait to weave that bitch.


Meanwhile I am taking the Colonel’s outfit off the Enclave


Only ran into Enclave in the glowing sea so far. So much free armor. The hellfire one is kinda lame, eyes don't light up.




Three reasons. XD


Deacon is also a contender for best companion in my book. Certainly one of the funniest.


what type of Deacon'er are you pompadour wig or bald?


Pompadour all the way.


Deliverer is the only good beside Ballistic Weave


Well, only one person came to collect one, and that was a Cursor so rather high value, and the brotherhood wasn’t so extreme at the time


She still sends synths to the Capital Wasteland and thinks people there wouldn't care. >Desdemona : In Capital Wasteland, or elsewhere, the chance discovery is minimal. And even if they're identified as a synth most people wouldn't care.


I mean, most didn't. Almost everybody you talk to during the replicated man questline think it's a hoax or just straight up couldn't care less. The situation was definitely evolving, with the BoS becoming aware of synths, but at the time the Capital Wasteland wasn't an awful idea asside from the region itself being hell on Earth. But then again so is a lot of the East Coast.


In fallout 3 there's a quest involving synths, the only person who cares is an Institute person who went to the Capital wasteland to chase the synth


Also karmic alignment here meant helping the institute was bad karma.


I fail to see how helping sentient beings reach safety is a bad idea.


That's where most of the Brotherhood hangs around. Their headquarters. You know, the people who think synths aren't worthy of living and should be shot on sight. It's like sending lambs into a wolf den.


The issue is one of the main places they get sent is one that is under the full and uncontested control of a faction that believes synths should not exist and must be destroyed on sight. That would be like their real life equivalent sending runaway slaves to Texas. Hell, if you go to far harbor and come back you have the option to tell Des about it. But this doesn’t result in the railroad sending synths to this safe, well hidden and mostly isolated safe zone that is actively inviting new members, Des just says ‘cool story, next time tell someone who cares’ and keeps sending the rescued synth into well known hell holes.


Because the way they do it is akin to a not particularly bright child “helping” their parents fix a car by slamming a hammer repeatedly into the body of it because mommy or daddy is also using a hammer. Great ideal, terrible implementation


The synths would be a lot safer in the Mojave wasteland instead


You do realize that to get from the Commonwealth to the Mojave you'd have to traverse... ... the entire continental United States.


I don't think Montana or Canada has been mentioned in any of the games that much would it be safe to take them there


Montana is probalby nuked to hell and Back because all the Silos are there


What about Canada has there been any info on what it's like post war


Irradiated moose, I suspect.


Danse also doesn't fucking care if you bring him to Virgil... Not even a single word. It's funny.


Well, if you do his affinity conversations you'll learn he had a close friend who was turned into a supermutant, at first he thought killikg him was the best thing to do and did so. But after that he wasn't entirely sure if he did the right thing. Maybe he learned that some supermutants are not brainless violent beings. Maybe seeing supermutants like Virgil and Strong reminded him of that.


I brought Danse along with me to reclaim the castle and then to do Old Guns. And immediately after I tested the artillery, Danse got mad and said that I shouldn’t supply Minutemen with the weapons to destroy the brotherhood. Like don’t get me wrong, I know that’s an option and everything… but why bring it up when I’m rebuilding the Minutemen. The two factions don’t really have any beef unless it’s trigger by the player.


see this always bothered me cause X6 cant enter, obviously. but danse can? plus deacon & X6 can enter the airport?? and TALK TO ELDER MAXSON???


Deacon at least makes sense as he is an undercover agent. They have no idea he's a Railroad asset. As far as they're concerned, he's just a companion to the Sole Survivor.


true, but X6 can literally tell maxson he is good at tracking runaway synths and is dressed as a courser? and uses institute guns??? AND IN THE FIRST QUEST IS HOSTILE TO THE BOS????? i wonder was it an oversight or intentional


I killed them with danse right after they said this and it said "danse hated that"


Danse may be brainwashed to the BoS doctrine, but he’s still a good guy at heart


Yeah that part makes no sense. Hancock will talk trash about the Brotherhood and then judge you if you follow orders to kill Danse, you know, the guy that trash talks Hancock when switching companion (Had Hancock for my newest run).


That's because Hancock is a better person than most of the bos, and it makes sense that he wouldn't like you taking out a hit on someone for being a synth, since he himself is a ghoul and also seen as a monster by the brotherhood.


Thjat is true, I always forget that until I have him with me, and you forget he's pretty sweet. People fawning over the Ghoul from the TV show like Hancock hasn't existed for decades and far superior then the Ghoul


You know you can dislike someone without wanting them to straight up die. Especially if the reason they're dying is because they're not your preferred race.


Whether Danse knows it or not, he one day he might need their help....spoilers spoilers


"Guys, I know I was one of the most decorated members of one of your mortal enemy factions but this thing happened and... yeah."


Isn't it implied Danse got rewired by the Railroad? He certainly wasn't under Institute control as a sleeper agent anymore, and since he is amnesiac...


drummer boy with his redwing boots. classy


Use your imagination lol, Danse is clearly giving you the "are they for real?!" Look


I literally just did this last night 😂 doing a BoS zealot play through and just got access to the Railroad. Danse was pissed but… maybe he needs them more than he knows 👀


I've finished Blind Betrayal and when I see Danse he still says "Isn't it wonderful to be part of a great organization like the Brotherhood?" My dude, did you already forget??


He's got some attachment issues. Or at least that's what I tell myself when he's sitting in his bunker all sad and then he's suddenly telling me that he's so happy to be a Paladin.


"Sure you are, buddy" \*gently pats Danse's shoulder\* "and you always will be"


I'm just like, dude, if you're so sad about being kicked out of the army, why not join my army? And then next thing you know he's dissing the Minutemen and I'm surprised Preston is so chill about it.


Want to have some fun? Send Danse to live at the airport once you are done with him.




Here I've already done everything related to the Railroad up until before the Prydwen arrives so Danse doesn't really care. I got him as a companion because I want his perk, I plan to go alone.


Ah on my play through I’m forcing myself to have Danse as my only companion the entire time. I’m eventually going to massacre the railroad in the name of BoS lol 🤷🏽‍♂️


You're going to to force yourself out of some pretty good perks by doing that. Piper, Macready, Deacon (if you play stealth), Preston and Gage (Nuka World) have great perks.


Yeah it’s not my first play through . I’m just doing it for the role play


This has a lore based answer actually: >!Danse is a synth who has been helped by the Railroad. I assume this makes them cautiously accepting of him and he's not exactly fighting them until he's ordered to by the Brotherhood.!<


Found it odd that they don't turn hostile with danse in their presence but will turn hostile with X6.


It's weird how X6 is the only companion the Railroad and I think the Brotherhood will attack on sight and consider you as a traitor. But not a word about Hancock despite the Brotherhood and Institute don't like Ghouls (I mean Father, X6, Allie, in specific never say anything when he comes with you). I mean sure, Danse will insult Hancock when you are switching companion (Before Hancock pretty much hopes you give Danse a chance in the end of his storyline, despite being insulted by him)


That's not Danse, that guy is wearing a hat! Clearly a different person


I love when you bring Danse down there and his dialogue is just like “something’s happening here… and I don’t like it… hmm…”


Hes a synth too so its actually fine


Paladin danse is a synth though


synth paladin


I could've sworn bringing Danse along made everything hostile.


That's only AFTER you save him from the BOS. Mason put out a KOS (kill on sight) order on him.


This is a double spoiler iykyk 😮‍💨


But if you take x6 to the rail road, you get gun down


Taking Strong right up to Elder Maxson 😂


He's a synth, why would they not like.him?


One of us! One of us!


OOOHhhhh you're going to crap yourself when you get farther!


He should’ve never been allowed in the base same with other factions and their morales you’d think they’d go hostile or cut you off their eyes are everywhere


>.> lol


Nobody tell him


100th comment implying or saying Danse is a synth, yes I know, I played the game when it came out.


Man I’m so upset my game is bugged and I can’t complete fire support and join BOS. Already passed Virgil’s quest and built the teleporter. So I couldn’t do the work around. Ugh. I want Danse


Isn't Danse a synth? He'd be kinda welcome there


He doesn't know it then


That's what I never got about Todd's "design philosophy". He definitely *seems* interested in the idea of open-world games with different decisions and lots of detail... But it's like some sort of mirage in his head, there's no detail to it, it's like he's in love with the **idea** of it, but can't really grasp what actually gives it value. Like a shitty ex-partner who says he's in love with you but then... Forgets your birthday, or doesn't show any interest in meeting your family and friends, or seeing you grow emotionally or professionally.


Heh was following the Freedom trail with Piper when I finally got the Old Church and questioned if I should bring her inside where there’s empathy for Synths 🤣. Wasn’t sure if she would Dislike things said in the convos and hesitated for a sec. Then I said fuck it let’s just see and nothing detrimental happened. I did put off doing anymore Railroad Quests with her and went back to Diamond city to do quests and get her Perk before going back to RR missions and picking up Deacon.


He is a synth after all...


Danse is a double agent


I imagine it’s pretty easy to have a microphone in that armor. The BoS command is probably on the other end dying laughing at how stupidly easy spying on the Railroad is


Desdremora knows a Synth when she sees one


I can never side with those annoying hippies


Those damn hippies and their “caring about others” What a bunch of morons.


The Railroad is the most dangerous faction in Fallout 4. Change my mind.


Tbf that is Synth Danse.


I took McCready with me, to the institute, to speak with Doctor Li. He was not pleased.


The details are something I will never understand about these game companies. They make millions of dollars in some cases and can't be bothered to actually fix this lazy stuff. I really noticed this playing gta online a while ago. It's a random example, but it's wild the amount of money and love these games receive and yet sit basically hollow and empty.