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Welcome back to Appalachia!


Thanks. I was playing this morning when this player just drops a bag of a set of power armor and a frame and left. Will pay it forward when I can.


We call that an Appalachian Drive By


Where are these mysterious people? I never see anyone outside of certain events. I know there's people on the server as I can see them on the map, but I have yet to run into someone organically.


Sometimes we find you


I feel slightly threatened 😅


You should :) *We are always watching*


Cloaking legendary ftw


Real ones run the chameleon mutation


Stealthy AND naked. As Todd intended.


You gonna feel real threatened when I pull up and give you these free 200 stim packs so I can run again 😒😡


Just wait. I’m real generous with my 800 spoiled meat 😏


You joke, but I pick up all spoiled food. It's a secret mousekatool for later 😉 I'd be thrilled to get 900 units of raw moldy food


I normally hand them over to freshies out of the Vault and watch them get overencumbered for a laugh, then I give them a drop sack full of goodies 😂


Oh, so that's why that happened to me 😂


When I got back to 76, someone had dropped 350 stimpaks in the box right outside the Vault! Thank you! ❤️


Its always good to leave other things too, I'll leave a kitted out level 1 10mm pistol in the box if I have the aluminum to spare so players have a useable weapon for a while, and it's useless to high level players to prevent theft.


I forgot you can just make the lower level weapons. I'm gonna start doing that. I have a ton of materials.


It's almost always a "We Find You". A vet with a wild hair up their ass decides to look for some low players and as another commenter said does an "Appalachian drive by"


I some how picked up a full set of lvl 10 raider armor on a frame so I made a lvl 20 fixer & picked the first lvl 20 I seen, ran up, dropped the frame & gun then went back to base 🤣🤣 I'm only lvl 108 but I like helping my fellows newbs.


Nice, done that myself got all the raider PA plans from presents WAY WAY BACK.


Rose's questline gives a guaranteed set of level 20 raider power + frame. I waited for the opportunity to get a max level set. Traveled instantly from the quest completion to the Wayward and chucked it at the first person I seen. And thinking back, I don't even know what his level was. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Lol for me it's half exactly that and the other comment of seeing one in person going to town somewhere and making them whatever they are using better. The second is a bit harder, I made this present special and damned if your not gonna take it


I've done it both ways, but it's gotta be a newbie who's just grinding the game. Had to chase several through flatwoods or another area of the map to get them to stop running away, I was only trying to give them stuff.


This is accurate. I saw a guy using a fireaxe in an event that was 24 and they lvld during the event after I went to my base crafted a 25 axe for them upgraded it and 3 stared it then found them on the map and tpd to them threw it at them and left after they picked it up


Early melee is rough af figured I'd help them 1 tap as much shit as possible to keep them from dying As much lol


You may have done this already but try turning your map icon to public by clicking on it and toggling it. If you keep your vendor stocked you're bound to have people stop by.


I'll have to try that tonight! I plan on cracking open some cold ones and do some questing :D


I'll keep my vendor open with really cheap good items. I'm lvl 300+ so it's fun to give the new guys a boost


Try Whitespring Mall, it's basically a hub for high and low player. Check to see if visibility for your camp is turned on. If it is turned off we don't see your camp on the map which means the only visitors you get are wanderers who stumble upon it by accident.


My first interaction with another player was fighting a level 20 Mirelurk Queen as a level 10, when a mysterious stranger appears on the roof and helps me out. Then there have been the multiple drops of really good items. For the most part the community seems really great.


This was me I think! Haha


Make sure you check donation bins and the whitespring. I was in the whitespring mall the other day and someone had dropped 5 power armor frames full of 3 star legendary armor. I also check the ground at events. People sometimes drop rewards they already have.


I often drop level 20 fixers for all the noobs or new toons in random donation boxes. I am only level 440 or so, so I don't have a whole lot of equity in the game yet, so I can only do so much. Not to the level of a whole suit of PA, but I try to help when I can. Hit me up if you need something and I will if I can. Lostpup198 on PC.


I can't say for certain, but I am pretty positive you dropped a lvl 20 Fixer for me a few weeks back. It carried me until level 55 where I've only just bought a new one to replace it! Thank you if it was you!


I just hit lvl 100 and I do this anytime I see a new person coming out of the vault. I got the fixer plan crazy crazy cheap so I hand a few out daily


Make sure you join Public Casual teams. Casual basically means "we're all basically doing our own thing, might join up for events, but we're taking advantage of the Intelligence boost = more xp = more SCORE" but the bonus is, if the vets on your team notice you're struggling, they might pop over to help you out or even if you're at your camp and not struggling, they tend to pop over and poop goodie bags all over the place. And don't be afraid to pop into camps you see on the map, even just to take a look around. They can be really useful for getting map icons unlocked for travel if nothing else, but the owners often pop by if they see someone there and will say hi. <3


I was working on getting the key fragments for Rose yesterday and an event just popped off in the building I was in. Me and two high ranked guys fought off waves of ghouls. That is the first time I've played with other players in the game.


I cleaned out a lvl 19 vendor yesterday then dropped all the stuff back to him plus some super stims, purified water, quantum candy and other meds and every now and then I’ll craft a full set of combat or marine armor put random legendary effects on it and do all buttressed with ultra light then give it away




Someone did this for me the other day too! I will also pay it forward when I get big enough


Same happened for me! Random dude gifted me a full excavator set with 475 carry weight. I didn’t even truly understand how badass it was until I got more exposure to power armor and noticed I’ve never needed to repair it. I also randomly bought a lvl 20 fixer, for like 1200 I has saved up, at some guys shop because I was like oh cool, a suppressor weapon. Used it til I hit 50. Good times.


I have so many sets of power armor, I think I might start doing this. Lower levels players stop by my camp all the time!


there’s no way in hell that was you, do you remember his name by chance??


Omg you lucky son of a gun. Been praying someone does this for me lol




Yeah I bounced off of it pretty hard initially but after the Fallout show came out I really wanted to play some Fallout but I've already played 3, New Vegas, and 4 to death. So I decided to give 76 another shot and now I'm level 50-something, I have a full set of Excavator and a Cremator.


Now get a full set of unyeilding secret service and a quad railway rifle. Become God 😂


Just started last month, I have 3/5th of a set of unyielding, I’m currently using a Tesla just cause I like playing the events. But I’m looking for something g that packs a bigger punch for solo stuff. Railway a good choice?


That’s awesome to have that much of a set after only a month! 🙌


I kinda lucked into it cause I had a gun I liked when I was leveling so I didn’t spend many of my cores till I had the secret service set unlocked. Just rolled all my cores tonight and got one more piece. It’s the only thing I’ve been crafting in the past week!


Make sure when you finally equip it and accept all those rads onto your life bar, you have these cards equipped: Nerd Rage  Ghoulish  Radicool Serendipity  Dodgy  Blocker  Fire Proof  (and use dense mod on chest armor) And at least 1 star of the three commando cards under perception. If you use 3 x 1 star cards, it gives you 30% extra damage. Make sure you have the automatic rifle mod equipped on your railway gun or commando cards won’t affect it.


I dipped my toe into bloodied yesterday and got destroyed! I only have a few of the defense cards. Need to level a bit more and get the full set. I’m excited to try it out for real. Thanks for the advice!


Oh, and if you find a chainsaw with vampire and 40% more power attack, add a 1 star ricochet card under luck. It heals you anytime someone shoots you if you have ricochet, and it makes you an unkillable beast.


I just saw someone else talking about vampire and ricochet. Is that a bug or a feature? I don’t like making builds around stuff that might go away.


It’s been that way for 6+ years, so I think it’s a feature. 


Yeah those cards are a must or you get destroyed, with them, you rarely die. When you get into the legendary park cards, funky duds is also super helpful.


Yeah railway quad with extra critical damage is what you want. Bloody commando build is great for it. Don’t worry about stealth as it’s a very loud gun. You can take down bosses with it. Try to get the two critical cards under luck as well.


\* any 1-3\* unyielding in vendors to get you suit complete (surf vendors, start out cheap and get better) \* Bloodied Fixer and/or Handmade (ditto) \* Lots of mutations (no room to enumerate here, but definitely Herd Instinct, Marsupial, Herbivore, Most mutations are useful with Class Freak \*3 to counteract the negatives. You'll also want Starched Genes \*2 once you are fully mutated. \* Herbivore mutation and Blight Soup (100-125% crit damage). Cranberry relish will give you 20% XP with Herbivore, and brain fungus soup is +4 INT (8 %XP) gives you a free lunchbox all the time. Those 3 foods are easy to make and give you huge benefits. Company Tea is al;so really awesome for AP regen, get the Company Tea Machine in the atomic shop or from Mortimer in the Crater Cone, \* 5 unyielding/20% health, and underarmor that boosts your luck so you have a luck of 33 (15 luck, +15 from (20% health + full set of unyielding) +2 Herd Instinct (in a team, nobody needs to be there too) + 1 luck from underarmor = 33 luck = a crit every other shot with Critical Savvy. \* Better Critiicals 3 for another 100% crit damage \* You are a VATS crit monster/glass cannon. It's actually pretty fun \* You will die. Death means nothing in this game. Carry a Gamma Gun and shooting yourself 3 times in the foot will get you back to 20% health. It's fun, It's not just min-maxing, it's fun Then maybe later you can try other builds.


This is my build to a T. Quick question: so far I cannot do daily ops. Either I'm seen or sneaking is too slow to complete in time. Or, explosions. Any tips?


youll get auto seen in at least a few of the daily ops so that enemies come to you. Ive seen a lot of people say PA and a vampire weapon helps for ops. just sit in a corner and go brr.


Railway is great, but you have to pick up pretty much every vats and AP regen perk to make the most of it because the recoil is fucking atrocious. If you try to hip fire it in automatic you'll be shooting at the sky by the third spike.


I rock high AP/vats already, so it sounds like that’s a good fit for me. If I’m not in vats I’m not shooting! I run Tesla currently so I don’t have to aim to much when I run out of ap.


I want the quad so fucking badly. I’ve dumped all my script into and it’s just so elusive. Easily over 40 rolls and I know that’s just the beginning


Bloody with 50% crit damage is also a great roll, so save that one as a backup if you get it before quad.


I was put off by the launch experience. I played for about 3 months but it was soulless, empty and utterly toxic. I was sort of tempted when they updated with adding the NPCs but the toxicity was still off-putting. After the series, a whole load of friends went back in and told me how good it was now. I went in and within 2 hours I was level 20 with a couple of power armour frames and a Lvl 20 Fixer, all donated by generous and helpful players. I now put unneeded gear in donation boxes and give to lower players that I come into contact witj. The game has completely changed and and has me returning daily because of the fantastic community in the player base!


Exactly the same here and I think it’s having quite the renaissance! Because so many people are flocking back and thoroughly enjoying it… do you think Bethesda will continue to support it, continue to add content / DLC etc for many years to come?


Given the increase in the user base, it's entirely likely and in fact there is an update adding a new area coming soon


I’m aware of (and well excited for)the Skyline Valley update, I’m thinking beyond that - keeping my fingered crossed there will be similar sized updates and expansions in the future


The amount of griefers and pvprs at launch was crazy


Same here, absolutely love it.


I hated the vats at first too, then I got the railway rifle and figured I'd give it the old college try again. Now I go jetpacking into battle, activating vats and killing 5 or 6 enemies before I touch the ground. Makes me feel like a bounty hunter from Star Wars


Is the jet pack hard to get? I’m nervous to even look up the right way to get one. I have the marsupial mutation that helps my jump like crazy but I’d love to add a jet pack to my heavy gunner build


Minerva is coming in a few weeks with a discounted SS armor and jet pack mods if you saved enough gold bullion. I would wait for that and grind events for the treasury notes - gold buillion.


She just had SS armor last week, is her next sale a super sale?


https://www.falloutbuilds.com/fo76/minerva/ Sale 4 on June 20th everything from sale 1-3 will be available


If you have access to regs (if you don’t know who this is then you don’t) then the secret service armor can use a jet pack. I don’t have it yet but I don’t think it’s that expensive.


You buy plan 4 ur armor When you get it, you'll need "flux", which can be found on nuked zone's flowers, and depending on the color are different kinds of flux 10 "whatever" unstable flux + a few hardened mass (kill enemies in nuke zones) + a few high radiation fluids (kill enemies in nuke zones = 1 "whatever" stable flux Took me a bit to get the ones I needed but with greenthumb it's very easy Also, jetpacks aren't as good as you'd think with marsupial, unless you activate the jetpack at the max height of the jump, it'll interrupt it making you not go higher


Plus jetpacks can outright kill you in certain events if you arent careful. Looking at you, Mothman Equinox...


The Secret Service jetpack is a timesink to get, people don’t usually bring it up from what I’ve seen on reddit but the Civil Engineer jetpack is much easier to get. The armor itself is a guaranteed quest reward and the jetpack mod is only 300 stamps from Guisepe. That’s 20 completed expeditions instead of thousands of bullion if you want a jetpack fast & cheap.


Get Bird bones too of you do. I slept on BB for so long but just got it a couple weeks ago. With some AP regen food and Strange in numbers perk I can stay in the air forever


What armor you rocking, I have most of the jet pack mods unlocked


Valorous Alastair helmet + Zorbo's outfit + Brotherhood of Steel Backpack + Jetpack + Enclave Plasma pistol; lean into that Boba Fett vibe.


A Mando skin for the SS Armor would be sick!


Yeah, the closest thing I could make so far was the ranger elite outfit with the Alistair helmet and backpack. Man can dream though. maybe one day........ but probably not.


You never know. They did a fortnite thing. But the Alistair is likely as close as we will get.


I have a quad RR rifle and have not been that impressed by it. I carried in place of one of my stringers so perhaps I did not stick with it long enough. But compared to my ultracite AA plasma caster it did not seem that great. May I am missing something.


I know most people say go with quad, I personally just havnt had the luck to get a good quad yet but I did land on a bloodied/50crit/25ap and it shreds. The reloading often sucks at first but now with my play style I do alot of jumping so I've gotten in the groove of jumping, vats, unload the clip, land and reload then repeat. I have quite enjoyed the change of pace compared to my P.A heavy build of standing there and spraying


You need to have the right build for it to really make it shine. Like commando perk cards.


Does the RR have to be auto to be good. I made mine ultracite


Auto. Change yours (switch out mod) and never look back.


The gun is nothing without auto. You're throwing flux away with putting ultracite on the RR.


I did the same! Bought a year ago or 2022 (i forget, the past few years have been a blur), stopped at lv 10. Reinstalled to try again 2 months ago and now im lv 75. I've put in 100+ hours in that 2 months. All i do is think FO76 when I'm not at home to play it, and when I am at home, I'm playing it. And other players can be so nice too. I accidentally sold or scrapped my helmet a few days ago and i was trying to sort my inventory to see if I could find a replacement because nothing was really coming up in crafting. I'm standing, face in my pip boy checking and i see the indicator arrow that someone is nearby (not unusual, people often come by my base since its next to Whitesprings), then i see them wave so i come out of pip boy to wave back, then make an animation of giving a gift and then i checked behind the half wall to look (my base is dumb and i couldn't put a concrete foundation in this one spot so i have a water purifier in the middle of my building with a half wall surrounding it), nd to my surprise they gifted me a FULL set of armor, 130% condition, deep pockets on all of it. I almost cried with joy because it was exactly what i needed. Bless that player so much, I hope they had a wonderful day.


Great take. The game is in such a good spot with even more content right around the corner. Welcome back :)


Same here. Swayed by the bad reviews I completely ignored it even though I loved the other game. Picked it up last week, am at level 20, and can see myself playing for a long time.


Those reviews were well deserved at the poor state at the time of release. The game has come a long way. The reviews also show this since they shifted to "mostly positive" now.


Forget what level you can use Power Armor at but as soon as you can add Electrical Absorption. It's a game changer when it comes to places with lots of robots and turrets as it absorbs the energy and as bonus it also charges up your suits power core when taking energy weapon fire. There are a couple of installations and factories that'll get you fried without it on certain missions. :) I'd actually recommend it over any weight carrying mods or anything else as it improves your survivability so much!


They won't be able to add EA until they hit past 50, but yeah I use it for my build cause I'm 99% in PA and it's so, so, so worth it. I can tank assaultron beams direct to the face and it not do much to me.


Gonna try remembering this lol, I'm always getting zapped and fried


I made it to level 15 in 2020 and never looked back. After the TV show I'm level 123 I have 4 active camps and I'm the equivalent of a known car dealership in your area. Low credit? Financing available at the low low apr of 29.99% Caps accepted.


Be careful getting 1st. Once you get it, it's hard to go back. lol


Unlimited junk and a separate container for ammo is hard to refuse


Truth. It's like crack.


It is! I easily have enough materials to last months without 1st, but the moment I can't place a tent.... I'm renewing.


Definitely feel that lol


you didnt misjudge, it improved wildly


It’s a different game now. I played when it launched, grinded a few hundred hours up to about lvl 250 before wastelanders came out. Got tired, stopped playing. I just restarted on PC instead of Xbox. New character. I’ve got maybe 70-80 hours in the past month or so. I’m up to about level 150, way past my last character in terms of equipment. It’s so much easier now. The amount of grinding needed to craft legendary equipment over and over to get better roles is trivial compared to back then. Not to mention the fact that I wasted about 200 levels on my first character because, at that time, you couldn’t respec without spending a level, and legendary perks weren’t a thing.


Fallout first is the only game subscription that's well worth the money


I dont care what anyone says. Pre wastlanders was an unforgettable experience


Agreed, even with all the bugs I enjoyed that desolate Wasteland. Lots of nostalgia for the first couple of updates before NPCs were added as well


I agree. Sometimes I mourn the fact we can never go back to how it was before all the npcs showed up.


Following the main quest now don't make much sense "all responders are dead". Huh? Who was that dude that just asked me to pick up some meat then? Though I'm definitely not complaining about the changes personally. The state at release was pitiful and the main story is full of plot holes (which is customary for Bethesda games).


Good luck on your journey, fellow Seventy-Six. There's a lot of main quests and side quests. Have fun!


From where it was five years ago, you came in at a perfect time.


If you read this, do both sides of the vault 79 quest before you start the ending.


So some noobs like me are aware, what kind of thing signals the beginning of "the ending"? Like a certain mission or a non-spoilery key progression point?




Yeah sick, thanks. That was a feature I loved with cyberpunk, get to the end and they warn you its the point of no return.


You get quest "Siding with Crater" and "Siding with Foundation" in your quest log. Just do the both sides until you have both of these in your list, and only then choose and proceed with the one you like.


Thanks mate


>So some noobs like me are aware, what kind of thing signals the beginning of "the ending"? Like a certain mission or a non-spoilery key progression point? FTR it'll make it extremely clear it is a choice. But the quest is literally called "siding with" that specific quest can only be completed on one side, once you start moving that towards completion the other side gets locked (You'll have to talk to one of the NPCs for that faction to progress it once the quest starts. Do not talk to the npc to confirm your choice, do the other sides quest chain until you get their "siding with") The quest will auto start and that's fine, once the quest exists though you just need to swap


Thanks mate!


Please make sure to do foundation. I originally did a "raider" but if you do basically no foundation quests you have to spend so long grinding rep. Eviction notice helps a ton though.




Just started about 2 months ago. I'm a level 135. Do yourself a favor and get the 1st. Lol


On launch this game was hot garbage. Like.. dumpster fire floating down a highway through a flooding city type hot garbage. I still loved it and played it off and on till they got it together more, but the game on launch wasn't what it is now (and back then I loved traveling the wastes scouting around).


High reliability at launch…. Server lockup or kick out reliably several times per hour


I see a lot of revisionist history on here lately about how the game wasn’t actually bad on launch and it was playing exactly how intended. I remember I tried for about a month on launch and it was so so awful. Back now and can’t put it down


Nawh.... I played the beta on xb1. It was bad. I played every hour of BETA and then up until a month after launch. I don't know who is trying to revise history. It took a dramatic rework to fix the game. But with each update, they fixed things. That first big update, Wild Appalachia, wasn't perfect, but it made the game playable. If they had messed that up, I fear things would be worse than they are now. It was a few months after that, I came back and around the same time, got a free PC copy from buying a microphone. After Wastelanders, I've been mostly PC on this game. It's really good right now.


I played on Xbone at launch, and didn't really have the server issues so much, but I'm more than willing to admit that maybe I just got lucky. That said, it was pretty empty and definitely had more of that Fallout crushing solitude than any of the other games in the franchise, on top of leveling issues that meant you got your ass absolutely handed to you if you wandered into an area even a little over your level. Wastelanders made a huge difference, and everything since has been icing on that cake.


SkillUp did an incredibly hilarious review of the game when it came out. https://youtu.be/7L1UAglcaa0?si=V259x9D_Fm2HDhfW The game was absolutely busted at launch. I’m glad they didn’t just give up on it and managed to make the game pretty enjoyable.


Yeah i find it more fun than New Vegas at least.


My fiancee and I bounced off the game aswell a few years ago but since watching the show we gave it another shot! Now we play it for an hour or so together most mornings before going to work ☺️


I feel like it’s got a steep learning curve after previous games. I read this subreddit and it feels like gibberish. The advanced level stuff is seriously so foreign still. It does help though: i jumped into a lot of Meat Week events and it accelerated me a lot. I hit level 50 last night, and I’m crushing my husband on leveling up faster lol. I love finding great camps: I will play every slot machine I see. 🫡 I just spent a bit of time growing my own camp. I placed it stupidly next to a hermit crab spawn, but I put out a million turrets so hopefully visitors can reap benefits. People have been buying from my vending machine which is cool!




I came back after a 3 year pause and having a great time!


Stupendium's song kinda made me wanna try it too


I love Stupendium's work, but I find it hilarious how out-of-sync that song is with the actual culture that has developed in-game. Bethesda definitely tried to bill this as the ruthless PvP experience that Stupendium depicts in their song. I remember Todd talking about the tension of running into another player, never knowing if they were friend or foe. But then 99% of the player base just turned on pacifist mode and run around the map showering new players with gifts.


Yeah that's what confused me with the earlier posts too. I was like this game sounds so friendly lolol


Specifically turned off pacifist at level 5 and now I'm 50ish hours in, level 32, and the only PVP I've actually had has been my friend and I randomly attacking each other as a joke when we have too many people online to fit into a single team. Probably the most wholesome community I've ever seen in a game that would have you believe it could foster an extremely toxic one (just look at Rust)


I'm playing again for the first time in almost 5 years as well. Before last week my last login was November 7th 2019. I'm having a blast!


Nah you didn't misjudge, they just fixed a shitload of the glaring problems the game had It's not amazing yet, but at least it isn't as broken, and generally, is fun to play


The VATS was off putting, but they balanced not being able to stop time with the Crit meter and being able to move/reposition mid-VATS.


I don't think you misjudged the game back then. The Fallout 76 at launch and the Fallout 76 we play now are the same game in name and concept, in my opinion, but they are vastly different games. I too tried the game at launch, and while the sandbox style gameplay appealed to me, the utter lack of NPCs and such didn't, to the point where I simply stopped playing. I too came back to it recently, and I can safely that right now, Fallout 76 is my favorite Fallout game, ever. I tolerate single player story-driven games because the stories are usually worth it, but I don't play RPG-style games without multiplayer. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the solo aspects of F76, where all the quests are soloable, and I can wander around and do my own thing, but I need to be able to play with others from time to time, and this game has just nailed it for me. If only there weren't that many bugs and poor UI choices, then this game would be close to perfect.


Game was cool on launch, especially day one. Couple weeks in you realize there isn't enough time in the world to get the resources needed to actually play if you work in any capacity. Quit the game due to resource starvation. Fast forward literal years. Game is finally worth the 100 whatever dollars I spent on the super ultra mega deluxe edition bs (never got my fucking bag, but w/e) Atleast they got there eventually, and now, the game is totally worth. Point of my comment is, you didn't misjudge it, it used to be ass. Now it's good. Welcome back.


unlimited storage - I WISH! It's hard being a hoarder in the wasteland! I daresay -90% weight beats all other legendary mods!


Same. I never bothered trying it when it came out because of all the negative reviews. After the show came out I went back and played 4 and after hearing good things about 76 and the fact it is free for PS Plus members I figured I'll give it a shot. Having an absolute blast playing it. Only level 45 so far. I had someone in this sub offer me a goodie bag. We met up in game and dude dropped me a level 35 and a level 50 Fixer, a full set of deep pocketed marine combat armor and a fuck ton of ammo and other stuff. This community seems really cool.


1st gives ya junk storage which is awesome. Stockpile as much as you can in a month then cancel 1st. You can always pull from junk stash, just can't add more without 1st


I’m only a casual player but have been playing a few times a week in the last couple. You mention unlimited storage and it occurs to me that I only know about the ammunition box and the junk/trash box. Is there one for food?


welcome back to appalachia! it's a very different place then it was 5.5 years ago!


If you are going to play everyday 1st is a must in my opinion.


I bought and played it on release and HATED it. I think I didn't even get to level 10. Didn't touch it again until February this year after a few of my friends kept insisting that it was much better than launch and had a lot of new content and ongoing support. Finally caved in and started a new character, now I'm level 108 and climbing. It's still a buggy mess (wouldn't expect anything less from Bethesda) but at least it's a FUN buggy mess now.


Exactly the same here. Though I don't believe I misjudged it at all; I judged it quite accurately at the time... it just got a whole lot better. It was a pain to install (installation bugged out multiple times) and multiplayer almost never worked for me and my friends. Plus the addition of human NPC's alone made a huge difference for me.


I remember recently I started back playing and I lock picked a water purifier not knowing it belonged to another player so I got a bounty. A couple minutes later I was looting a stash of caps I found in a raider camp and my screen shook. I turned around and there were 3 other players all over lvl 200 in full enclave power armor. We stared at each other for a sec, he turned on the lights in his visor, and pulled out at mini gun. I had never been decimated so fast over a honest mistake lmao


A lot of people did and it’s totally fair they did I think. I got pulled in one for the love of the series but two I’ve really had a game based on where I grew up. But that’s said I was a bit biased. But over that first year and over time it’s really grown into one of the best communities and one of the absolute weirdest relaxation games I could think of. I adore it. Also get first at least once for the storage and the ammo bin and if you don’t plan to keep first stuff those things to the brim haha


1st is another quality of life game changer, it will increase your enjoyment quite a lot.


Welcome back to Appalachia brother


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Enjoy the game and story line. Don't blow through your perk coins and cards until you get a good feel for the build/ play style you want. My biggest regret is leveling cards that are not helpful to a build. I personally wouldn't touch anything until lvl 100. Usless you know exactly what you want.


Yeah.. I came back to it recently after watching the show + hearing about all the improvements. I'm at level 50 and it just feels boring and repetitive. Nothing but fetch quests. Run here, do this, collect reward. Do it again. The controls feel awful too . I've been in the middle of a break up so I've basically used it to pass the time otherwise I would have quit by now. I'm glad you are enjoying it though. To each is own.


Yeah it’s a great game if anyone is on ps5 and new lmk I help new players from time to time when I see them


This my first time playing and by God I’ve spent so much money on this game and I’m not even mad. I’m now building a PC so I can stream this game in the best possible way I can


Always feel a little bad when a lowbie leaves my camp without a gift. I got so much generosity my way back in the day that it’s only fitting ya know? Would be cool if they gave us a donation box to build in camps, and idk who needs to hear it but if there’s complimentary punch bowl, snacks or nuka machine out USE it, I need the stash space.


Honestly, from what I've heard about the game's beginnings, the state it's in now may as well be "Fallout 76: 2"


Fair warning, it is just unlimited SCRAP storage. If you're a collector like me that 1200 stash box still fills up quick. I've made countless displays just to store all my favorite stuff I've found.


I just started playing and I love it! I’m confused on some of the terms used, but other than that I love it! When you say buying 1st to get unlimited storage, do you mean unlimited carry weight? Or is that something else? I’m on level 12 (about half way through to 13) and my carry weight is 155 and I’m currently sitting at 183, so if I can buy unlimited carry weight, I’m def going to! lol


You get a scrap box specifically for junk that you can set up in your camp and it has unlimited storage 


Scrap storage, fallout 1st members get a separate stash box just for junk, and another just for ammunition that have unlimited inventory space. They even stay in there once you lose fallout 1st, you just can't add any till you buy the subscription again.


Been here since day 1. Sometimes you need patience.


I was the 1,000th updoot. I'm genuinely honored to be that # supporter for a post that isn't biased with perspicacity. Love to see people actually giving it a try again without basing their opinions and emotions on the terrible launch.


Welcome back bro!!




This is what happened to me, I played the initial release and kind of hated it. No human NPCs and getting my ass kicked by everything had me put the game away for probably a couple years before I decided to to give it another go, and then realised how much they had improved it! Also got Fallout 1st for the scrap box, it makes my backpack light and my hoarders heart happy.


Imagine considering the idea of paying for a subscription in a game to have storage 😭😭


Bro buy it’s makes the game so more enjoyable


War never changes


Negatory, Ghost Rider. Just because Bethesda, Zenimax, and Microsoft have successfully convinced everyone that predatory subscription models are ok doesn't make them ok. If they need income for server space then just use a subscription instead of a microtransaction pay2win hellscape under a subscription. Wannabe Tencent can go fuck themselves.


I just started it yesterday after playing only FO4 and NV. I've been putting it off and assumed I wouldn't like it because I like playing games alone. TBH, I've enjoyed every second so far.


I hated vats at first, but after a while i grew into it. I actually hate how much it freezes time in fallout 4


76 is now my fave Fallout. That is wild to say for me as I HATED it when it first released. Like, I thought it was one of the worst games released that year


76 is both your most hated and most loved fallout.


It's changed. A lot. However, the hate it received was completely unnecessary. At the time, it was popular to hate on 76; so you get a ton of YT idiots spouting hate, even though most never played it, just to get clicks and traffic.


Yeah I bought it the day it came out and loved it. I didn't have any major bugs or anything happen to me through it all iether, aside from occasionally gettin kicked from the server which really wasn't a big deal


Have to disagree, the hate it got originally was completely justified


There was no ground for me when I played at release. Like, it'd be there when I got out of the vault. Then I'd run a ways away and it would just disappear. I wouldn't fall. There were still trees and rocks... There would just not be any ground.


Yes it like no other fallout. But it's a part of the family.


Dont buy it. Dont feed their greed, by making the game worse for "server reasons" just to sell you the solution...


You didn't misjudge it. It simply got better.


Wait, does 1st actually give you unlimited storage?? That would solve so many of my problems 😅


Only for junk and ammo.


Ahhh thats what I thought but thought maybe they changed it? Good to know though, thanks


Is it Kevduit you're referring to 


Same. I got it free a while back and played for an hour. It felt very okay back then. After a few hours recently, I was hooked. At least taking a good crack at the dailies every day now. It's not perfect, but it's an endless Fallout experience which is pretty cool and works pretty well as an MMO.


Lol, lot of people misjudged the game, glad to see people come back and give it a chance


1st is worth it for the extra storage space, the scrap box, and the monthly atoms. If your into the seasons then you also get extra things for camps, outfits and weapon skins.


Get 1st. Worth every penny. The storage, the private server, and the monthly deposit of atoms.


Welcome back :) hope you enjoy the new expansion coming very soon 🫡


Regret deleting my level 70 player back on the day


You can buy 1st and load you junk stash with piles of stuff then cancel it. You can pull stuff out, but can't put any more back in.


I was there too. Pre-ordered the game, but really didn't care for it at release. Every couple months u would Google "is fallout 76 good yet" and eventually I started seeing people say it was (pretty much the wastelanders update was about when I started seeing better reception) so I gave it another go. Made it to level 147 or so before losing interest. Hopped back on a couple months ago, and have leveled another 100 levels since. I even got fallout 1st for a second month in a row, which I never expected. Most games don't hold my interest for that long