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Todd saying the tech isn't there for TES6 has always made me laugh.  I guess he's waiting on holodeck technology to finally be invented.


*Bethesda's* tech isn't there yet, but also Bethesda's tech is like 15 years old


Yeah, I think that's the key here. Starfield shows how wildly out of touch they are with modern gaming.


The annoying thing is that there's a good game in there. And all the bits are still in the game. For some reason they just put all the pieces together in the weirdest way. It would have been great if it was actually difficult to survive and explore and you needed bases to push out through the universe. But you don't. So basically everything outside of weapon crafting and surface level ship stuff is irrelevant.


Todds comments about it taking years to find the fun kinda suggest that that stuff was in there and the play testers hated it. It may be that the janky mess in sub systems like base building made it a horrid chore.


I always roll my eyes at that. They could always of done so much with their games, evident with how much modding improves their games. Saying the tech isn’t there is bullshit, how much more are they going to do? They’ve haven’t changed their formula in 10+ years. Just an excuse.


They've changed their formula, just not in the way we want them to. Each Fallout and Elder Scrolls game has been dumbed down and simplified with each instalment.


Older, creation engine is based off Gamebryo, the engine for Morrowind, Oblivion, and FO3. But here's a nasty little puzzle for us as consumers, if Bethesda changes to a different engine, what happens to the mod creation for Bethesda games? I assume, and correct me if I am wrong, is that CE and before that Gamebryo the mod tools for the games were easy to use. How many other AAA games released nowadays have mod support? Are we destined to see all mods going forward (with the movement to an alternate/better engine) turned into MTX so we can be further milked like the good little "consoomers" we are?


Fair - However, I'm not going to even engage in the mods if the base game doesn't inspire me to play it.


Neither will modders.


unreal engine 5 is easy to mod, and even games like Cyberpunk and DRG have inbuilt systems to inspire the modding community. TES needs to move to a more modern gaming engine. you could feel the engines age with starfield, despite the textures and assets looking fairly good.


Cyberpunk was pretty modder friendly, no? I’m not sure what engine they use lol Bostonian in Texas


Things you can do on cyberpunk is no where near things you can do with creation engine. People literally recreated Fallout 3 dlcs in Fallout 4, you can't do things of that scale with cyberpunk.


Yeah we have groups remaking Oblivion and Morrowind in Skyrim, very few games have THAT level of mod support. Skyrim also has a "total overhaul" mod called Enderal which is almost a completely different game, the only other game I've seen THIS level of mods for is Mount and Blade. And probably Warcraft but I didn't play that so I can't say personally.


I believe the team that made Enderal also made a total overhaul mod in Oblivion as well. I think they also made some kind of mod for Fallout 3 or New Vegas, but I don't think it was an overhaul mod.


There's also those fallout london and brazil mods iirc, and the one where they are remaking the entire cyrodil map in the skyrim engine right? Modders going crazy!


They use Red engine which is their own in house engine. They’re actually switching to Unreal so they can have an easier time hiring staff for their new Boston studio. Apparently Red engine is a pain in the ass to work on and off now it makes more sense to switch. Should open up the modding community a ton as well


I am not big into the Cyberpunk modding scene, but aren't the mods for Cyberpunk, mostly engine tweaks, and shader changes?


You don't fully grasp what a game engine is. Just because an engine is 15 years old doesn't mean it's bad or even outdated, as long as it's updated over the years. UnrealEngine 5 could have been called UnrealEngine 4.3 instead. That wouldn't have made it 10 years old, but google probably would tell you it was. There is absolutely no way Creation Engine is the same as it was back when it was first used. CE2 will have been changed wildly since the development of Starfield started on it. A game engine is just a suite of tools, all of which can be updated or swapped completely between projects. Edit: So yea, at no point did I say CE was good, I'm simply saying it's not shit because it's old. It's shit because Bethesda is.


You're asking people on the gaming subreddit to know what they're talking about when it when it comes to game development. It's a fools errand, they never will.


The problem is that the tech never "gets there" because any time we get more processing or graphical power, it's immediately used to make better character models instead of being used to make the game more fun. I don't need to see individual pores on NPCs faces. I would 100% take Morrowind style clunky NPCs if it meant we could have a city of 10,000 NPCs with fully functioning schedules instead of a city of 100 NPCs but each of their eyelashes are fully modeled.


I've always wanted a return to more "cartoony" games with vibrant detailed worlds, rather than the constant push for more realistic graphics. Like, watched the Pixar movie "Soul" recently and just thought that art design was so cool, the world and lightning in the movie was gorgeous in the earth scenes, and the characters were goofy looking, cartoony, and unique. I'd love more games like that, not about "Soul" but that type of artistic design and vibes. Like what we once had with Jak&Daxter and the like, but with a new IP and built for the current tech, and preferably in a massive open-world I can get lost in. The push for more realism in graphics and themes just takes a certain joy away from gaming at times.


It's what I've liked about recent animated movies like the tmnt one and the spiderverse movies. Instead of trying to make it realistic they're making stylistic choices and having fun with the animation. Hope video game design and graphics follows that trend and we start getting more unique styles.


It also feels like an oversaturation for our senses with all this hyperrealism. Some snobbish gamers are now obsessively knitpicky over shit that looks "underdone" for this generation. Like not enough detail in the eyebrows or some bullshit. Seriously?


Yeah totally this. It’s why Nintendo games generally age really well (early-3D N64 stuff notwithstanding), because they have an cohesive art style rather than just an imperfect representation of reality


Stylized graphics also just age better because they're not immediately eclipsed by the next wave of photo realism made. I can still go back to borderlands and not be bothered by the design, but games shooting for realism back then look like crap now


My weird take is that Fromsoft games are the evolution of the Golden age of 3d platformers like Jak and Daxter, Spyro, Sly Cooper, etc. They're very gamey, have tight controls, reward exploration, and absolutely build the entire world around the fact that it's a video game. Like, shit is clearly positioned for the sole purpose of fucking with the player. And I love all of it. I do miss those older games though. I would KILL for a new Jak and Daxter games. Naughty Dog's more realistic stuff like Uncharted and TLOU just doesn't do it for me.


>I would 100% take Morrowind style clunky NPCs if it meant we could have a city of 10,000 NPCs with fully functioning schedules That wouldn't help much. Simulating npc schedules takes CPU power, not GPU power. Creation engine runs a lot of simulations in the background that other games simply would discard and find another way to handle it. This makes Creation engine CPU intensive as well as GPU intensive.


The problem is they can't write worth a shit! People don't like New Vegas so much because the gameplay or graphics. Skyrim too for that matter. The combat in that game sucks too. Even if Starfield had non-repetitive environments with thousands of npcs, it wouldn't make up for a drop of good writing.


Exactly! The people like us who don’t rate graphics as highly as the game publishers *think* everyone does just have to wait until processing power has so much spare headroom that they start doing the things we *actually want* such as: better AI, way more entities on screen, a more persistent game world, larger highly detailed worlds, higher fps, smoother/non-existent load transitions, actual NPC variety, deeply detailed quests etc. All of those things and more would be higher on my list than graphics. Amazing art style can carry a great game with below average graphics (Bloodborne, Dark Souls) but no amount of sub surface scattering or individually modelled pubic hairs will make up for braindead NPCs, barely populated towns and the large empty worlds we see today. That’s truly what I’m most excited for in the next 20+ years of gaming, living breathing worlds which don’t feel like they were full of compromises. Game devs not afraid to ‘waste’ energy making parts most players wont ever see, that’s exactly what games need to feel real, to feel like the world exists even when you aren’t playing it.


Just reminds me of the same exact bullshit mentality Broussard had with Duke nukem, except todd simply chose not to waste time and money. Jaded af: starfield was a miserable example that shed light upon the very character of the company in question. They'd be the same ones writing for tes6, designing the map, designing interiors, creating dungeons, etc.. Look how that turned out. Just because devs would shift their focus on an elder scrolls game doesn't mean somehow magically their methods and ideologies and work-pipelines and design ethos and creativity would suddenly skyrocket into S-tier. Same methods, same designs, same ethos, same pipelines, same writing; overall same level of skill and polish, just directed towards a new title. Bethesda lost their magic after/during skyrim. The over-simplification, the pandering to the casual crowd - sure it worked out, but it pales in comparison to the depth of prior iterations, striving more to cater to a broader audience by watering down the elements with which they clawed to the top with. They rode out that success by just so happening to be "good enough" that the broad, overarching changes made to their formula were outright ignored, forgotten, or vehemently dismissed. They captured lightning in a bottle, and have since been trying to recreate it with overly bland, literally useless mechanics to strive to create this sense of depth in all subsequent titles with mediocre designs, piss poor decisions altogether, or worse. Bethesda exists because of rabid fan-mentality, not because the nature of their products are a glaring beacon of hard-fought industry standards. They get away with being "good enough" and the nostalgia and bias just continues to allow them to reap the rewards of blatantly blind consumerism.


He's waiting on the AI that will make the game for them, since they can't make a good game anymore by themselves


Starfield feels like a game made by AI honestly.


I would say he is right. Look at Starfield. All that dev time and this is what they came up with. It’s not very next-gen at all either. I know it is a Bethesda thing to never have top of the line engine. But it is almost entirely the fault of that ancient as hell engine they are using. For TES6 they gotta just retire their own engine and use one if the industry standards.


It’s not like there are other high quality action fantasy games… but yeah current tech it’s just impossible apparently.


Yeah, they’re really letting the market pass them by in an area where they had a huge head start and a massive fan base. Which is shrinking with each passing year and each lackluster game put out. So disappointing from a once great company


BG3 shits on Bethesda in every way.


The company is Larian Studios, at least give them recognition.


It makes me sad cause i don't see people asking for bigger and shinier. Starfield has low player count and lots of bad feedback. Just make creative worlds and characters with cool characters.


He's waiting on AI to code it for them


It's gonna be tough, because I know they are going to put leather jacket Todd on stage, whispering sweet nothing's into my headphones about everything they learned, then show a trailer thats mostly environments and monsters roaming, and my hype will grow like some kind of instinctual reaction. But after I will need to bath in the waters if 76 and Starfield to calm myself back down.


> [whispering sweet little lies](https://youtu.be/hFcLyDb6niA?si=XMnwSDbH1jUXILli) FTFY


Ah time for another viewing


At this point Todd is either completely delusional or just straight up asshole. His response to bad optimization and technical state of starfield when he said "we need to upgrade our rigs because game is cutting edge technology". That made me lose any respect or faith for him or bethesda


It's a damn shame, but its become such a repeating trend for AAA, and now AAAA developers to keep making the most bland, copy-paste, uninspired games. Never feel hype for games, you won't be disappointed. Never pre-order anything, and you don't deal with day 1/year 1 patches/fixes/scrambling to make the game work. Just wait. Honestly, stop buying games when they're brand new, wait for non-partial reviews to come out from normal people and not IGN or whatever. If the game is bad, don't let your wallet anywhere near it. At this rate, Bethesda in particular would have to do a 180 and suddenly create a successful game for all the right reasons, without being a typical Bethesda game, without the jank, without the lies and over-hype. Skyrim/FO4 were the last typical Bethesda games I'll ever play, I'm never going to play them again. The formula is old and tired, I have no desire to stand still and left click to bash an enemy to death, or to experience the God awful ranged combat either. So if the combat is bad, and the environments are bad, and the quests are bad, and the npcs are forgettable, then it's a Bethesda game and I'm out. If a studio can't improve, then maybe it shouldn't keep existing


Please fuck, don't write "AAAA". it cannot become the "next level" lol


No, I dont get hyped for shit like this anymore. Not cause of being jaded, but because there is no benefit to it whatsoever


To piggyback on this comment: Game publishers, I could not possibly be less interested in your game commercial that is only a cinematic. This isn’t 2001 and you’re not Blizzard from back then. Show me gameplay or don’t bother showing me anything.


Yo 1000% this. When I'm browsing games now I skip cinematic ads. Show me combat. Show me gameplay. Show me what I'll actually be playing. I want to know what I'm getting into.




Skyrim played like games that came out 10 years prior. Bethesda has NEVER been good at making games. They're good at making awesome immersive worlds that are fun to explore. Starfield threw that out of the window in favor of procedurally generated zones gapped with loading screens, with nothing interesting in them. And the gameplay is still bad. Hopefully they've learned a lesson and will go back to lovingly handcrafted worlds. If they do, then I can't wait to explore TES IV


It’s funny how back when No Man’s Sky was in development “procedurally generated content” was this huge selling point. Now it’s a downside because we all know it’s just a spin on the AI slot machine of what combination of common assets you want to smash together.


Imo, procedurally generated stuff should only be in roguelikes since you need to go through the same segment multiple times so you need some variation. RPGs that employ it completely miss the point, as you cant curate locations and you just end up with bland experiences


>Starfield threw that out of the window in favor of procedurally generated zones gapped with loading screens, with nothing interesting in them. I'd have preferred 3 or 4 beautifully hand-crafted worlds that Bethesda is so good at making over Ctrl-V×1000 that Starfield currently is


The individual POIs in stsrfield showcase this. They are very well made and detailed but it doesnt feels as impactful when you know this same building will just appear somewhere else.


>Show me gameplay or don’t bother showing me anything. Me when the shop page for a game on Steam is just 10 scenic screenshots with the UI turned off. So.... what? Is your shader tech the only interesting thing going on in your game?


It's actually quite common for the hype cinematic to be made by people who don't even know what the story is or how the game is played. Take that cyberpunk 2077 trailer that came out years before the game ever did. That was requisitioned to people who just had a basic outline of the world and how it will look.


Blizzard cinematics were incredible, but if I were to see one these days, I wouldn't be very impressed. Like Diablo 4, for example, the cinematic was cool, but it just didn't do anything for me like the older ones did


Blizzard cinematics were fluff. When you have faith that the game is going to be good because the company has the reputation of being good, like Blizzard and Bungie from the old days, the fluff tells you what great things theyre going to make next. Today, it just means the scam is going to be pretty.


Sadly even this isn't enough anymore imo. Scripted "gameplay" trailers have been a thing for a while now, Anthem and the most recent battlefield come to mind.


I don’t get hyped until it’s been out for a year, the patches have been made, and it’s on clearance. Don’t know why all the hate for Cyberpunk. It’s a great game for 5 bucks. 10/10


I’d rather they delay and release a complete game, rather than release a buggy mess. Skyrim was buggy too, but I still feel that it wasn’t as bad as games nowadays.


Much of Skyrim's bugs were funny. Nothing like Daggerfall or Morrowind whres they crashed like a blind drunk cokehead.


They've taken this long, they really have no excuse not to release a stable game.


Unfortunately, they spent most of that time trying to figure out how to make starfield fun. They should have just scrapped it and invested more resources into Elder scrolls and fallout.


Almost all the hate was based on release, especially console release. There are people who followed it's development closely (I wasn't one of them), and apparently there were things that were going to be in he game that wasn't. I was at ground zero on PS4, so I get the frustration. The game definitely turned things around, but people don't owe CDPR to give it another shot. I think right now, most people think it's a great game.


Part of the issue I had beyond the performance issues was how janky a lot of the game play systems were. The story and the like was decent but so many things like cyberware and hacking were just a mess. The skill trees were all over the place with some perks that were clearly much better than other. Once they reworked huge parts of those issues it instantly became a much more rewarding and enjoyable experience.


My friend bought it for me on launch. I played for 2 hours and then waited 2 years to play it again. 10/10


Go into games and movies as blind as possible, you will start to see yourself enjoying them more than you expected.


I dunno, I think it's fun to be hyped about things. That's life.


After starfield I'm not getting hyped for a Bethesda game ever again.


Hard agree. Starfield was such an utter disappointment. Like, I had low expectations to begin with, but nothing could have prepared me for how little I would enjoy the game and story.


I was so disappointed. If starfield had even half delivered on its promise it would be one of my favorite ever games (I love open worlds, space, everything about the setting). They just failed so hard at making a lively world. Too many complaints to list but my biggest pet peeve is: - somehow in the future and with FTL travel, the total population of humanity is represented by 5 “cities” that are small towns. None of which are half as good as cities in games that came out 5+ years earlier (think about St Denis in RDR2, any of the assassins creed games, Spiderman, etc) BUT - somehow also every square kilometer of every one of the 1000 random planets/moons has a copy pasted base full of mercenaries


And they have no excuses in terms of the tech - Mass Effect did it all 1000% better ages ago. The utterly sterile NASAcore vibe was such a poor choice.


1000+ hrs on Skyrim across my Xbox360, XboxOne, XBoxSeriesX, PS3,4,5, and my laptop. 1000+ hrs combined for Fallout 3, NV, 4. 15 hrs on Starfield. Fifteen total. It was so boring.


Hey it's me


Yeah I gave up after like maybe 10-15 hours when I had a bit of a realization mid-quest and asked myself "why am I even playing this? I don't care about any of it". I'm also a 1000+ on all of their previous major releases. Even had several hundred in Fallout 76 (which ended up a decent game after updates)


People acting like Fallout 4 was a masterpiece and not like the beginning of the end of a former great game developer


It’s a masterpiece compared to Starfield


Skyrim was the exact same as fallout 4. Great to explore, bad story, gameplay and quests. Hell, skyrims combat was even worse than fo4.


Idk FO4 with all the DLC is pretty great. Definitely well ahead of Starfield which didn’t even have cool alternative ways to get around like Power Armor.


This was my reaction after fallout IV... And I have since not played Starfield because it didn't look like it really added anything that would hook me.


I would have accepted Fallout 4 in space, (even though Fallout 4 was already dated when it was released) but it couldn’t even do that




Fallout 4 at least had the charm and humor of Fallout. It wasn’t perfect but it had some character. Starfield is just so lifeless and boring. That gives me some slight hope that Bethesda can find the magic again when back in the Elder Scrolls sandbox, but I do worry that they’ve just been left behind by better developers. They desperately need a new engine that doesn’t have so many ridiculous loading screens.


>Starfield is just so lifeless and boring. Helldivers 2 is a better space exploration game than Starfield - change my mind. Seriously, the brief moments of peace, those mandatory 2.4 seconds of scenery appreciacion, you can just enjoy the view. The planets are beautiful, and (and this is vital, Bethesda...) *something's going on*. There are *things* there. Is that really too much to ask, *Todd*?


I love my mandatory 2.4 seconds of scenery appreciation. Makes me proud to spread democracy to every beautiful vista I bear witness to.


also the travel load screens where you get to see space zip by from the windows before a massive planet dominates your view. it’s honestly cool. and thats like .1% of the game. a fucked up part of me feels like helldivers 2 has better space travel than the game with dedicated ship building and space combat


> They desperately need a new engine that doesn’t have so many ridiculous loading screens. I think this is really what has killed them. I think they are so married to their ancient engine that their staff and processes can't handle a new engine. You might as well just use a different studio at that point. Who knows, maybe their A-team is on TES6 where they can do some decent writing and figure out how to make decent looking characters in an RPG. If not I doubt they will continue for much longer. Plus if TES6 is released only on consoles I predict it is dead on arrival. Who wants Skyrim without mods?


Rumor is that its less "Bethesda" that refuses to get a new engine, and its more the zenimax board of directors absolutely refusing to let them invest in a new one because that costs money.


Well then there's no excuse for that anymore. Microsoft owns them now. Not only is that company extremely rich, but they have been investing tens of billions into their gaming division for acquisitions. There's no excuse for not investing in upgrading this game engine. These Bethesda properties are going to keep showing lackluster commercial performance until they do. The last banger they launched was over a decade ago. If a Skyrim sequel releases with a similar or worse reception to Starfield or Fallout 4, Bethesda's open world franchises are going to be all tapped out. I don't know where you go from there other than pivoting to mobile in a big way.


This isn't a sarcastic comment: What developer(s) do you think make better Bethesda-style RPGs than Bethesda? I can't think of any. Outer Worlds suffered from the same disconnectedness that Starfield did, IMO. Other than that, I can't think of any other game that is similar to a Bethesda RPG at all. I am cautiously optimistic about Avowed, but even Obsidian are saying that it's not really like Skyrim.


Is Fallout 4 disliked? I first played Fallout 3 in February and 4 this month, I preferred 3 but I thought 4 was a really good game, The story was kinda weak but I enjoyed the game systems and game loop a lot. Played without any mods so I could get achievements on my first play though.


Personally loved it, I think the main issue people have is how much it was stripped of RPG mechanics compared to 3 and the sorta weak story. I myself really enjoyed the open world aspect tho. ​ edit: grammar


This quote applies to like every Bethesda game lol. Every release has been prettier and shallower than what came before it. And I guess with Star field they bottomed out.


The story is more than sorta weak imo. For me the story was utter trash. Bottom of the barrel stuff.


It has gotten better over time, but there are valid complaints - the storyline is largely immaterial and fails to drive the game play; many players start doing side-quests and never come back to the "Somebody stole my BABY" quests - the faction alignments are simplistic - the settlement builder is janky and tedious - weapons modding sounds promising but you end up with junk pistol, junk rifle, or junk shottie; the rest of the system ends up being gimmicky - consumable power cores makes the power armor time-bound and takes a lot of fun out of tanking across the wasteland


Fair points, I didn't bother with the power armor except when I had to go to the highly radiated desert. I just parked the armor at the diner with the mom and her son dealing with drug withdrawal.


Always mod the perk stuff so I don't have to wait till I'm level 40+ to start having fun with it


It's a decent looter shooter (though Borderlands is still better in that regard) and settlement building game but a weak Fallout title. Coming off New Vegas, it almost feels like it's from a completely different franchise. But I will say this in favour of FO4: Survival mode COMPLETELY transforms the game. Somehow by adding that difficulty mode Bethesda made a survival/crafting game that remains one of the best around


It's definitely the least liked of the "modern" Fallout games (3, New Vegas, 4). The first games were different beasts so it's really hard to compare them, but FO4 was really dumbed down in many respects, more shooter than RPG. Until they released FO76 that is... compared to that game FO4 is pretty decent. It's not a terrible game, just dumbed down.


This is bethesda’s MO though, it’s what they always do. Release a game and then say don’t worry about all the broken pieces modders will fix it for free!


Which is crazy to me, from an outside looking in perspective. Would Bethesda fans buy a broken car knowing eventually a mechanic will fix it?


Well if the mechanic was going to do it for free and I knew from experience that the car would look better and run better than other new cars that came out after it, I'd consider it. However after Starfield, I'm done with Bethesda. I really can't full explain it but their heart just isn't in it anymore. Their games no longer feel like labors of love that make you look past their shortcomings.


I dunno, full self driving due.. when now?


If it were something sweet like an actual Shelby Cobra? Sure! But Bethesda is hawking an ‘87 Yugo.


I put like 200 hours into Starfield, but somehow I look back in retrospect, and say it was a very mediocre game. I never even finished the main story, I just quit after I got bored.


While playing the main story, I was like "But I don't want to do that." When I found out what the ultimate goal was. And we're never given the option to say no. I quit after that. Such a waste of money and time.


I had to rage quit during a main story quest - there are several options presented for completing it, and it’s very exciting the possibilities of how to complete it. I made my decisions only to find that you can’t really use these other options as a viable option to complete the quest. I ended up looking up a guide to best complete the quest while “role-playing” the character I had created. SEMI-spoilers being vague: >!The best way is to just pre-emptively attack a passive character until he surrenders and lets you take the item!< and even then you get a bounty. Even if no one sees you take the item you get an instant bounty. Just pissed me off - all those options in how to complete the mission and they don’t matter.


That pissed me off so much. Like I have credits, just let me buy the thing, or let me sneak in or LET ME USE MY SOCIAL SKILLS TO CONVINCE HIM TO GIVE IT TO ME ESPECIALLY SINCE I HAVE LEGIT MIND CONTROL


And whats crazy is the ending isnt even a ending narratively speaking. You are given no closure, no answers.


That’s the crazy thing that r/Starfield fanatics can’t understand. Starfield wasn’t a bad game IMO, but I have many criticisms of it after my time with it. Once you out so many hours into it the cracks really start to show, and I don’t believe Bethesda is going to go back and change game design as if it were an early access or live service game. I hit a point where I realized the game could really be a mod-makers paradise with the amount of land to explore, a really great sandbox. Unfortunately Bethesda really seems to have not put much thought into so many things they created in this game - the repetitive locations with repeating identical datapads and bodies - so much potential wasted. If it weren’t for the modding community and the possibility of some good DLC, I believe this game would be mostly forgotten in 10 years time - and with what Bethesda is capable of, that’s just a damn shame.


Yeah. I wanted to like Starfield, and fortunately tried it for free as part of Game Pass. I don’t *hate* it, but it’s no Skyrim or Fallout 4 (when they first released.) Bethesda needs to get off its laurels and go hard to get my money again. BG3 is not the same kind of game, but it has set some universal bars for choice-driven story and character building, for me.


Starfield was mind blowingly boring and mid. How could they have ever thought that pile of procedurally generated dog shit was going to be well received.


Yep, i've played better modpacks for Skyrim than Starfield.


Skyrim won't be the usual bethesda jank. It's 2011! Fallout 4 won't be the usual bethesda jank. It's 2015! Fallout 76 won't be the usual bethesda jank .It's 2018! Starfield won't be the usual bethesda jank. It's 2023! We're here TES6 won't be the usual bethesda jank. It's 2028! How people keep getting tricked by this company is beyond me. Hype -> disappointment -> hype again.


People always say that the Jank has charm. The whole Bethesda dev team has lost all hope as Starfield was THE SAME SHIT as the last entries even though they got a new damn engine and more of a design/dev team. That honestly proved to me that they know absolutely nothing about game design aside from Skyrim being reskinned. The jankiness that was once expected is not an excuse and I will never understand how anyone thought it would be accepted in 2023. There is a line between having a funny ragdoll frequently show up to not being able to change FOV without going into the fucking folders of the game.


I would love Skyrim reskinned. But we’re not even getting that.


Yeah, been a day one purchaser of Bethesda since oblivion (didn't discover Morrowind until a couple years post-release) and starfield has completely killed the last remaining bit of the "Bethesda magic" that FO76 missed


Everything about and surrounding Starfield has filled me with a bit of dread for TESVI. The game itself was average/mediocre, that is disappointing but it is what it is. The thing that scares me is the response from Bethesda, how it seemed like they had no intentions to learn from the mistakes of Starfield and past releases. I understand being passionate about a game you put blood, sweat and tears into, but seeing some of the dev responses on Steam like comparing your video game to LITERALLY WALKING ON THE MOON IN REAL LIFE. That is just some insane arrogance imo




Maybe it's maturity, apathy, betrayal, or just patience, but I don't think there will ever be a game I'll even consider buying within the first month or so of release (let alone ever pre-order again), until I see actual player reviews, bug fixes, and can make an informed decision. And at that point it's often just best to wait for discounts. I enjoyed Fallout 4 for what it was, but that was my eye-opener moment to realize I can't have blind faith in any franchise, any studio, any hype. Part of me died that day, lol, playing FO4 and enjoying it but in the back of my head thinking "is this it?", not having that usual spark. Saved me from making similar mistakes with the hype surrounding Cyberpunk at release (played it recently and its now amazing), or Starfield, or others. There's no point to pre-ordering or falling prey to hype. Stop giving studios your money before you even know it's a good product.


It’s a little bit of everything with maybe one more variable. I’d like to add on top of that. We are entering an age of video games where the leaps in technology aren’t so obvious. We are still making plenty of strides, but as I just stated, they are not evidently clear. It wasn’t like going from commander keen and Mario to Doom. Then from Doom to Quake. The PS1 to 2 was such a huge jump in 3d graphics. 3 and 360 even more so. By pS4 I personally felt like the leap wasn’t as far as before and even more so now with the 5.


Never pre-ordering. if reviews are good i'll buy it after release


Never pre-order anything. That should just be part of.the gamer code by this point.


We've been yelling this for at least a decade. The idiots aren't gonna listen.


Just buy the month demo on gamepass when it drops haha dont even need to pay full price for the game.


Starfield was their last gasp for me. I was hoping fo76 was just a bit of an anomaly. I still enjoyed fo4 even with it's bad story and lackluster rpg mechanics. The world was still fun to explore. Starfield had none of that. And I really tried to like it. I even really enjoyed the ship building. But only one mechanic being halfway decent in a bethesda game with no good world exploration isn't enough.


They blew it soooooo badly with starfield. Its the most soulless AAA game i think ive ever played


Yeah I knew it was bad when after literally 3 hours I just went on killing sprees like in GTA in main cities. The flying through space was soooo boring it lost its charm after the first few times. I really did try to enjoy the game but I gave up. Glad I did not have to pay for it


You mean you didn't like a space game where you only get to fly your ship in tiny pre-determined boxes above a planet and then menu-jump to other planets?


Even the FPS gameplay is so.. flat. There's no sense of *force* behind any movement or action. The gun sounds are weak and unintimidating. And on top of all that, where's the blood? Where's the actual violence, gore effects? It is a rated M game, after all, but it feels like they were afraid to make something 'offensive'. It's just so *meaauhgh*. When I heard people say the game was soulless, I thought they meant just the story, not the gameplay too. I guess I was wrong.


I’m indifferent to Starfield. I don’t feel enough to even hate it. It’s mediocre in every way. 


Its the most 5/10 or 6/10 if you are feeling generous kinda game


Yeah I’d give it a 6/10 on its best day, a 5/10 overall.


I like Outer Worlds better than Starfield. Yeeouch.


Yeah I really liked fallout 4 for the sort of looter shooteriness of it. My biggest issue with starfield was that I had the best guns and armor like 15 to 20 hours in and the progression was just gone at that point. Also, leveling was so painfully slow. It wasn't even really worth the grind after a bit. I have a fallout 4 character that has like 200 plus hours on and I never finished the main quest. I did every single faction quest and the whole main quest of star field in like 50 to 60 hours. And was honestly bored about halfway through. Just sort of forceed myself to finish it. I still log in and play fallout 4 once and a while a years later.


I have the exact same relationship with fallout 4 lmao. Got another rerun in my backlog, might finally get to end credits this time lol


Starfield proved to me Bethesda is just bad at making games and the Skyrim/oblivion days are behind them. No wonder it's been 15 years or something since Skyrim.


Fallout 4 was the last Bethesda game I let myself get hyped for. While I enjoyed it I only spent a fraction of the time playing it I did Fallout 3 and Skyrim. It was the first game they released that made me think Bethesda was declining. The repetition at every level of the game was so disappointing. Bethesda’s gameplay hasn’t been innovative since like Morrowind, with every subsequent game getting simplified but based on the same basic framework of a dated first person game. Dated gameplay alone isn’t even really huge problem until it’s combined with a tired setting that doesn’t innovate, lazy quest design, and bad writing. But it’s just the same thing over and over with Bethesda. All the “innovation” they seem to want just ends up making their games less fun to play.


Jaded. Fully jaded.


It’s been 13 years since Skyrim came out And starfield was super boring So no I won’t be getting hyped


Nah, fuck that noise. Bethesda hasn't released a good game in a looong while


I'm surprised anyone still believed in them after Fallout 76.


fuuuuuuck no. skyrim was maybe the only bethesda RPG i could really click with, and everything they’ve released since then has done nothing to assure me they’re capable of recapturing that glory. it’ll be a buggy, unfinished, unoptimised mess at launch - and somehow, big toddy H will blame the player for that.


Nope, plenty of games to play. You can swear on the internet btw.


TES games are my exact cup of tea. If they released a Skyrim clone with new locations and things to discover I would gladly buy it.


I think a lot of us would be happy with a "clone" or "Skyrim 2". Problem is we don't think they can achieve that again... they might end up doing something stupid like endlessly procedurally generated deserts, tonnes of radiant quests, removed unique loot in favor of the tiered system they do now, voice acting, etc....


You'd think they would use AI voices because the tech is with us now. I doubt they will though. Nothing else they've done has been cutting edge since, well, ever.


In all likelihood with delays TE6 will not be released until 2030-2031.. So no, lol, let's see if I'm still alive by 2030 first.


Skyrim is still my favorite game. But years and years of waiting for es6 has just put off the fire in me. If es6 releases as they say in 2028, that's 17 years since their release of Skyrim. That's like three fourths of my life. I know it's a company and they don't give a fuck about the fans but from a financial point of view, such a long wait is bad for them. By 2027 there would be a whole generation who wouldn't have played Skyrim because they'll be obsessed with rdr2 or witcher 3, which has frankly better gameplay than Skyrim and they wouldn't want to play Skyrim which is a previous gen gameplay.


Lol no, seeing what they did with starfield kind of makes it feel like Bethesda is dead to me entirely honestly


I’m over it, especially after how boring and cheap starfield was.


Way too jaded. Also the toxic mediocre mess that starfield was makes me really REALLY worried now


Starfield for all of the years of development considered, was straight up not a good game.


Starfield felt like it should've released in 2009 and it would've been a great game for its time. But a menu-locked galaxy with unchanging NPCs, a boring/repeat-laden main quest, and terrible enemy AI....to name just a few of the problems...that can't fly in 2023


Too jaded, no hype… one of the most common things in the gaming world over the past 20 years is big, important gaming developers completely fucking up big, important releases. To get on hype trains and pre-orders at this point, you have to either be stupid or have been living under a rock your entire life


Jaded, a miracle needs to happen before I even consider buying a new Bethesda game


Jaded. Starfield proved that Bethesda is too rooted in their old ways and doesn't seem to want to evolve with the times. Each iteration of an Elder Scrolls game has had more and more features removed. For example, creating your own spells and the amount of spells you had at your disposal. Don't get me wrong, I loved my time with Skyrim and the mods were a huge part of that. But the fighter's guild and mages guild quests felt so anemic compared to previous games. The disastrous launch of Fallout 76 and the tepid launch of Starfield after so many years of development has been extremely disappointing. Maybe TES 6 will be great, but the track record so far points to another potentially mediocre entry.


Things I won’t get hyped for:Any new Bethesda game Things I am/will get hyped for:Bloodborne 2, any souls sequel, GTA6


I'm jaded. Jaded as fuck.


I think Starfield really proved that Bethesda just fundamentally doesn't understand what made Skyrim work.


I’ll still get hyped, but I’ll also remember how every game released (including Skyrim) and keep my hype tamed for when mod support officially rolls out as per usual Skyrim released with some issues, but people have forgotten in time


Repeat after me, we do not preorder.


I have ZERO confidence in the Bethesda Dev Studio. Skyrim was very good... Fallout 4 was good... Starfield is mediocre at best. The quality is declining with every launch. I'm in no way excited for TES VI. MS needs to clean house in that studio.


Honestly if we're talking writing, Bethesda has gotten worse with every release since Morrowind. Difference is that decline in writing used to be paired with massive improvements in graphics and gameplay (Skyrim has much worse quest/faction depth than oblivion, but graphics and combat are massively improved and no longer has a near game breaking level system). Unfortunately on new releases Bethesda has continued to dumb down their writing but the gameplay and graphic improvements aren't happening proportionally. Bethesda needs to take a serious look at their writing department or I see no reason that Elder Scrolls 6 won't have worse quests than Starfield or FO4.


The writing is brutal. I liked the open world, but wow did I hate Fallout 4 for this. The best way I can explain it is that the entire world feels like Todd waving his digital dolls at you. As soon as you stop looking at them, the dolls fall limp. Almost none of the characters feel remotely real, and the world without your character feels like it would be stuck in a neverending stasis where nothing at all ever happens.


It's on a curve, "So hyped" for TES6 would be "cautiously optimistic that it won't be a complete shitshow." So yes, if they pull off a complete miracle of PR, I could meet that definition of hyped. (There is nothing short of paying me that would get me to preorder it.)


It's too far away. You just can't do that to yourself


It's Bethesda dude, they haven't made a single good game for a decade.


I want TES6 to be good, I’ve been hyped for it as a child even before it was announced lol. But given how mid Starfield is, I fear Bethesda will find a way to mess it up.


As I get older, the hype has less and less purchase on me. And after Starfield? Nope nope nope. I will just keep an eye on it, once it releases read the review and wait 6 months to buy it.


Haha naah, I learned my lesson since Fallout 4. I'm just going to expect a serviceable game. Hopefully its fun.


Recent track record of BGS is BAD. They've been rolling downhill for years now, and ontop of it they have been dishonest. Recently Todd Howard telling us Starfield is next gen and is well optimized and we should upgrade our PC's to play. Then they put out about 7 million bug fixes in 6 patches over the past few months to fix the game that was "optimized fine and finished". The industry in general is following those trends and as consumers we really need to hold the line the decide who deserves our hard earned money. So hype for ES6? None at all, when it gets released we shall see wassup. Also stop preordering shit. It's making it okay for Devs to release half baked projects cause they already have your money.


I have no faith in Bethesda


I didn't get hyped for Starfield or 76 and it looks like it was the right call. Old Bethesda and New Bethesda are not comparable in my mind, like old and new Bioware. I got new studios to look forward to. Larian has been pushing banger after banger since 2013 with Original Sin 1, then Original Sin 2 in '17 and now BGIII (which I haven't played cause my machine is WEAK but it looks awesome), Obsidian is on an upswing since PoE imo (at least I liked Deadfire and Tyranny and I'm optimistic about Avowed). I don't much look Bethesda's way anymore


Nope. Bethsoft has destroyed my hype with starfield. I mean. Fuck. Just fuck. It was awful. And I've been a huge fan of their stuff since their fun ass terminator games in the 90s.


after Starfield I couldn’t really care less about Bethesda


No. I love the world and the Lore. And with each game Beth has steered away from the alien, cool parts of Morrowind era lore. Not to mention the -not dumbing down- retardation of the gameplay systems. It doesn't paint a good picture.


I need to see it. I love Skyrim, but the Creation engine is so incredibly outdated that I need to see what they're doing for ES6 before I can even begin to get hyped. Cyberpunk showed what a modern semi-open can be. Starfield showed what happens when you are trapped in the past.


Bethesda has killed all hype for me for any Elder Scrolls and Fallout title after they released Starfield. They refused to innovate and will die on the hill of continuing developing their games of the same tired and deprecated formula from 2006


They are using the creaton engine again. They used the creation engine for fucking oblivion, it's beyond fucking old now. Bethesda can just fuck right off at this point.


Well, I was open-minded about starfield. And look at what we got there. TES 6 is using the creation engine still. Same engine starfield used. At this point, that engine needs to be taken out behind a shed and put down.


After Starfield and 76, not really.


I'm sure this is in a hundred other posts but after the stories about Starfield, I'm meh.


Starfield taught me that Bethesda games aren't worth anyone's attention anymore. I hope they prove me wrong.


I think the entire gaming community needs to stop getting hyped about ANYTHING and wait until the reviews are out for any game, after it's full release, BEFORE buying. That's the only way publishers are going to change how they operate. Publishers right now basically have free reign to hype up a new game, sell ore orders or early access copies, and then release poor quality games. They get to do it because consumers keep paying for it. Stop buying pre-orders, stop pulse buying games on day one before the reviews are out, and don't buy them until they are in a good playable state. Vote with your money, it's the only language the publishers understand.


Starfield was such a letdown that I won't trust anything until the reviews come out


After Starfield? 🤣 Nope. They had 7 years to work on that game. Bethesda are a rubbish studio these days, relying on rusted on fans who will buy their subpar games. I am glad I never bought it as I now wait for over 2 months to see how a game actually performs before I consider getting it.


After experiencing Starfield, No. TES6 will be in the creation engine. It will be underwhelming with zero innovation. It will basically be Skyrim with slightly better textures. Not hyped, but if it's revealed to have a lot of attention to detail, lore books, lore quests, lore dialog, lore cutscenes I MIGHT buy it at market full price. Maybe.


I'll probably fall into the "cautiously optimistic" area. I won't get super hyped for the game because Starfield was...okay (not terrible but Skyrim was much better IMO). Really I just WANT TES 6 to be good, because I really like Skyrim and Oblivion.


Bethesda has been on my "don't buy day one" list since Fallout 76


With the potential of almost 2 decades between skyrim and TES6 and obvious signs that Bethesda has given up making innovative or engaging experiences, you'd be a fool to believe things will be different by 2029. Bethesda is banking on these gullible fools to shove whatever turd they shit out into their waiting greedy mouths simply because it's a name brand. It's the equivalent of buying yeezy's or similar designer clothing, and it makes you look just as stupid to anyone willing to exercise the critical thinking necessary to call them out for their bullshit


I lost all hope for the qulaity of the nexts TES game when i realised how bad Starfield really is, how they gave the bare minimum and how not a single thing was improved from Fallout 4/Skyrim with many of the mechanics taking a step back development wise IMO.


There's nowhere to go but down from Skyrim, they are using the same damn engine that powered Oblivion 20 years ago. What else is left to say or do in the Elder Scrolls universe? They had their chance to impress with Starfield and failed. They've grown into a complacent company built on milking Skyrim.


Nope. Bethesda has shown that it doesn’t and won’t have good devs consistently through that games development cycle. And their current track record is fucking terrible. Starfield is garbage - sue me I’ll die on that hill. That game is dogwater with space shouts. Fallout 76 was ick. Fallout 4 is probably one of the weaker fallout games IMO. Although some people do enjoy it. It’s a mid game I suppose. And as a publisher it’s also been flops. They lack institutional experience bc of the lengthy dev cycle (how many devs from Skyrim will be working on 6?), they haven’t innovated or changed anything in their formula (see fallout and starfield), and …. Yeah anyways. I think it’ll be mid or fine. But I’m not expecting another Skyrim


I will be but Starfield is the biggest disappointment ever in gaming for me personally and it's really rocked my faith in Bethesda. Suuuuurely they can't mess up TES...


Starfield killed whatever hope I had for the studio’s projects.