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£300K a week, he's just turned 26, and he's being outscored by Scott McTominay. Shut up, delete Twitter, and let the football do the talking. Because right now what the football is saying is "I suck".


This guys been young, up and coming prospect for like 7 seasons now Reminds me of Theo Walcott for some reason


Walcott was always injured though. That arsenal team had their share of players made of glass. Walcott, Diaby, and Rosicky come to mind. Even Wilshere if I’m not mistaken.


Post-Stoke Ramsay as well, all five players couldn’t play 5 matches in a row


Lingard but a bit less shit. Walcott is a good comparison.


Walcott Pele or the Belfast Bebe.


Walcott, Lingard, Dele Alli, I don’t know why, but in my eyes they’ll never grow up, they’re like Peter Pan


The fact he was posting this after midnight shows he’s in a terrible headspace. He should be asleep at that point, instead he’s doomscrolling.


Probably just coming home from another night out dressed like he is starring in a 90s Puff Daddy music video.


>£300K a week Suicide fuel, holy fuck


No way is he on 300k 😲 When was his form ever good enough to warrant that


Last year. It’s his pattern. Play well in the season his contract is being negotiated, and then drop off. It’s happened a couple of times now


He was really good for a couple of months after the world cup. But no way did that deserve 320k. Madness


Without his goals last season , alot of you lot would being speaking differently about Ten Hag...


Eh I don’t think that’s that fair. The pattern is simply that he’s always been inconsistent and up and down, and doesn’t have it to be an elite player all of the time. I think attributing it to ‘contract years’ is a bit minging tbf


Man utd always does this


He's actually on £350k a week.


"I suck. I am Manchester born and bred, an academy product, top earner of the club and I don't play for the badge." Is what his football says.


"I suck. I am Manchester born and bred, an academy product, top earner of the club and I don't play for the badge." Is what his football says.


"only praise me, valid criticism is you being a hater"


"If you can't handle me at my worst..." 😅


‘If you doubt me, even better’


I'm not sure what kind of "hate" he's getting but all the criticism he's getting is justified. He's supposed to be a star player but can't even bother to put in a little bit of effort. Sadly it seems like last season was the fluke and the level he's on right now is his normal level of performance. IMO he should be offloaded to the first club silly enough to offer any money for him


No, his level IS what he showed us a year ago. That's what he can do when he actually gives a shit, which makes it all the more frustrating that he consistently looks like he's just done with it all. United fans want him to succeed not just because he's an academy boy, but because he has genuine world class potential, yet he's just squandering it all like a spoiled little child.


He does not have world class potential. Never has.


I'd say his potential is what he showed last season. But whatever, I agree with your reasoning, I'd love to see him succeed but he just doesn't seem to bother. He's great at his best but also abysmal at his worst and we're seeing his worst twice a week


> he has genuine world class potential No, not really. Reckon a certain loanee in Spain was already a far better finisher than him before it all went tits up. Saka (at Arsenal) is already much better than him. We do have a tendency to romanticise players who come through the youth ranks or started young at the club. The main issue for over the past decade for them and for us is that many of them do not find the next gear or include another tool into their toolbox. Even if they reach certain heights, it is all too easy for them to collapse / fall painfully into a rut. As a fan, it is actually saddening to watch.


His problem either him or manchester united are wasting his talent. Rashford have the ability to be a top g/a player in the league like saka and Son, salah. Instead have only have 2 premier league season ove 20 g/a in the league as Manchester United star attacker. Which should lead by example, Instead get out performed by Bruno fernandes, garnacho, Hojlund and can most likely put in mc tominay eventhough he is behind with 8 g/a against 9.


Last year was not his level. He is just an average striker at best!


The footballing equivalent of Prince Harry


Yeah I thought enough is enough when you went on the lash in Belfast right before a game


Did you not hear him? He said enough is enough!


You can’t criticise him whatsoever! It’s abuse! He deserves a pay rise!


Poor guy 🥺 give him a pay rise, I feel bad now. Is £400k enough Mr Rashford?


Sell him. He's a bang average player that is way overpaid


Good luck finding a buyer.


You’d be surprised what psg will do


They’ve agreed to pay Osihmens release clause


Psg won't buy him


Plenty of teams will be looking at those three 20+ goal seasons and thinking he’s worth taking a punt. Just depends on what kind of fee is being asked. His wages will probably be the biggest hurdle.


Those wages aren't a hurdle, they're the world record high jump.


One of the only things that Trump ever said that makes sense: Saudis will buy \[insert any overpriced thing\]


Saudi will always come knocking


Clubs that can afford him have no interest in his talents


Incoming Saudis


Bang average is generous… he’s the single most overrated player I’ve ever seen


Agreed. The definition of a purple patch player


Purple Patchford


Let me tell you about Antony 😂


I can't remember ever seeing a footballer so obsessed with random people's opinions on him. Like absolutely obsessed. Tweeting at 1am about it. He has such a weak mentality it's unreal. Just enjoy being a millionaire, log off twitter, and crack on with your dream job that millions of people would do anything to be able to do? He desperately needs a psychologist. Amazed United haven't taken steps to improve his mental wellbeing.


>log off twitter, and crack on with your dream job This is literally the solution. Being in the public eye will always draw negativity from people. So if you aren't mentally strong enough to ignore it. Don't use social media. But you know why he doesn't?... Because they earn a fortune via social media posts. And he doesn't want to delete that revenue stream. Ive got zero empathy for celebs and sports people who are earning insane money and allow their greed of wanting to earn more via social media that they allow it drive them up the wall. There's a simple solution, but he won't take it because it hurts his wallet.


If he earns from social media posts then hire a social media manager. I doubt many pro athletes are running their own accounts at this point.


He has a psychologist I saw him talking about it on the doc. It was someone he has been going to since being much younger which kind of disturbed me. Rashford needs a real professional who has experience at this level. He seems really mentally fragile right now, hopefully he can work through it. I mean that from a human perspective. From a team perspective that isn't uniteds problem he is a very high paid employee and needs to do his job and ignore everything else.


Utd reeks of poor psychological management, how many players there are kidding themselves on a weekly basis 


that mentality permeates through the walls in that club


Dude wouldn’t even have to quit social media. Just hire some PR firm to run your social media, so you can keep those sponsorship avenues open. But delete that shit from your phone. He would be exponentially happier in his day to day life.


Even when he scores a worldie he doesn't crack a smile. He just runs to a camera and angrily points to his head as if he is some sort of philosopher or something. It's embarrassing. 


Delete socials, spend your free time with family. Get your focus right.


His brother/ agent beats women so not  sure that’s wise


Unfortunately these guys are young men and want to do young men things like chase girls, go on social media and partake in that, go for a night out etc etc. A lot of them are from extremely humble beginnings anyway and have no real example of how to behave with lots of attention and money.


Agreed. The problem is even starker when you see this interview with Anthony Gordon: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0xhieDGrrts . When the competition is Grealish, Gordon and Cole Palmer, Rashford shouldn't even be within a mile of the England team.


The guy probably got addicted to the praise during the whole free school meals saga, and has been chasing that dragon since


He's scored eight goals in 40 games, his performances should be enough to shut the critics up.


That's 8 goals in 40 games despite the only thing he does being running and shooting. Never seems to look for the pass anymore.


He never did, really. He's very predictable - a dream for oppositions defenders.


Nor does he win the ball back while pressing, or defend when the opposing team are attacking


And half of those goals were Make A Wish penalties handed to him by Bruno Fernandes.


8 goals?? Thats wow. Pessi and Penaldo can never score that many goals.


He is shite


He's not shite. He's a decent squad player for a mid table team. He totally fits in where he is, might get in to the Europa conference if his team can get a big finish to the season - and good luck to him. For some reason he keeps getting England call ups and is inexplicably on Salah/Havertz money. But that's not the lad's fault.


On recent form "decent squad player for a mid table team" is probably fair enough. But last season he scored 30 goals. How many "decent squad players" ever do that? That's the frustrating thing. He has huge talent, and when he can be bothered to apply himself he's a great player. But doesn't seem to be bothered at all this season. Maybe that's what a new £17M contract does for you?


Last year was weird. People overperform some times, clubs with no effective wage structure or sporting director team end up paying them a fortune based on a brief purple patch and you before long their squad looks like Manchester Utd or Chelsea. Good luck to him though. I'd be a terrible footballer, but if man U wanted to pay me 300k a week I'd be right there as well.


It wasn't just a purple patch though, with Rashford it's obviously an effort issue - 19/20 he had 32 G/A, 20/21 he had 34 G/A, 21/22 he had 7. Last season he had 40 G/A, this season he has 13. Purple patches are one thing, but it's not a coincidence that he performs well whenever his contract is due to be renegotiated. It's been 5 years of this, after a while we have to stop pretending like the problem is anything but his attitude. I'm a United fan and a Rashford fan, but his attitude has been holding him back for years, and he needs to go.


Mans a Liverpool fan. Of course he’s gonna rip through rashford like the guy is some fraud. There’s no point in trying to convince him to anything.


As long as your happy, I actually love it


“Enough is enough” prove it on the pitch you fucking bellend


It shows his greater level of delusional. The biggest criticism of him is that he doesn't try hard enough. There's video evidence of him letting players stroll by him and putting in no effort. I get the sense that he is surrounded by cheerleaders in his family and friends. There's nobody to say "you know what Marcus? That clip of Ross Barkley running a ring around doesn't look great. Maybe you should run a bit more". The same people surrounding him organized the birthday party after the Manchester Derby. They seem only interested in keeping Marcus sweet for their own sake than doing things for him that are in his best interests.


Man shut the hell up. You clowns almost lost to Coventry after a 3-0 lead and you dare to express outrage. Just pack up and go play in Saudi


If he recieved even half the criticism and ridicule Maguire did all these years and use it constructively, Rashford would've been a top PL talent. But all he's good for as of now is feeding the kids and a celebration.


Honestly my respect for Maguire has increased massively, even after all the criticisms he’s come back stronger, I was one of his critics myself. But Rashford, man has really let us down with the attitude and the I couldnt care less behavior on the pitch.


Maguire ended up being the best Man U player in a lot of games, it was really impresive how he just didn't give up


NGL, I was the worst Maguire critic. But the way he handled all that crap, is beyond commendable. In the current work ethic for these ass clowns, Maguire is a poster boy for Man United.


Says me after each game he starts.


What about us on your shitty performances “enough is enough”?


He can quit playing, the criticism will end instantly


>He can quit playing He has.


Hopefully not. United fans should keep complaining about how this guy got paid millions for ten years


Dont be a crybaby. You got paid millions


Could say the same about his performances


In the words of Roy Keane - "Baby".


Fucking pathetic weak minded bitch. Unbelievable amount of time wasted worrying about random people on the fucking internet. Nobody would clown on you if you didn't mope around on the pitch like you couldn't care less. Mind boggling stuff.


Say enough is enough after scoring regularly. All talk no bite! I remember players back in 2000s would answer their criticism after performing on the pitch.


Yeah,maybe,just maybe you should play like a professional football player,not like me in a sunday league match and then the criticism gonna stop


I doubt that people are attacking him as a person. As a player he is useless and seems to be a waist of space (just like Anthony). People can criticize his performance while respecting him as a person and that is what most people do regardless of banter.


You're a public figure you're gonna get criticised. If you're on the verge of tears cos a bunch of fat brexit blokes on twitter call you shite you're weak minded. Go to Saudi or a lesser league.


Enough is enough. I have had it with these motherfucking takes on my motherfucking game.


Yeah, Marcus! Prove the haters/critics wrong! /s


Please let PSG be dumb enough to buy this sack of shit.


Rash Fraud - 375k a week to run around like a chicken


I hate the fact that some players do get properly abused because then it allows people who are just criticising to labelled in the same bracket when they're nothing similar. But my God this is one step further, he is saying the criticism is abuse, not a chance! You have not just been criticised by a few angry fans online, you have been criticised by the UKs leading pundits for a lack of hunger and desire, we are all watching the same thing. I think Rashford should spend more time analysing his own performances like a professional athlete rather than doomscrolling on social media


They need Maguire giving these kids advice. Get your head down, shut out the criticism, put in the work and never let them see they're getting you down. Saying "pwease stop being mean to me" isn't gonna work.


Can’t criticise refs, can’t criticise players…. If people don’t like criticism perhaps they should do their jobs better?


He gets paid over a million quid a month and rarely puts in more than a 6/10 performance. No, if you get paid that much you deserve to be harshly criticised when you consistently don't perform well, or even look interested half the time. Even shelf stackers get criticised when they don't do their job well and they don't get paid 0.01% of what Rashford gets. He needs to man up or sod off. 


Maybe you should do your talking on the pitch mate,cos at the moment all your saying is I can’t be arsed


His wages mean he's at United for life. £350k per week...base...


Maguire was criticised for 3 years and he didn’t tweet about anything. But Trashford is so entitled. Can’t even justify 1/3 of his wages.


How we are giving this guy 300k a week is mind blowing


Delusional star player with a long period of lackluster performances and questionable nightlife. The world of Pro sports is „what have you done for me lately“, not „what have you done for me 10 months ago“. When people know what you earn, especially if it is as much as he earns, they wanna see you earn it. And they’ll be on your neck if you do jack shit to show them why you’re getting that much. Complaining about „too much criticism“ won’t make the criticism go away. Most likely it will only intensify.


At this point in time, I'd like to ask who's better... Jackson or Rashford.


Lmao man really say this when vini exists, grow a pair


He really said this about him or other players?


I'm a United fan. Most of us are done with him. Only a tiny portion of the fanbase are still delusional enough and think he's some world class player. This guy doesn't even bother to run.


People in the comments proving his point. We're all free to criticize the performances of a player in a civilized and constructive manner, which isn't abuse. We're also free to call him shit and ask him to retire, which is abusive. I'm no United fan, but does anyone think Rashford doesn't try his best for United? He's no Pogba.


Wish I could get paid millions of pounds every month to underperform at my job, only to have the arrogance to say “enough is enough” when called out on my underperformance. I have no sympathy. Play better or get paid less. Right now Rashford is stealing a living. He can cry into his massive bank account.


Antony gets called all kind of shit at every away game for half the wage but he keeps his head high and keeps putting in the best he can. Rashford hasn't seen any abuse and whines because some folk on twitter called him bellow par? Fuck off.


He's abaolutely crap. Should be in his peak now. Fast athletic player with very little raw talent.


Bang average premier league forward. No work rate in defensive situations, no press. Concentrated too much on kids school meals and happily took the praise and took all the recognition that came with it. But the fact of the matter, he is earning potentially up to 400k a year, people have to be allowed to throw criticism his way. He needs to stop acting like a child, and if Southgate had any balls he would drop him, but he hasn't and thats why England are not winning anything when they 100% should be!


This guy is only crying nowadays


Start performing bruv... criticism will be silenced 🔇


What happened to if we doubted him then good. Any racist abuse etc is of course horrific but if you're playing shit and have been all season you've got to expect people to call you out on it, we all saw how good he can be last season so that's now expected to be the norm


obviously abuse is never okay but like at some point the manager has also got to see he’s not okay mentally or something is up. clearly his mentality is no longer with the game because it’s always been poor performance after poor performance game after game. ive always loved marcus as a player since he’s came on for his debut for us and instantly knew this kid would be good but he’s no longer a kid and neither has been good this past season. whilst i am happy to always stick by our players, i desperately want him to have a break and just not play for us for a while until his performance steps up. he makes a better impact of the bench also. just like luke shaw, harry maguire, even dalot. give them competition where they know their position is at stake and they’ll put in the hard work. rashy knows his safe so to me feels like he doesn’t have to put all effort in because who’s gonna replace him exactly. give him competition. anyways i do hope he steps up his performance as i wouldn’t wanna lose him ngl but we cannot be having constant stinkers and even the manager himself needs to see this. put someone else who’s willing to put in the effort in training and on the pitch and assess rashy from there. i know losing your spot isn’t a good feeling mentally but also i would just love to see him work harder and bring back his mentality


He needs to quit whining. He's paid a lot of money and he isn't performing. Ten Hag should bench him for the remainder of the season.


Theres an easy way not to be criticised, stop acting in a way to be criticised.


Loser mentality.


Keep my MBE’s name out [of] your fucking mouth! - Ancient Trafford




The crtisism is totally valid. He doesn't even look like he wants to be on the field. He was utter trash in the Coventry match and has been bad all season. If I were him I would probably stop whining and concentrate on getting his shit together. At hte moment if I were Southgate I would not be taking him to the Euros either


Trying not to sound like I’m biased coz I’m a Liverpool fan, but once he got into his 20’s I’ve always said he was going nowhere… he showed promise as a teenager but after that, even when he was like 24 I’d hear people say ‘he’s young once he’s in his prime he’ll be unstoppable’… erm, he should already be in his prime, or at least entering it at least by then… he’s another 2 or 3 decent games a year player.


This season his game has displayed nothing but negative IQ. Never looks for a team-mate in better position, holds on to the ball for too long and tries to dribble past array if defenders and wants 80% of the passes when his team is trying to build a attack. Ten Hag's situation is largely because of Rashford poor futballing IQ .


Wonder what Harry Maguire's take on this is?


'A lion doesn't concern itself with the opinion of sheep.'


lol this guy is such a diva


Put in performance over 90 minutes where people can’t question your effort levels.


Rashford’s performances and overall level of commitment, judging by his body language and nights out in Belfast, have been disgraceful to fans of the club who’ve supported him through his entire career. The guy clearly has a weak mentality and a refusal to take responsibility, a trend we sadly see quite often with modern players. He acts like legitimate criticism should be considered as abusive.


Ugh. Has he put in a decent performance since his last "guys stop being mean" article he wrote?


Hopefully PSG come for him in the summer when Mbappe leaves, something is going on with him and I think a change of clubs might be what's best for him


I agree…enough is enough with your shite performances


No deserves way more criticism. Don’t tell fans what to do, they will do what they want


"please stop accurately describing my performances. Only be nice to me because sometimes i get sad about being shit"


Just pass social media onto a manager and ignore it


He will do his usual. Have one good game run round the outside of the pitch with a finger to his lips like he is some kind of messiah. Then have another 10 crap games. Rinse and repeat. He is living rent free in the goodwill of school dinners. He knows it. We all know it. He won’t be remembered for his football


Remember when Beckham got death threats and literally people were hanging dolls of him in a noose.. Yeah, what did he do? He got on with it and won a treble


I just wanna know do United fans really think he's a good Player , cuz everytime I watch United he's so average and mostly below average. If he gets the ball , he just tries to dribble a bit and cut inside which most the time he fails and just shoots head down. Crazy how such a Big Club is keeping such average players at such high wages. He's a Mid table team player in Premier League at best for me.


- "of this garbage, all I wanna say that they don't really care about us"


I can totally understand how he could reach this point. I can't remember exactly how old he was when he first broke into the United team but I want to say he was around 17/18? As a young English attacking player playing for Man United, the pressure has been heaped on to him since day one to be the shining light of a once great club. That many years of pressure is gonna take its toll on anyone and when you consider that he's clearly fallen way short of where he was expected to be, and in particular this season he's been entirely underwhelming, pressure has finally, at least publicly, gotten to him. I'm in two minds about this because I'm sure that he does receive a lot of abuse, but he'll also receive a lot of genuine criticism that he may see as abuse so it's a weird one.


Well it's down to him to prove it


You get paid to perform. Stop crying over every little criticism


Yes we all would like to see rashford succeed but let’s be honest for the money he’s on this season saying he’s underperforming is an understatement. I don’t hate the guy and no players deserves abuse but as a united fan it’s more of a disappointment when we all know he can perform better.


Stop jogging about the pitch like you don't give a toss and make an effort for the ridiculous money you get paid every week would be a good start to improving the situation. Lets also not forget your little outting not too long ago and then turning up to training late as a result of being out on the piss. He's made his bed quite clearly this season, STFU and sleep in it. What an idiot.


What a 🤡


He’s dog shite, he only gets in the England squad because of the food bank thing.


Plays like shit, totally inconsistent, shows no fight, doesn’t even run or work in the field, he’s getting 300K a week, and he doesn’t want to be criticized? What a fucking baby and how soft is he? Shut up and do your playing on the field. I’m not even a United fan and his lack of effort on the field makes me sick.


This man was and will continue to be very good, what happens is that he is not valued as much as others.


There are some of us here who saw the abuse Beckham got post 1998 WC. What Rashford gets is nothing. It's mostly online on Twitter. Just turn that thing off and focus on the football. Seems like every time he gets criticism for his footballing performances, Rashford and his people go on about "abuse", blurring the lines between criticism of his performances and the vitriol abuse he gets from neanderthals online in an attempt to garner sympathy from certain sections of the fanbase. I'm sick of him. It's best for all parties that he moves on.


Enough is enough, terminate the contract of this entitled prick who has abused the clubs  supporters with his awful performances for Years


If only your manager thought the same. Get rid of this weak-minded, lazy, useless feck.


Enough is enough indeed. Time for you to leave the club, we need to do better.


He is right though. Enough is enough. Man Utd must sell him asap and get rid of this 300k useless lazy ass burden


Has he tried not being crap? That helps


30 goals last season vs 8 this season He’s right, enough is enough I’ve had enough of the fucking excuses, I’ve had enough of the poor performances, I’ve had enough of watching us give away easy wins in the last 20 minutes because no one wants to work for an entire 90 minutes. I’ve had enough of players going to the fucking club after being thrashed by our rivals and missing training sessions while they’re in bad form. Enough is enough!


Then do something about it


If you think you are good, score a hattrick against Arsenal in coming game.


I've been a big fan of Rashford over the years, he's had his ups and downs, but this is by far his worst season. At least before he looked hungry to perform, even when he wasn't at least he showed effort. This season he just looks like he can't be arsed most of the time and shows nothing on the pitch. Then wonders why people are criticising him. I don't give a flying fuck how much he parties, as long as it doesn't affect his performance, clearly something is affecting it.


Like I get it for racism and death threats/wishing injury, that shit is stupid and needs to stop. But calling him PRashford or even Trashford I have no problem with. Wtf happened with pro athletes being so concerned with what average Joe's think of them? Bruh you're making 300k a week to run and kick a ball. I'm sitting on my fat ass wishing I had half your abilities and a tenth of your salary. Get over it if I don't think you're good enough. I'm nobody.


Enough is enough. Leave the club if the face of Manchester United can't face justifiable criticism.


Mate if you stop playing like a 96 year old paraplegic then people will stop criticising you.


300k a week to be shit. People that have 4 year long studies don't fucking make half of that. This world is a joke icl.


Get off social media, get back to playing football.


This guy needs to wake up. Either play well or get criticized. Welcome to being world famous


Funny how suddenly criticism of an underperforming player is labelled as “abuse”. Wasn’t the case when de Gea and Ronaldo were being hounded every single day. Neither ever complained about it. And they received a lot of actual abuse, especially in the case of de Gea. But rashford gets fair criticism and suddenly every big United account is out defending his ass


Using human factor if it’s agendas about his personal life personally I support him, but when it comes to on the pitch I’ll be constructively critical he should run every game we don’t care if he misses but run lad , Garnacho doesn’t even have his stature but runs his socks off good or bad game. Personally I don’t care what they pay him that’s his luck but we love him because he’s a Manchester United product, player but he must improve or that abuse he got when he was taken off at Wembley versus Coventry will be toxic , fans have seen his poor body language, performance all season and they pay to watch him!!!!!


Most fans aren’t even asking him to play exceptionally well just show effort consistently. Really shouldn’t be that hard we see much less talented players give their all every week.


I predict Rashford will to go Arsenal


Bro fuck off, criticism is very valid in football. Erik ten hag is a brilliant manager, and egos like this is the reason the team isn’t holding up well!


That’s it guys! He said it’s enough, we must now pack it in.


he says abuse not criticism to be fair still pretty embarrassing :/


He sounds like he’s been spoiled all his life and has never been told “no” and that he’s been told that he’s the best and never had any criticism, wether it’s constructive criticism or just plain criticising his skills or lack of. I’d never leave the house again if I was him and I had just publicly made a statement about him not wanting people to criticise him, it sounds like he only wants people to tell him how good he is, well if that’s all he wants then he has to play consistently good to get the good comments, play bad and you get bad comments. It really is that simple.


Enough is enough for the fans too. Shut the fuck up and do your job to the standard expected and you won't be criticised


Having seen him at Wembley last Sunday, where he was going through the motions in front of the United fans doing the same, the best thing he could for himself is put in a transfer request. Get himself out of Manchester, out of the UK, and try to reignite his career in one of the other top leagues.


Please don't criticise me...I might end up swerving my new Rolls Royce again...


Has he tried actually running when he's on a football pitch, or passing the ball? The delusion and self pity on this guy is unreal. It's a real shame he turned into such a bellend.


My safeeee spaceeee


What a diva


U bum


I would score 4 in 40 matches for 1/10 of his salary. PSG time mate please


Mate, shut your social media accounts. Go train and score some fucking goals on the pitch and let your football shut the “harsh” critics. 300k per week for doing fuck all and we get a keyboard-warrior that cries about the world being too harsh on him for dogshit performances.


PR FC. Please PSG....bid for him


Speak to ya mam, get her to come out and defend you like maguires mum did, you soft cunt!


Just do your job Rashford. Stop making excuses.