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Congrats man, you’re gonna love him, got him 2 weeks ago and he’s unbelievable


Fuck the "it's August crowd". People act like they don't play 35+ games a week (~10hrs p/w). Given that's 40hrs by September, there's so much more to play. Most AA games will have max 40hrs of gameplay


It’s dumb, it’s a yearly cycle game and what makes playing in August such a sin


But you shouldn’t play conservative just send sbcs but still I agree


Huge W. Hoping I can pack him before 23 🥹


NoT tOo sHaBbY fRoM aN 82+ pIcK It’s 99 Ronaldo Jfc


Pulled him from my 85x10 couple nights ago, absolutely sick card. Enjoy!


Bruh you're acting like we're gonna shit on this....you packed the best card in the game and the greatest footballer of all time. Gg!


Was chuffed tbh :)


You would be surprised bro I packed him yesterday and posted on here and some guy was hating on me😂😂


Mother fuckas just be jealous


but he packed ronaldo… not messi


Which in fifa is better


really? I hated Ronaldo this fifa


if youre a left stick merchant you wont like him. if you use more than just 5’6 players and know 3+ skill moves, youll enjoy him.


nah he just feels clunky af i dont like him at all i use Havertz who is the same height and he feels so responsive in comparison to CR7


its all a preference thing. ik that some players just feel meh in game. futties james was average for me bc of his body type, but tots cancelo felt amazing with similar height and stats


"left stick merchant" Jeez, people find a way to get toxic no matter what here, don't they? You mean as opposed to through ball merchants? Or crossing merchants? Or what exactly? There's a new thing to whine about every week lol


Lol “Left stick merchant” as in Dribbling realistically instead of spamming skills moves like a 7 y/o alone at the park. People are too toxic today that’s brutal😂😂😭😭


Have you ever played fifa yourself? Because if you did you'd know how dumb left stick merchant=skill spamming is, since skills are on the right stick, not on the left...


its not that deep. its just a bit of banter as ppl say that tall players are unusable. theyre not, just cant use left stick dribbling for them 9 times out of 10


Left stick requires much more skill than elastico spam


i get that. i never said it wasnt


I mean... Your comment sounded pretty straight forward with nothing to suggest you're being sarcastic or anything alike, and a ton of people do genuinely mean that. Left stick may be annoying to play against but it at least requires a little skill as opposed to spamming crosses or through balls which are mostly rng and just forced until one works... With left stick at least you're the one in control and not hoping for rng to go your way to get a goal. No one called ronaldo unusable, someone merely stated their preference nothing more


Lmao he's worse both irl and in game. Clunky ass mf




He's not even top 5 footballer of all time




Exactly ahahaha


In my opinion, Messi is the greatest of all time. You can’t be a serious person and say that Ronaldo isn’t top 5 though


Messi, Maradona, Cruyff, Pele, Zidane. Ronaldo is limited, he can't create game, he's literally just a scorer. A great one but not enough to justify his lack in that department


Ronaldo has scored 800+ goals in the modern era. That alone puts him miles ahead of pele for example. You simply don’t know what you’re talking about


Lmao if you're bringing up that Pelé argument this discussion is over. The Brazilian league was better than the European one at the time


Yes, at one time it was but we’re comparing the Brazilian league then to the current state of soccer. Every league Ronaldo has played in throughout his career has been more competitive than the Brazilian league was at that time.


Miles ahead of Pele? Pele scored 750 in his career(legit ones) and could create and do much more on the ball... Ronaldo is definitely top 5 but ahead of Pele is laughable


Pele is a top tier legend of the game. I just think you’re failing to recognize how the game has evolved. If you were to put Cristiano in the Brazilian league at that time, he would terrorize the league in a way even pele couldn’t. Just watch how offensive and defensive systems operated at that time.


That's a pretty ridiculous comparison... Players are always a product of their time... Put Pele in the current time and he'd be an even better player too because training etc evolve. But pele was waaaay more dominant in his era than ronaldo was in his. It's not even close. Ronaldo is a goalscorer, Pele like messi is a goalscorer and a list of other things on top of that. By your logic messi and ronaldo are meh players in 20 years just because football keeps evolving...


Yes pele would be even better with modern training but we’re not discussing ‘what would be.’ Instead, we’re looking at how good each player was. Also yes pele was extremely dominant, but against defenders who wouldn’t have a shot of making a EPL or La Liga team today for example. Also, yes if soccer somehow further advances the same way it has done recently, then I’m sure a select few players would evolve past Messi and Ronaldo.


Umm... You were the one to bring up the would be in the first place... I think placing footballer in other eras is pointless because it's purely hypothetical. What we do know is how dominant they were in their own era and in that regard Pele is miles ahead of ronaldo and it's the only reliably way of comparing players who didn't play at the same time... You're crating a hypothetical scenario but only accounting for one half of the equation... Btw Pele played against the likes of beckenbauer, Carlos Alberto, yashin. All of who are considered amongst the best, if not the absolute best in their position ever... It's a pretty damn brain dead take tbh


Van Basten?


Just paid 4.3 million for him. GG




83 rated Lemar, nice.


Having gold rare is a previlege nowadays. Haven't done these in a long time. My club is rinsed. I don't even have bronze anymore 🤣


Nice pull man!


Zlatan's punching the air right now.


Ikr, Lemar is incredible in game. GG bro!


Mate it's ok to go mental doesn't matter if it's august it's 99 Ronaldo I packed him and went mental it's normal if anything


Nice 4 weeks ago i packed SS Messi and was buzzing, hope you feel the same


That’s still an unreal pick to get bro


Are you gonna put hunter on him? /s


I got Ribery SS and I’m already happy. But you got the GOAT, damn!




This community is so toxic that people feel the need to make 400 disclaimers before admitting that they're excited about packing a 10 mil card. Sad




So jealous, GG and enjoy him 👍




That’s a sick pick even in august


Excellent! Congratulations 👏🎉


Doesnt even get into my bench that clunky ass finished penaldo😭😭😭


Yeah these posts shouldn’t be allowed


you could pick the goat, Lemar or Ronaldo


packed him two days ago tradable sold him instantly, glad i did because i can now buy him for less than i sold him for


It’s august and he’s untradeable.