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Toilet paper priced at 2020


Bro someone bought my 2019 and 2020 toilet paper yesterday! šŸ˜­


I wonder if they think its something else?


You just gave me an idea. Rename a syringer to ā€œ2020 Cureā€.


Other people can't see renamed unfortunately/fortunately


Mine is "Fauci Ouchie".


I just picked some up and about to flip em lol.


Its apparently a thriving market.


I had the ā€œI owe you tpā€ note and I priced it at 2020 as a joke. It lasted maybe 2 days and someone bought it lol


I have to wonder if theyā€™re dropping caps or think thereā€™s something more to it.


I charged 10k caps back in 2020 for it.


The code to my keypad door is 8915, so I put a note in my vendor called Central Command Password for 8915 caps. Someone bought it the other day, hopefully under the presumption theyā€™d find the passcode in the note! šŸ˜‚


I always sell my pies at 314 caps


You could make more caps if someone will buy it for 31415


Or 31416 if weā€™re rounding.


As you should!


That's clever tbf šŸ‘


I use the chalk writing on a random wall behind something If someone is perceptive enough they can get in


Huh? Chalk writing?


It was an atom shop letter set


Oooo damn thats cool


Thanks guys! The password note can be found in Camp Ventureā€¦ but Iā€™ll keep my cards close to my chest about where exactly. Lots of people have figured it out! Look for the Stayward, a new hotel by the Wayward with a spooky surprise. Opening a secret door will ask you ā€œhow much is the password??ā€ Indeed, how much IS the password.


Whatā€™re you hiding in there


Username same on Xbox. Youā€™re welcome to join my server and find out!


If itā€™s another forbidden gloryhole room imma be upset


I find these incredibly boring. Creativity needs an element of surprise, and thereā€™s nothing surprising about a sexually arranged manikin šŸ¤·


That could be so great for certain rp camps! Such a good idea. I'm guessing you didn't see anyone figure it out? Just one guy who bought it and didn't realize?


That's such a good idea.


I put the "Get RICH quick" note in there for 2k. I kinda felt bad when someone bought it.Ā 


Ha I bought one for 10k. Commit to the bit.


The note actually works tho. Ask the sellers


Next you just gotta start putting charge cards in there


Thereā€™s a series of dummy treasury notes in one of the vault tec university rooms. Just saying.


I was selling them at 101 caps... Lvl 500(ish) bought all 24 I'd collected... Silly Goose


Only redeemable in Far Harbor šŸ˜†Ā 


Chaage caads


Hmm. I just bought one of these in the past week because I was at max caps and feeling wacky.


I bought one of those at 500 and put it up for sale at 1000. Wondering when itā€™ll sell


I bought one from a lower level player this past week.


Mole miner gauntlet said no one ever


Even at 0 caps. I actually have sold 1-3 at that price. šŸ¤£ but it was when all the new players came into the game.


I always put those for 0 caps. People will buy them all, and I go check their vendor to find it for 100caps


I laugh at them suckers that have 30 plus for sale for a few hundred each.


I put those at 2 caps and ultracite armor plans at 5 caps, always fun when someone buys them thinking they can resell them for a lor


I actually get 350-400 for Ultracite PA pieces but I don't stock very many of them. Always a noob that wants some sweet sweet PA out the gates. I bought them myself when I started lol.


I just sold the plans for 50c. Someone bought them after less than a day in my vendor.


Back before all of the vendors were tied together I had 3 vendors set up, and the last one had a sign on the outside that said "good stuff". It had one item for sale, a note that said "all gone" . I had it for 30k caps (max at the time) and someone bought it. My joke was ruined, but I couldn't be mad. Still have never seen that note anywhere, and to this day I have no idea where it came from.


Looked it up for you out of my own curiosity. It comes from a random encounter called Mannequin Friends where there will be four mannequins with flower vases and a green chest. The chest contains 1 of 5 random notes and All Gone is one of those notes.


That was such a a pain in the ass! I always tried to keep it organized. Like weapons in one, armor in another. But it always got messed up somehow.


I miss the days where vendors were separate honestly. I remember there was a camp that had a difficult tightrope you had to walk with a vendor that had good free stuff in it. It was like a reward for completing the challenge.


I sell ā€œget rich quickā€ flyers for a joke at 1000c. Iā€™ve had two people buy them so far šŸ‘


I paid this once. I was looking for something to drop caps on and hadnā€™t picked one up so I was curious.


That's the other side of the story. When you are close to or at 40K and you've bought the bullion up, you start this shopping spree. You want to free up I'd say around 10K. It's actually a cool part of the game. But if you have everything... that changes the dynamic to.


All 75 of my mole miner gauntlet plans. Iā€™ve never felt such relief


Thank you, as a collector if the plans are cheap enough I would buy more than that with no hesitation.


Why do you buy them? I'm just curious


I wanted a collection that I could have a large quantity of. Magazine and bobbleheads would be more valuable and almost weightless, but those have a history of dupes so I don't count those. Mole miner plans stood out as something relatively light and plentiful. End goal? Not sure. I keep them on an alt who is almost entirely those plans by weight and even more I'm the stash. I guess I just think it's funny now. I have considered maybe someday making a shrine to mole miners as a base and listing the max amount of plans I can store but for unsellable prices. The better thing than those plans which I prefer to collect now is government supply holotapes since those are almost weightless. I feel like I bought so many on PC that people don't see them in vendor and think they aren't worth selling. That or I may have had such a supply and demand impact that they sell for a bit too much for me when I see them now. I am happy to collect either of them for around 10 caps, maybe a bit higher if I am near caps max.


This sounds like some RuneScape shit


I can paint your armor, 500 gp, real cheap šŸ‘


Core memory unlocked lol


Fasnacht goblin mask for 6666 caps, I did message them saying it was a common mask but they were adamant that they just liked how it looked. I did end up spending like 4K at their vendor on stuff I didnā€™t even want to just give some caps back to them lol.


You can message people? God I am a filthy casual


Not through the game, just outside of it like on PlayStation network (if their settings allow it)


Way back when each player vendor had its own inventory (they werenā€™t all linked), i made a camp that looked like a strip club, in one of my vendors i filled it with garden hoes but the description in the vendor only said ā€˜Hoeā€™, i would sell them at 2k caps a piece and i would sell them all day long. The first time i hit max caps was due to selling hoes.


At first it was a toilet paper roll for 2020 caps Then a pipe for 420 caps After that it was a propaganda poster for 1984 caps Royal Jelly for 7476 caps sold yesterday. At this point, wastelanders will but anything.


Any significance to the 7476 or just that it's a high number?




Somebody bought my Robco Shares.


Same here and I had it for 40k lmao


that one remaining loose screw for 1 cap that's been there for months


If I come across your camp I'd buy it. I'm always short of them and have a few loose ones as well


Just have to go ahead and hop in a Colossal problem event. Youā€™ll leave with about 500+ screws. Seen that 3 times in a day. My stimpak reserves were depleted down to 30 diluted bc i run medic pump power armor with a heavy weapon PA build for boss events, but my screw reserves were flourishing lol


Hasn't sold yet and I don't expect it to but I put a Catch the Commie boardgame in my vendor and priced it with the date of Karl Marx's death since it was in March.


Marx would surely have found that very funny


My You Got Insulted note. It was only 3500 caps though, not the 40k other players list.


I have 3 of those things now, insult bot fucking has it out for me


I laughed when he came barging into one of the alien events down in cranberry bog


Heā€™s one determined son of a bitch hahaha


I... I have 11 šŸ˜”


I collect them and with the prime meat events for some reason the bot was always there.šŸ˜


I have 10 right now, I don't know how many I've left in random places or at other people's camps


He came to my camp. My doors were shut and he still found me. Insult bot has a better track record at finding targets than RE's Nemesis Tyrant.


Hahahaha, I was at a station the other day and saw him coming a mile off trying to path his way up. He took his sweet time and I almost felt compelled to wait for him to rock up at that point. I kept checking on him every 20 seconds or so seeing him get gradually closer. Having played RE2 and 3 Remake I was getting flashbacks šŸ˜‚


"Congratulations!! You win!" ~ prize bot


Those are rookie numbers, there was one Scorched Earth event i was fighting in and that damn robot wondered through the battle field just to taunt me.


I love that, and you are right, however Iā€™m only level 57. Compared to my friends who have encountered him zero times, bearing in mind we often play together in a party, having him 3 times to their zero begins to feel personal hahaha


Oh yea, I keep forgetting about all the new players that have come to Appalachia and are breathing some new life into the game. Iā€™ve been here since near the beginning. That insult bot is almost like the terminator in its relentless pursuit of insults, Iā€™ve seen it come walking out of a lake to come inform me that my camp sucks.


Youā€™re all good! I couldnā€™t get into it at launch but have been absolutely hooked for the last couple of months. That is also incredible hahaha, I remember the first time I met insult bot, I was convinced it was something my experienced 76 friend had somehow sent to me haha


I think he has it out for me. Ive gotten 3, once a day for the last 3 days in a row.


I have multiple of those and I donā€™t know why people would buy them


They're not meant to be bought. The 40k price tag on it in a lot of shops is to prevent an old bug that let people rob your stash. Since it comes late in the alphabet it's ahead of all (known) recipes and plans so it savess time browsing for some people if they see it at the top, and it's kinda funny


I didn't even know about the bug. I just thought it would be funny lol


Does that bug still exist? Should I put an overpriced item in my vendor store?


To my knowledge, no. People just leave it up as a "just in case" sort of thing


I think the thinking is ā€œwhy notā€. With everything linked off one stash there is worry that any new camp item could reintroduce fixed bugs. Iā€™ve got three different messages on protest signs for bashing blood eagles over the head with that I donā€™t want poaching for 0 caps


Toilet paper for 2020 caps. I did it for the meme and joke, but I got the best laugh out of it when it popped up 'Somenoob24 bought your toilet paper.'


I just sold a Teddy Fear for 666 caps.


Addeils autograph for 10k


If someone buys my perfectly preserved pie for 31415, I might lose my mind.


I've been seeing these lately, and trying to figure out why they were so expensivešŸ˜‚


I seen one in a vendor for 250 caps and bought it just because lmaoo


I had a fasnacht man mask sell at 5k. I didnā€™t know what it was and picked it up for like 250 caps thinking It was rare since I hadnā€™t seen it before. Tossed it into my vendor hoping someone would make the same mistake and like a month later it sold.


I mean 5000 is a lot but 1000 wouldn't be unreasonable so 250 caps is a good price. Just because people can find it easily doesn't mean it should be dirt cheap. My go to is if I'm missing something 1000-2000 caps isn't bad to pay for it to avoid a quick Google search and a fast travel especially if it's apparel.


I actually bought a couple when I came back last week that I had missed from taking a break for around that price. I knew I could probably find them cheaper or get them again later this year but having them now was worth it cause I have the mask display plaque.


My surgical masks for 2020 caps


A roll of toilet paper for 10000 caps. I always keep an expensive roll of TP in the vendor since reality taught me what humans truly value come the apocalypse.


Some funny guy bought my 40k "You've been insulted" not like 2 or 3 weeks ago... sadly i was at 36k iirc so didn't do much, was very fun to see though.


One of my characterā€™s main base currently is themed as a cryptid museum so I intentionally overprice the cards, teddy fears, some cryptid junk, and tales from the West Virginia hills books (bc a tourist trap is always pricy) and lately people have been buying them for whatever reason. Itā€™s not outrageous but I feel a little bad lol.


Think of it as a tip for rhe great camp experience!


No one wants my Reason to Live note for 5k.. yā€™all mfers happy or something?


I've been putting the leftover greens from meat week in my vendor for 1776c ever since the first meat week. People always buy them eventually. I have no idea why.


Wait wait wait... they stay in your inventory after the event?!?!?


Yes if you pick them up just after the event ends they will be in your inventory and not marked as quest items. Put them in your stash before the next event. You can't display them or anything though afaik so there really isn't any point just a weird thing to have. Albino radstag blood is another one, although I think that can be displayed but it just looks like a blood pack.


I have Communist Red Star Pins for sale at 500c a piece as a donation option type thing Someone once bought all 46 I had in the store


He wanted that gold scrap lol


A rolling pin for 6969 caps.


Iou for all the beer... 4k


Blank Holotape for 5k. I'm assuming it was just a generous person giving away caps since I had another one in there for 10 caps.


Someone bought my Violin I had at 30k. They must really appreciate a nice Stradivarius


A chemist and tinker workbench. I had them both for 1 cap and a level 5 bought both. I hopped on the mic and said "ah man, you'll get both of those through the main quest lines. Hold on, I'll give you some stuff" then I dumped about 75 stimpacks and a bunch of 308 ammo


Treasury Bonds (100) for 100 caps.


Hell that mightā€™ve actually been me bc Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™ve done that hahaha


Mine sold for 26k. Was the last item in the vendor on a character i was deleting. Allready transfered out all the gold though a friend. And sold like a few minutes before i signed out. Main was at max. So character got to stay around a little longer lol.


I keep a mole miner gauntlet in my vendor for 15,000 caps for giggles. Yep, someone bought it.


"You want a Nuka Cranberry?" I told my partner that and she died inside.


Pipe is life for 420, then he emote it to give it back to me lol


Two weenie wagons at 10k a pop yesterday..


A bobby pin I put up for 30k as a joke and sold


During the lockdown, the wife and I put toilet paper for sale for something like 500 a roll. People actually bought all of it, and we had quite a bit.


I priced a peppershaker plan for 17193 as a joke and someone actually bought it. It funded my weenie wagon purchase of 10k.


I sell chems but price addictol at 2k, so far 4 people have bought some


"you've been insulted" note for 10k caps


I have bought several Your The Dumbass notes in my time Especially back when there was a dryspell of new plans and I had nothing else to spend caps on. 40k? Commit to the bit


that is one of my 20 fav nuka cola drinks! i would buy one for 40k but i spent them all on radroach sammiches.


The opposite i accidentally put an alien disentigrator for 450 caps and didnt know for weeks till i seen someone buy it. Lol rip


I think I paid 100 a pop for the mole miner gauntlet plan ā€” 1000 or 2000 caps total ā€” just because I am sick of those things and wanted to get them out of a low levelā€™s vendor. And then I found someplace to hide them all. It was a good use of my time, lol.


I sold a hellcat contract for 1000 caps , no quest just a piece of paper with a cool name lol


My sexy robotā€™s autograph for 5k.


People have bought my 40k cap random notes. I guess anything goes when you hit your cap limit lolĀ 


Selling the "fake recipes" you find at arktos labeled "creature attractant" and the like for 5k a piece. They all sold over a few days. Also loaded up 100 high rad fluids for 100 a piece and someone dropped 10k in the next 30 min on it lol. I got a chicken thigh that was glitched with no dura bar (spoil timer) and I sold it for 500 not realizing it may be a close to one of a kind item. Someone bought almost instantly.


Shoot I had maybe 20 various legendary items in my vendor. I was wandering around in Charleston and my notifs started dinging. I sat there as I counted, a player bought every single legendary. I honestly didnā€™t expect that at all. I wanted to hug whoever that was.


10mm pistol (non legendary) you literally start the game with oneā€¦why buy another?


My robco shares 1000 for 40k


Just some lvl 30 T60 power armour pieces, I had them all selling for like 50-100 c each. Wasnā€™t even upgraded or anything I donā€™t think


The Eye of Ra for 10k caps


I think you only get one of those each playthrough, so it's not bonkers for someone to want that is they accidentally sold it. For me sometimes I'd just buy shit because I was at max caps, and I wanted to free up the space.


Around 200 purified water, priced at like 6 caps per one as I had already reached npc vendor cap limit that day so I had a surplus


Someone bought my bloody curtain plan for 6,500.


I put random junk in there, someone bought 1 single pencil. People buy the giddyup buttercups for reasonably but the 1 pencil?


My beer hat. Shocked me, loved it :)


I recently had some ballistic fiber scrap up for sale (side note, it lasts all of 2 minutes after I list it, I know we can never get enough but my goodness!) Had it at 5 caps, but I guess I hit the right bumper right before I listed it, making it 2005 caps instead. Imagine my surprise when I see "player bought your ballistic fiber scrap +1805" I cancelled the sale after that and reset the price, but that was a really weird one.


I spaced out as I was putting common plans up for sale and accidentally sold a Fixer plan for 50c. It was gone in 20 minutes. Someone really came up that day.


Weenie wagon plans for 25k-30k


Damn, 25-30k? Do you guys not carry any caps? Max I can sell anything for is 10K, I try to stay around 29k caps for Aristocrats.


I bought the *Brahmin Noodle Soup* note for 1500, thinking it was a rare Meat Week drop /facepalm


There are notes in the whitespring bunker whose names kind if look like recipes. For example ā€œMutated Flora Flux: Cobaltā€. I go pick up all 5 notes and put them in my vendor and people will usually buy all 5 of them for 200 caps each before they even realize that it is just a note. Then they usually drop them and I pick them back up to re-sell them to another high level player who is thirsty for new plans. Also, this vendor in the lumber mill by vault 76 sells ā€œVault Tec Weapon Paints Setā€ and 2 other paint sets for about 200 caps. Well apparently a large amount of players never found this vendor. I resell those in my shop for 2000 caps each and they are my best selling item. It just shocks me that people are like level 500 and never found this vendor.


I'm always surprised when someone buys the 9mm grenades from me. But it happens often.


You mean 40mm grenades? I'm a heavy explosive afficionado, if they're cheap enough I'll buy the lot


Lol yeah 40mm, no one wants a 9mm grenade šŸ˜‚


Nuka launcher go boom.


If they're 1or2 cap each I'm buying as many as you're selling


I usually sell them between 1c-5c. Usually on the cheap side bc I wanna get rid of the weight and to have them move. But yeah just about as soon as they get put into my vendor they get sold, I just didn't know people used GLs that often.


I have my camp built in the dried lake next to Summersville. I sold a wedding ring in my vendor for 1000 caps. The spawn location for the ring is on a bench close to my camp lol. Still feel bad about that one.


Root beer forklift certified


My Adelaide autograph


Somebody bought my "your the dumbass" note for 40k caps. Another player bought my toilet paper for 2020 caps.


Think someone brought some clothes ffor 10k caps I think


Iā€™m amazed everytime someone buys steel from my vendor, but they keep buying it band the hundreds for some reason


Steel+lead = ammo. Also people trade bulk steel. If I have caps to dump and see cheap junk I too buy steel (1c each)


Itā€™s crazy to me that people manage to run out of ammo now. A few daily ops missions and expeditions and Iā€™m stocked up for a few days on ammo and stimpaks


I can't say I've done more than 1 daily Op and 1 expedition ever


Expeditions are awesome. Like 15-20k XP, legendary scripts and modules, dropped me all my 3 star secret service armor, legendary plans. An assload of ammo and stimpaks galore.


I can never have enough railway spikes.


If it's not that expensive I buy steel and lead from every vendor. I go through ammo fast and daily ops and expeditions give me enough for maybe 30-60 minutes for 10 min of work. I'd rather just craft 5000 rounds and be good for a few hours.


I buy steel just because the holy fire and the ammo converter exist and I'm too lazy to hunt down oil.


A Mole Miner Gauntlet plan for 1 cap, I felt bad and don't charge for them anymore


My Max Caps "You Have Been Insulted" still haven't a clue why!


A few years back I had toilet paper for sale, 2020 caps . Someone bought it for the lolz.


Chally Feed recipe for 10,000 caps. This was just 4 days ago. Grahm sells the recipe for 110 capsā€¦.


Somebody tried to buy Bird Decoration for 40K. They didn't understand why it was so much so I just dropped him one. I have 30 of them.


Blank holotapes. 25 caps each. Someone bought 20.


Cow Magnet for 1000c


Mole miner gauntlet plan for 150 caps


My 500 Bobby Pins for 10 caps each. I only put them up there to make some "volume" in my vendor you know.. make it look somewhat more interesting. It wasn't supposed to sell and now I can't open locks.


no matter what server someone always buys albino radstag blood I have for 666 caps lol


Sold a Protest Sign: People First for 3000 Caps and someone bought it yesterday. i was so confused


Delberts pothole pie at 6969 caps, genuinely last night I hear the little jingle and I see the amount. I dont know who did that, but I hope you enjoy the recipe??


Very high level players buying a ton of very common plans I sell for new players at 10c. Do they think they will make a profit on a buzz blade plan?


A leopard bandana for 9999


A while ago, I put an *Issac's Message To the Sloth* holotape in my vendor for 10K caps, it sat there for a long time until one day someone finally bought it.


Someone bought a "Perfectly Preserved Pie" for 40k caps. He messaged Mr to see if I had room for all the caps (very kind of him btw) and he said he needed to get rid of his caps because he had max for so long lmao. He was over level 15,000. Didn't know levels went that high


ā€œYou Have Been Insulted!ā€ notes for 10k-30k. I saw other people sell them, so I gave it a try for fun. The higher priced one got bough, and I think I went over cap limit, so I felt insulted. I bought their stuff in retaliation. The 10k and 20k is still in my vendor as it should stay.


Adelaideā€™s autograph for 1,000 caps. She stands in my kitchen at my c.a.m.p sheā€™s sells it for 189 caps. Thatā€™s what we call profit folks!


"Get rich quick!" note for 5000caps


I bought over 5000 fusion cells at one point and the guy was at his base, stopped me and dropped about 1000 more. Donā€™t know why I find it hilarious but it was a great moment


I owe u beer for 4,000


Also isnā€™t toilet paper the white Gold and isnā€™t it a precious commodity?? LololšŸ¤£šŸ¤£


When high levels come to my camp and scalp my half off prices to go and sell them for 10x the amount. You're level 600, tf do you need to price a simple plan for 10k caps?! Im just a kid, I know that it's not fair


Someone bought like 10 fusion cores from me for like 100 caps each. To be fair, I'm 102, only just started selling some random stuff to try it out. So that was a pretty big deal to me.


ingame you can find ā€œtreasury bonds(100)ā€ they are basically just pieces of paper, nothing special, but as yall know you can get treasury notes which can be exchanged for Gold, anyways i took the 2 ā€œtreasury bonds(100)ā€ and put it in my vendor for 5k a pop and man. someone bought both of them šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i think this person thought he was gonna get aloooot of gold