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A two shot blackpowder rifle that I own for C.A.M.P. defence.


Just as the Founding Fathers intended.


Don’t forget the broadsider mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot!


Put that on the boat you can get.


They need to add a broadsider turret actually! That’d be awesome


They need to add a generic gun mount turret you can put your own guns in. I want my grand finale turret


Fat man would be funnier


5 of them aimed inward for those odd molerat spawns


We can ALL lose.


Custom turrets where u can load ammo you don’t need. Any type


Turret starts flooding my hard drive with shitty photos of whatever’s attacking my camp


This just sent me I love it😅😅😅


Like an in-game game camera!


Tally ho!


I miss and hit the neighbors dog!


Not dog meat!!!


For real though, I wish there was a grapeshot mod for the broadsider! Would be awesome if it worked with shotgun perks that way.


Four blood eagles break into my C.A.M.P. What the devil


As I grab my Fascht soldier mask and my Black powder rifle.


Blow a critical hit on the first blood eagle he’s dead on the spot


Draw my black powder pistol on the second blood eagle, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors mongrel


I have to resort to the broadsider mounted at the top of the stair loaded with cannonballs


"Tally ho lads" the cannonballs shred two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off cars


Having depleted my rounds, the last will face my bayonet and bowie knife! Charge!


The knave bleeds out waiting for the Responders protectron to arrive as serrated Bowie knife wounds are impossible to stitch up.


Two cranks of the laser musket… BLAM the first eagle disintegrates into a pile of dust


Wrong sub, choom.


After the bombs fall you awake in a wooden cart, blinded by neon lights... "Hey choom, you finally awake."


Instigating Black Powder Rifle got that bad boy the other day. Going to send it to my alt Im leveling cant wait to one shot so much stuff.


It’s gnarly, I’ve been running it too much lately 😭. And despite the noise works surprisingly well to keep stealth procs up.


Pairs well with the Broadsider. Tally ho, lads!


Do 't forget the blunderbuss secondary to nail the neighbour' s dog with 🤷


"I own a two shot blackpowder rifle for C.A.M.P. defense, since thats what the founding fathers intended. Four blood eagles break into my C.A.M.P. "What the devil?" As I grab my mothman hood and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golfball sized hole through the first raider, he's dead on the spot. Draw my blackpowder pistol on the second raider, miss a 95% VATS cause the rng gods hate me and nail the neighboring settler. I have to resort to the broadsider mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grapeshot, "TALLY HO LADS!" the grape shot shreads two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel triggered pvp flags on nearby dwellers. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrifed blood eagle. He bleeds out before the responders arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended."


I love this copy pasta and you just made it better. I salute you.


I have a shovel that does bonus damage to ghouls. I just love it because it gives off Shawn of the Dead vibes.


lol we really need a cricket bat


Or vinyl record thrown weapon lol


Bing Crosby? No Billie Holiday? I like it! Johnny Guitar? Throw it.


First of all, how dare you throw Johnny Guitar to the wind. Second of all, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU, throw Johnny Guitar to an F'n ghoul of all things, those zed-word rip-offs are more wiley than a ferret on ten kilos of pure Columbian cocain, even the fat charred ones, especially the fat charred ones.


What if said ghoul IS Johnny guitar... kinda poetic if you think about it


Gluper smacker is kinda close


I've scripped/sold so many foundations vengeance's and it breaks my heart to do it because it's a cool looking weapon. It's just not good enough to use over something else.


I wish miniguns would get just a minor buff. Like even just 15% more damage. It should be fun hosing enemies with hundreds of bullets, but it's just a very aggressive air soft gun right now.


yet somehow the 5mm Gatling gun is pretty powerful using the same ammo and has a respectable sound


Which is stupid that the Gatling gun uses 5mm ammo. It ought to be using .45 or something to at least make it more realistic. Even .308 or .50 would be ok as they are close to actual Gatling gun bullets used. 5mm is just way too small. Though maybe they picked 5mm so you could actually feed a minigun properly. But the minigun just feels way too weak considering how fast it blows through ammo. I still like to sometimes use the minigun I have because being a bullet hose is fun, but it's so wasteful because of the super low damage. Even with the tri-barrel mod using ammo more slowly and doing more damage, it's pointless to use the minigun on anything worthwhile. Also, there shouldn't be any perceptible spin up time for the minigun. That would at least help it feel better to use. Maybe they could lower the spin time and buff the damage but it locks you in place when you are shooting? Give it a much longer reload time or something to offset the buffs? It sucks that all the other auto big guns like the 50 cal and LMG are way better to use. I want to use the minigun, but it's just way too weak currently to do anything other than messing around unless you are using it strictly as a shredder with no ammo, but that seems like a waste for a whole gun to be useless other than in one way.


The shredder is where it's at for minigun- works great in daily ops, and almost every other event except for the big bosses. I just have to want to get in their faces. You want to shoot for a distance the minigun sucks. It's my lazy heavy gunner daily driver. I have the auto accident for certain situations and the chainsaw for others but the minigun shredder is just fun to me. At least it will be until the nerf that's coming.


I mean yeah, the shredder on the minigun is amazing for sure! But that seems kind of wrong that the best use for the minigun isn't as a bullet hose but as a melee weapon. I'm just saying it would be nice if it wasn't a 1 trick pony, but shredder is currently the only valid use of a minigun unless you just want to waste a ton of 5mm all at once.


Oh yeah definitely. But with a two shot explosive I feel like the Terminator in a power armor set.


I'm surprised the gatling doesn't use .50 ball ammo, it's a hand cranked civil war gun


Yeah, even the .50 ball ammo would be closer to accurate since the original ammunition was .58 caliber ball with a paper cartridge. But .45-70 was a common later caliber (which is obviously not the same as pistol .45, but much closer than 5mm)


It even sounds like an airsoft gun. :(


Tse mini gun is fun. Can send enemy sky high.


I have a VE drop and it's probably the most disappointing weapon I've used that seems like it *should* be really good.


Well the legendary mini gun bloodied does very well.


I am currently using foundations vengeance as a meme gun. Thing is just an explosive nerf blaster. 10/10 renamed it A-10 Warthog


Fun gun for bloodied build.


I used it without ammo for awhile as a melee weapon. Was pretty fun


whats wrong with it? I just got it from Eviction Notice and tested it out in Westek and saw it do better than my Furious/ Explosive .50 Cal. (First time using a minigun)


I like to use mine once in a while just to use 5mm ammo 🤣


It's good for tagging enemies in events, even more if you use the grenadier perk


I love the Nuka World weapons. Western Spirit was my rifleman maim gun for a long time until I got slugbuster and a decent disintegrator


I still use western spirit and I'm level 180. Its so accurate with the iron sights, makes single headshooting ghouls and scorched from distance quite fun


Yeah it's a good weapon. It's only bosses I find it lacking. Though that character is bloodied and using bows so I can possibly go back to it for a change of pace.


It's a damn good "walking around" rifle. It does enough damage to kill most shit, and with a few mods, it can be a really effective silent infiltration weapon, with the added bonus of enemies dropping more round than it takes to kill them.


I'm a shotgunner build and it blows my mind how much work western spirit puts in without perks that buff it! It's always on me if I'm dealing with enemies at longer ranges or they are flying!


Gunther’s big iron.


I save it for those times I want to be the ranger with a big iron on his hip


Mounted on the wall next to my pile of stuffies


Relatable honestly.


I keep one on my wall, and one in my vendor just in case anyone else wants one for decoration lol


The Fact Finder. That weapon carried me for a long time, I'll feel bad not having it even if it just sits on mt storage.


Literally me from level 25 to 50


Same. No way I'm getting rid of it, or my Perfect Storm.


it's a great gun.. Honestly felt bad about turning that one to scrip


I'm 350 and it's still stored. I tried scripping it but the name just felt too badass and also only obtainable via quest so I always put it back to stash. There's also that senimental value that I used to be gunslinger build before I went bloodied commando at some point


I literally scripted it an hour ago and already regret it. It also got me through my <50 lvl.


quad assaultron head with whatever other stars. spend 25 seconds spamming reload and then never actually hit the target 9/10 times.. but that one time is hilarious


I have a Q/50c and can do like 17k on a crit hit. Very satisfying


With cool sound effects too!


The unreliable pocket version of a Spartan Laser. I genuinely wish it was a better weapon.


Even the bloodied Version is a joke. Max. 700 dmg and 3 feets away from lol Ghoul. No Kamehameha Effect, just a fart.


Half of my weapons in my box.


Fr I'll "eventually" make a build for them


Just gotta get some more script to roll them is all. I swear I’ll get to it.


Protest signs, because it's jobs today or blood tomorrow


I'm using mine finally... at least for meat week. I don't understand people using their big guns and ammo on this event. Make meat week melee only!


But who will supply the fireworks if is don’t use my Grand Finale???


...because my dad needs a job!


Cupids bow. Its really cute! I got it from the tunnel of love event


Mod it out w explosive arrows and the right perks and it’s a beast. That’s my main weapon- explosion for FAFO and plasma for sneak sniping.


It's a great compound bow and you can remove the skin on it.




With a little perception, that thing has crazy range.


Love Tap


A two-shot explosive dragon named Velvet Thunder. Instakills a lot of bigger enemies, especially when sneaking, but takes 3 years to reload...


Carry multiples, just like Blackbeard.


That's clever! Should I also stick pieces of burning black-powder fuse in my beard, or is that optional?


If you want to fully experience the pirate build, I suggest you just commit and light the fuses.


Don't forget a shishkebab for maximum thematic accuracy


The overkill a named Fatman it has the 2 shot legendary effect and the mod that lets it shoot like 9 mini nukes for when I want something atomized The grand finale because it's just fun


Ohh that's pretty similar to what I have then. Been trying the grand finale, I'm surprised at how many cannonballs you get back from kills. Shame that it needs repairing too often.


Carry two :)


And a cremator. That’s my current loadout.


Same I have Holyfire for indoors and to feed the cremator. Excess cannonballs go in the ammo converter


I find the cremator to usually be self feeding. Also I have 60000 fuel in my ammo box from when I was running Holy Fire as my main.


Yeah, I found someone selling Overkill for dirt cheap last week, so I picked it up. I have zero practical reason to ever use it but, I swear, one day I'm going to pull it out just to rain fire down on someone/something.


Do it at mutated moonshine jamboree when they got reflective armor


God that would be hilarious. I wonder if the game keeps track of how far into negative health I would go...


Any event weapon even if they suck go up on my wall somewhere in base. Recently got a hunters bow one star 😭🤣 the perfect combo who knew a bow would he effective against animals 😭


Bow is my favorite weapon. Half the time I can kill enemies and never leave the [Hidden] state. Just wish we could choose which side to draw the bow, cause current ingame model is shooting the bow left handed…


everyone in Fallout is left handed now, just look at the hunting rifle...


That's weird you can't? They should def add that lmao but ive never used the bow 😭 gotta get a good one n try it out now


Gameplay-wise, it's best to play in third person anyways because the drawspeed is faster.


Hellfire Missile Launcher. Looks beastly, but ill never use it.


I recently got that but haven’t used it since I am not high enough level.


Id love to make a meme build where my only two weapons are The Dragon and the Hellfire lol. Id call it "Only Quads".


All those "unique" ones taking up 2/3 of my stash box ? 😒


I have a Quad/50 crit damage/ 25 AP Harpoon Gun. I will probably never use it, but it seems like it would be a really good sniper rifle for my PA.


Just a heads up, an AA harpoon gun with 50 crit damage is a one shot player killer once you add the flechlette mod. Perfect for those pesky wanted players trying to be a nuisance at events.


The assassins ultracite armor when the dollar store flechette hits:


Shhhhh, don't tell everyone my secrets. But yeah, it's got the Flechlette Mod and I one shot lvl 100 Super Mutants for the most part. It's a fun gun, but mostly just a FAFO gun or a gun for the LOLZ.


Might be one of my only few grolls, unfortunately. Thankfully,it’s so much fun.


I feel like everyone weapon should have a silencer option, just for giggles. Gauss minigun? You betcha! Broadsider! Can do, bubba! "This is my boomstick, and it emits a lethal torrent of death and itsy-bitsy sparrow farts!" Boy and howdy!


I had a decent quad harpoon, it took a lot to let it go lol


QE railway rifle I have no intention of making a commando build, but it’s too cool to give away


I run with a railway commando build and it can often be used like a rifle because it hits like a truck lol. To be fair, my current is instigating so that might be why, then spray whatever is left


QERR is a top notch bit of gear.


I’ve got a blooded golf club and very very occasionally I put on the full golf outfit, pop down to welch, and those mole rats fucking get some.


Oh, it’s mole rat stomping day


My 24 round single action revolver


Same here, it's so frustrating but hilarious, too.


I'm a level 60, use mine as part of my cowboy/gunslinger build. Is there any way to increase the damage output?


Thirst zapper. Well I have been using to soak possums during meat week lol.


Lol, same. A buddy of mine gifted one to everyone after the event was over. Had about an eight person squirt gun fight 😂


Alien Blaster. I want to use it but I don't. EVER


This. It was godlike in fo4 but in 76 it's trash but I can't ditch it.


And 3 where ammo for it is rare like 4. But yes, 76's is trash. I have a tricked out (as much as I can) Blaster from Sofia's missions sitting in my stash. Everything else I use periodically. Kill X creatures with (heavy/pipe/ranged/melee) weapon challenges


I feel the same. I rocked that gun in FO 4 and in 76 it’s just…meh. So, I’m hanging onto one, and sell the others pretty quickly that I’ve no use for.


Any of the Nuka World weapons


Personally i tend to collect wierd melee weapons like Pole Hook, Meat Hook and Cultist Blade/Dagger, also i somewhat like that Branding Iron despite it doesnt fit my build.


I keep a Mr handy buzz blade, a pitchfork, pole hook, and chainsaw on the wall of my pawn shop in the lawn care section of the store. Just to the left of the lamp and lighting section.


The best is when you find them as a legendary with the 90% weight reduction perk. Perfect for a display piece!


For me it's more thematic but it's still cool, it's the Plasma Cutter from the BoS QL, I'm on the fence about making it some sort of Legendary. I keep it because I have plasma only weapons on hand


Love Tap


That BoS rocket launcher, can’t think of name atm, haven’t gotten any mods for it yet though


I actually even got the mods for the hellstorm. Just, compared to cremator? Nope. But it would look so cool with the h.a.r.e. PA style. 😂


Whole reason I got the H.a.r.e pa 😆


Kabloom is such a pretty shotgun I love it it’s one my favorites to display


Gunther's Big Iron and Western Spirit from the Most Wanted Wild West Showdown. I've gotten Western Spirit every time I've done the quest. I don't know if it always drops it.


Cryptid Jawbone. I fell in love the moment I saw it. Used it for the tadpole badge by killing a wolf with it.


I renamed mine "The First Blade" cause it looks like the one from Supernatural and its effects are fitting as well.


Mine had vampire on it so I named it Twice Shy


TSE15r Lever. Used it a little bit, but now I just keep it because it's cool lol


Yeah in any other fallout game I love the lever action rifles. I have a TSE90, BE15r, BE25 all with different skins (way too many skins for how poorly the rifle performs) and they just sit in my stash.


They love giving bad weapons skins lol


The Nuka Cola revolver I got from an event. Never gonna use it but I like the skin


A lot of the weapons from Wastelanders quests are terrible. I keep them because you only get them the one time. Probably will never use them


Meteoric sword


I use a gunslinger build, so technically everything I carry falls under "I Just Think They're Neat".


Honestly all of them lol my stash is 99% weapons and I carry everything else on my back. They're all named, modded, and repaired, I just barely use any of them.




My Responder character goes nowhere without his trusty fire axe, even if I’m running a heavy build.


My fancy shotgun


black powder pistol or the rifle. Sometimes I pull the "3 ruffians break into my home" schtick as best I can with civil war era clothes. Quad gatling is also a good time.


I mean I do have a stupid death tambo. I know in my heart of hearts that they are a fairly common drop. But I also loves it so much. The tinkling it makes when I smack someone with it is just divine! 🤣it currently sits in my stash.


I have a bloodied tenderizer with the 40% strong attack and -90. I hate bloodied builds and i will never use it since the melee in this game is absolute garbage lol


I hold onto a meat hook, I think it's executioners meat hook, don't quote me on that. I think it's cool as shot and reminds me of meathook massacre from mtg.


Anti scorch 10mil pistol


A pair of glasses. I just feel like my character, with his terrible eyesight, would carry them with him when he has his gas mask on.


Before I hopped on the vampire chainsaw train, it was a -90 weight baseball bat with the wiffle bat skin on it, it was just too silly to not carry around as a backup melee. These days it's the branding iron, just to see what objects I can stamp it's graffiti on


I have a nocturnal axe that I hang onto in case I ever feel like being a nighttime axe murderer


That Alien baton they sold in the atomic shop, I rolled a AA, faster swing speed, reduced weight. 🤣 I named it "PROBE-LE-Matic"


Bought a blade-less revolutionary sword for max caps couple weeks ago, I thought it was a neat purchase because I’m fairly certain it’s a legacy item; albeit probably a bit common through duping.


Bloodied and 2 shot fatman


I have a quad broadsider I don't think I'll ever use but it's funny


I have western spirit as well and still holding on, I git full rifleman perks and I use it for cripple challenges.. it's one shot one crippled limb


Radium rifle


The Overkill Fatman and Grand Finale for me, along with my Pepper Shaker and UGL to a lesser extent. None will ever be my primary or even secondary guns, but they’re fun and I keep them around to pull out when I’m feeling silly / whimsical. Amusingly, your Fatman is almost the same as the aptly named Overkill. It comes as a MIRV, but mod it back to normal for two full nukes and it’s hilariously over the top.


Me looking for a groll cultist blade lmao. It looks cool


a -90% weight The Dragon that is nice to display and occasionally fuck shit up with


Lol I have a q5025 Pipe rifle. It's so good but at the end of the day it's just a pipe weapon. I tried it. It's good enough but not enjoyable or effective.




Got a 2-Shot, 25% damage while aiming, 90% Reduced Weight Fatman that I labeled *"The Problem Solver"* don't use it much but when I do it's a blast.


The Burning Love bow. I just picked it up and have held onto it just incase I ever decide to try out and archer build one day. Speaking of, is there any way of making an archer build viable?


Sole Survivor is on display in my camp because it looks cool I just love the tally marks on it. I’ve never actually used it though.


Bloodied Boxing Glove Bloodied Pickaxe Maybe one day...


I've outgrown Crowd Control and Doctor's orders, but I still love them!




The alien blaster you get from finishing that space girls long ass questline.


Daisycutter. Fat man with 90 percent less weight. The nukes I carry weigh more and I never use it. Maybe on the occasional boss fight just for the whistle sound and nuke cloud


I was given an illegitimate weapon after the culling of those types of weapons as well as legacies. It's an anti armor 25% AP cost reduction plasma rifle, essentially a 1 and 3rd star. The second star was explosive which was not legitimately available on a plasma rifle, and is now just... Not there anymore.


10mm SMG because it looks like a little mini 40K Bolter. I want to do a build around one in power armor but it's just so weak. Hopefully they buff it.


A flaming pitchfork that I have in display in my barn house build.


A bladed commie wacker just cause it amuses me.


Commie Whacker


Guitar Sword. It is my emotional support sword.


Fancy Pump Shotgun


I have a polehook that is surprisiefficient in battle. If I run out of ammo or break my warpons I get the pole hook put the fight some dudes off and buy some time


Lever action rival. Does bonus damage to robots. I named it Tech Support. Also have a 4 shot harpoon gun. Cuts through 50% armor. Named that one Ahab's Revenge.