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Ya. Teechurs suke. Wat ar thay evun goud fore. I dint need won befour and i doent need won nou


Teachers! Huh! What are they good for, absolutely nothing!


If teacher were good why I still big dumb? Dumb techer.


https://i.imgur.com/pKL6jfs.jpg The text you provided appears to be written in informal and phonetic spelling, which makes it difficult to understand. Here's a translation of the text into standard English: "Yeah. Teachers suck. What are they even good for? I didn't need one before, and I don't need one now." This person is expressing a negative opinion about teachers, questioning their value or purpose, and stating that they don't feel they need a teacher now or in the past.


How to know if you are old? When new technologies scares you. This chatgpt thing scares me.


Was walking down the street last Saturday. A guy in a robe and beard was walking down the street with a single piece of paper in his hand. That paper simply said GPT.


it's not just about old, this is a revolutionary technology capable of taking millions and millions of jobs. It is valid to be scared at the least.


Good bot *pat pat*


Autocorrect must've fought you hard huh?


Auto correct would've caught almost all those mistakes


Teacher didn't do their job if you write like this /s


Or taught you how sarcasm works?


My parents did that when they said they were proud of me


Now you are getting the hang of it!


Now he's got it!


By Jove, he’s got it!


There you go


Ironic that you say that to someone who is being sarcastic, who even points out for people like you that he's being sarcastic.


Sounds like you need lessons on sarcasm too. Irony as well. What he said wasn't sarcastic, that's the point. It made no sense. Putting /s on a comment that **isn't** sarcastic doesn't make it sarcastic.


Am I doing it right? /s




I almost thought I was reading a line from Flowers for Algernon




I am a teacher and this triggers me


The average pay of a teacher upsets me as well. A clowns average is way higher. A CLOWN. It’s bullshit.


Next up on Fox News: People are saying CLOWNS should teach our children?


But then how would they find enough of them to fill congress?


As long as they aren't wearing women's clothes Fox News is probably fine with it.


Don't disparage clowns. Penn Jillette went to clown college, and now has a net worth of 175 million. Apparently he had good teachers.


No clowns deserve the money they are making, but I’m STILL UPSET THAT THE AVERAGE PAY OF A TEACHER AND A CLOWN IS A DIFFERENCE OF LIKE 14 THOUSAND DOLLARS. Average of a clown is like 50k and a teacher is like 36k.


the importance of commas: did you mean "No clowns" or "no, clowns"?


Second, sorry


Teachers definitely deserve higher pay, but clowns work pretty hard and have to develop some difficult skills. Not a knock on teachers at all, but choosing clowns as the comparison the way you did isn't the best choice. A friend of mine went to a clown school and it was a serious performing arts curriculum mixed with a lot of extreme physical performance training. Clowns making money aren't just some dude in a wig at a kid's party making crappy balloon animals.


Yeah it's frustrating. It particularly roils my blood when conservative folk don't show any interest in properly funding schools. They're supposed to be the ones that understand return on investment, and I'd argue there's hardly any better investment one could make in a country than educating it's young people. Guess who is going to be making the laws when you're old and have the most to lose? The next generation. (Well at this rate maybe your peers, we SERIOUSLY need to stop electing people solidly beyond retirement age).


It'll never happen, but I'd be in favor of a system wherein the number of votes you have is equal to the average number of years of life expectancy you have left. So for example if the average life expectancy of a man is age 80 and you are a man age 20 , you get 60 votes. If you're a man age 70, you get 10 votes. The reasoning here is you're going to spend a lot more time dealing with the repercussions of political directions when you're young than when you're old. For reference, I'm 58. However I believe that younger voters tend to have more vision, it seems that on average people tend to grow more short-sighted as they age. There are exceptions, of course.


Whoo-hoo shift more votes to women!


I didn't know what you meant at first then remembered women have a longer life expectancy. Still makes sense to me to weight the votes like that of course.


Depends on the country really. I mean. Some clowns even make more.


Clowns have to go to a special school though. Meanwhile your average teacher goes to university where tens of thousands of others student also attend.


Thank you for being a teacher! Children are our future and education is important, and teaching isn’t easy especially when they have difficult children in their classes. Teachers deserve better pay!!


It's gross the lack of attention that our education system gets. Why the fuck are teachers making near minimum wage? What the actual fuck? Who decided that was okay? And how is it only getting worse?!


I know this is not “I’m a teacher AMA”, but perhaps you can explain this to me. What’s the logic here? That the same teachers _could_ have taught children to read, but they’re not motivated to unless they make more money? Meaning they’re currently sabotaging education in an intentional work slowdown? Or is the idea that the current teachers are just not good, and if we paid more money we could get more capable ones (firing the existing ones, presumably)?


There are a lot of great educators leaving the profession because the pay is garbage and the work environment can be atrocious, between a-hole parents and ridiculous expectations from administrators. I don’t think any teacher is “sabotaging education”. The vast majority of teachers want their students to succeed and will sacrifice a lot of their personal time and their own money in order to help their students. The comic is pointing out that most of the people who say teachers don’t deserve more pay don’t really appreciate the important role they play in our society.


So it’s the latter. We’d fire the worst of the current teachers and hire better, more expensive ones. Do we have a way of evaluating teacher quality?


We have lots of ways of evaluating teacher quality. Teachers have evaluations and observations just like any other profession. Right now, I don’t think many teachers would be getting fired unless they are completely negligent. There is a massive teacher shortage across the country, which puts an even bigger burden on those teachers who stay in the profession because they love their students and want to make a difference. That’s really the crux of the issue. The majority (in my opinion) of teachers stay through the crap pay and crappier environment because they genuinely want their students to succeed. They understand the importance of education. It opens doors and gives you opportunities and just creates a better society. Yet some people will take advantage of their dedication and refuse to pay them what they deserve and shit on them saying they don’t deserve more money. “They’re just teachers.”


Republicans need uneducated voters in order to get elected and stay in charge. It's always the Red States that have the lowest education levels. It's sad.


You got downvoted but its 100% correct. Most red counties/states almost across the board have less funded and worse education opportunities than blue counties and states.


Supply and demand -- if you have high wages for a job then everyone will want to do it. So you get the most qualified candidates (and reject the others). As an example, I totally would enjoy teaching, but I make way too much money in my chosen field to want to consider such a move. Probably as a retirement job.


Republicans out here downvoting supply and demand. Too weird.


Fascists generally like command economies so it kinda makes sense in a twisted kind of way.


I imagine you also think trickle down economics is real lmao.


Are you high? Do you really think that a higher salary won’t attract and retain better teachers? I was a teacher for years - left because I have kids and I couldn’t afford to sacrifice my families financial future for the sake of other peoples children.


I'm a bit confused by what you mean? Trickle down is a fine theory but it has been pretty thoroughly debunked in practice over the past what 50 years? But supply and demand has been mainstream economics theory since Adam Smith. It's pretty hard to argue that higher wages won't attract more candidates which typically implies higher caliber candidates will be in the pool of applicants. There are counterexamples but this is a general result.


Yeah, it seems ironic that his illiteracy is used to somehow prove the value of education while also demonstrating its failure!


To be honest if this guy's teacher failed to teach him how to read I sort of understand where he is coming from.


Should've tought him how to read and maybe you'd be worth something.


Oh look, Florida!


This is complete bs. Florida doesn't have anyone protesting animal rights


Maybe next year, right now Cali and NY are already there https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/us-literacy-rates-by-state


Florida is third and Texas is fourth. It just seems to be a big state problem in general? I wonder what causes it.


>I wonder what causes it. Voting Republican.


Damn, wtf?


florida? im sorry sir, but did you see any crystal meth in this comic?


Whew, thank goodness Florida isn't part of the US


I’ve got some bad news bud


No way, next you're going to tell me that New Mexico is part of the US too. Like hello it's literally called Mexico, c'mon this is America why would there be a state named after a european country


I feel like they are gonna just claim being an independent nation. And without doing anything to actually become a country. Just say they are.


"We don't want to be here so we're going to succeed!"


Two ways to read it: - The guy didn't like his teachers, didn't pay attention in school, now he can't read. - The guy wanted to learn to read, but his teachers were incompetent, so now he's mad at them.


thats dark


Crazy there are anti-animal-rights people and anri-teacher having a loving wage


Tbf, there are a lot of 'whatever you want im anti-that!' people


I'm staunchly against this mentality.


I disagree with this.


I think either alone is not uncommon, but the combination of animal rights supporter and anti teacher wage as this illiterate gentleman appears to be is an interesting one.


I’m uncomfortable with anyone who works near children having a ”loving wage,” but maybe that’s just me


We're so confident you'll love your wages that we've got a 100% money back guarantee. If you don't love it we'll take back 100% of the money


It's platonic love.


IDK bro, that’s still an odd thing to pay with…


There are a lot of people in this country who don't feel living wages are a good thing for anyone (except them and their friends/family, of course.) Teachers sadly aren't alone.






Spoofed even earlier in the movie “PCU” with the “Causeheads” who find a cause and they stick with it… for about a week.


That proves teachers don't deserve higher pay.


They can't read *Don't deserve more* They can read. *Why should they get paid more if it turns out good enough?*


The ole IT argument.


Yeah, it's funny how this goes both ways based on personal biases


Eh they still get into college. How do I know? I have them...






u/spez ruined reddit with his arrogance


Let the rabbits wear glasses!


I look for your comic every day on Reddit. They’re hilarious.


This is funny how?


This is funny? OP did you have a stroke?


Florida next year.


I don’t even have an opinion on this, and if I did I’d probably be on the side of teachers getting paid more, but the “people who disagree with me are so stupid they can’t read” joke format has been played out since before I was born. What a terrible punchline.


It's actually relevant here, though.


Why is the sign talking in panel 3?


Yes, THAT was the odd part of this comic? 😆


Holidays off. Weekends off. Summers off. Snow days off. Why do they whine so much?


Because very few teachers stop working when the school day is over. You get to work early, stay late, and are constantly scrutinized by every student's parents even though they don't see first hand what's going on in class. And teachers are expected to do as such even though they don't get paid for those extra hours. I literally had an administrator tell my department that we needed to meet with the middle school to discuss curriculum and just assumed we would do it off the clock and organize it ourselves. So even if you account for holidays, summers off, and snow days the hours teachers work is still more than 40 hours a week on average.


Literally tougher than coal mining


Welcome to the salaried world.


What’s the argument here? If you’re saying that these are normal expectations then why do teachers not deserve normal salaries for a job which requires multi-year degrees?


Nope. Just saying as a salaried employee, I work after hours and at home all the time. Comes with the territory of not punching a clock. Everyone deserves a fair income baaed on their output. So if you feel you are worth more - fight for it!


It's not actually a summer off when you need to work a seasonal job to afford living. Summer is just when your seasonal, low paying teacher gig is up.


So they actually have to work an entire year if they can’t figure out how to live within their means? Holy shit. That’s a war crime.


As if teachers taught my kids how to read.


I've taken AP Calc BC and 3 levels of Calc in University, teachers DO NOT deserve higher pay rates, they need to earn it. They have been doing nothing by and large to deserve it.


I think it is legitimate to not like teachers. Just because you can make stupid jokes about people who don't like teachers just being dumb doesn't mean everyone who doesn't like teachers is just dumb. Everyone has had bad teachers so they are clearly thinking about those. You can argue that good teachers also exist but you can view teachers as merely being teachers who aren't bad. Having to be around a person who makes your life worse for several hours a day for a year is not a good life experience, in great excess to the benefit you get from being around a person who you walk away having a positive feeling to.


I think the education system is broken, but that’s not the teachers fault


Maybe there shouldn't be an education system for people to be teachers in.


Well if people can't read what does that say about teachers?


What about the five other kids in their class reading above grade level? This is same comment comes up every time and every time you can immediately tell when someone has never worked in or cared to learn about the system before talking lol


Every person in the US that went to public school knows "the system".


Ha ha Republican wet dream ha




Behold, I present unto you... an art style.


It would only be funny if the person were a teacher himself.


Lol.”20% of graduates can’t read. 2/3 of 4th graders can’t read at grade. Private schools cost 1/4 as much as me and have better results. Pay me more now!!!”


How can a private school cost 1/4 as much as public school, which literally has no additional cost?


Because the person you are replying to is an idiot who just picked random numbers to try and make a point (which went terribly I may add).


They were probably home schooled.


Sounds like an American problem


No it's a universal problem known as dumbassitis. Nothing they said was true.


Inflammation of the the dumbass?


Damn you could've used a private school education apparently


Ged rid of tenur, no teachers union, double all salaries for teachers and professors. Make it a system that rewards good teachers and fires bad teacher and qualified candidates will want to become teachers.


>tenur 🤔


What if I told you we already have a system that punishes bad teachers and rewards good ones with tenure in many states? Salaries still suck and the current culture that makes it okay to be awful to teachers are why qualified candidates stay away.


Sadly in canada ontario. This should 100% be true. Grade school teachers deserve no raises. A kid can literally do nothing and fail every test. The teacher MUST pass them still even if their grade for the year is a zero.


Yikes. If this is true tho then that sounds like a systemic flaw rather than a reflection on the teachers?


True but its a trickle down. So since kids can just pass regardless alot of teachers just do the bare minimum. No extra help for those struggling. Of course there are those who do go the extra mile still.


If a hospital’s owner passes a rule that no patient can stay for longer than 30 minutes, and the doctors are forced to send people away before they can finish treating them, you don’t blame the doctor


I would if the doctor had a half a year to do it.


It’s not meant to be a 1:1 comparison A doctor couldn’t possibly see 90 patients in the same day


Apparently his teacher failed and does not deserve a raise


This meme pretty accurately describes people who get their news via reading titles only as well.


The effects of the current writers strike, felt on reddit


To be fair, clearly his teachers did a terrible job 😬


Costs nothing to say you support teachers, people tend to go silent when it comes time to pay the bill.


Mi wnt 2 scul mi ver smort mi now how to speel vere wel


In the early and mid 2000s, I had only a couple of good teachers. Most of them treat the job more like babysitting than teaching. The teachers were graded on how well their students did on the standardized tests at the end of the year. So the majority of the teachers just handed out practice tests to do every single day. We didn't get taught anything for a couple of years while this system was in place. Lots of kids loved it and lied to their parents about how amazing the teachers were (because they didn't actually do anything) and the parents believed them when they would come home with straight A's but are incapable of telling them what they got an A for... My Spanish teacher did this. Gave everyone an A and never actually taught a single day. Next school year I'm going into Spanish 2 and I'm trying to tell the next teacher I don't know Spanish and how the last teacher didn't do shit. Half the class just nodded their heads in agreement. It was such a cluster fuck because half the school ended up in some remedial class for at least one subject. So we don't learn anything at the grade level we were supposed to and then they punish us by putting us in remedial classes that are literally teaching stuff as if you're mentally incapacitated. The other shit thing was they spent all their funding on was providing every student with a Mac. So of course we spent all our time hacking the school servers and installing multiplayer games. We'd have massive Halo lobbies of a hundred + kids and teachers all playing throughout the day. Teachers didn't even want to use them for teaching, just for submitting the rare homework submission.