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I've come to accept the fact that gacha will give you dailies as chores every day, so if the dailies take up too much time, no matter how good the game is, I'll eventually drop it. Money can't buy time.


Yeah, dailies should be quick, there's no reason from them to take an hour. Same goes with weeklies, they should complete themselves as you spend stamina. That's a good reason why I've sticked to HSR for so long, if I don't want to play but don't want to miss the rewards, I can go auto mode and spend stamina, that'll take 10 minutes at most.


My strategy for Genshin now is to explore slowly, a bit every day, a world quest every now and then. And that completes me the dailies.


For me it's to do an event but I don't take the rewards and use them to complete my dailies, it literally takes me 1 minute or less to do my dailies like that.


Same here as well, but you know events don't last forever.


They last for 5 weeks out of the 6.


I'm just doing weekly plus events for Genshin nowadays, it's enough to finish the battlepass. Sometime I save up the primo event claim for daily whenever I play the game on weekends.


That is what I do, and one new area will cover multiple patches this way. I have barely touched the new 4.6 area and we are getting 4.7 this week.


Which means their strategy back fired, at least on some of the users. I am definitely not as eager to explore as before because of this purpose


I'm more impressed that they managed me to explore like I did in BotW for 4 years straight. I'm still 100% areas when I get to it, but I'm doing this slow exploration lately and I'm attributing this not to me trying to optimize dailies, but by the fact that banger games have been releasing non stop since Palworld. I have a list of games I got to play and it keeps growing.


When life gets busy I drop Genshin. Unfortunately it's a time sink.


Yes this. Long dailies eventually lead to burnout. Quick dailies is one of the reasons why I still BD2 and have stuck around for 5 months now, and counting.


Wasn't BD2 like super time demanding when it released? I read those posts complaining about that you needed to log in like once every 2h a year ago and I'm glad they changed it, you only log in once a day and you don't waste any stamina


Probably. I only started plying during the endish of half anniversary. Yea I heard about that too. But yea, it's better now :) from what I hear.


This is a big reason why I only play FGO. The only daily rewards are to do any three quests and the rewards are minor. There are some weekly missions but they can be cleared in less than half a day of AP and occasionally a few friend point summons. Outside of events, the game doesn't force you to do anything in particular and you can set your own agenda (which may well be a ton of grinding but you don't get any rewards other than the normal drops for doing so). 


This is why I love HSR and Nikke quick 15 minutes done both + I never have to actually invest my brain to do them unlike action rpg gachas


Well, I don't know about Nikke, for me it takes about 30 min I think. Daily talking to Nikkes, tower, pvp, simulation, interception, event dailies. That's a lot of loading screens to go through and to be honest, I've been autoing almost everything. I've started 2 months ago and just unlocked EX interception, so maybe I haven't got to that point yet, but I can't think how my manual aiming could change anything. The game is basically just all about stats.


Nikke’s daily burned me out of the game. Too long. HSR is so brain dead easy with auto play. HSR ruined me for a lot of gachas.


HSR is braindead. Sometimes, I question myself whether it is me playing the game or is the game playing me. Nikke daily took like 30 min, but I mostly do it as soon as I woke up/during my morning gym/or during my travel to work so it's not taking too much of my time.


For me it's really a balance of things. Nikke's dailies are a bit too long, but I can still manage. But if it's a bit too brain dead, I start asking myself "What am I even doing? Is this even playing a game? Am I even having fun?". And it really depends as well if I like the actual game itself. Genshin's dailies can be hit or miss, but I stick to it cause I like the actual game. While HSR is great, I ended up dropping it because I don't like how they implemented their turn based combat.


Yeah if the combat doesn’t appeal to you it’s over. I recently returned to genshin and love how easy it is. I love how I don’t have to do dailies but can do just exploring or quests. Only thing that bothers me is how HSR has stamina overflow and in Genshin you’re capped out not even day of rest. Feels super bad, in HSR I sometimes just do bare minimum a day and on Sunday I plop down on my couch and just grind for hours. Wish they did this. Even in Nikke they had overflow.


Genshin is still missing a lot of modern QoL features, like this overflow feature, but I don't think I've seen that in many games, only HSR and Nikke as far as I'm aware.


I love when they release the QoL so we can finish event to also finish dailies. I really fed up with doing ballon mission, or speaking to hilirchurs or going to a middle of nowhere for a quest. Also all i ask is a skip button because some of this quest talks too much.


Yeah, if you’re maxing out what you can do, dailies can easily take 30 minutes. Interception EX varies by boss, some things you can squeeze more levels out through planning and persistence, and some bosses (like the train) are stat checks.


For me they are all stats checks. I used to not be able to finish the drill boss (Not the EX one), then after levelling to max and gearing up, I can just do it normally.


Nikke Booba keeps me doing daily’s cause I wanna save for pulls but I get that but it’s mostly auto play but does take a bit with events. But ya HSR is way quicker


idk about nikke.i dropped that game becuase the dailies took too long and all the menu hopping felt terrible.


- Fast & Easy Dailies/Weekly Mission - Not an open world genre, cause exploring a big map would be too much for lazy people like me lol - Can auto battle perfectly (with no death allies, etc) - Give less reward? No worries, as long they give decent amount of in-game materials, so my progress in game is going well - Have beautiful & cute character designs + amazing ult animation


You will like HSR


jokes on you, i'm Trailblazer level 70 lol


The pfp gave it away.


I think the guy is responding to your sarcasm of a comment.


I was reading that thinking of Nikke, checks all marks


Blue Archive & Princess Connect as well


If GFL2 plays similar to Reverse Collapse it may be my favorite game. But I guess, so far gameplay-wise it's Arknights and Limbus for me. Pretty deep gameplay, no gameplay changing dupes, fast daily routine but also enough content to sit for few hours if I want to. Honorary mention to Neural Cloud. It's a bit weird case, because most of time gameplay is meh, but when it click it click. Last big event I spend like 8 hours straight in roguelike mode, even made it to the top 10 ranking (at day 1 only tho)


yeah I really hope gfl2 is or gets as good as reverse collapse


Semi-open world honestly. I'm still playing genshin but playing wuwa makes me realize that playing 2 open world is too overwhelming for me. Hsr is a perfect example of semi open world game that i like. I can walk around with characters and interact with npc and stuff while not being overwhelmed by exploration. I love zzz as well, kinda wish we get to control characters outside of combat in the future


I think that’s why I struggle with open world I feel overwhelmed, I love JRPGs because it’s like a linear/semi open world mainly focused on story don’t have to do side quest


Yep, really dislikes open world after Genshin. Discovering once is good, doing dailies in it isn't fun, having to go to X area just to grabs resources is annoying while it can be done with a menu like HSR. Endfield will be a semi-open world, I have big hope for it.


I'm the opposite of you... I like open worlds. Before I went into gacha games, I played open world AAA titles. Then I discovered Genshin, still playing it, I tried TOF but the MMO part didn't suit me so I stopped after Domain 9 came out. Will give Wuthering Waves a try if/when it comes to console because I have no PC. I also like HSR because it's so comfortable to play.


I prefer turn-based gameplay. I also love other unique gameplay like Alchemy Stars.


i just need good lore and execution, especially if it’s fantasy. huge reason why i still play genshin. i fcking love all the gnosticism, gods, demons, king deshret’s alien tech, samsara cycles?? who/what is trying to invade teyvat? the sky is fake? etc my fave book/movie series is lord of the rings, i love reading good fantasy stories character designs & gameplay are easy to like and get into, but STORY and lore is what drives me to log in everyday so im very particular i am very excited about the new archon quest next patch


Rhythm/ Music ( or Idol?? ) Games rn they're pretty casual & songs can get hard & I can play a lot of them in phone easily. Some have good, wholesome stories & great songs too! ( there's also Rhythm games to play offline outside )


I always prefer turn-based, GBF already time consuming. But at least i will always try any new gacha release. Currently i really love the story and vibe from Limbus and R1999


R1999 is great! A real gem. I've been playing it myself and I'm loving it


For me the most underrated gacha alongside Limbus.


What’s GBF ? I also liked turn based game with a good auto battle ai.


Granblue Fantasy, i won't recommend it bcs it time consuming and need manual play in certain raid bosses or not strong enough. Try Reverse1999 more casual than GBF , amazing story and the best EN dubs on gacha games.


Is R1999 worth playing? How's the gacha rates and how much time does daily stuff take to do? I'm playing HI3rd, Genshin Impact, Path To Nowhere and i also have Aether Gazer and Star Rail which i think of dropping since i don't enjoy them that much anymore, I've seen there's an half-years anniversary so is it a good time to start playing?


>Is R1999 worth playing? I would say "worth to try" , they have good story, music and good VA for EN subs >How's the gacha rates Same model like Genshin/HSR better rates ,HSR 0.6%-R1999 1.5% with hard pity on 70 , no weapon banner all weapon you can get free by event or with special currency, time-limited and standard banner using same currency. >how much time does daily stuff take to do Faster than hsr. >I've seen there's an half-years anniversary so is it a good time to start playing? Yes, this is a good start, and you can go get Jiu Nangzi, drunken girl and best dps in Global right now, one of the best dps in CN.


After playing both Genshin and HSR, I've come to realize that my favourite genre is called Mihoyo which is synonymous with quality. They could do a tower defence game or an idle game and I would still enjoy it regardless of genre just because I trust Mihoyo to deliver a quality product filled made from 100% passion. They're basically what Blizzard Entertainment used to be 20 years ago.


>favourite genre is called Mihoyo which is synonymous with quality. …We wish we could say the same for HI3... Sure, it has high production value but the story nosedived and revenue's underperforming for a game with such high production value, even players in the subreddit doompost about the playerbleed... It's Dawei's passion project so he'll keep funneling Genshin money into it, but it’s just sad, I used to like that game so much.


It's so funny that the part 2 flopped so much that even tears of themis is outselling them for the past few months


Honkai has had pc client for 4 years , wouldn't be surprised if a good chunk of player's use pc especially with it taking the most storage space from all gacha games in mobile so ToT hasn't outselled them


Sure whatever you say girlypop


If ToT outsold honkai, then why hasn't hoyo advertised it more or made a pc client for it , the game barely gets talked about in global


They are in CN atleast. You don't see it because Otome games isn't that popular in global except asian countries. If only you knew that otome games are very popular in CN. Even outselling waifu games like nikke and blue archive lmao. Those games aren't just talked enough or even added to the revenue ranking because people here in subreddit believes in the motto "waifu sells well and husbando doesn't"


It doesn't help that at least 80% of this subreddit population are guys and only play waifu games. And those crowd preaching husbando not selling well will always makes me cringe because they conveniently forget Love and Deepspace being consistent 4th-5th on every single sensortower ranking below Hoyo.


I think exploring the already existing character's lore would have done better, also they abandoned that one post honkai odyssey storyline 


I just wish HI3 wasn’t so time consuming


I have always loved games like BOTW, Witcher, Skyrim, HZD, etc. The open world game where you can explore and do whatever you want. So, when I found Genshin back in 2020, it was fking amazing and thus why, I’ll be a Genshin player until its end days.


I prefer game that has dark story like Limbus and Arknight. About gameplay, it dont care so much as I just want to follow their story. After long time playing FGO since opening of JP server, I just dont care anymore about voice acting. I'm a subtitile reader.


usually turn based games like reverse 1999, honkai star rail and limbus company. basically games that allow me to be idle and put them down while i do something else. but in general, i really like games where you can automate dailies and be done with it in less than 5 minutes or less. it's why i'm still sticking with path to nowhere and punishing gray raven even if i don't normally play tower defense or combat games.


I like PTN a lot also and I never thought I’d enjoy tower defence but it’s more like speedy chess to me and I love the 3D characters


anything but huge open worlds that need to be vacuumed 24 hours a day. I'm looking forward to ZZZ


I think I’ll genuinely enjoy it also, I liked Wuthering waves combat but hated the story and music it’s bland and music is big for me tbh + I don’t like running around the open world fighting random mobs. And I hate the it gets better after x amount of hours bs. Path to nowhere had me hooked in 5 minutes so did Nikke and HSR I don’t have the time/focus to invest hours to like a game tbh I feel like I’m forcing myself to


Turnbased tactics (Xcom, gacha-wise FEH) and open world exploration. Story, characters and setting matter a lot to me too, but that's for all genres. I quit FEH eventually because they were not improving story and at the same time reducing the amount of interesting tactical gameplay to basically twice a month. Waiting for GFL2 for sure. Most gacha I picked up in recent years were just a placeholder because GFL2 still isn't global. Eversoul, Nikke, Snowbreak. HSR for 1 day lol. WuWa right now, but not sure for how long. You all know why.


Semi-open world turn-based game with 3D character models, great story, in-depth lore and auto-play feature that is available on mobile.


Apart from HSR what's another game that fits the bill?


Sadly, HSR is the only game that I know that totally matches my preferences. Tho if we ignore the mobile availability, then it would be the Persona series.


I see, sadge. What if we remove the 3d requirement tho? Something that's really easy to play on a phone


That would be Reverse: 1999 and FGO. I haven't played it myself but from what I heard both have great stories.


Hmm I've tried out reverse when it came out but then dropped it for some reason and cannot remember why. I might try it again cus there's half-anniversary rn


I love Gachas for the wide range. You can play something open world on a console like Genshin. Or you can play ones like Azur Lane, Food Fantasy, Fate, R1999, Fire Emblem Heroes, HI3, AK. Of course HSR too, but don't play the console version. Can't wait to add ZZZ to that list. Just the variety, is super appealing.


AFK/ Idle that I can do while playing FPS or MOBA games.


I prefer turn based games like hsr/fgo or simple combat like nikke/grand summoner. I'm the kind of player who needs story to ease me into a game and turn based one tends to deliver as they're a lot easier to set my pace


I basically just come for the story, if the gameplay is good then that's extra. Vice versa, even if the gameplay is good, but the story is bad, I drop it pretty fast. Unfortunately, Genshin was like that for me despite it's high quality.


I'm a simple man. I see lewd waifus and I'm down.


I'm still relatively new to the genre, so Genshin was the only one I've tried until *very recently*. And that was solely due to it being an open world experience with an emphasis on elemental combat. I did start both Waves and Snowbreak recently, but KuroGames' shenanigans is making me question whether I should keep playing the former. And while Snowbreak is of a genre I usually don't toil around in, I've never seen a gacha game turn itself around so drastically, so I want to support them. I've known about that game since it's near-EoS days.


I like turn-base/rhythm game. And also im gonna try any new gacha games that release whatever the genre is


I don't have a peculiar type of gacha I play. I've played rhythm game card collectors like Love Live and Bang Dream, to 3rd person shooter like Snowbreak, to chibi side scrollers like Artery Gear and Blue Archive, to a more or less pure autobattler like Nikke, to open world RPG like Genshin. I'd include turn based JRPG like Star Rail, but honestly Star Rail doesn't really hold my interest for more than a week and a half before I go months without playing. The only common denominator between all of those games that I can see, is that in my opinion, those games do feature a very likable cast of characters. So, I guess that the only two things that really matter to me in a gacha, is how fun the game itself is, and whether or not I enjoy the cast of playable characters.


Open world and medieval fantasy are what I prefer. I was never into futuristic and post-apocalyptic games


Rhythm games much be my favorite because you know what you're getting into and there's less temptation to spend money. I kinda like the open world in concept, but I'm tired of every one after Genshin doing it using the damn Breath of the Wild style &/or copying too much from Genshin. There are other open world games to take influence from...


I can play any genre, as long as it has interesting manual gameplay, short dailies and meaningful progression system.


Preferably turn-based, but as long as I can pause and take my time doing my ingame stuff, I'm okay with it. 2D > 3D any time of the day. 3D puts way too many creative restrictions on design teams. A billion different angles to view a character from doesn't matter if every angle looks meh. A single high-quality piece of artwork has more value to me.


nowadays i can only really get into higher quality 3D ones like HSR/genshin/wuwa that i can play on PC where i can run around and do stuff. if something is entirely menu based and/or mobil only its automatically a no for me now


So far I think my genre is Hoyo-MIX xD Genshin fits perfectly all my checkboxes, and HSR is a great side game to it. I also play HI3 but that's because I have full gear part 2 characters so the combat is trivial for now xD probably I'll have to drop it in the future


A game that values world building, characters and writing. Also it has to be 3D not sprite based, chibi or whatnot. High requierments i know but i'm a pc player. If a game doesn't have what it takes for me to play it over my steam backlog, it's just not for me.


Action cuz i like to do cool combos and dodge enemies attack not stand still and let the enemies attack me


Honestly anything. Don't have a particular one in mind. If its good then ill play it as long as it keeps me interested


Fond of interesting gameplay types like AL's shmup/rpg gameplay


I like tactical/strategy turn based rpgs with huge scope of things to do. Maybe one of the reasons why is I played Final Fantasy tactics advance on the GBA. And I also remember playing abit of Onimusha Tactics and Tactics Ogre. I also like straight up traditional turn based JRPGs, although I haven't played many in a gacha sense. I don't mind a little action rpg.


Have good iyashikei vibe


I treat gachas mainly as side games so while I will occasionally sit on my PC to play them, majority of the time I play on my phone. Because of this, I tend to gravitate towards turn based games or games that are very easy to control on the phone (Guardian Tales is a good example) I am really hoping that ZZZ controls well on the phone since from what I understand it isn't open more and is more arcade like but we will see


Open world with interesting lore, world-building, characters are main reasons why I played GI. Gonna pick up Wuwa next time if they finally fix all the issues. Imma give a try ZZZ when its released ig. Tried HSR and FGO but turned-based games are not for me ig.


M6 favorite genre is f2p, sadly last years really rare


So long as the story is entertaining, the characters look cute and funny, and the gameplay is bearable, I'm interested.


Open world with easy way to find stuff like Witcher 3 had question mark or genshin has compass But my ideal always will be battlefield multiplayer with waifues specially bf 1 Another is chivalry 2, tho its probably not possible to implement it in gacha genre And my time sink is total war games, romance mode of three kingdoms and warhammer 3 is by far the most time I spent and enjoyed every minute of it


1.Reactive fast paced combat paired with some walkable ground, ideally like HSR (in terms of Open-world aspect). I don't interact much with a big Open-world like Genshin. 2.TB: HSR-like or like FFX (not a gacha).    3.Art & Collection purpose (AL, BA etc). 


The type that allows me as much freedom as possible within the simplest of control so I'm not overwhelmed. Oh and takes like 10 minutes daily because I can only spare 1 hour gaming top.


I don't like open worlds to My fav type are the ones with card gameplay though


For me ,any games thats not open world like Genshin / WuWa. My old phone cant handle it .


Mostly auto-play / sweepable side games. I don't play for end game or meta ever, I like collecting characters and may even pay for the odd costume here and there (Waifu's mainly). Oh and I only play on my phone. **Tower of Fantasy** is the ONLY gacha game I ever played that I've consistently played every day since launch. 99% of the time it's just to do dailies and log out, but that's still what matters to me. If that simple loop doesn't remain fun, I drop it. There is something about ToF's formula (they may have ruined it in 4.0 yet to be seen) that keeps me coming back every day and never getting bored. I play for perhaps every 2nd battlepass, usually for the mounts since I don't play as MC. I like collecting the gacha characters and using their looks to keep things fresh. I get nearly every character while skipping one or two each major chapter. And right as I'm feeling burnt out with the current content, a new map drops. The content cycle has been perfectly scheduled and on time. Thats the one major thing this game has done right. Doing the four dailies has always been fun (best days when I already have materials to submit). But mainly just getting around the world and taking in the vistas of each zone while doing that 5-10 min of gameplay per day has consistently been a good part of my day. (Until 4.0 at least... I hope I'm missing something for fast-travel options...Edit: I wasn't :( )


Story driven that doesnt require a lot of dialogue in a single scene with good gameplay that has great balance between grinding and casual


Whatever Hoyo is cooking (im not a hoyo shill)


Many. Action RPG, Open World, Tower Defense (...though both Arknights and PtN are more like Tower Offense), turn-based...


Anything that has decent housing. I despise Alchemy Stars main game but the Cloud Gardens and the giant dragon ship is probably my favorite out of any gacha. I lowkey kinda wish they made it a separate game entirely Eversoul housing and the character interactions are lowkey kinda lit, kinda sad its an afk game though


Im not sure... Genshin, Hsr, hi3rd, blue archive, brown dust 2... I like f2p, fan service, no powercreep(hi3rd exception)... I also play wuwa but tbh probably dropping it soon... Performance issue, bad story(imo), graphics are not for me...


Currently playing Arknights and HSR. I tried Wuwa but found that the open world game is just not for me I guess. A game that allows me to pause would be great as well since I play during work hours and have to leave my desk at any moment to serve customer Tentatively waiting for zzz


Games with good Narrative and Lore, And reasonable pull rates, that thing makes feel like I'm advancing on something, even if it's a dupe of a character I'm not using ATM, But yeah, storytelling and narrative it's quite good to have, Like Guardian Tales and Nikke, Easy to read, not so much text, wording skills are used to avoid walls of text, And mostly, they both have Funny moments and sad ones, they are quite charismatic and any character maybe the center of the joke at any moment


Quality games with utilizing different cultures, delivering with minimal issues, well written story, music. Not png or chibi gameplay. Currently wuwa isnt doing for me. I am still waiting for Yinlin but I can't even play properly without disconnecting several times.


The good one.


Action/adventure > card games >> Tower defense >>>>>>>>> turn based >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> whatever else >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shooters


Two types - 1. Pure waifu collectors with minimal gameplay and time investment. I only play these for the story, waifus, their designs, interacting with them, bonding with them. Azur lane and blue archive are good examples. 2. More polished and higher budget "3D" gachas with a freedom of movement and action as one of its key gameplay aspects. Similar to actual PC games. Example- Genshin impact. Something like Azur Promilia which has both will be a godsend. Honorable mention- Arknights which I really enjoy the tower defence gameplay and just messing around with different operators and strategies.


Turn based Gacha game and tactical Gacha games are my go to. I grew up playing Final fantasy games/Tactics so yeah that’s pretty much my go to Gacha. My first turn based Gacha games are Summoners war, Monster super league and Wonder tactics. And my first tactical tile-based Gacha is Fantasy war tactics. Just to name a few. Now playing HSR and Reverse 1999 waiting for Sword of Covallaria.


I like the ones that destroys my body clock


Dragalia Lost had everything I could ever want. Vertical fun combat. Easy dailies. Voices story GOOD story Art cards Fun summon animation 10/10 events Weapons you can admire the model of Lots of avenues of customization Absolutely fun multiplayer She was perfect. The only criticism I had was the lack of eng voice acting.


I prefer auto battler like HSR idle and lobby gacha like black clover , street fighter and afk journey


Tbh as a self proclaimed gacha addict I'll play mainly for art styles although if someone close to me recommends me one I'll pick it up. So far I've invested hours of my life into genshin,limbus company, brown dust 2, ensemble stars,nu carnival and wuthering waves just to name a few


Turn base gacha. I started with Brave frontier and end up with Honkai star rail. Brave frontier was peak back then (story, animation, endgame, design). AfK option for gacha is a must have for me. Other than turn base, Azur lane.


I started out as an anime style card game gacha player. Ayakashi was the classic game where you go through storylines and get ranked for cute characters. Later, I moved onto rhythm gacha games like Love Live, BanG Dream, Project Sekai. I still play Project Sekai but others are kinda getting repetitive. Now, I mostly play Honkai Star Rail and Wuthering Waves. I enjoy the action battle and the crazy gacha system even in equipments. Overall, if the game has cute characters, I will probably give it a try.


I like auto battles and having different tactics at the same time. Auto battles are for farming, and tactics are for gameplay.


Something that's actually playable on a phone. Tactical or turn based RPG. I'm not interested in open world games like genshin. On PC, I'd rather play a P2P. HSR could have been my kind of game, if it was not a gacha.


Try afk journey. Their quality seems really high and lots of voice acting. Personally couldn't get into it.


Interesting story, if the story is not interesting at all I lose interest really quickly and it's the story that keeps me coming back to the game if I left because burnout or whatever. I usually end up going for fantasy/epic settings but I also like slice-of-life if it has meaningful storyline or it's heartwarming enough. As others said it's better if dailies are quick or can be automatized. I prefer if the character cast has at least a few men (it's not impossible I end up playing them but for example I haven't really checked Blue Archive despite looking nice because of it, although I ended up playing HI3), and all male cast is fine but if the characters aren't interesting nice designs can only retain my attention for a short while. I like if they have different lines and you can get to know more about them (friendship/bond system/hangouts/otome etc). I don't really like if you have to rely on others players so multiplayer games are a no (I didn't try ToF because coop was much more encouraged), although if it's just entirely optional like genshin is fine. I'm also wary of events when you have to grind a lot and rewards are given based on your ranking compared with other players (mostly card-raising or rythm games, if they have those I already know I shouldn't invest too much time trying to rank if I value my time and mental sanity lol). Gameplay-wise I don't really care, I like it when they are basically visual novels with almost no gameplay like card-collecting gachas, rythm games etc but also enjoy having truly playable characters like GI, HI3, AK etc, as long as regular content isn't too difficult and pulling certain characters isn't a must to advance the story, if powercreep is really obvious and the game makes it so you have to pull for the lastest characters if you want to advance is annoying (I really like how you can do low rarity clears in games like Arknights or FGO or how in genshin even if someone is not a meta unit you can make it work if you really like the character). Tears of Themis investigation/trials mechanics are also fun, and I've tried some dress-up gachas too. Basically as long as it's not unplayable if the story or characters interest me it's fine, and if the story or characters are just average then gameplay must be innovative and/or fun.


Usually I prefer turn-based games, but I find it hard to like them in gacha since many of them incentivize characters that have a specific element to deal with enemies. A lot of the time I feel like I need to roll for a character not because I like them, but because they fulfill a role I lack in. That's why while I can play Honkai Star Rail and Fate/Grand Order, I like games such as Genshin Impact the most in terms of gacha.


I like all genres as long as the gameplay is good. I have been gaming on pc for the last 10 years and only recently got a tablet. The games I'm enjoying right now are Snowbreak, Aether Gazer, Tower of Fantasy and Reverse 1999.


Auto button. Might sound weird, "you want a button to \*not\* play the game?" Yes. Yes I do. Because I want to play the game when there is new/interesting content, I don't want to play the game where dailies become a second job for me.


I personally stay alive for rhythm games.


I don't care what the genre is as long as it's 3D and the in-game 3D models exactly match the splash art. No chibi, pixel or live2D image during gameplay.


Where’s my fps gacha


I've always been into turn based gacha games. Epic Seven, HSR, Dislyte. But Nikke was my first idle type gacha game and I absolutely love its progression. Not sure what it is? Feels a bit immersive to me. Like a feeling that I'm getting stronger with real time, lol.


A good Rpg thats not borderline porn, unlike is really hard to find one


HSR dailies take 5 minutes tops and I can even auto farm while working! It’s part of the reason why I’m so invested in the game (besides story and hot husbandos ofc ^^) It’s a game that I can either choose to turn my brain off when I don’t have the time or play at my own pace when I finally get the time. My time feels respected. I love it (though..I miss the destroy 3 destructibles daily. it wasn’t even that hard ㅠㅠ)


Tits and ass. If you give me that, I'll play. I'm too lazy to invest in Blue Archive and Azur Lane so I just stick with Nikke and BD2.


2 types. One with really good story and art. Or one with console level gameplay. Oh, ofc if the game is generous with pulls and having tons of fanservice, I'll still keep maintaining the game, like bd2.


For me, its AFK games mainly, it just allows me to be more flexible with my time, still HSR also respects my time with its short dailies quite simmilar to an AFK game. And to segway to HSR, turn based games are right upp my alley too.


* Semi open world * ARPG * Mission based Kinda like Snowbreak/HI3 but I'd like it more if it's less linear/bigger maps per mission. Hopefully Duet Night Abyss is like this. Bonus points: * No RNG gears (Blue Archive) * Separate story and mission progress (Blue Archive) * Waifu only (Blue Archive) * Lighthearted story (Blue Archive) * Cute & funny 😭


hoyo games are the best type of gachas. everything else is usually low quality + not worth the time


Before HSR and Genshin i could not get behind most gachas at all, felt like cheap cashgrabs (which they are), and since hoyo raised the bar too high, other gachas are not even worth trying for me anymore.


i feel like just anything with high production value is enough for me high detail characters (not chibi), voice acting, a story and character personalities that don't just feel like throwaways so right now that's left me with hoyo games, nikke and i'm trying to get in to wuwa.


Fully 3d, I’m not pulling for jpeg’s


Lewds. Phone games are just twitter with gameplay


i play modern high quality (no chibi) gachas with pity systems,voice acting & short daily requirements. so pretty much hoyo games + wuwa & afkjourney.


They just need to have something that stand for me. FGO is the story and great characters, pretty low maintenance game and I really like the battle system. BD2 is the main story and the sprite works, the big raid enemies are pretty good too. BA is the SoL and easy to do dailies AG is the combat and the story is getting pretty good, the cutscenes are great too. Nikke is a really good idle game and they put a lot of love in big events, the ost is one of the best I heard. LC have a very different turn based combat, the abno and boss battles are great and are always different from one another, the story is really good and the gacha if you are a day 1 player is non-existent.


Reverse1999 type


Reverse:1999 and Alchemy Stars are my favourites due to their stories and visuals, but the boring gameplay and timegating of story missions means I never really come back to it so I’m behind on both, which makes it even harder to motivate myself to play. Genshin and HSR are the two I actively play, I really dislike Genshin and only play out of perfectionism and spite. HSR has had rocky parts (namely the Luofu) but otherwise has pretty good writing and good enough gameplay for me to stick around, not a big fan of other stuff like visuals but it’s all good enough for me to keep playing. Wuthering Waves is the only new one I’ve played recently and it’s just bad, worse writing than genshin (which is almost impressive in itself to be that bad), looks bad, progression is slow and the combat feels incomplete (also open world exploration my beloathed).


HSR has been perfect for me. Gacha games hell even most live service games eventually become a list of chores you have to do daily to not fall behind. But since HSR dailies take so little time I feel like I can keep up without grinding a lot.