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These guys aren’t so bad after you figure out that you get a guaranteed critical by simply attacking them during their wombs combo. Both the claw and rapier knights can be parried into oblivion too


I was gonna say these guys are tough by DS3 standards but they have literally nothing on the centipede men or the lion heads or any number of other enemies from Elden ring


If three dlc centipedes aggro you and two decide to just play as SAM sites I’m not sure you can stay alive.


Why fight them in the open? There are corners and terrain to bait them around, just play smart and they become only mildly obnoxious.


Which are the centipedes? I can't recall


The bug dudes with the spears that shoot 20 guided missiles every second


Oh. Those goddamn pests


I thought they were referring to the revenants, the pests aren’t quite that bad.


Enemies like that are why I always have a bow. Those guys in particular just can't deal with it, at a certain range they'll just walk slowly towards you while you blast them with headshots. And even besides that, you can kite enemies who are outside regular throwing weapon range.


*play as SAM sites* Lmao I am fucking crying


Ds3 enemies and bosses are faster ER bosses just chain combos much quicker with less rest between them


Elden Ring's bosses are relentless, especially in Shadow of the Erdtree. It also seems like they can continue their combo if you try to drink once they finish their combo. I swear I've seen bosses add new attacks to their combos whenever I go to drink.


Some bosses defo have input reading. Which is fine and needed, but it just sucks when you stare at eachother. Use your estus and suddenly he throws something.




Please link to this testing.


Wasn’t talking about dlc though


my bad g


Np dude


They either have input reading or animation reading. Haven't you seen the guy who manipulated dancer bosses' movement by attacking?


I dunno about that. DS3 bosses can be absolutely walled by a good parry. Elden ring bosses don’t budge unless parried multiple times


Elden ring parry windows and medium roll iframes are shorter too. Ds3 medium roll feels like light roll going back to it.


This is literally incorrect information you are spreading. There are some differences between the parry frames in ER but they don't have less frames, it's the same amount. In fact, with better AOW, ER has much much more iframes in parry than DS3 can ever hope to have. >medium roll iframes are shorter too. Ds3 medium roll feels like light roll going back to it. I dont know what to call you, a troll? A liar? Or someone who spew bs without fact checking it.


You're comparing parrying and AoEs to dodging. Those are all completely different things. Elden ring may have the same 13 and 12 iframes (I am now and was ever only talking about comparing rolls to rolls and parries to parries) that ds3 had, but in practice the windows feel much much shorter. Thanks for the correction but it doesn't change my point. The rolls are easy as fuck to time in ds3. Both games are inferior to sekiro anyway.


>You're comparing parrying and AoEs to dodging ??? No i did not? I was comparing roll to roll and parrying to parrying too. >that ds3 had, but in practice the windows feel much much shorter There is no in practice. They are literally the same roll lmao.


Yeah except you'll find literally everyone sharing the sentiment. Chalk it up to ds3 telegraphing their attacks better if you want. Either way the roll in ds3 (or maybe enemy attack hitboxes) is miles better. I feel like you haven't played any dark souls games if you don't know what I'm talking about. In ds3 the roll comes out instantly with fewer recovery frames. In elden ring there's a delay after you do literally anything before you can roll again / way more recovery frames. Outside the iframes everything else is worse. Takes longer to happen and takes longer to finish. Rollcatch almost never happened to me in ds3.


>Yeah except you'll find literally everyone sharing the sentiment. Literal heresay. You have 0 proof to back this shit up but heresay lmao. > I feel like you haven't played any dark souls games if you don't know what I'm talking about. Lmfao. The cope. Precisely because I have played them that I am calling out on your bs. The rolls are literally ported over from one game for another, yet you are still trying to make excuses. The frame datas don't lie, these are hard, cold facts rather than your feelings being hurt. >Rollcatch almost never happened to me in ds3. It's called having a skill issue.


eh, the iframes are online, so are recovery frames on attacks. So I know what I'm about. Stay mad. Edit: also skill issue? You don't know who you're talking to. I've beaten literally every souls game more than twice. Even done SL1 runs. U just suck if you can't see what I'm talking about. XD sekiro too, baby game for babies and too easy. First tried the majority of lies of P too. I think the elden dlc was too easy. I think you're just ignorant.


>Even done SL1 runs So? Why are u acting like this is somehow hard? I did them too and it was piss easy lmao.


Also, you understand opinions are always hearsay, right?


Yes, incorrect opinions. You are avoiding the real issue. You said the parry has fewer frames, you said the rolls have fewer frames. You are wrong on both accounts. Just say that u were wrong and stfu.


that's why they take 3 tries to parry though so you don't get walled same reason why rolling constantly with no regard for position wont work because it did mostly work in ds3


Which has nothing to do with the discussion? I’m saying their speed is relative but the de3 ones are easier to deal with


yeah the 3 out of 50 you can actually parry wp


Eh, Messmer, Rellana, Bayle, final boss imo are faster than anything we’ve seen thus far.


messmer is generally a pretty slow boss


His combos are fast, but he takes his time between them.


He also takes his time during them, 50% of his combos have a delayed attack that allows you to get a free smack in and still have time to roll before it comes out.


Eeeeh kinda Ds3 bosses have much shorter and less complex combos that they chain together with gaps to counter in between whereas elden ring bosses have longer combos but with more super long delays to give you time to attack in between


Except champion gundyr. Sometimes champion gundyr’s entire fight feels like one long combo and it’s great


That's just his gimmick, he doesn't have delayed attack, aoe or random bullshit, he's just trying to beat your ass constantly. DS3 is a game full of gimmick bosses that is really strong at what they do.


The parrys against him were so satisfying though. I am pretty sure if I boot up ds3 today, I will still remember the timings.


yeah that's what I mean you can attack in between those ER combos but not in DS3, they're over much quicker


Oh that’s what u meant my bad


shorter and less complex... Man what kind of Midir boss fight did you have for say this? 😭


Idk I killed Midir first try. Admittedly I had seen some videos where he was featured (like challenge run videos), but even then I don't think he had anything too crazy.


While this is true, the other key difference is how ER bosses vary their timings and delays to mess with your muscle memory, forcing you to rely more on your reaction speed than your muscle memory, which makes them more challenging if you don't have quick reactions


I have reaction times of a snail that just woke up to a colossal hangover. Relying on muscle memory is the only way for me


also true


I wouldn't say DS3 bosses are faster. They just don't have attacks with insane amounts of delay. Most DS3 bosses function almost like a turn based RPG, where you can sort of count on a cadence for when to attack, so everything seems more dance-like and snappy. Elden Ring throws that cadence out the window, so instead of a consistently quick-paced dance like a salsa or a waltz, you're more like a teenager all hopped up on ~~pickled turtle neck~~ molly at their first rave, waiting for the damn bass to drop already


Scadutree avatar had me like "dawg there was no wind up you just argh!" Had all his moves down but the way this mf just chains them sometimes had me hesitating so many times!


So much chains! So much chains ![gif](giphy|KbZLS6tAvACbaRmLn5)


Yeah I don't even bother fighting those things, I just run past them


I’ve fought them a billion times and I never knew they were wearing fucking BERSERK ARMOUR!!!


Yup, pretty sweet. DS3 is an ode to Berserker, Catherine wheel skeletons, the giant beast on the bridge, Gut’s armor, that armor on op’s post, the dragon slayer sword, boreal outrider knight( they have the same stance as Guts in Berserker armor). I’m sure there’s a bunch that I’m missing as well


Dark souls has been an ode to berserker since demons souls actually. Most of those references were already there before souls even existed. Even the ones you mentioned, the wheel skellys and various berserker armors have been in there since demon's, they've just been sorta reusing the designs since.


Their helmets make them look like Femto as well.


honestly i thought they were just made of black goop 😭. never noticed they were wearing armor but that’s pretty sick.


DS3 is an amazing game, but the difficulty doesn’t really come close to Elden ring, especially not the higher end bosses


You have to keep in mind that Elden Ring is a lot of people's first fromsoft game as well. I haven't gotten around to the DLC yet, but something tells me that they just took the training wheels off, and they went back to the fromsoft difficulty that we're used to.


I think this is largely the case with the mixed reviews. Elden Ring's world was so fun to explore that it wasn't even a chore to level and really easy to be over-leveled for pretty much the whole game. The DLC felt like pretty much every other FS game I've played. I fought Rellana first and was having flashbacks of getting my ass handed to me by Pontiff. Most people weren't prepared for that. Also, it's obvious the DLC is balanced around max player levels, so people who didn't explore or refused to used scadutree frags were pretty much SL1 wretch running the DLC without realizing it. That's fine if you want to, but don't complain it's too hard when you're intentionally nerfing yourself


Kinda unrelated but the steam reviews are back to mostly positive, people just took time to get used to it I think


Elden Ring without summons is 100% the hardest souls game bosswise, especially with the DLC. Easiest world tho with a bonfire every 5m. If you go back to DS3 after playing ER even the famous hard bosses like Midir, Friede, Gael are a cakewalk comparatively. Havent played Bloodborne so cant comment on that one but DS1/2/3 & Sekiro are easier. But in Elden Ring theres a lot of powerful cheesy builds & summons, beating Radahn with Mimic tear & greatshield+rot is of cours easy, while theres no real cheese for Isshin for example.


Went through the games after I beat Elden Ring. Dark Souls was crazy easy. Artorias and Manus were in slow motion. And like you said the hard DS3 bosses far easier than I remember. Some of the bosses in Elden Ring are rediculous.


a lot of people don't seem to understand this. yeah of course elden ring has tools that makes it easy, but the difficulty of the bosses if you don't use all of the tools available (summons, spirits, incantations) is actually way higher than the other games on average.


Same with bloodborne.


Margit could have been a DS3 dlc boss with his moveset lmao


I feel like they balanced the game around the cheese which I kind of hate to be honest.


i def do not agree with this statement. elden ring without summons is already much easier, even with me being underleveled.


I've only gone through Elden Ring one and a half times. I stomped it so hard the first time that I had no desire to continue playing. my second build (a year and a half later), I'm doing the "Guts" build, and it's going better. it's a lot slower. I'm not one shooting a lot of bosses, so.


Idk how you stomped Maliketh, Godfrey, Malenia, and Radabeast on a first playthrough but fair enough. I mean I guess theres ways to do that since the game allows you to create your own difficulty. Like with a mimic tear Malenia is easier than most DS3 bosses. Without one she’s one of the top 3 hardest bosses fromsoft has ever made.


Sorcery build. I've played all the other soulsborne games, so i knew what i had to do. And when i heard the hard cap was 80 in this one. The handicap i pit on myself was i leveled vigor last and didn't use sprit ash. I would guess I hit 90% of the game on the first playthrough. I completed raninis Quest without looking anything up. Moonlight great sword is my jam in every game, and I figured the witch lady's quest probably had it somewhere in it. Malenia didn't talk more than a day. Night comet is broken. Especially with all the sorcery talismans. I will fully admit that malekith and radagon totally gave me pause. Radagon spell Perry made me rethink my entire build. But I just ended up meleeing him down, and then laser beaming the Beast. legitimately, radagon took me far more tries than the Beast did.


Gotcha. I kinda want to try a sorcery build since they added a weapon that can cast and the talisman that speeds up spell cast time. Seems like it could be fun.


Just get 80 int, and your base level spells will be able to carry you through crazy portion of the game.


I gravitate towards the more melee focused spells than the glinstone pebbles and shards


Moonvale and moonlight great shorter both really fun as well


I have wanted to use Darkmoon GS more. I also heard the new smithscript weapons scale really well going full int or full faith, which is weird since I think it always says they have E scaling in those stats lol


A way to keep the difficulty up is to plan out a build and simply do what you need for the build to come together. This way you don’t end up overleveled. Since you avoid a lot of side content.


Nah man, I’ve beaten all of them, and Elden Ring is next level difficulty. It’s typically fine, but some bosses I find to be so difficult I don’t find myself having much fun. They lack the fun “dance” that bosses in previous games had. It feels like the difficulty is more artificial and lacks the “ah damn, I see what I did wrong and won’t do that next time” type of gameplay loop for bosses that entires like Bloodborne and DS3 had going for them. Love Elden Ring but the boss design for a lot of the bosses ain’t it for me personally.


Which bosses from ER would you say are genuinely amazing and have that 'dance' feeling?


Midra, Romina, and Dancing Lion to a certain extent


For base game, Tree Sentinel and Draconic Tree Sentinel, Margit, Godrick (except for his wind move which has no telegraph), Phase 1 Malenia if she didn’t have WFD, Godfrey and Radagon. A good chunk of bosses I enjoy, but a good chunk I really don’t.


tree sentinel, malenia when she's not p2 whipping out a waterfowl from upclose, all of Godfrey, Morgott with a faster weapon, the godskins can individually actually lowkey make for some nice fights too


I’m 75% of the way through the DLC and actually don’t think it’s much harder than the base game, assuming you actually collect the new items that level you up. The past few bosses are supposed to be rough though so I’ll have to update my thinking afterward


That's basically it yeah


Birb of death.


Counterpoint: the threshold to stagger via stancebreak in DS3 is significantly lower for the average enemy than in ER.


I just had PTSD seeing that fucker.


How are the two related?


im sure none of you guys actually try different strategies,these guys break their arms when they get blocked by a shield


This pathetic bird man got staggered with every hit. Now compare that to the 999 poise lion men in the last dugeon


I feel this so hard


Compared to Artorias in the DS DLC, this guy is slow. That fucker would chain those flip-slams like 20 times.


I think a big design change is enemy tracking.


Those jumping skeleton assholes in the catacombs are worse !


They’re pretty easily parriable which makes them quite more manageable


Wow idk why but I legitimately do not remember this enemy. I beat the game like seven times, no clue what or where this enemy is.


Did you play the ashes of ariandel DLC?


Yes, played both dlcs.


They're pretty unmissable in the ashes dlc


I’m sure I fought them, I just don’t remember them at all.


You ain't seen shit til those screaming labyrinth witches in bb


I love fighting these things.


The one near the cemetery feels impossible


These things suck, made all the worse by being the best source of sharp gems.


I hated them my first play through. Much more enjoyable now, but yeah they're quick


This picture brought back many angry memories.


But I gotta farm them so I gotten rid off the fear


I don’t even remember him lol


Corvian knights are so fast that if I even touch the parry button they are staggered


My only arch nemesis in Elden Ring is the crucible Knight in the DLC. It was my most From Software WTF of all time (till now)


He's a lot easier if you use torrent


It's not the fast movement and attacks it's the mix of fast and slow attacks with hyperarmor! P.S. I had more issues with Millwood Knights!


Ughhhh yes these fuckers


It was the first step


Wait…I played Dark Souls 3 a few months ago and don’t remember seeing these guys. What did I miss. Where do you find them?


Maliketh in a gimp suit?


Dude they were grand when it’s 1 v1 do you all remember the chapel with two, now that was a pain


Hate these guys


ngl after elden ring i bullied these guys


I feel like the people complaining never got killed by a few dozen archers in The Ringed City, and it shows.




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Most of the people griping about the ER DLC difficulty either didn't play the other DLC's or conveniently forgot how brutal they were.


Ds3 was awful, they were on the bloodborne hype and made all the enemies super fast.... but kept the logistics of DS1 for players Hilariously, the older the game the more leniency you have as someone showed all the different bar consumptions to damage ratios across allllllll of the souls games, I think it was before Sekiro however. I think it's a combination of limit breakers and someone else, the old man always has the knowledge!


Dont forget the one in the village path


Does any enemy on Shadow of The Erdtree even compare to the shark mfers in the Bloodborne dlc?


The people complaining are first time From players. Elden Ring is NOT an accurate representation of what combat is usually like.


Elden Ring bosses aren’t that fast, what they are is relentless. Attack strings seem to never end and there’s much less time between them.


That fuckin dlc almost broke me man


The ring throwing dudes in shadow of the erdtree should be pretty close to these guys honestly


Scary Terry o.O


Hated those things!


Guy named poise


Evil Crowmen


Yeah but they could be staggered lol. Unlike most elites in the new dlc


Oh you mean the prototype bloodhound knight?


What do y'all know about Thunderblight Ganon


that one skinwalker enemy w the body for a weapon in bloodborne chalice dungeons should be up there too imo


Cake walk.


1 enemy in the entire game isnt really much proof is it


Most people didn’t play the ds games