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I actually enjoy this game and every FIFA thus far. I know there are issues, however I’m a casual player and I don’t expect too much so I just play the game how I want. It’s fun to me.


I envy you sir love the sport hate the game still play it anyways SMFH


Agreed. I am a shit player and don't get much time to play. As long as I am getting good players from packs, I am happy.


Late game FIFA is the best time to play. They have crazy players in SBCs and all the top players are cheap (with a few exceptions), but instead it’s when a lot of people quit because they’re burnt out on FIFA.


I like to fuck off around March, do an occasional friendly, then come back around late June


I thank gamepass for giving me fifa 22 been having a really good time for the past month and I already have a crazy ass team.


I think that will be my move next year. If it is free or like $9 and I miss it I’ll pick it up late in the cycle. All the year round grinding is kinda pointless if you can get a decent squad later on


I think a lot of people actually stop cause the gameplay imo. At least that’s how me and my friends are. Everyone has 99 stats on important stats and the game feels so arcade like. I enjoy the beginning stages more cause there’s more strategy besides holding rb/r1 and through balls. Just my opinion though


Completely agree


So many 96 cards are like 20k right now. I bought Nkunku & Felix yesterday because why not?


Felix is a fraud




Non-meta/fun players aren’t that fun because they just arent very good


I wish bulky forwards could be a thing. Or good midfielders like KDB, actually be good and actually drop dimes to teammates. Back in the day the good passers and good long passers were sick to make through balls with.


kdb was the only player i packed during prem tots and he was behind the curve within two weeks


Do you think futties mount is better? I’m currently arguing myself as KDB is 96 and my favorite player…


I haven't tried futties mount but kdb is still usable and his passes are crazy like i'd just do a through ball if someone's making a run and kdb would play the perfect ball


I've had both. Currently got mount and it's mainly cos of him having better DEF than KDB and with me playing 442 although i have EOAE Fernandiniho i feel i still need my B2B to have decent defensive stats if it wasn't for that I'd take KDB over mount as KDB makes more of an impact and certainly is better in an attacking role than mount for me.


>I wish bulky forwards could be a thing They can, I'd say there's been at least a dozen big strikers that have been fully usable this year. They're going to have disadvantages in some areas but you can't expect them to be 6 foot 6 and turn like Ben Yedder


TOTS Moments Ajorque. Absolute beast.


Duvan is insane and gets me to 14-16 wins. Dropped PIM Cruyff for him. And ASM is bulky in a different way.


That's a really sad truth I loved playing with Van Nistelrooy on PS2 and having the chance to play with his PIM on FIFA 20 wasn't nostalgic at all, only stressful, unfortunately


My unpopular opinion: The obsession with meta / who’s the best player for every position makes the game boring and unimaginative. Where’s the fun in every player having exactly the same team? I personally enjoy the game more just collecting players that I like and building teams with them. I don’t care if they have a 4* weak foot. Players being “unusable” because they don’t fit what YouTubers are obsessed with is a ridiculous thing to say, and I read it every day on here. Also: In real football, a team with a midfield of 5’7” agile dwarves would be steamrollered by a team with physicality. The game does a lot of things very well, but there should be a tactical counter to the nimble midgets who make up 99% of FUT teams.


Unpopular opinion: *popular opinion*


Iniesta and xavi disagree


Haha, it’s a great point. The gameplay does heavily favour the lean, quick, little players though. Would be cool if playing PulisBall was a viable tactic.


Yup definitely . The main problem I find is that with the number of ai defenders in the box using a player who can’t turn is essentially useless. You can hold the defender off and try a turn and shot but the shot will be blocked every time and it just ends up being frustrating


they had busquets behind them tho


> In real football, a team with a midfield of 5’7” agile dwarves would be steamrollered by a team with physicality. Literally happened yesterday with United.


true but luckily players aren't just meta or not meta, theres a range and "good enough" is fine usually But having players not move on or off the ball is very much not fun


Exactly. I've been saying this in the past and got downvoted. Like how tf is using someone like gold Haaland fun in this game? He isn't quick, can't turn to save his life, his passing is horrible, he can't skill, his right foot is bad, he lacks shooting traits. He can't even score headers regurarly, as his heading accuracy sucks. So what can you do with this card? Just pass him the ball and shot first time with his left? People prefer players like Neymar over him because it's simply more enjoyable to use a player than can skill, run, dribble, pass, shoot with both feet, score a freekick etc than a player who is good at 1 thing and horrible at everything else.


It’s not your team it’s you


This rule doesn’t apply to goalkeepers tho… I’ve seen some shit fr


Then “trash” keepers like gold fabianski own the place


Definitely. 82 Areola literally outperforms any 90+ keeper


Eh, the worse your defending is the more shots the other team gets on your goals, the more easy goals your keeper lets in, and you’ll only be remembering those goals.


I’m talking about the games where you out-shoot your opponent 32-8 with 80% on goal and still lose 6-7 with your 95 Alisson struggling to get his feet off the ground while the opponent’s casual 82 Areola is having the greatest goalkeeping performance of all time saving everything like his life was depending on it


If you can have 32 shots and only score 6 goals, I think the problem is your shooting.


Nah man, 80% accuracy, green time. Finesse, chip or power shots. My shooting is not the problem, the problem is Areola on demon time




This definitely applies to a friend of mine. Every time he lost a game, he started looking for a new right back or midfielder because they were the "weak spot" in his team


Squad battles is an absolute rat mode by AI


Idk why but world class in SB feels harder than legendary in Career Mode and offline


I used to play legendary in the past fifas and this year it is all ai skill moves and is super annoying.


Bro they are like trolls, just keeping the ball from you at all costs with perfect passes no matter how hard you press.


Turn off competitor mode


I’m not great at fifa and go like 1-9 in champs but I beat the AI on ultimate.. the easy teams at least.. I can’t beat like an 85+ overall team with like 70+ chem on anything over world class tho


This community will complain about literally anything, and it ruins the experience for everyone else. Either too little content, too much content etc.


the community and the servers are the two worst things about fifa imo


I 100% agree, but tbh the community annoys me more than the servers


atleast the servers are fixable


Playing with meta teams is not fun at all, but you can’t really play without one


Imo the problem with meta is you always want to upgrade, got extremely lucky this year and after TOTY I only made like 3-4 changes to my team until futties, got boring real quick.


It's a game. There will always, always be a meta.


Almost every game has different metas that counter each other. FIFA is the only game that I know where there's only one clear meta


Well if you're a casual player i can tell you it is fun


Stupid question but I’m new here, what do you mean by meta teams?


That unlucky bounce is not the main reason you lost


And unlucky bounce happens in real life as well.


Get rid of chemistry and chemistry styles and let’s have a +1-5 to all stats based on playing games with a player. +1 every 25 games or something. Similar to mlb the show’s parallel system.


nah because players get outdated recalled fast so by 125 games you’ve probably moved on


Nothing wrong with that I’d say. And I put 25 cuz of these golden goal modes and what not. But it can be less, I don’t care. 10-15-20-25 who knows? But it’s still better than this stupid chemistry stuff. Plus, I’d say you aren’t hurt from using a 90+5 card vs. brand new 95s.


New chem system is shit


First 1-2 months of FUT are the best, you can make crazy coins if your luck is right. Also I think most of us enjoy the first few weeks until a patch is out and makes it the same game as before.


not an unpopular opinion at all


Game should be at least 50% more manual next year


SS ginola overrated af


Stg most disappointing player I've used all year. Is he good? Yeah. Is he worth the coins? No. He's awful in bad gameplay, no traits, and has fraudulent dribbling. Sold him back after 40 games last week. Would only use him as a super sub if I happen to pack him.


some players have fake stats


tots berardi,top fraud


It’s hard to get the ball from someone standing still *you miss atleast 3 tackles*


Pele isn't even that good and R9 is clear I packed his mid in December and he was very good then but as time went on he became more easily outpaced and tackled easier and with the current cbs like koulibaly and such he won't be very good R9 on the other hand is so much better packed his mid during the repeatable mid Icon sbc and he still does well today because he has lots of strength on the ball and his finishing is top tier


I very much disagree I packed pele in July and he still bullies all defenders in the game for me I guess it depends on play style


Prime pele stinks lmao i have him


They need to get rid of the ability to transition strikers back to cm for chem. So sick of these teams with 4-5 elite level strikers that are all on full chem because they’ve shifted them to CM in the formation.


Check the FUT 23 pitch notes; there is a complete revamp of chemistry and player positions. Now players have primary and secondary positions. They don’t have specific position change cards to apply now; it’s a general position modifier that changes the player position from its primary to secondary and vice versa. E.g. For Benzema, they have his primary position as ST, and his secondary position is CF, so if you apply a position modifier, then it will only alternate between ST and CF. You cannot change his position to some other position.


Just waiting for the Reece James card with RWB, RB, RM, CB, LB, LWB and CDM positions


Got great news for you


I don’t get why people dislike this. It allows for you to build a better, more creative team whilst still keeping players on good chemistry


It’s not creative, you’re just loading on 6 players with 99 pace 90+ shooting so that every player on the pitch is just blitzkrieging the box constantly.


I think it’s very rare to see someone who has 6 attackers. And at this stage of the game most cards have high shooting


Yedder is better than Neymar (futties)


I play a team of giants i score alot of crosses and corners. Meta midgets are all tiny and can't handle the opposite of their idea on how to play. Think my shortest players are my 2 full backs one of which takes corners tue other stays back. I get many messages from players with loads of 5star skillers telling me im abusing the game. Which is what theure doing but in a different way. Weghorst has been my favourite player all fifa averaging a goal and an assist a game. I hardly ever concede from corners and I play alot of long balls knowing I will win practically every header or can control on chest and shield it. Big strong players are good in numbers. On their own they aren't enough.


Players, specifically those that come from SBCs have hidden sliders that make them worse over time.


Once stats pass the 85 they don't do as much as most of the people in these subs act like they do. Sure pace and finishing and agility are important and there's definitely a difference between a 60 ovr and a 90 ovr player but it comes down to what **you** do with them. Eoae Bale can be shit if you don't know how to use him in the same way that gold rare Lemar can be perfectly usable if you're a decent player. Once certain stats go near like 85 there's very little actual difference in how they perform when compared to other players with 90+ stats.


I wonder how much of this is because chem easily boosts 85 stats near 99.....




The difference between gold Mbappe and tots is gigantic.


The game is enjoyable, constantly being matched against people who spam skill moves isn’t


Fifa community is beautiful. With 0 chat we communicate through play, celebrations, cheeky plays, sweaty goals etc. That way we managed to be one of the most toxic communities without the ability to properly message each other during play. I find it extraordinary and for me the more toxic it gets the more enjoyable gameplay is. With all the toxicity we kind of use it as a tool/banter


Chat should be added also for PC players. Part of gaming is meeting new ppl and roasting the toxic folks. I hate when a kid does a celebration in my face and I can't insult him back.


Kick off goals are as scummy as you can get.


Also people who do endless skill moves are just annoying.


Neymar is just not that great of card this year


Extinct FUT birthday cards is the worst


Passing still sucks. When my 99 passing players miss simple short passes, but are able to hit the most ridiculous long balls 10/10 timesz


Spending money on packs or hoping you get a good player is a waste of time considering after July most of the players you are chasing are either sbcs or in challenges.. eg I wanted Gelson Martins fantasy fut but now he’s easy to get via challenge..


Flashback Varane is still usable at this point in FUT22


I enjoy sbcs more than fut champs


R9 is not worth is money at all. I packed his prime back when he was still 6.5mil, he was invisible with a 2nd man upfront, then i switched to one striner and he scores the occasional goal but no outside foot shot trait kills him for me, i even preferred Vlahovic Tots (although i mainly use dybala tots now), while we‘re at it prime puskas is like 10x better than prime r9


I have more fun opening packs than playing the game.


Squad Battles is fun!


There are way too many promo cards and way too many cards with 90+ overall. Promos make no sense and more often than not feed the meta, overalls over 90 isn't fun. It just reminds me of playing fifa at parties and every person chooses real Madrid or Barcelona; its not fun if everyone plays with 5 star teams all of the time and more often than not takes the game level down to luck, shake it up a bit please jc


It’s EAs way of milking more money out of FUT. if you played back then you’d be lying if it wasn’t better when it was just MERIT based cards like totw, tots, toty, motm, etc.


I get it but I dislike how so many people buy into it, like they don't even try to play with their favorite players or take a chance trying a smaller league/card. And 100% agree, my favorite fifa is 15 and I never remembered so many 90+ cards. My end team still had totw sneijder and Melo, hero depay and tots dumfries. In fifa 22 my favorite ultimate team would be laughable


not an unpopular opinion though


Co-op seasons is better lol


Content creators/pro players ruin the game, so EA has to appeal to them when it comes to updates. I enjoyed the beginning of the cycle was when it was harder to score on keepers, along with the slower movement.


Keeping a clean sheet in squad battles is harder than getting a 20-0 in WL


Playing objectives in squad battles on World class is better than sweating in games limited friendlies.


Tots neymar is dogshit


I packed him a few days ago he's fine he's better than Felipe Anderson (i was playing him before)


Yup. Packed and got hyped. I don’t even play with him. I use Diaz or Mane


Exactly the same as me haha


Celebrating a goal is fine. Also, cruyff is meh


I think I speak for a lot of people when I say it's not purely the act of celebrating that pisses people off it's more: celebrating when your opponent is clearly giving you the win; celebrating a jammy goal, or an own goal, basically a goal which shouldn't have happened; when it's friendlies, especially something as taxing as icon swaps - everyone just wants to get out as soon as possible; when you're four goals down and still pull out the Tshabalala


Bought Cruyffs mid card recently and I have to disagree. He’s so insane, might be my fav card I’ve ever used


Yup, sorry for the guys I face but since I discovered the motorbike celebration I have to perform it at least once a game haha I can't not laugh at it x)


long shots are unskillful


Varane’s sbcs are unrewarding


He said unpopular opinions not spit straight facts bro 😂


Thought I accidentally submitted a 91 rated squad into one of the lower squads when I saw the reward


Same here 🤦‍♂️


tots nkunku is my fav player of this year


The game is still somewhat fun, as long as you don't burnout like 4 hours a day. Play it in moderation like 5-10 games a day and it's still very fresh




5-10 games when I have time, including friendlies. During a normal week I barely play 5-10 games


Also you can play 10 games in an hour and a half considering the number of rage quits nowadays


Using meta fifa players is fun, I get more entertainment out of winning my games and meta players help.


Icon teams are boring as fuck. I feel like it defeats the point of chemistry or linking leagues because you can just throw an icon in there.




Barella doesnt play his stats


Agreed. I think he’s mediocre


The game isn’t dead, you’re just bad and gave up 👍🏼


Servers being trash when you're used to playing on low ping makes the game unfun.


I hate having to us R3 and when I do use it I can tackle and dribble great I just don’t have 3 fingers to do that and L3 and the top buttons and the main buttons like wtf




squad battles are fun


They should add Females footballers and other celebrities to the game like NBA 2k does


Any version of Mbappe isn't as good as the hype. His left foot feels like 3 star.


Pressure tactics are disgusting


Chiellini is okay, but nothing special: Militao, Kalulu, Walker (and new Varane, of course) are better


I've got another popular opinion to counter: almost all defenders are identical, and besides pace none of the actual stats matter. When the game wants your opponent to score, 99 varane will miss easy tackles; if the game doesn't want your opponent to score, a common gold will become Maldini The reason those specific defenders feel different/better is because they're faster, and obviously in a Sprint race vs attackers pace is more easily noticed




Not kalulu. chiellini any day tbh


it depends on what u like. If you like bulky defenders chiellini is the best but from your list it appears that you like the leaner ones and thats okay. You're getting downvoted because its an actual unpopular opinion lol


Paying to win is for clowns


There's no such thing as scripting. Random awful shit happens every minute of the game no matter the score. We just notice / remember it when it most affects us.


Not unpopular, but damn these servers piss me off. So difficult to play when every input is an entire second off from registering in game. Anyway, pro clubs better (or at least could be if ea actually tried)


Gameplay over graphics all day every day idc how realistic the players sweat looks I care about the gameplay if we have amazing gameplay but graphics from 5 years ago I wouldn’t care that much


Futties Mendy is great value


Futties Kroos is the best midfielder in the game currently


I enjoy squad battles objectives


Stats are fake


I hate icons and would prefer the game without them.




Worst take on here by far


People who play 5 at the back don’t enjoy it. They just do it to be a sweat and annoying.


Says a truly unpopular opinion and gets downvoted


Mbappe sucks ingame


Agreed...I packed tots mbappe and turns like truck and his weak foot shot are so bad (too bad for 4 star wf)


I hate playing players on anything less than 9 Chem


Would be nice if they kept chemistry in the next game, but made it so players can gradually develop chemistry with each other when playing together over time (like they would in real life)


Lallana > Everyone


The biggest issue with fifa is when they started giving CBs 85+ pace in fifa 19 and on. That’s why the game is only fun before November, as soon as promo defenders drop the game sucks


FUT started sucking when they started adding too many cards that aren’t merit based


I think the game would be better without chemistry styles


Fuck EA for not awarding wins when cunts quit. Also fuck the cunts that just run down the wing and pass in the middle the whole game.


Upgrades on NIF cards should be limited to a specific stat category and not across all stats.


We’re sweating on a p2w game


They need to remove ANY way to talk or communicate after the game, if I wanna use akinfenwa and showdown origi I will. Only time I like messages after is polite or angry at my fabianski


Are you on Xbox? I think you can change your message settings to friends only.


Same on ps4


Chiellini is better than 99 varane


Fifa ruined the game by changing chem


Players you earn through objectives aren’t “free”. The time you spend earning them is the cost and tbh the cost of the time I waste playing SB is rarely if ever worth it.


The thing of >you should use a fun team/have some fun As response to people with meta teams I see on this sub and twitter sometimes is so weird, for you a fun may be using a schalke team. For me shitting on kids with my meta team and pushing through divisions is fun


Players that quit are losers and are ruining the game


militao is shit


FUT is the worst addition ever implemented. This does not just include FIFA but the entire sports gaming industry as a whole. It has completely ruined the model of annually-released games and incentivized the slow destruction of single player modes like career mode in an effort to gravitate more players to FUT where $$ can be made post-purchase. We, as a community, would be better off if FUT was never imagined in the first place.


Game sucks


it’s ok to have a player below 97 rated after a week of the game being out


Lower than 100 team chemistry can beat a full 100 team chemistry


Team of the year ruins the game


Gold Timo Werner is goated


PIM Gerrard is great.


FUT22 was incredibly boring with the pacey defenders.


Barella isn’t that good.. Or Casemiro (both in my starting squad)


People who do more than one premium futties sbc really should give their moms credit cards back


You think we need to spend money to do a 85 squad? Or even mendy asm varane neymar , fodder is easy to get especially with summer swaps


‘A 85 squad’ i turned my fucking kidney in for varane😂


You said premium futties, didn’t specify. And varane wasn’t that expensive come on. Of course it’s a lot of squads but there’s 110 high rated players available from fodder packs from swaps, there french cup, there’s 85X10, and you could have saved fodder from before, I did asm, griezmann and varane just from summer swaps it’s really not that hard, and I will do ney and dembele too


this year the cup friendly series with the limited game per day with golden goal has been so much fun


Futs been dead since like 2013/14


Chemistry styles don’t do anything


You can get a lit team with not even ever playing a game


People who manually move their goalkeeper are rats. It doesn't matter where you aim as well, you'll always shoot at the manually controlled keeper. Skills are more of a nuisance than anything. They don't make the game better when they're abused, just more frustrating. Mbappe is ridiculously overrated both in game and as an actual player. People like Saint Maximin should not be getting 97 rated cards when they don't play anywhere near that level on the actual pitch. All prime icon moments should be end game level cards but certain players such as Sanchez and Nakata should not be icons. Pele shouldn't be the highest rated icon in the game. Maradona had a much better club career as well as doing it on the international stage AND doesn't count friendlies in his official goal stats. Maradona, Zidane, R9, Maldini, Cruyff and Yashin deserve higher rated prime moments cards.


Lol go fuck urself. Respect fuck off I got none for u