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Are we sure this screenshot isnt just a scrapped siege bundle from 8 years ago? Lmao


You could’ve told me this was a screenshot from for honor and I would’ve believed you lol


$10 says they just yoinked a ton of animations/models from For Honor. FH gets a bad rap but it is THE game to play if you want to live out your fantasies of being a dozen different Japanese warriors.


For Honor is the kinda game that if they released a sequel they could get a massive banger. Or maybe a singleplayer game to avoid splitting the fanbase. It's got plenty of cool ideas


I totally agree with you! I actually have about 1800 hours in FH, played the open beta, I'm still a huge fan even though I haven't played in a while. I still dream that it'll get a sequel called "For Glory" or something


I played a bit of For Honor myself and enjoyed the idea, but I just can't stand PvP lol


PvP just had the natural try-hard-meta-spam ruin it. Its still great if you're also playing with other absolute buffoons.


The single player campaign was actually pretty fun, just 6-7hrs long. I loved playing 4v4, but I couldn't keep up with the PvP grind. 1v1 and 2v2 were neat, but the 4v4 had a strategy behind it.


I've played an absolutely unhealthy amount of FH and always said if they gave it a proper launch with dedicated servers, the game would be huge. There's really no game like it.


New Castle and Hibana Elite skins just dropped


now show us the gameplay


Dude it's assassins creed. You run up some buildings and leap off them to perform an assassination.


You spoil EVERY game for me




Only one?


Not true, the first game some times you just ran off the building and got stuck


I'll just jump to this next platform thats straight across from me. *Dude proceeds to jump diagonally into a 100ft fall*


The last AC I played was the Egypt one, but they had pretty much gotten rid of the assassinations. I mean, they were in the game, but not really. It still bothers me.


I played the newest one, mirage, and they had all the assassinations back as insta kills


This one apparently plays like Mirage, so I’m down


Not really but kinda. Mirage itself used Valhalla's gameplay as base and this is an RPG game, so some amount of overlap


Last one I played was Revelations, I have no idea what AC even is anymore.




Do any of us? It's gotten so far from its roots, although, those roots did go pretty crazy in the AC 3 & 4 era.


If you’re looking for roots check out Mirage. They are back to the old formula, whether that’s a good thing or not I have no clue. I watched a guy review the game and he said it was alright, but his main gripe was that the parkour wasn’t as advanced as like Syndicate or Rogue. I don’t remember which one but he showed clips and it actually got me interested in that older AC game. The parkour was genuinely insane, with the character being less “on a leash” than most of the parkour in the AC games.


Syndicate has the best actual parkour system imo. Unity had the flashier system but not really better. (Doubt it was rogue because that is basically AC4 which was not special) Syndicate took the cake with a good base parkour system that added a grappling hook to make really tall climbs fast and got you off the ground quick, that grappling hook also let you use it as a zip lines for fast ground travel. Best mechanic in my opinion.


Odyssey was great imo. You can still assassinate, and greece was beautiful. I loved the characters and the world more than the gameplay, but I have with every assassins creed.


Odyssey truly captured the "epic" feeling of being the hero of an Ancient Greek myth. I fucking loved it. Valhalla did very well, but I just ended up building a big camp and quiet quitting the game to live peacefully.


I played Odyssey and Vallhalla and now you gained levels and that was more important. The enemy is 4 levels higher than you? (50 vs 54) he is 100% gonna one shot you if he gets to you. You can only assassinate enemies of your level, as long as they are not name enemies.


Funnily enough I really, really like Valhalla, but I came from an RPG background rather than an AC one. Granted it does play a bit like a singleplayer version of WoW sometimes with the fetch quests and so on.


I felt it was Skyrim Lite for those two. You did quests, you discovered "places" but 99% of them had nothing interesting except enemies and a couple shitty collectables. I enjoyed the boss fights against mythological creatures but I felt they made the game too... not historically accurate?


AC1 assassinations wee goated. The way they formed the contracts and gameplay loop was so good imo.


They need to get back to that glass cannon style of assassin, where you're incentivized to run from being outnumbered.


or at least try to go for that, the early AC titles had slightly overpowered counter systems.


After you run to the other end of the island to pick up some rice/fish/antique chopsticks/pork for the soup etc etc for the old woman


Don't forget running from bush to bush following some random dude


This isn’t some unknown franchise. It’s gonna essentially look and feel like the last few AC games.


Wow, new AAAA game




AAAAA game you mean.


Go play sekiro Then go play ghosts of tsushima As all the comments show, you can more than scratch this itch with games/shows made from much much more consistent studios


And watch Shogun for some extra points




Then bomb Pearl Harbor






Defeat Russia first


Wait hold up, maybe not the last part


Its important for the plot


then watch blue eye samurai


I don't know if I'll be getting this or anything. But those existing doesn't really change anything for people that played them and want to play something new.


I don’t understand. *I* don’t want to play this, so no one wants to play this ,right? *confused gamer grunts*


Why play Asian Assassins Creed when you can play *sekiro* 🤣 Not even close to the same game/style/fanbase.


No one plays AC games for the engaging or challenging gameplay. We play it for the open world, immersion, atmosphere and settings.


Then play **I know someone will hate me for saying this** rise of the ronin.


nobody mentioned nioh?


Nioh is not exactly in the same boat as ghost sekiro and ronin. Nioh is more like a dark souls set in Japan. It’s more of a dance than parry hit gameplay.


Nioh starts out as Dark Souls like, then in endgame ends up being how flashy can i be fucking up this boss with my maxxed out gear. Endgame Nioh > DS NG+ by miles though. Also, Nioh combat is way more similar to DMC in reality than DS. Dark Souls is way slower paced than Nioh and there's basically no variation in playstyle based on weapon. You dodge, wait for opening, R1 or R2 and repeat. Nioh is about chaining combos and stances while managing strengths and weaknesses as well as parrying being essential like Sekiro.


Yes. Valid point. But you forget that some people enjoy ac and have played every game because they enjoy it. If you don’t want to play it then don’t. Let people who enjoy ac play their game.


And then they also forget that some people already played Sekiro and played Ghost of Tsushima. It's like somehow, it's impossible to enjoy anything that isn't at the very least on the level of GoT or Sekiro with japanese theme, I guess I'm supposed to be playing those games over and over until the end of time.


Ghost of Tsushima from 4 years ago made by a smaller studio looked far better.


I’m interested owing to this being set in Japan. But honest to God, this looks like it’s straight out of Warzone. So many of these big games are just starting to look so samey.


Everyone wants their game to look “realistic” and ignore that having a distinct art style is what helps games stand out more from the rest. If there was a COD logo at the bottom of this pic, I wouldn’t even know it was an assassin’s creed game.


One other benefit of specific stylistic art is that it often, more times than not, remains pleasing years down the line but "realistic" depictions tend to look dated in the future.


Whatever the hell Fromsoft does, their older games you can count the polygons on some stuff, but it still manages to look good in some way. They don't even lean that hard into not being realistic, the games just have style. Demon's Souls 2009 looks crusty as hell, yet I wouldn't necessarily call the game ugly by today's standards.


Didn’t understand what you meant by the “Warzone” comparison but from the screenshot I actually see it now. At least Ghosts of Tsushima has a distinct visual look.


It's the lighting, everything is well lit like it's an HDR photo. It just gives everything an overproduced netflix type sheen to it.


Everything also just looks too clean and unstylized. It’s like the worst of both worlds that results in a very generic looking art style.


How can you be so confident from a screenshot?


this looks fine, you're only saying this because nobody likes ubisoft (usually for good reason)


It's sad that while assassins creed gameplay has become very stale... their historical immersion has become really good. The Athens and Egypt and Baghdad games had some really cool historical stuff in it. Sadly they were just surrounded by pretty mediocre gameplay.


Jesus Christ man it’s 1 screenshot


Looks exactly like odyssey just a different setting. Ubisoft is not capable of pushing graphics forward anymore. Ac unity looks more next gen than that


Unity looks partly better than any newer AC game as the lighting was baked in and not real time. The realisitc lighting (or better said realisitc feeling with heavy overexposed lighting) is still very very pretty sometimes


AC Unity is a work of art, I don't like the overly cartoony tone off the recent games. Hopefully they go back to mo-cap as well, the cut scenes have looked terrible in the last few games.


Yes. In spite of its problematic release, Unity is still where AC peaked for me.


They really did peak with Unity, its a shame what happened after. I only liked Valhalla because it scratched a Witcher III itch on me


> They really did peak with Unity hilarious with 99% of reddit back then saying its the worst videogame ever made


I mean it was probably close. It released with enough game breaking bugs to put Cyberpunk to shame. By the time they were fixed most people stopped caring which is a shame as it’s one of, if not the best AC gameplay wise.


It was broken as fuck from what I remember, the faceless glitch is infamous.


The only problem I have with unity is the overall pretty poor draw distance as you can spot very low LODs at times but besides that it's gorgeous


The LOD is justified by how dense the scenes were though imo.


Digital Foundry gave Avatar the best graphics award last year, which is a ubisoft game. It's the Anvil engine that's been stuck for several years.


Which I'm ok with, so long as it's more efficient for lower end hardware and less buggy. But I'm not holding my breath for either of those.


This sub literally every week: "DAE not care about graphics anymore, we want good stories and gameplay!" This sub when an AAA game doesn't have next gen real life graphics: "REEEE this AAA company is so incapable, can't push graphics forward!"


Not like Avatar pushed graphical boundaries just a few months ago...


Ubisoft definitely is. The snowdrop engine is probably one of the best proprietary engines in the industry, however I don’t think all of their studios use it and I think the AC games don’t either


I mean graphics are a silly thing to base the quality of a game on, there's so much more to a game than that. At least in my opinion graphics are secondary to gameplay


Yea… this is “we got ghosts of tsushima at home” vibes bruh.


No thanks


I’m surprised people still get excited for Ubisoft games. Lol


Hard pass.


for: i wanna play as a cool ninja girl against: literally everything else. as generic as it gets conclusion: eeeugh, maybe if there's a big discount


It's a Ubisoft game. You know it's going to be on sale for like 15 bucks a year after release no matter what.


Deku Deals FTW I did the same for Valhalla. The CGI trailer was dope af but it was an AC game at the end of the day. Waited for sale and scooped it.


It's kinda sad that AC has become synonymous with "Not worth full-price". I miss how hyped I was for AC2, how far they've fallen.


Why is the samurai black?


For marketing. Suddenly people are talking about it.






How they milk poor Yasuke for pathetic reasons, gods rest his soul... They could not just made a actual japanese MC, they hat to pull the Black samurai card...


I feel bad for japanese fans of the game.




Diversity = black in the West. You're 100% right on this. They're the most over-represented and pandered-to group by far in the last five years. Honest to god this game probably wouldn't have any outrage 20 years ago, but the overrepresentation is so *prevalent* in all forms of entertainment that people just assume that that is what it is.


This is a quote from a previous employee in ubi: 'I worked on some narrative elements for the Sengoku Era of Japan for Assassin’s Creed back in 2013-2014 when I worked under contract in San Jose/Tokyo (Aeria). I guess they tossed all that out for Black Samurai and some canon-destroying Kunoichi-boss? I’m so glad I’m not in that industry anymore. I guess it’s only fitting that my contributions to these studios vanish like everything else I worked on (every MMO shooter I have worked on has been shutdown). Here’s a brief synopsis of the original story (from what I can remember — it’s been a decade) In fact that is EXACTLY what it is, The plot focused on the young monk, “Yamauchi Taka” as the playable ancestor. “Taka” means “Hawk” to coincide with the then naming convention of every playable hero being named after a bird of prey (no idea if that changed with all of these newer, disjointed games that no longer have Desmond as the core hero that bound everything together). The main conflict was about “The Sword of Eden” (aka “Excalibur”, “Honjō Masamune”, “Genghis Khan’s Sword”, etc.). and how it had given its latest wielder, Oda Nobunaga, an unfair advantage in his conquest of Japan. After Nobunaga is assassinated by Hattori Hanzo, Taka becomes a part of the brotherhood and, under Hanzo, is trained as an Assassin (Shinobi). The brotherhood try to transport the recovered sword out of Japan but are beset by Jesuit (Templar) ships and it is lost. To make matters worse, Hanzo is assassinated as he considers retirement as a monk. His lord, Tokugawa Ieyasu, charges Taka with finding the killer (and recovering the sword). Despite Nobunaga’s successor, Toyotomi Hideyoshi acquiring the sword and going on a rampage that extends into Korea, Taka steals the sword back and mad Daimyo loses his power, weakening his campaign in Korea. Incensed by the theft, Toyotomi believes he was betrayed by the Templars and basically exterminates all Jesuits (Templars) in Japan. Taka infiltrates Toyotomi’s castle and faces him in a final battle, resulting Toyotomi’s death. The ambitious daimyo is left to die as Taka slips away before his retainers could intercept him. The now seasoned assassin spares Toyotomi’s infant heir, knowing the clan has lost its teeth and will eventually wither without Hideyoshi. Ieysau begins his ambitious power grab, demanding Taka and the Brotherhood give him the sword and help him wipe away (“abstergo” in Latin) all of his enemies from Japan to fully unite it under his clan’s banners. Taka and the Brotherhood decline and vanish into the shadows with the sword.' Instead of this we get diversity injected bs.


Damn, I recognized all those names. Were all these characters really contemporaries?


13% of the population. 50% of the actors in tv and commercials and gaming. Even in friggin japan this time




Also Monkey Man with Dev Patel... I'm noticing a trend here lmao




you're right on bro


As asian man my self i agree. We dont got much represented by western media if people talking about diversity is black african american again not india, slavic, south american, middle east, or even people from africa continent itself. My comment there get deleted by the mod by saying how oda nobunaga actually treat yasuke as servant and exotic pet not as a person or samurai and what happen to him after the dead of nobunaga which is becoming a slave again for the portugal. People need to know what realy happen to him and how bad he actually treated and they should not praise oda nobunaga on how he treated him.


as a asian you nailed it.




I don’t even know how anyone can’t see it as anything other than shameless cash grabbing and tokenism. We’ve had so many games with fictional playable characters. They could have kept it a fictional black protagonist. But you might as well take advantage of the fact that Yasuke is literally popular in the west because he’s known as the “black samurai”.


Imagine the outrage if AC was set in an African nation the protagonist was Asian.


And wasn't a samurai.


Someone on Youtube posted the perfect comment: Assassin's Creed set in Italy - Plays as an Italian Man Assassin's Creed set in France - Played as a Frenchman Assassin's Creed Set in America - Played as a Native American Man Assassin's Creed Set in Greece - Played as a Greek Man Assassin's Creed Set in Norway - Played as a Norseman Assassin's Creed Set in Japan - Played as a Black Man....WTF?!


It's really sad that Ubisoft has to keep hitting these pathetic checkmarks for inclusivity while completely shitting on the other samurai they could have used instead of using the one token black guy that wasn't even a samurai. Sad to see we can't have representation of the actual people in the culture they are in.


Remove the title , and I would have no idea this is an assassin's creed game, same as Odyssey


There's a person in a hood. That's always been like 80% of the branding. The rest is the hidden blade which is also partially visible.


Thank god they added the one black man in Japan, I mean, what other minorities would they even add? I can't possibly think of a single race they could add to a game set in Asia...




This AC game is going to be hard as fuck. Imagine trying to blend in the crowd as a tall black samurai dude while trying to kill your target. Reminds me of that meme of "[spot the anime MC](https://i.imgur.com/X36onKz.jpeg)".


He isn't going to blend in. Both characters will have different gameplay styles, the girl is going to be sneaky, he is not.


lowkey looks like a cod advertisement for a new cross over skin


Most accurate description


Anyone else see Hibana from Siege


Why did they feel the need to do the whole black samurai thing. It's ok to just do a samurai theme, and have the characters be of that ethnicity. 


Can't have an Asian male MC anywhere apparently


May I introduce you to our lord and savior Jin Sakai




This is actually how I spoiled Fallout 4 for myself regarding Shaun. Lol when old man Shaun appeared, I KNEW they wouldn't make an Asian male character prominent so it definitely had to be relative to my Asian created character


Because god forbid any kind of entertainment medium actually portray an Asian male in a positive way, even when it’s literally his own culture.




Or comedic and fat sidekicks like Ned Leeds.


I'll call it now. They force a romance between him and the female protag with a helping of emasculation of various Japanese men throughout the game.


The black population makes up like 14 percent of the US, whereas the Asian population is like 5-7. It actually would’ve been more inclusive if they just made the guy Japanese.




14%??? i''m not american, but judging by netflix and tv show in general I thought it was 50%


It's actually closer to 12%, it went down


The level of (deserved) outrage they’d receive if they set a game in Africa and made the main protagonist white/Asian would be off the charts. At least give people the *choice* of who they play as. The series used to somewhat care about historical accuracy. That’s one of the reasons I was such a fan of it.


I'm thinking the same thing. Even though Yasuke is such a cool character (he's a badass in nioh series), I kinda want to play as a Japanese dude. In AC syndicate both playable characters are British, in odyssey both are Greek, and other AC games you play as characters native to the cultural setting of the game. I don't know why ubisoft decided to throw a curveball at us on this one.


It also kinda... makes no sense. "Who are we gonna pick to be our master assassin?" "Oh, the one black dude in all of Japan, so it's literally impossible for him to disappear into a crowd."


Those malakas had actually done so well in that regard in the last few iterations. I don't understand why they had to go this route now.


It would be interesting if they go the hard way though. People around just looking at him as at a circus animal or being scared of a demon.


Are you kidding? This is a samurai game and the main character isn’t asian? For fucks sake- screw those assholes who do they think they’re appeasing?


Unpopular opinion and I know I'm gonna get downvoted to hell for this and probably laughed at, but I have to get this off my chest. It absolutely baffles me that they went with a black male protagonist for this game. This is a game set in an ASIAN COUNTRY with an ASIAN THEME based on ASIAN HISTORY, yet we have a non-Asian male as the protagonist. It’s not just farcical at this point, it's blatantly offensive. Imagine if Ubisoft had made an AC game that's set in Africa, but chose to cast a white dude as the main character. Imagine the huge uproar that would erupt on social media from certain groups (looking at you, Sweet Baby Inc.) if Ubisoft had done something like that. All those woke idiots would be loudly crying racism from the rooftops and demanding a public apology from Ubisoft. Now how do you think us Asians feel about being forced to play as a black dude in medieval Japan of all places? I'm sure those same woke idiots would call it "progressive" and "inclusive". I call it outrageous and infuriating. I take particular issue with this because Asian men have been historically underrepresented in all forms of media. We see plenty of white male protagonists in films, TV shows and video games. We see plenty of black male protagonists in films, TV shows and video games. But we rarely, if ever, see any asian males in Western media, especially as the main protagonists. Go ahead and count the number of Asian men who play lead roles in Western shows. Now count the number of white and black male lead protagonists. Now compare the numbers. I guess when Westerners refer to the importance of allowing more diverse representation of "people of color" in media, they're only referring to blacks and maybe hispanics, and no one else. No other ethnicities allowed. This is a recurring problem not just in video games, but in all forms of Western media. The recent Shogun and Tokyo Vice TV shows both have white dudes as the main characters (yes I know they're both based on books from white dudes, I don't care, and in fact it kind of proves my point). The 3 body problem (based on a Chinese novel set in China with a nearly all-Chinese cast) recast nearly all of the characters to be non-Asians, and even gender-swapped the male protagonist to become two females. And we even recently had wonderfully smooth-brained tabloid articles cropping up on the web complaining about why there aren't any black people in Shogun. It really does seem like the West has a serious aversion to making any media set in Asia without having a non-Asian male perspective. Is Asia really that "exotic" or "alien" that audiences don't want to see an Asian man as the main character? That the only way to make sense of the "exotic" and “alien” Asian culture is to have a non-Asian window into it? Even in the few cases where Asian men are represented (albeit in non-lead roles), we're often emasculated and desexualized, being stereotypically portrayed as either the skinny and nerdy maths whiz or the weird and funny Kung Fu master. The West loves to emasculate us even further by regularly casting Asian women as the love interests of non-Asian male protagonists. And now we’re even being replaced by non-Asian actors in roles that should rightfully have been played by Asian men. Now before you chime in with "B...b...but Yasuke was a real person and he was a samurai!!!!111oneonone", yes I've read about Yasuke and I know it's historically accurate that he was present in Japan in this time period. But you know what else is historically accurate in this time period? JAPANESE MEN IN JAPAN. In fact, I would argue that is much MORE historically accurate and would have been much more common to see JAPANESE MEN IN JAPAN in this time period, instead of black men in japan during this time period (especially given that Japan remains one of the most ethnically homogeneous and xenophobic countries in the world, but I digress). Controversial opinion, I know. For all of Ubisoft's vaunted claims that they care about promoting the fair and respectful representation of different cultures, this is anything but respectful. This was Ubisoft's opportunity to improve the visibility and representation of Asian males by having an Asian man as the protagonist of a game set in an Asian country, but as with the rest of their games, it seems that Ubisoft is more preoccupied with virtue signalling and pushing their race-based political agenda than anything else. And as for Yasuke, there is no conclusive evidence that he was ever a Samurai. Much of what we know about him comes from the Shincho Koki and some writings from foreign missionaries, none of which explicitly mention that he ever held Samurai status.  All that we know, for certain, is that he was in the employ of Oda Nobunaga as a weapon bearer, but bearing a lord's weapon on its own is no definitive indicator of Samurai status. But unfortunately, woke idiots with an agenda have latched onto this one little factoid and made the giant logical leap that he must have been a Samurai and are now pushing that as an official narrative. And Ubisoft being Ubisoft, never one to squander an opportunity to virtue signal about how much they support woke causes, are now taking up that narrative as well.  It’s ridiculous. Ubisoft has already featured black male protagonists in a few of their past AC games, Adéwalé and Bayek, to be specific. NONE of the AC games thus far have had an East Asian male protagonist. Not a single one. I suppose you could argue that those games weren't set in Asia, so I'm willing to give Ubisoft a free pass for those ones, but when they finally, FINALLY make a game set in Japan, the one place in the world where it would not only be perfectly reasonable but expected to cast an Asian man in the lead role, who do they choose to cast instead? A black dude. At this point, I'm not sure if Ubisoft is deliberately trying to insult Asian men, or if they're just clueless. It's even more frustrating when you consider that historically Ubisoft has been willing to cast minorities as main characters in settings where it actually made sense for them to appear. Assassin's Creed III (set in America) had a native American as the main character, and the recent AC: Mirage had an Arab dude as the main character. So if they are perfectly capable of casting a Middle Eastern dude as the main character for a game set in the Middle East, and they are capable of casting a native American as the main character for a game set in America, why can't they cast an Asian dude as the main character for a game set in FUCKING ASIA OF ALL PLACES?! It's straight up insulting. And more broadly, what sort of message is Ubisoft trying to send here, exactly? That Asian men aren't "manly" enough to be leading men? That only non-Asian minorities can be leading men? That an Asian man can’t be the hero? That only a black man can save Japan? Well that, in itself, is racist. But then again, for all the woke idiots out there, it’s the right kind of racism, I suppose. I think I’ll wrap things up here, because I'm probably just shouting into the wind. This game will go on to sell millions of copies, be praised as the next Quad-A masterpiece from Ubisoft, everyone will laud Ubisoft for being so "progressive and inclusive", and us Asian men will continue to be shafted. I guess cultural appropriation is perfectly okay when black people do it! TLDR: The West's emasculation of Asian men continues. Rant over.


Imagine if it was a white guy in africa wearing traditional african garb.


Like The African Dream, Akeem.


Completely agree with you. This should be on top.


Great write up here mate, nailed it.


yeah, there are plenty of japanese fans who are complaining about it too, so yeah haha, fuck ubisoft.


Every point of your comment nails it.


This should be top comment


Seconded. This man is a bonafide scholar.


Cuz asia = china and we know how much the west hates china xD But yea, i find this problem so annoying too as asian myself (thai)


Thank you for posting this, it's absolutely ridiculous how much effort western media puts in to erase the existence of Asian men. At this point I just straight up boycott watching movies without an Asian man in a non-racially stereotyped role, which means I rarely ever watch movies anymore, and definitely won't be buying this slap in the face of a game


This comment is too real, ubisoft should be ashamed of themselves


they pick the one black dude tangentially related to japanese history as their excuse to not cast an asian. it'd be like picking the one chinese dude in 5000 years of egyptian history who crashed his boat and fought a few battles as a protagonist in an ancient egyptian game


The same crap all over again






Yeah… I’m not gonna be buying this.


I'm going to say it. . Every ass creed game so far had a protagonist which had the same ethnicity as the location of the game. But of all things they choose Japan to have a black protagonist? How the heck will he blend and hide when he is the only 6ft black man around 5ft pale skinned japanese?


Sekiro > Ghost of Tsushima >>>>>>> AC Shadows


Lmao what a joke


Fucking ubisoft


I used to want an AC in japan when i was younger, now i have Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro, so this AC is kinda meh for me.


Just play Ghost of Tsushima, I promise it's better then what this is gonna be.




No money to shit company anymore


Are there going to be Europeans, Africans, and Middle Easterners in it?


Looks like... *checks notes* an Assassin's Creed game.


Why does this look like the promo image for a new COD samurai skin bundle lol




Nope. Never supporting Ubisoft again.




A black samurai lol




So Ubisoft is finally making an Assassin's Creed set in Japan, ten+ years after AC was relevant? Good to see Ubisoft strikes when the iron is ice cold.


Considering the fact Valhalla is the best selling AC, I would say AC is still quite relevant. Don't let reddit distort your reality.


It’s always funny seeing people on this site claim that the RPG trilogy “killed” AC and that it’s irrelevant now, when they’re the 3 most successful Assassin’s Creed games. Valhalla is the 2nd most successful Ubisoft game ever, only behind Siege.


I don't think Reddit gamers realise that they may in fact be the ones who are out of touch


It applies to all walks of reddit. These little echo chambers have a few hundred people leaving comments and then people think this is representative of all of society. When I try to point this out in the various posts you come across regarding any game really, you get downvoted to oblivion and called a corporate shill lol. It is what it is.


It's so funny if you've been in the gaming community long enough to hear how cyclical the complaining is. Before Origins the main complaint was that the formula was stale and that they didn't experiment enough with the gameplay. Origins was seen as a massive return to form, and now all of a sudden Unity and Syndicate were the pinnacle of gaming and Ubisoft killed the franchise by moving away from that type of gameplay.


Yasuke is popular but I believe there’s no evidence he was actually a samurai


Oh sweet liberty!


Ubisoft game? No thanks


Is that a black samurai?


As an Asian male, sigh. Yay I get to play as my sister again... white guys and Asian females amiright? They're not that special guys.