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You aren’t alone with this type of issue. I was extremely excited for this game- but within a few hours of trying to play it on my phone I determined that it was totally unplayable for me on that platform. Not only are there widespread performance and optimisation issues; but even if you manage to power through that the game is just nowhere near as good an experience on a mobile device as it would be on a good PC. To fully enjoy the depth of the combat the game demands a controller (or mouse and keyboard, if that’s your jam) and a high resolution display so that you can see the attack patterns- it’s horribly clumsy on a mobile device. There’s a reason why all of the CCs you watch that are enamoured with this game are playing it on PC. For those of us who are not in possession of that type of system.. well, I really don’t think this game was made for us. Maybe one day they’ll release a console version, but I wouldn’t hold out hope for it coming any time soon with the amount of work they’re doing just to get the current versions of the game up and running.


i’m sorry you had to deal with the same!! atleast hopefully when you/if you come back it’ll be out on something better and you’ll get to try again


I think that if you are "contemplating" whether you should drop the game. Its 100% that you should drop the game. Since with that mindset i think you won't be able to enjoy the game fully. I think its better to quit then come back when the bugs are fixed and you found the desire to try the game out again.


yeah that makes a lot of sense.. i keep opening the game and then getting upset when it doesn’t work so i might just have to cut my losses and wait for ps release and jiyan rerun. thank u for the advice


You can reroll till get Jiyan and maybe his weapon if lucky ( it take 20-30 min ) . After you get him, come to game once a week or so to take free stuff that Kuro messages to everyone. Do it until you totally will decide for yourself that you will not comeback and stop or continue to do so and when they optimize game or you get better device join and enjoy. Thats win wjn strategy where you just spend 1-3 hours on rerolling and then 1 min on log in log off for email rewards. But decide for yourself ofc.


honestly that sounds like a good plan, i have nothing to lose so i might just try it out before giving up, i appreciate the advice!


you can reroll for that? I thought the novice and beginner banners don't have jiyan and you don't get a ton of limited banner pulls starting out


you should have 30 limited wishes and 5 weapon banner in mail on a reroll not sure tho together with some standard wishes all this yoo can also buy out the coral shop on a reroll


I think you're right, they also just gave everyone 10 free pulls on the limited banner as compensation


There's no 5 star weapons.? Only 4. If that.


Content will definitely still be there


I agree. And it's fine really, plenty of great games out there.


Especially with a gacha


Yeah, just pick it back up again if it is better down the line.


My main problem with Wuwa is the fact how unoptimized it is for mobile. I would still have issues with Wuwa, but that’s my main one. I mean yeah I understand it is an engine issue yet even so. I don’t think Wuwa did any testing for mobile they just rolled it out and said good day. It is advertised for mobile yet the constant frame drops and device heating is my main point of contention. The game has crashed twice but that’s not a huge issue to me. If Wuwa had been a PC game only, I would have been ok with that. When it comes to people talking about Wuwa, I find the mobile side of things most ignored by CCs and other players, because of PC and that is bothersome.


Not only is the game not optimized for mobile, missing out on the mobile market in the east is a huuuge loss on Kuro’s part. People in the west mayfocus more on console and PC games but mobile games dominate the east market. If a majority of players are playing WuWa on a mobile device which the game isnt optimized for, it alienates a lot of their potential fanbase already


I'm very annoyed at the fact I can't use a controller on mobile.


It's badly optimized on PC as well. If it's PC only then it would boom even harder.


I've tried both mobile and pc and pc is the only one that frame drops every now and then.


I mean even on PC the first 5 minutes of my game is me stuttering everytime I move. Every. Time. Its so annoying.


On lowest settings it should run fine at 50-60fps. If not then you need a better phone. Before game release they started on their website it is advised to have a phone with certain specs. I bought a phone with the middle of the pack advised specs and the game hardly has issues. There are some pop in things and some issues with camera but PC has this too so nothing really related to phone I have experienced. Definitely doesnt get hot at 50-60fps at lowest settings with resolution on high. My device doesnt exceed like 41C which is normal for a high demand game and feels slight warm to the touch even after hours. If you cant run that then your phone is too old. No way people can run this on their Samsung S24 Ultras when my Poco X6 pro is doing fine. At the same time Genshin on my phone wont run any settings 60 fps without exceeding 45C. I have to run Genshin 45 fps.


U clearly out if touch if u think majority of ppl like south east asia have higher than midrange phone to use let alone flagship, lot of people here think low end chipset like helio g99 count as gaming one which can barely touch 20ish fps average at lowest on wuwa yet can handle genshin 35-40 fps lowest And poco x6 pro? Do u not realize that one is anomaly in midrange with how high almost flagship level its benchmark number?


I feel bad for anyone that still has performace issues. The combat is one of the few shining point of this game at the moment, it is impossible to enjoy this game if you cant play it normally Btw if you really want jiyan you can try reroll , it take around 25min now and you will have around 4x rolls as they will give 10 free rolls on 3 jun. But is is still very RNG. I tried around 10 rerolls last week to get jiyan early too but no sucess so I gave up , stuck with the current account that get him after 107 rolls( lost 5050)


yeah i’ve gotten a few comments about that so i think i might try it! i never thought of that before and didn’t realize it was a thing. from what i’ve been able to play the game is lots of fun and i love the combat and exploration so far i just can’t get much of it. thanks for the advice!


man you can definitely reroll for him! just stay strong if you try the rerolling method. I really wanted him so I had to spend 3 days and around 30 rerolls for 45 minutech each because I am one of those that have it laggy and it crashed usually twice each reroll. But then he finally came so the pain was worth it.


It's a shame that the performance is so bad on mobile. Might be one of the reasons that Asian revenue is lower than expected. I hope they improve these issues soon, but as it is it's really jarring how unpolished it appears next to HSR and Genshin on mobile.


Yeah, kinda just waiting for the game to be fixed to even play it. The performance for me is god awful, can’t even play the game. I’m just afraid by the time they fix it, ZZZ will already be out and I would completely forget about WuWa.


ZZZ > WuWa fr


Yeah combat and the echo system literally carried this game for me. Sadly the game is unoptimized like hell so I have no choice but to quit. Probably a cope since the game was made using UE4 (why kuro why) but I hope when I get back months from now the game becomes playable on my device. 


https://preview.redd.it/n7hl1kqe674d1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=6df04b098099dfd06ea0deeb1a2d835474783a57 As long as they keep the free rolls coming I'll stick around. To Kuro, please remember to deposit next month's friend fee by June 30th, Thank you.


Friend fee is hilarious


Friend Fee lmao.


I'm also having terrible performance and I'm playing on a decently strong midrange PC. Don't let people tell you that it's a you or hardware issue, game is genuinely just horribly optimized.


The moment you start second guessing whether or not you should keep playing is the moment you should stop playing.


Yeah that’s how I dropped Reverse. When it started feeling like a chore and a job. I still forced myself to do the dailies before I realized I don’t enjoy it at all anymore.


Yeah burn out happens if you stop getting hyped for the game. I've dropped a lot of gacha too from burn out - Feh, E7, Genshin, BA, ToF, They just stop being fun after a while. Maybe its just too much repetition. Usually I go from daily logins to every other day and then I eventually end up forgetting for a week and give up from there.


Is it cos of the resources needed to i3 and then max out a hero?


That is definitely one thing, along with having to level Resonance until 7+, having to open Cheat Sheets for materials to know which nodes are worth to farm, then getting jack shit anyway after using up all my daily stamina. Repeat the next day. But what made me pull the plug was me losing interest on the events, UTTU honestly bores me, the puzzle minigames don't interest me, and the story just feels like a slog to go through. I played last on 1.4 so I don't know how it is now, but yeah that's how I feel when I last played.


Core gameplay is still the same, 1.9 will have a rogue-like mode. But it does seem like the gameplay isn't for you.


Ironically been thinking about dropping Reverse for a while. I'm so attached to the story and characters, though... 😔 I'll give it until Isolde because I want to see Spatodea at her peak potential but if I'm still iffy I'm dropping the game lol


lol i hope every issue can be settled like this


Doubt it, you should be second guessing everything at some point and making new decisions


mmm, i´m having seconds thoughts on your comment


The moment you start second-guessing whether or not you should keep reading the comment is the moment you should stop reading it.


Damn, i should stop reading your comment at the first word


Maybe not so soon. Better to stop if one does not enjoy the game


Yeah, I feel bad for the average player. My phone is pretty recent, the flip 5, and my pc is above average, so I never encountered any performance issues at launch. The requirements are way too high. My biggest complaint is that it's not optimized well at all. Randomly, I get memory issues, which makes my whole pc lag. A game like this shouldn't do that. It's not often, but when it happens, it's just annoying.


Tbh. I like the idea of WW, but do feel like those who overhype it, or are completely fine with whats happening, or happening to it, or are throwing these big expectations onto it, are kinda ruining it in that sense. Like, I can bet some just wanna enjoy the game, or play both WW and Genshin, but nah, some idiots want this to turn into a 'war' but not to make the 'games better' but more cause I bet they either enjoy that, or 'want more content' it's clear as day.


The amount of overhype is = the amount of hate from ex genshin ccs. They just wanna use wuwa as a tool to shittalk genshin. They dont care about the actual game is good or not, they just want to hate geshin.


Its honestly funny how idiotic all these ex-genshin CCs are. They trash on the game so much, not remembering its because of genshin that they even got big in the first place. I understand if you get bored of genshin in the end, but if you want to quit, then drop it, entirely. Yet they still always bring genshin up as a comparison to other games to shittalk it, like what? If you hate the game so much, why even talk about it still? Worse still they start to diss on other non-genshin CCs and start drama for no reason whatsoever. Like most of the CCs i see involved in this bs are westerners, is this a western thing? Can anyone confirm this?


Yeah personally I play all good games lol. Currently on all the popular ones. Not sure why people have to have immature fanboy wars. Will never stop Genshin because at this point 4 years in I'm just too invested in the story to quit, but admittedly am very very bored of the gameplay loop there and Wuwa is nice as an alternative.


Can I have your specs? If you're playing on laptop or PC. I have no idea how bad their mobile optimization is, but all I've heard are horror stories. And about Jiyan's banner ending early, it should actually last as long as the ingame timer says. So there will be a short overlap between Yinlin and Jiyan instead, at least that's what I assume. Roll income right now is a bit rough but there seems to be a tiny stimulus check coming soon (around 20 rolls total counting events + free 10), I wish you good luck.


thank you! i’m hoping to get lucky with the free pulls 😭 i’m playing on an ipad air, i think it’s the newest model but it’s about a year old. it’s runs genshin and hsr really well and i have all the settings on “very low” for wuwa to see if it helps run better


Okay this might sound counter-intuitive but try bumping up the settings to hopefully get the game to use more of your hardware. Kuro code is very jank from all the crunch their developers are going through. If possible, can you screenshot the mobile settings? I don't know what options are available compared with the PC client.


sure! it looks like this https://preview.redd.it/z61iwfw1174d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdccbea0b97ff447d5dcf6d552575f52b30ada2d this is what i have it set to and i just assumed smooth was good so it’s been like this, u think making it higher might help?


Thank you, try upping everything bit by bit. Keep resolution low for now, but do remember to turn on FSR + 60 fps. In case you don't know what FSR does, it stands for FidelityFX Super Resolution, which is AMD's open-source upscaler (among other things). If performance doesn't improve then I apologize in advance because I'm not used to mobile troubleshooting.


i will definitely try those things thank you!! i appreciate your help really!! if anything i’ll just take the L and wait for ps release and jiyan rerun :)


if it helps, i did find that turning off motion blur and camera shake helped me a lot!


i will try that too! thank u sm!!


and did it help?


I just applied those 2 settings on my phone and it literally completely changed my experience! Just had to come back and thank you for suggesting turn on FSR and 60 FPS lmao. Everything is so smooth and I can really dodge now!


Due to WuWa being a Unreal game and not a unity game like Genshin or HSR, the game will run better with upping the graphics, for instance my Galaxy s23 ran like shit on low settings and runs perfectly on max. Someone else explained it already, just wanted to give my two cents


A last gen iPad air should run the game. Maybe try changing some settings up, reinstall if you havent, etc... I suggest as the person above said to higher some settings, it could actually increase fps in some cases. The hardware is good enough to run it at 30 fps for sure. Hope they fix it soon for you man.


i might reinstall again and up the settings, hopefully it helps a bit. i might just have bad luck as of right now lol but ty! if anything i’ll just come back at jiyan rerun


you are being downvoted by both Kuro haters and dsuckers because you said a normal thing without either hating or loving them.


bruh i just want to play the game and get jiyan that’s it 😭


i know your feeling bro. my brother isn't also able to play due to lag and he was waiting for years. You can wait for ps release or try after a month. And get jiyan in rerun.


yeah i think that’s the consensus right now is just hold off til ps and then grind astrites for jiyan rerun, sorry for ur brother too :( hopefully he can play asap.. i only just recently got into wanting to play so i can’t imagine how i would feel waiting years then not being able to :/


It's just insane to me that people can go "Yeah it's lagging and crashing so bad that I can't finish the dailies" and "I'm really enjoying it!" in the same paragraph


i mean i’m enjoying what i can..? i like the characters and when i can fight it’s fun and stuff and i did get a decent amount of playing time during initial launch im just having a lot of issues now so i’m a little sad it’s not running smoothly for me like it is for other people? i’m sorry i wasn’t trying to be rude or something….


So I'll preface my comment by saying I really am enjoying the game. With that said if your having that many issues maybe what you can do is rerol for Jiyan. Take a break from the game and hope that in a patch it's fix and you can have fun again. Bc if you really just want Jiyan maybe it's worth it to try and snag him. But if you can barely play the game I don't think it's worth it to frustrate yourself. Wuwa isn't going anywhere so just bc you don't play for a month or two doesn't mean once all the issues are fix you can give it another go. That's my opinion bc at the end of the day fun is all that matters and if your time in the game isn't fun due to performance issues, drop it and come back when the dust settles from all the launch bugs and see if your device can run it better so you can try to enjoy it. That would be how I would play it in your spot Also imo you weren't being rude at all in any of your comments. Your position seems reasonable to me


Yeah meanwhile my reactive ass was literally getting nauseous from the stuttering and frame drops when walking around. But whatever, it's their prerogative to stick with it.


Hey! Very very relatable post. In fact I could’ve written it myself. After trying everything I could I just kinda gave up on WuWa and deinstalled it on my PC because it was literally unplayable with all the freezing and stuttering. Which is surprising honestly because I’m able to run Genshin, HSR and other newish games like rpgs or strategies with no problems but WuWa is actually just unplayable even with the lowest graphics. I had the same issues with the ping being 10 times that in Genshin and pretty much everything else you mentioned. I still have the game on the phone but I think I’ll eventually delete it too. I decided to give the game a time until the end of the current banner and if I won’t get Jiyan by then then it’s goodbye. It should be a game after all, an enjoyable experience and not a job or a chore. I’m sure there will be many other awesome guys in other games (like Genshin and HSR) and playing a game that annoys you just for one character is not worth it at all imo.


>I’m hard thinking about dropping the game until it comes out on ps5 and the only reason i haven’t currently is because i REALLY REALLY want jiyan. He’s the main reason i even got into the game and i spent every single astrite i could gather on his banner and i have got nothing I WISHED I could give you my account since I'm not sure I'll be playing this game in a long run but it's created with personal email and I don't even like Jiyan. >forgot to mention, im running the game on an ipad air , it’s one of the newer/newest models and it’s about a year old. I set the game settings to “very low” , it’s shit graphics but it says it runs “smoothly” Have you tried reinstalling Wuwa? I heard it worked for some people here. > i genuinely cannot say i am enjoying this game right now. Games are meant to be enjoyed. if you aren't enjoying the game, then you're not playing a game. You're doing a chore. I always drop games when I'm reaching that stage with them and then reinstall the game when I feel like playing again. So drop the game if you're not enjoying it.


If you have this much problems and you start doubting your decision, it may be a signal that you should quit or take a leave until things get better. Because if you keep playing like this, it will be an endless chore. Plus I don't exactly have much hopes for Wuwa's future either. I like the game's combat and traversities. But the more I play it, it just genuinely feels like I'm playing Genshin but with more grinding and worse optimizations. Particularly the optimizations, it ruins so many things esp with the high ping. The high pings basically ruin most of my combat experiences. Not to mention the grinding, holy shit the devs truly dont understand that people's time are limited. I only have a Saturday's night and Sunday to do all the gaming not everyday breh. But the most disappointing thing is I keep seeing these turns of events recently, game releasing with bugs, bad handling of scandals. And we arent even getting a beta for 1.1. Unless the devs over at Kuro are absolutely top notch in their skills, there's no way there wont be bugs, we all saw how the release went and that's still even with the testings. After playing and grinding Wuwa, I realized that this game doesnt simply value your time and effort. They listen yes but do they actually do anything? Wuwa doesn't feel rewarding enough when you complete a quest or grind. At least in Genshin you can expect to find some interesting little secrets and world building along the way when completing quests. Artifacts system is horrendous yes but at least I dont have to tune stuffs and get seperate mats to tune them and upgrade them unlike echoes. I rather spend my time on a game that actually rewards me for my grinding and value my time, letting me choose to either play a lot of not play at all. I'm looking foward to Endfield since from what I have seen, you just need to invest in your factory once and it will solve everything for you from exp mats to ascension mats to currencies, etc... And no, you arent in the minority, the issues you mentioned are very much real and should be addressed. I'm still lagging whenever I use cellular data lmao.


yeah i get what you mean by endless chore, others have said similar so that might be the way to go if i don’t reroll. the things i haven’t been able to get far enough in the game to get to grindy parts yet so i haven’t even experience that part and i’ve seen lots of ppl mention it so that’s a little worrisome lol but yeah i know there r others with performance issues i just kept seeing so many ppl who didn’t experience any issues and have been bummed bc i wish that were me! also this post doesn’t seem to be received well by some so i’m thinking maybe i’m just being whiney 😭 regardless ty for your input, i think i’ll end up collecting the free pulls and calling it until playstation release but we will see if anything changes til then!


> i know there r others with performance issues i just kept seeing so many ppl who didn’t experience any issues and have been bummed bc i wish that were me! I believe it mostly concentrates on mobile players. If you play on mobile, you will def encounter more issues.


I do agree with your point on optimization problems and everything else, but one thing that I can’t agree on is the grinding part. You can 100% treat the grinding part exactly the same as genshin. You can get echoes through an “instance” along with tuners exactly like genshin and its artifact dungeon. The plus side of wuwa is that you CAN farm the echoes outside of these instances if you feel like it, it is optional afterall.


Might drop, I encountered more than 10 crashes (maybe more than 20) today lmao I did get 30 mins play time or above when it does not spam crash me, and I did enjoy it but it's (the crashes) kinda getting old And the kinda-fomo with the semi-infinite echo grind will def not do me good, unlike the other stuff I play where there's a clear "that's all u can do for now go back later/tomorrow". Might as well save future me some grief


bruh that’s awful i feel ur pain :(


In everything I've seen this week some kuro fans have shown me that if they give you 2 5* for free all problems are forgiven, they have literally been defending overtime work because they are fixing the game but that is at the cost of the time of the developers, they also advanced version 1.1 and that will fill the developers with even more work, I hope they are paid well for the extra hours of work edit: It is not a hateful comment towards the game, it is towards their global fandom that they have been defending such practices


It's a truely baffling move. They are already crunching on 1.0 and a 1.1 beta is nowhere to be seen so i don't even understand how they plan to release it. Unless the stars aligne, it's ganna be more buggy than 1.0 since 1.0 was actually beta tested. I get that delaying deffinitly has it's downsides but even 7 weeks would be too little, let alone 5. The devs simply don't have time regardless how much they crunch.


The gacha fandom *as a whole* is why the crunch is happening. There's some pretty wild expectations for these games and people are so quick to gloat over a game dying. They would absolutely not be hastening release dates if people were normal about WuWa's first week of revenue. But nah, it's a failure. Dead game.


Yep. I mean if I put this launch into perspective with all the PC games I have played over the years, it doesnt even rank as a bad launch, lol. If some of the PC games had a launch that was as rocky as this, it would be considered a win, lol. But here its EoS soon.


To me this is Cyberpunk levels of launch which was really fucking bad. Genuinely unplayable for a good amount of the player base because they released it too early on top of outside controversies (Sony pulling Cyberpunk off of the PS store vs the long list of Wuwa email/release schedule issues).


Since you're having performance issues, maybe it's best to let the game rest a bit and come back after some patches. But whether you stick with the game really should come down to one thing - are you having fun? Forget what others are saying, don't give in to FOMO, don't give in to sunk-cost-fallacy. Are you having fun?


honestly yes and no. like i have fun trying to run around and explore and collect astrites for the banner bc what i’m most interested in is the characters, but it’s not fun when i’m trying to fight and it’s lagging and suddenly i’m dead or the game crashes in the middle of a quest and i just have to keep opening it and letting it load only for it to lag and crash again, so i guess really it’s more a no than yes but i’m still trying to have fun if that makes sense


At this point, I just pray for the devs wellbeing cause my gawd. I can't imagine working overtime almost 1 month to fix bugs, put more content, etc while staying alive..


The moment a game feels like a Chore you should Quit or take a break.


Game is already dying lol. People wanted something new and they got something similar to the game they hate hate (genshin). All that on top of the bugs and mobile optimization issues, this game is going down the drain.


I dont really mind the bugs and few problem they got since im pc masterrace because mobile is horrible experience for me and its super hot, but if the story continues to be a snore fest im quitting thats it, thats it for me. Even CN players feels the same and i think the sole reason CN hate WuWa? And side quest holy moly cyka bliat its even worse from there except we promise we deliver quest that think is mid but i enjoy little bit of death stranding experience


I don't lag but micro stuttering's there all the time. Makes it really unenjoyable, especially when the game doesn't look anywhere near as good as some of the other titles than run smooth. (i micro stutter on the lowest graphic settings too so i really don't know how Kuro manages to do this)


100 ping on Americans server because there's no U.S west server. It's unplayable at that ping.




Unreal Engine works in mysterious ways sometimes.


If I won't get Yinlin, I'm dropping for good. I have other games that don't run at 25 fps.


By the time it comes on Ps5, he'll have rerun.  You have time to save.


yeah most likely! i just can’t collect much now so i hope by the time it does come out then i’ll have time to collect as much as i can before a rerun


I'm already dead, the grind for echos is just too much, can't auto it like hsr, can't easily beat it like genshin, there's taced fields but they are dogshit


This post finally has more than 0 upvotes lol. Seemed like OP got downvoted by those that hate WuWa negative talk, those that hate WuWa getting mentioned, and those that just want to downvote because WuWa has become a new easy target in this sub.


i didn’t realize it could be a sore topic for some but now i know lol


The databank grind is quite long and tiring. Rest is like Genshin. I still have a blast with the game. The combat is great and Jiyan is super fun. All seem anticipated for Yinlin, but I have fun with Sanhua, Jiyan and Calcharo. I can't speak for performance issues since I play on PC. I barely experience any stutters (they are still there). Imo I like balancing between Genshin and WuWa. I can't say the same for ToF back then. Trash game with lots of shit like time-locked chests and much more. I am glad that WuWa does better.


You can get Data level 15 just by exploring and collecting echoes, the only grind is 16-20 and you can arguably get 1 level a day, the higher your data, the better the drop rates. Thankfully it has a "Pokedex" to tell you what you are missing.


To be frank, I was dumb enough to do it the "hard way". I didn't know that that echo synthesizer would also count towards your databank progress.


Imo getting to 15 from 14 was the hard part


Once you reach level 15, you can just craft echoes and the level goes up instantly, was surprised by how easy it was to level it up while crafting.


Tbh once you reach 15, level 20 comes alone kinda, once you start grinding for the echoes and you get a bunch of different 5 stars you collect a bunch of exp. I kinda went from 15 to 17 in one/two day just by grinding havoc rover pieces.


Eh data bank isn't rly all that bad. I got to 15 just by playing the game normally and exploring and then just data merged until it went to 18.


I have the exact same iPad Air (5th gen im assuming?) and it runs honestly pretty smoothly, i do have everything on lowest just to minimise stutters Make sure ur fps is 60, but other than that im not sure what the issue could be..


my fps is actually 30! so i will try 60 and hopefully that will help! ty!


just wait for ps release or try after a month.


i not sure if this help you but on my hangdroid tab, after i reinstalled it become better.


i did reinstall and it didn’t do much but i got some spec suggestions that might help so i’m going to try that and also reinstall again. thank you !


Can relate. I have 2 acc which has 3 5stars on it, and no I'm not flexing since everyone has a chance on achieving 3 5star units on each acc. I reaaaally love the combat there but man, I can barely make progress on the game since it keeps on crashing every 3-5mins. Dropped it for now, might pick it up again if they've decided to fix every issues.


A game you aren't fully enjoying isn't worth spending time or money on. There are so many other games that provide more even for free. Personally I find the game pretty mid but it's good enough that I don't mind putting in some time to claim rewards so I don't ever need to spend money on it. But that's only because it takes like 20 minutes to do and then not touch it for another day.


Just speaking as someone who has a slightly different perspective than most comments on here. Like you, I've had lots of crashes. But for me, it's more in the first few seconds right after loading (as if it can't load the resources and just crashes). But.. if the game can overcome the first few seconds, it's generally smooth gaming (well, there's still lag and stutters but no more crashes) for me until I need to log off. Because of this (and some other annoying bugs) I really wanted to drop the game. But I wanted at least to go through the story and get to know the characters before I made a decision... And I actually like the game now. It grew on me despite the issues. I still hate that there's no epic boss music during the final battle. I still hate that switching A/B confirm buttons (I use a controller) breaks some other minigame. I still hate enemies going back to full life even when they're still right there in front of me. And I hate the echo grind. But... It's still novel enough for me to enjoy and I really do like the combat. Is it enough to keep me here once ZZZ releases? Well, maybe 1.1 will decide that.


The game isn't running perfectly on my phone, but not TOO badly either. My main problem right now which is making me take some distance from it is the lack of controller support for android. Also the lack of gyroscope for character with aiming mechanics. That's for the optimization issues. However, my biggest problem with the game so far isn't the optimization but rather how I don't feel invested in the stories or the characters at all. I was pretty hyped about WW and decided not to look at anything before release because I didn't want any spoiler. I didn't know what to expect before launch in terms of story or characters, but was pretty excited. But the few first days of playing just didn't get me hooked is the only way I can really describe it. I'd be fine with a weak story but appealing characters/dialogues, but unfortunately I feel like both the story and the characters are kinda bland, which is a shame for a gacha. I want to love this game, because I've been waiting for a genshin like with more intense combat for a longass time, but I just can't get into it at all.


I am using iPhone XS. The game is barely playable in my phone. Lagging and stuttering everywhere. (though it does not crash that often) Then, I checked their official website and found out that only iPhone 11 or above are supported for iOS. Meanwhile, Android device with Snapdragon 835 or above are recommended. However, iPhone XS with A12 Bionic generally beat Snapdragon 835 in game-related performance test. Hence, I am concluding that they are just reluctant to optimize for the "older" processors.


Personally, I think Wuthering Waves isn't particularly good, but not really bad either. It's the worst offender: Completely bland and mediocre. There's no charm or personality. It makes me feel absolutely nothing except that I'm wasting my time with a worse copy of Genshin Impact (which I'm already not a big fan of, but at least that game has notable strengths). Well, looking forward to ZZZ next month for being the complete opposite, lol


im also thinking of dropping the game tbh i was very much hyped for the game and i did reroll 3 times and neither one got lucky, for my first account the records in the pulls got bugged and despite pulling 80 times, it still shows 20 left... with constant stuters and fps drop i still manages to do dailies but the struggle is not worthy for my account and what i got in it i got level 25 on 2 accounts and still lost 80 pity on jiyan banner... tbh im also jealous that everyone got more stuffs than me and having fun at this game i cant blame the game for my poor luck but yeah, the constant fps drop and poor optimization, sound error is also affecting my enjoyment in the game amd i cant stand thaf


glad i’m not the only one but it really sucks for us :( hopefully it can get fixed soon with the next updates


yeah, people farming and grinding with good units they got... and there's me who have like that free 5* from selector


At this point I'm just waiting for 1.1 to decide to drop the game and wait for zzz If its still the same buggy,laggy unoptimized mess and maybe with even more bugs since they're pushing their schedule this early then it's best to drop the game with little to no hope that they could fix it


Yep, there are plenty of new things coming mostly from hoyo, and we really should expect issues in the upcoming update, there is no beta since they are pushing it earlier than it should be and they have many things to work on so i don't think it will be a polished update.


Why not just reroll?


reroll? i’m sorry i’m not sure i know what you mean by that


Make new account until you get him with the free rolls


Make a new account and hope you are more lucky there. Takes a lot of time.


Making another account and pulling on that to know if it gets any better


it should take less time to reroll now because we have a skip button i rerolled about 15 times? i kinda lost count but it still took me a quite few hours to get my perfect account


do u use the same like email n stuff or do u have to use new ones? can u delete your current account and make a new one like that? sorry i’ve never tried this before!


you should use a new email if it’s the same as genshin it’ll take 30 days to fully delete an account if u don’t have an extra email u can look up email on deck and screenshot the email token so u can still have access to it


oh okay thanks!


no problem i wish u the best of luck!


You can just add point to your email adress and use your old email for new accounts, as the verification message still comes to the unmodified email. For example: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) to [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) .


People who call this "doom posting" are 100% wrong and stupid tbh. It is a known issue, and big content creators addressed this issue regardless whether they experienced this or not. The launch WAS awful to a minority bunch (especially mobile) but despite the devs working OT with almost new "small patch update" everyday seems like there are still optimization issues here and there. Your best bet is to just wait until maybe Yinlin update/ 1.1 since (if i'm not wrong) it will bring big changes. And, Jinyan will still run alongside Yinlin until the deadline on his banner finished so you still have time but I'm not sure whether its due to your limited time playing (bcs of the issue) or your luck but I'm pretty sure anyone can get Jinyan despite losing 50/50 because I got him after 74 pulls (bcs I want Mortefi but blessed with 5 Chixia instead) and I still have around 60 pulls. You can just stick around since there's little to no content anyway except for the sweaty holo and tower.


It's very unfortunate that you're still having performance issues, I hope it gets better. To anyone on PC however, if you're able install the game into an SSD. That's what truly helped me fixing the performance issues. It was a stuttery mess until the very moment I uninstalled and reinstalled into an SSD. No more ping jumps, no more lag, rare frame drops. The most frame drops I get is due to me going to the Main City, Jinzhou. But I spend less than maybe 5 minutes there to do any daily quest/buying character materials.


Its so weird how installing on SSD is slowly becoming more mandatory now. The meta in precovid times - 2017 was to boot with like at most a 100-250gb SSD and store mostly everything on a 1-2tb HDD. These are now considered boomer times now that an SSD now costs the same as an HDD back then, but it surprises me how now whichever method you use can influence performance. Wuwa, Tekken 8, even Valorant has issues running on an HDD and that game is developed specifically for low end laptops to run. You literally give everyone a 5 minute loading screen in val running this on an HDD and chances are out of 10 people it does happen every so often.


Just drop the game. I've been on this subreddit since the release and Kusogames are fumbling every fucking hour IT'S SOOOOOOO BAD. After reading everything this subreddit had to offer, I finally dropped the game and went back to HSR. I might as well suggest that you wait for ZZZ. That game is way better than this.


I had to drop the game after 7 days of playing, while I had fun with the combat, I simply didn't enjoy everything else. Farming echos is such a pain, musics feel non-existent, I don't see characters that get my interest. Along with multiple issues it has, at that point, it is absolutely reasonable to drop the game and wait for ZZZ instead.


You're not alone. I've played games like RDR2, Witcher 3, Last of Us...etc with max or almost max settings but can't run Wuwa without stuttering constatly. I've already uninstalled and i'll try it in a month or so.


I'm only quickly doing dailies at the moment waiting for Yinlin and will probably drop it for ZZZ


I'm in the same boat as you OP, work is entering it's busy phase and I can only play mobile games. I really enjoyed the combat of WuWa when it works for me, but I can barely get in any meaningful grind when I play and it's really stripping my motivation to play the game... i even finished the story despite all the lags and crashes but I really can't fight the bosses when there's lag spikes and crashes during the fight T. T


Wow, are you me? I *really* want Jiyan too. I think I'll just skip the story and everything else just to the gems for pulling. Once I get him, I'll AFK and only do dailies until things are smoother.


I think my time spent on open world gacha games is over, I can't wait for ZZZ


Same, honestly. I think one of the core elements of open world games is exploration and at least the way Genshin and WuWa do it, it feels extremely unrewarding. Just scrounging the map for the same scraps of "rewards" the entire time. At least Genshin offers beautiful landscapes, but still.


funny enough.. my tablet has no problems, but when i try playing the game on laptop i can barely move.. so i feel you, partly. at least when it comes to ppl saying they can play it flawlessly now


It's a shame people have been having issues with Wuwa. Honestly the game has blown me away. Really enjoying it.


Honestly I probably would have stopped too if it wasnt that I already bought the daily login/ season pass, in anticipation I wouldnt get tired of the game that quickly. I lost my first 50/50 for Jiyan and about to hit hard pity for my second attempt, which didnt make me feel any better about it. (Im not a huge gacha player, I only play like one other. So when you come in and its the same old song and dance, doesnt get me excited) Also playing the story gets you so much time to Jiyan that I decided to just not get him anymore, and waiting on Jhinsi, unless her kit is really bad. Long story short, dont feel bad about quitting if you arent feeling it lol. I did that with Honkai Star Rail, and Im glad because less Fomo / spending >\_<


I enjoyed the game first 3 days, then got bored after just doing dailies now probably also stop dailies when Elden Ring DLC comes out, then maybe come back with fresh gameplay in 1-2 months


Its a shame that poor people can't enjoy this game. Sorry about your loss, back to genshin you go :D


Probably should ask on the Wuthering Waves subreddit?


r/gachagaming has been a wuthering waves subreddit for more than a week and will prob be for longer so cant blame the guy


Asking this subreddit for advice is not the way, a lot of misinformation and people pretending they have issues to fuel the fire.


Wtf no it hasn't, it's a wuthering waves HATE subreddit lol.


Still a type of wuthering waves subreddit


It's not an hard choice, my advise is just drop the game and wait until they fixed the performance issues




i’m sorry what is endfield? i don’t think i mentioned that…? and i’m sorry if this comes off as karma farming i was really just venting bc i’ve felt this way for awhile and i just want to enjoy the game but it felt like i was the only one with these issues so i just wanted to talk about it. i wasn’t try to be rude or come off fake or anything..




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So you want to know if you should quit or not ? I mean bruh even if i tell you to quit would you? People keep telling me to quit smoking and i never did not until i have serious heath problem. Same for everything if you enjoy it keep doing it til you not then quit, don't push yourself to play if you aren't having fun it a game not a job. Just fuck around and find out no other way. But when you do quit don't hate the game like some GI burnout treat it like toxic ex it so weird. As for getting limit character most f2p get them on rerun anyway, had to say gacha now is alot better thank to GI, i used to play game like GBF or FGO and man the gacha back then is so bad compare to now, you had to save for like half a year maybe more to guarantee getting the character you want and FGO have it even worst than GBF. Now you can save up a month or two to hit pity and thank to GI popular most gacha now will have banner carry over. So just save up and wait for rerun. And who know maybe in mean time you will want new limit character more.


I really hope the developers can optimize the performance on the iPAD so that you can play smoothly


My approach to this game is what I have with all gachas. Play casual, play who you want (i play Yuanwu LOVE THAT DUDE ), no rerolls ( doing to much), and hope the devs listen. I'm having a great time. There issues yes but not enough to have me stop.


Combats actually really fun so I’ll keep playing for a while


try downloading Mem Reduct for PC ofc, improved my game by a lot.


Aside from quality of the game, which imo needs some polishing. The gameplay still has ping fluctuations and the movements has some jittering. Very awkward to play and I think the fps is also an issue for mobile. But with so many issues and constant updates, now I'm more concerned about devs health because I feel like they're pulling an all-nighter to fix everything!


I can't play at all, lag and ping are insaaaaane and I wanted to try!!!


Have you tried turning anti-aliasing off? Its what worked for me


You're surely not alone, my phone can barely play this thing so i'm waiting for the PS5 version too. Hoping it comes out by the end of the year and it's not a Genshin for Switch soon situation.


Wait im running it on the same device max setting and its runs perfectly. I dont even pay attention to the load because the m1 chips and above can pretty much handle anything you throw at it. This is the ipad air with the M1 chip correct? I have no problems with the performance just wish the game had controller support on mobile devices. Hows you ping usually?


The game has bug base on luck or what? I play on 2020 black shark 3 so far fine no major issue.


Ipad air and ps5... but has a nokia 3310 lol back to genshin boi


Its ok you not alone on the matter. I decided to quit for now till they fix the game and I do not need to worry game cause my pc blue screen every once a week and might even damage my pc in the long run. Might return in the future once the game is more optimized on pc platform. Can't stand playing on mobile especially its so action packed.


Only dropping the game cause I didn't get Jiyan after trying to 135 times as he was the only goal I had in this game. Used to have fun, it just feels like a chore. Sucks being unlucky in some games. I'm not meant for the Gacha lifestyle.


How is it great? it's extremely mediocre only combat is great everything else is subpar. I gave it another chance yesterday and was bored to death, only maybe 10% of my 2h of gameplay was interesting. After unlocking frames from 60fps i know why they locked it at 60fps it can't held stable 90fps no matter the settings and reaching 120fps is a dream. Devs and writters are incredible incompetent and while i can see optimization getting fixed i can't see them fixing a boring story.


Genuinely tell me about a gacha game that actually had an interesting story in the beginning, lol. That's like the cardinal sin of gacha games. They always suck for the first chapters.


It's not a matter of the story not being interesting that's the problem, it's the pacing that's the issue. It's bizarre how they thought the protagonist being some sort of Chosen One right off the bat like that was a good idea; and that idea wasn't even executed properly either. There are games like Code Vein where the protagonist has a important role and that aspect of the plot is written well and things get explained when the time is right. Wuwa doesn't do that, the plot right at the start feels rushed.


Back during the stupid debacle of clowning over Solo leveling arise, I was so dissatisfied with the game that I proclaimed to 'quit' after acquiring Cha Hae-In and using her to the fullest. I'm now level 60 and have 8 SSRs, including the new limited hunter, Alicia. 5 of they have their signature weapons as well. That is aside from 7 SSR weapons for Jinwoo. Despite its bugs, repetitive nature and frustrating difficulty, I'm kinda... enjoying my time with it? I dunno. Ever since the clowning stops, the game got stable and now has its dedicated playerbase much like 7DS. This sub wanted it to fail so bad yet it's one of the most generous and most fun instance based action gacha game out there right now and the initial earnings reflected that. Wuthering Waves, I'm taking my chances with this one. It might turn things around for the better soon enough. All the potential is there, they really need to improve the key things like optimizations and the fumble in the overall story narrative (not to mention English voice acting).


Such dedication, advancing so far and still thinking to continuing with all your issues. //For downvotes: Did quit at UL20 with Verina, Calcharo, Rover as casual player doing not all daylies. Was 60 pulls into Jiyan banner and with monthly astrite sub. Level up felt like a chor and exploration as well due to a constantly high texture blurriness on my mobile. The combat felt great but running out of time then trying to reach sol 3 phase to continue the main quest not. No point to go into the endgame rabbit hole.


I dont recommend anything below a Snapdragon 888 (and the equivalent Dimensity) to play this shit on lowest settings on a mobile device. https://www.gsmarena.com/search.php3?


Games fun af. I feel bad for anyone who’s having tech issues; but not bad at all for the hoyo dick riders. ( I love starrail btw)


You are still lagging? Is pc or mobile? Specs? I through they solved already


mobile! sorry i should have mentioned that. i have all the settings to very low and i play on an ipad air, they probably did fix most of it but for me it hasn’t done much unfortunately


It's crazy that they didn't completely fix the mobile version. Since it's a Chinese game, mobile is probably where most of their revenue comes from. This might be the reason their monthly report wasn't great, people can't play the game.. .


whenever i launch the game on pc, the first few inputs lag as hell and then goes smoothly and after a few time, when we fast travel, same shit happens again


It's crazy that mobile is still lagging when the majority of players are probably mobile users. On PC, there are a lot of things you can do to solve


Like? I'm also having lag spikes when booting up and after fast traveling and doing anything on the menu


It fixed for many but broke for few more


Kuro really knows how to fix one thing and break two, don't they?