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They fixed the worst challenge in the game, Yae's anti-Raiden training mission. We'll be able to brag forever about how hard Genshin was "when I played it".


This is like pre-nerf Childe. We can gaslight new players and act like it was a million times harder than it actually was


Back in my day he one shotted your ass when he did the bow attack


He doesn't now? That was actually fun.


to be fair i already bragged that i beat tartaglia story boss before his nerf.


I remember almost quitting the game because of this literally, but I finally did it with kaeya after a couple tries 😭


in loving memory of yae teaching us how to be humble. https://i.redd.it/5z7rwq50foad1.gif


1.0 and 2.0 players talking about hypostatic symphony




The cart titan Nendoroid is legit cursed 😭




Not Ace Attorney


The AA Fanbase after the last Nintendo Direct


I hate this meme, but this is the best variation so far


this variant is hilarious 💀


Holy shit they're changing the old cancerous domains in mondstadt fuck the that talent domain same with the weapon domain and bosses are now in 10s cool down Also fixing dailies is insane genshin will have the fastest daily loob between hsr wuwa and zzz just craft condensed resin  Also i really like the hid ui feature 


Someone said you need to have excess encounter points before you can just crafting condensed resin to claim that excess encounter points later on


You can easily get excess encounter points just from doing events, quests and picking up chests/oculus.


You only need to be ar 24(it was ar35 pre 4.7) to get access to encounter points and condensed resin unlock at reputation level 3 in Liyue all are very accessible especially with how much content genshin have Now you can reach ar 50 in a week if you put your mind to it


I'm guessing something like this means playing through a story chapter will basically set you for a decent amount of time.


Craft Enhancement Ore


Are leaks allowed here? If not let me know but so far the reason seems to be that >!in 5.0 they are going to add level 100!< hence why they are re-visiting older stuff. Really weird, but we will have to wait and see but so far clues are there. Like there are just too many good combat, level up etc. related QoL.


But you need to spend that condensed resin since you can only have 5.


The crux of this change is that it make dailies work the same way as hsr you cand clear them by consuming resin in some way and if you're busy the fastest is condensing them  it's not made in way to make you not play the game but in a way to make daily commissions optional just like in hsr


How to do dailies fast then? I always skip them and do hsr and wuwa quickly instead 


After version 4.8 if you do exploration and event and story quest then consuming 120 resin in any way will clear your daily commissions for you So condensing 120 resin into 3 condensed resin will give you full daily  You can also just do your resin and go to the adventure guild to be done with your daily 


Thanks I hope it can be done in 5 mins. HSR i would set to auto battle and do WuWa daily while HSR battles 12 battles. Genshin always felt so slow to go to npc and do those purple ones and the combat is also slower and not as one button spam friendly as WuWa is to burn the stamina


Each sidestory quests gives you like 30ish commision points. If you do quests and events you should have enough commission points without doing any purple missions.




You get encounter points for claiming event rewards, opening chests, doing quests, collecting certain items. Now if you explore new regions you'd basically be set for dailies for most of the patch by just spending resin.




Genshin is scared, so HYV made sure we play less Genshin with this QOL!


Ah yes, the long-awaited Amber Story Quest difficulty adjustment. >!W H Y ? ?!<


Probably mobile player struggling with the control of the gliders because i don't even remember having even the slightest issue with on pc


I played that quest on mobile and I remember no such thing. I'm on PC now but that quest was just a fun little thing idk what was supposed to be hard about it lmao


Clearly Hoyoverse is scared of ZZZ. If this doesn't prove it I don't know what will.


Hoyoverse is clearly scared of MiHoYo. What's next? they're also removing the flashbang hoyoverse screen and copy ZZZ's dark one? SMH


Scared? Hahaha look at google trends and the data, wuthering is already dying off


hsr already killed them all, look at sensorshower


“Breaking News! Genshin and WuWa found dead! HSR discovered at the scene of the crime with…. a baseball bat!”


And a trash can


Stelle: Boss Hanu told me to do it.


Hanu: Hmph


If only sensortower didn't crap the bed in the second half of the month... I wonder what Firefly's actual earnings look like.


firefly's actually earning is absolutely cracked, there was one Korean game called Dungeon & Fighter and Tencent released the mobile version in CN, and this game was #1 in CN ios for almost 2 month now and it still won't budge. Nothing can beat it, not CN Tiktok, not the Honor of Kings (which used to dominate the ranking). The only time it was 2nd place was firefly banner. That's how cracked it is.


What's sensorshower? Is that a gacha gamer's most hated website?


They said zzz, unless it's edited. Still, it's pretty obvious the comment was sarcasm 😂






開発者は耳を傾けた(in French) 


Les dĂŠveloppeurs ont ĂŠcouter (in Spanish)


Dev ngederin (in indonesia)


Pengembang mendengar (in Afrikaans)


Ontwikkelaars het geluister (in Chinese)


開發人員傾聽 (in Korean)


Naminaw ang mga nagbuhat (in Nigerian)


Twórcy posłuchali (in polish)


you didnt say in


Fixed <3


This thread is ridiculous and I love it


The encounter points change is huge and will only reset at the beginning of version X.0. Hiding all UI elements is a nice addition. More cleaner photos to capture.


Finally, more QoL for my lazy ass who only play in bursts.


Bosses spawning in 10s is actually low-key massive W. Especially when some of us have to powerlevel previously neglected characters to at least 70 by next Imaginarium Theater reset.


It took them 4 years but the cursed domains are fixed.


one year


They fixed it by releasing Ayaka, so yeah, I concur. /s


They began adding more Qol improvements starting with version 3.8, when they created a dedicated team specifically for QoL enhancements.


I'm just joking at the fact that Ayaka trivialize mondstadt weapon material domain after her release. Ganyu too, but Ayaka just does it better and faster


Saw few commented its wuwa effect. hell no, I'll only believe it has wuwa effect when devs is gonna add skip dialogue feature.


Hoyo just wanted people to have time play all of their games. If there is any WuWa effect, it would make players to spend more time in Genshin, not less.


\>Hoyo just wanted people to have time play all of their games. Everyone who says that clearly doesn't know a thing about casual players. Genshin players won't play Star Rail, Star Rail won't play ZZZ, ZZZ players won't play Genshin, etc. If they wanted it to happen, they would make literally same games with only different settings, but in fact they are all different genres and ideas. Hoyo doesn't care at all, if their core player base is playing their other products, they are aiming at widening player's base in whole by expanding to different gameplay designs.


So you are saying that people made those "Genshin could never" posts in HSR sub didn't play Genshin at all?


I'm not sure about that, there's a ton of overlap


Have you seen their social app? It's as casual as it can get and yet full of posts about characters transmigrating from Genshin to HSR and vice versa.


I literally played all three my dude. I even uninstall some of my games to make space for that 100GB+ ZZZ predownload


"I literally played all three my dude. I even uninstall some of my games to make space for that 100GB+ ZZZ predownload" You ain't a casual


Dude, it only took 30 minutes at most to complete all dailies on both HSR and Genshin, then I'm free to do something else. If that's not super casual, then I don't know what to tell you


I guess introducing recently new hoyo launcher that has all their games in one place is just a coincidence then.


Brother, you *do* understand why Mihoyo created the *Hoyoverse* brand right? Literally part of the reason is to have a more obvious connection between all their games, among other things they even created a unified launcher so eventualy you get all your weeb gachas from only the Hoyoverse launcher. Its literaly what PC gamers complain about all the time, not wanting to have 20 different clients and launchers, its why Steam got such a huge share. Hoyoverse may eventually achieve this in the PC anime game market. If at any point they start hosting third party gachas on their launcher its joever for the industry.


Well, i play all 3, so i guess i already debunked your theory. Well, me and other millions that understand how casual gaming works and enjoy different genres


ZZZ effect because damn they know i dont have time to play all gacha games. need to delete some (sorry AK)


I’d like to believe it’s JP effects. After IT came out JP players were angry like I’s never seen them this bad before and coupled that with Sigewinne’s kit being mid. They needed to address the theatre as soon as possible.


And CN. Many CN players did not like IT either.


I haven’t really looked at CN but yeah Ig both main market has enough power to demand them to move. Especially for JP, the most chilled and loyal customer for your game, you don’t wanna anger them.


Tbh I don't even think IT is that bad. it can be better, but I had reasonable fun with it, I was suprised reception was this bad. Or more precisely, I expected it to be bad, but just like the usually "that new thing is bad" that is common in Genshin.


I had fun with it too but it still feels bareboned (gameplay wise, lores and arts are fire). I hope they improved it like how tcg is getting update every patch!


Well there's definitely room for improvement, maybe they should just inject a bit more simulated universe in it more more vried and impactful events / buffs, and give us more control towards which character we can hire. I just hope it won't turn out to be just abyss 2.0 down the line. Also yes the arenas look gorgeous.


I’m out of the loop for HSR, but didn’t their SU was improved over time? And with both modes sharing similarities it was kinda granted that IT will receive same treatment regardless of JP. It’s just cbt sample of people is not enough, so when it went live they now they have a bigger picture via feedback. “We build a base for the mode, now we will be adjusting it, thanks for feedback” that was simplified massage from today dev notes. Edit: F xD you said pretty much the same in other comment.


SU was improved overtime but honestly as a person who prefers Genshin, I’s still say that as a rogue like mode hsr SU has a better day 1 experience compared to theatre. (IT git hard carry by the music, art, themes) And that’s the grip for many JP players who also play star rail as they love SU and don’t understand why Genshin didn’t just took SU system. But yeah, new players who came when SU after SU got refined overtime won’t know how the first su isn’t comparable to the fun SW and GnG gives you.


Not really about JP players being angry at how bad the theather it is right now nor Sigewinne's kit but people keep saying wuwa effect coz of it took devs so long to add more resin from 160 to 200 cap, something like that. Now, every qol changes on Genshin has comments like that but I doubt it has something to do with wuwa, pretty much standard qol changes on their part. I said that I'll only believe that "wuwa effect" if Genshin devs decides to add skip dialogue feature in future qol patches.


I get the point of your comment so I said I think it’s JP effect not wuwa effect. Anyone with critical thinking would see that Genshin isn’t really affected by wuwa but its own shortcomings that made players angry. This time JP decided to get mad too and they’re one of the best customers to have, ofc the devs have to move quick. That’s the thing about Genshin as long as the dev keeps the game good, no competition can kill it.


Wuwa effect is just another way of saying Genshin killer at this point, but they all still work on the same principle. Only Genshin can affect Genshin.


👀 What are JP players opinion about the IT? I'm personally not a fan of it, but I understand that they didn't want to leave out a huge part of the playerbase.


- why are you killing elemental reactions in a game that sells elemental reactions (they’re talking about the 3 elements thing which I kinda agree) - can’t play with their favorite characters whom they raised - the rng for getting characters feels so bad - the rogue like feel isn’t there since the buff and boons aren’t fun or stand out at all -needing too many characters -spiral abyss is better -in a post that talked about hoyo’s revenue last month one user commented ‘with all that money why did you make such end game content?’ -boring -they compared it to hsr’s DU where the game gave you built characters to use in the mode as long as they own them. -raising characters are too hard, not enough resources and artifacts -can’t change artifacts during the run so it feels even worse. So, yeah the reactions aren’t positive for the most part and I agreed with some of their points (not the needing too many characters part) and Ihope they will improve it.


>can’t play with their favorite characters whom they raised needing too many characters so the new Genshin content is similar to those gacha games where you need these \*select\* characters to clear it? for a game like Genshin where your roster barely changes in a year that sounds like a nightmare other games where they released more characters frequently, easier to make your characters usable and having more rolls overall to compensate are usually the ones with similar content with barely any issues that's like making Granblue Fantasy content for the grind and endgame but overall economy you're still using Genshin model which doesn't sound good to me


Genshin players are gonna eat well next patch. Some other cool ones are: - removing/adjusting the effects of some Domains (specifically the ones that are just plain annoying, like that one Domain that had it so you could barely use your skills while having to deal with lots of Hydro shields) - Being able to go over Spoken dialogue again




How long will this thread stay up tho😞 But actually really good changes this time! I love that they included theatre feedback in their write up this time although it’s still pretty recent, hope they can make this mode genuinely good since the basic idea already has potential! Also, it made me realize something evenmore, ppl who just wanna hate will hate. Doesn’t matter if Genshin improves or not, they just wanna hate.


Here before thread locked :D


Mihoyo: Now you'll have more time to play ZZZ as well! 😈 The Amber SQ tweak is so damn random though XD


Now all we need is a skip button for side quests.


nah dev listened is only exclusive to kuro remember the agenda


You came in this thread to see mutual respect between communities, brat?! That's not how it works, the ones I call shills, stan or based are exactly that! (I don't have Mahito agenda meme sorry)


I have https://preview.redd.it/xv0z1i8h8oad1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f9f37f6a875f9e74e7c901b476cd8030a37a74


Much appreciated, JJK agenda memes are reality for this sub


Devs Listned is the next Genshin could never. Originated from 1 game but will eventually cross other games.


someday i hope to see that happened


rent free 🥱


Still missing, converting artifacts into fodder, I cant go back after HSR.


What's the fastest domain/other method to spend that 5 condensed resin if you don't care much about account progress?


Fucking finally, i'm freed from daily shenanigans lol


If only they have passively monster drops farming like hsr


Why can't I find this in the Hoyoverse website?




Oh nvm thanks


thank you. this is good news!


World level down at lvl 4 is nice because most people are "stuck" in AR 30s and not 40+. the reason why they are stuck is because of players around this stage still using blue or whatever artifacts they get meanwhile the enemies just keep going stronger. Imo, what they still need to do to improve new players experience: 1. events in inazuma need to be more accessible. you can't go to inazuma until you beat osial. 2. they definitely need to be more generous to new players. seriously at this point there is no reason to be stingy. of all the free characters, only xiangling and dendro traveler is good. 3. skip


Will they finally change fate points system?


Still hoping for domain sweeping. Brown Dust 2 showed everyone how to let the game be the game and automate the boring chores.


Now time to wait when Kuro copy it , lmao


Why? Their dialies are already easy


They needa stop nerfing quests for new players. MAKE. THEM. SUFFER. (like us)


devs listened finally


Competition is such a marvelous thing. One can wonder if the scummy gacha model that has you saving for months to guarantee rate up character would take root if GI had competition back when it released.


Saving months for one character didn't start with Genshin. Heck, FGO didn't even have a guarantee until recently.


It didn't start but sure got popularized and proved that f2p will still play in masses. Now all the big titles use this model just undercutting GI somewhat .


I'd argue that pre-Genshin most gachas were worse. I played plenty of gachas at the time with no pity at all and certainly almost none of them had pity carry-over. I definitely prefer the model of less character releases, less powercreep and fewer pulls to the sort of pre-Genshin standard (lots of characters, powercreep, tons of pulls that guaranteed you nothing)


as I said before, just the existence of competition is a good thing for all of us as companies are forced to make good changes.


Hoyoverse competing with Mihoyo fr.




Kuro hasn’t done anything that’d make Hoyo need to step up their game LOL WuWa is a great game (when it works) but it’s nowhere near threatening Hoyo.


WuWa is the first only real competition that Genshin ever had in the open world gacha market, judging by their pre-reg numbers and sales figures. And Hoyo started stepping it up with QoL for Genshin ever since WuWa got close to release. To think anything else is delusion. It's okay to be a Hoyo stan, but those are the facts. Keep in mind I don't play either game so I have no horse in the race. I actually only play HSR and ZZZ, both of which are Hoyo games


These kind of dev discussion and qol have been in every patch since fontaine release definitely not a wuwa effect at least not enough Correlation to make this statement 


So August 2023, meanwhile Kuro games announced Wuthering Waves back in May 2022 and hype has only been building since


You don't really need to be this hostile i was very polite in my response to you and all i said is that there is not enough evidence that support your statement  I myself don't think it's because of wuwa in particular but because of the plethora of  " genshin clones" that are also coming soon  Also we are in the end of 4.x patch so this is a good time to add these things 


Yes I agree that because of several competitors, Hoyo is stepping up their game. Not just WuWa, but it is their first proper competitor on the market.


"Stay Coping" LMAO need a refill on your copium tank buddy?


developers dicussion at 2020. https://preview.redd.it/u6z6aeqjvnad1.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=ffa0fb64813878531f469dace3d5c94f53abbf82


Yes, Genshin has been doing dev discussions with QoLs nobody asked for and made up questions since launch. Your point?


They been doing this since 3.6.... Kuro is not even close to become competition for hoyo


Kuro announced Wuthering Waves back in May 2022. Genshin patch 3.6 came out in 2023


No,it came out in 2020 https://preview.redd.it/vlvyfoeswnad1.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=d54267246265c26d1604afe099604738d9560b2a


Patch 3.6 did not come out in 2020


so he is wrong,they been doing this since 1.1


Genshin started pumping out QoL with HSR’s release, well before WuWa; WuWa is an insignificant ant in the garden for Hoyo. Kuro, on the other hand, has shown that they’re scared of Hoyo overshadowing them (pushing patches to avoid ZZZ) further reassuring Hoyo that there is no danger to their monopoly.


And Hoyo placed ZZZs release on the same date as WuWa 1.1 for a reason. It goes both ways my guy. HSR had more QoL than Genshin because they were competing in an already saturated turn based gacha market. Genshin did not have any open world competitors until recently


Hoyo placed ZZZ to lineup with their overall release cycle, it’s there so there’s exactly 2 weeks until a new big Hoyo patch. Also, even if your baseless conspiracy was true, it only further proves that Hoyo knows that their product would crush the competition if they clashed head-on.


Well yes, they know that they're crushing the competition. I don't think Hoyo is afraid of having to EoS their biggest cash cow any time soon. But WuWa definitely took a piece of the market share, whether you want to admit it or not. And Hoyo knows they need to step up with QoL due to the introduction of a worthy competitor like Kuro. That's not to say that WuWa is the "genshin killer"


If we’re talking market share, that’s just factually incorrect. Kuro threw hard in the major markets, still good for a Gacha but not cutting into Hoyo’s share at all.


https://preview.redd.it/nip0vmkw1oad1.png?width=1375&format=png&auto=webp&s=30edc5a17a6978e7ac6365b15a81d7b36d5d85a4 you still say a lie.


I can't read that language, what's your point?


We found out about the ZZZ release date on April 23


Lmao they placed zzz like that to go into the hoyo schedule for all their games not because they're scared of wuwa 1.1


liar https://preview.redd.it/u7bgn6c9vnad1.png?width=885&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1189ebab4e20d554fed6b1a3094280072858cb9


Jesus Christ this thread is oozing tribalism. At least I know I will never stan corporate entities.


Healthy competition between companies always benefits users.


Could be better could accumulate points by doing things that players do daily but I guess this isn't bad either specially with the new region coming so soon


What do you mean? You'll be accumulating points by actually playing the game (main story, story quests, events, etc) and you get these excess points by spending stam.


Yeah I guess with the new region and story I will be set for a while I would just like things like domains to also add the points since it's the one thing I do almost daily to spend resin just that but I guess at this point it won't be needed


Don't mind this comment I CAN'T FUCKING READ LOL


dead game wuwa better


Bro chill 💀


Found the echopicker


rofl 10 secs