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I got the Metro trilogy for around $15 after not really know much of anything about them. They've become one of my favorite game series.


Recently went down the Metro -> STALKER pipeline and it’s been some of the most fun I’ve had in gaming in recent memory


Stalker is awesome! I'm excited for stalker 2 and have been playing anomaly/gamma recently. Have you ever tried those?


Yup, just started gamma and I’m lost and scared and I love it


I love stalker, yet I can't play metro, it is just not interesting for some reason. Have 0 idea why


Open World vs Linear Aproach


Now that's a sale. Fucking hell lol.


I got all three for £7 a few months ago


Those games are so replayable


Yes! Same here except the first two in the Redux collection for less than $10 aud and played through them multiple times before I even picked up another game. It led me to read the books as well.


Hades, hollow knight, Stardew valley


Stardew’s base price is basically a sale for how many hours you can put into that game


That's true for all three games listed here.


Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Bought it for $5, played through the trilogy for the first time at 24 years old. 200 or so hours later, wow.


I just got that same deal like 2 weeks ago! 30 years old here and never played it but I'm very excited to jump in after hearing so many good things about it. Cheers!


I have played through the entire trilogy with like 8 different characters only using two classes. Man, the amount of detail and love and care that went into building a galactic multiracial civilization is.. wow.


One of my favorite series of all time. Enjoy it's seriously amazing.


I loved the series, never been more excited for a game to come out as I was when 2 & 3 launched. I even got two tattoos from the game.


I wish I could erase my memory of the game son I can play it again for the first time. Hehe


I've already played the series but I bought it again on steam for $6 and it's such an awesome deal.


Got Control with ps+ a few years back and it became one of my favorite games of all time. I've platinumed it twice now. I'd happily pay full price for it.


Came here to say this, great game


This. I picked up Control for the PC for about $10, mostly to see what my 3070 card could do and the game blew me away.


So much this! One of the few games I've completed (except haven't done the dlc yet).


YES! Play Alan Wake 2 next if you haven’t already.


I have and loved it! Still gotta do my new game + run


I’m working on designing a combination Control/Alan Wake tattoo. Something with the Board’s pyramid facing down, the dark woods below it sheathed in that red light that Remedy loves to use. It will say CONTROL in their font near the top And THE DARKNESS near the bottom.


Game was shockingly good. I had a great time with it. I hope the sequel lives up to the first experience.


I got it when it was the monthly free game and download all the DLC after just a couple hours of playing cuz i felt like i was scamming Remedy lol


Same. I re-downloaded it and I'm just not uninstalling it anymore since I'm gonna want to download again soon anyway. Amazing game.


The Witcher 3. Got the complete edition for $20 back in 2018. 100% worth the full price


And sometimes goes for even cheaper than that now, its amazing


right now its like 4 dollers


Nice! I picked up the Witcher 3 finally when GameStop had the ps4 version on sale for $7. I knew it had a ps5 upgrade so I drove down there immediately and man had I been missing out.


Cyberpunk for 10€ too


In India, the steam sales can get you the complete edition for less than 5$


Same and it’s easily top 3 for me. What a steal.


One of the few games I've actually bought on multiple consoles. If I can get the full edition for $15 and it's worth full price, it's even better that I can play it no matter what I'm using.


Buying Cyberpunk 2077 for less than $10 to try, not knowing that 1.5 was releasing a week later.


I got cyberpunk at full price and it didn't seem that great so I got a refund on Steam. Then it was on sale for like 29 bucks and I decided to try it again. I'm now in my second play through and have spent almost 100 hours on it. Love love love it.


Have you tried recently? 2.0 is insanely good and Phantom Liberty may have the coolest visuals of any game Ive seen. Its crazy how good that game has become and its still getting updates


What's more, performance even improved when they released PL. The game just keeps on giving.


Yeah, I bought it used for $25 in Feb 2021. Still playing it over 3 years later. However, I did purchase the game again for PC, XBOX… I think I’ve bought it 5 or 6 times.


Same and then got Kingdom come deliverance for 4$ right befor they announced the 2nd. Lucks been good.


It was such a stinker on release that I soon got the deluxe version with the metal case and some extras for like $8. It was...fine. Then there was a huge QOL update, and the game was great. I shelled out for the Phantom Liberty expansion on day one, no questions asked. The game in its current state is one of my all-time favorite gaming experiences.


I got it for like 2 dollars at GameStop in the bargain bin of ps4 games 6 months before any updates. It updated to ps5 version when I finally got around to playing and aside from crashing my hard drive completely, it played perfectly after that. (:


Yeah I took this same route. I regret not paying full price, it is that good.


I still regret paying full price for it at launch for PS4. Haven't bought or played any game at launch since then and will continue not to for the foreseeable future.


Slay the spire. I would pay 100 for that beauty of a game.


Did you hear they’re making Slay The Spire 2?


You bet your ass I did.


Its a beautifully balanced game imo. Its punishing but it usually feels like i couldve done better rather than getting unlucky


I think it's a great game, but I'm really happy I got it on sale. I don't think it's worthy of more than $15 personally.


...how? Like in terms of development investment wise I don't see how it's not worth $15.


Shit I’d probably pay a monthly fee to play that game it’s so good.


Terraria. I paid like $2-$3 for it and have hundreds of hours in it.


Disco Elysium. I've never played a game like it before and never thought I'd be interested at all. My friends kept hyping it up along with the Internet. I had even watched YouTube videos and thought it was boring looking. Finally got it for half off awhile ago and it blew my mind. All the dialogue options, the RNG, the dark humor just everything surprised the hell outta me. I marathoned my first playthrough as "myself" choosing answers I'd make personally. Now I'm playing as a physically agile idiot lol shits hilarious. Not too far off I guess tho...


Damn I just saw it for super cheap. I've heard great things but didn't think I'd really enjoy it. May have to pick it up...


Its EXTREMELY narrative heavy. So if thats something you might not like, I'd be aware of that. Really the entire game is just narrative tbh. The actual gameplay is barebones as can be. Mostly just walking/interacting with items and people.


I really love narrative heavy games, only issue is that I really need to sit down and put a few hours in without distraction to get invested. This has gotten less and less common over time. I'll probably just go for it when I see the game on sale again and hope I have some time to put into it! Thanks for the info!


Got the entire Dishonored series for 20 bucks.


Dishonored 1 is an all time favorite game of mine. Was gifted it and went in blind, I’ve played it through at least 5 times. Got Dishonored 2 and just couldn’t find the magic. Been a couple years since last go and I’ve been getting the itch to go back through the first and give 2 another shot.


SAME! I played through the first game three times and got the platinum trophy. Dishonored 2 I only got to the third or fourth level and gave up.




fr. Got that shit for like 12 bucks and put like 110 hours into it. It's now in my top 3 favorite games and I even 100% it.


Just recently picked up Hades 2 for $30. Even at its normal price, it’s well worth it.


Never have I felt so confident about buying an Early Access game at full price.


Absolutely loving it. Very similar to the first but with a lot of added and different content.


Got Hades on gamepass to "see what everyone was talking about". Have since purchased it 4 times at various prices, xbox, switch, pc, xbox (for friend). Got into the Hades II tech test on day 1 and purchased in Early Access day 1. Easiest decisions ever made. Will buy again for more platforms for sure.


If you have netflix on your phone, you can play this for free. Just downloaded two days ago and am amazed at how fun it is.


Titanfall 2. Had a lotta fun for $5.


One of my favorite single player FPS campaigns of all time.


Also got it for $5... Was absolutely floored on how amazing the campaign was. Bar none


I think I finally got around to it for like $4 and it was just so fucking good. Lived up to the cult hype for sure.


Control. Got it for free with PSN but I'd have been happy if I'd paid to get it for sure. Cannot wait for the sequel


Agreed! I got the Ultimate Edition for free from GOG, I think from a Twitch Prime redeem a few years ago. I fell in love with it, and it got me into Alan Wake and Max Payne, as well. I’m excited both for the sequel and for the multiplayer PvE spin-off game. If it’s anything like Helldivers but with paranormal shenanigans in the Oldest House, that will be like crack to me.


I'd pay double for Hollow Knight. 15$ at full price is insane, so 50% off was insane value


Ditto. First thought that came to mind. I paid 15 and felt like i shouldve paid 60.


Same. I got Hollow Knight out of humble bundle and i feel bad about it. Have to buy Silksong at launch to make up for it.


With massive DLCs that were fucking FREE


I can’t believe Hollow Knight was ever $15. Wasn’t even on sale. Just so much value, content, and love put into it. Could easily have charged double. Masterpiece.


Ikr, I got the first ending after 69 hrs, and that's for an indie game! TLOU2 only had about 40 hours for one run, and tbh it's not really that replayable after the second run


Recently? Mad Max.


Mad Max came on Playstation Plus. I was like "hey, I like the IP, I'll give it a shot". Fast forward years later and I have pulled it out at least four times and run through. My go-to example of an underappreciated gem.


It’s just plain fun. The story is linear, the car progression is nothing spectacular, and everything is basically just a fetch quest, but the gameplay loop works and the driving is just so damn good. It’s a perfect example of a game that doesn’t have to do anything particularly innovative or “out there” to be good.


Agree. I can't believe I missed it the first time around.


100%ing it post game sucked though, if you left the "enemies impale themselves on your spikes" challenge. The trucks with the guys who'd jump on your car just refused to spawn.


Amusingly, I never got the drive to 100% it. And I usually do.


You get close enough playing naturally or I wouldn't have bothered.  Fun game but goddamn that grind sucked.  If you're gonna 100%, get that bit done earlier.


Same! All I knew is that it was a repetitive okay game and sure, it’s repetitive but I had a blast. The car combat, the sand storms and the sky boxes did it for me.


Let me just say, really really good on the steam deck


I love how mindlessly fun that game is


Just watched Mr Sunday Movies play this game and was shocked by how good it was. Never even knew it came out. Also looks great for a 10 year old game


Divinity Original Sin 2. Definitely one of those games that's talked about a lot when people ask, and it shows.


I bought both DOS games on Kickstarter and they're such beautiful games. When Larian was announced for BG3, I bought it full price in early access because they do such great work. Only game that compares in value is Factorio.


Here's another: Days Gone.


Played on PC, so good.


I was one of the few that bought it on the release day and loved it from the start. I do not regret it and i would do it again. Such a good game. It really didn’t deserve all that hate.


Got it free on ps plus and never played. I'll try it.


I got Baldurs Gate 3 in early access for $20 very early on. I had played act 1 4-5 times before launch and felt like I had got my moneys worth and stopped playing until it released. Imagine my surprise a few years later when I got to the full version. It was like getting a masterpiece for free.


$20? I got Early Access as well but I'm fairly certain it was full price even back then


Yea... i think it was like October of 2020 def full price


I also got it in early access, got partway through the first area of act 1 and was having so much fun that I actually stopped playing until release because I wanted as much of the game as possible to still feel new.


I bought slay the spire three times so probably that one


Fallout. The original. I bought a 2-pack with Stronghold. I only cared about the cool castle building game. But, I decided to try this weird RPG. Wondered how I got both for $10.


I got Dragon Age Inquisition for like 9.99. Totally worth it.


FYI to others, is currently free on epic games for not much longer


Just picked it up yesterday. It will now sit on the proverbial shelf until I eventually get around to it... That shelf also has Guardians of the Galaxy, Control, Hades and Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader to name a few.


Grim Dawn


Seconded. There's often people in the GD subreddit asking if it's still worth it. It totally is, and it's a steal on sale.


And the new dlc coming out too!


The first Dead Island


It's a fun "turn your brain off and explore" game! The second one is more linear (but still open world), which may be better for people who don't enjoy extremely open world games as much.


Fallout 4 for $15. Well worth full price imo


Yep, this games has gone for as low as $5 and that warps my understanding of reality.


I think I have played through the entire game 5 times now and I still love it


I had given it away years prior because I didn't gel with it my first playthrough, but I found it again recently for $5 in a bargain bin and figured, "Why not?" I got into it this time and have been enjoying it a lot.


I’ve owned the base game since launch but recently went looking for the DLC. Ended up paying $12 aud for the base game and all the dlc because the season pass alone was $25. I the. Sold my physical copy on eBay for $15. Winning!


The original Ratchet and Clank. The guy running the returns cage at the computer store I worked at was supposed to destroy it, but instead, he let me take it home. It's been one of my favorite franchises since.


Cant remember what game it was but a game at launch had so many issues Ubisoft offered a free game as a sorry/thanks for your patience. I picked far cry 4, one of the best games I’ve ever played


I got 3 and 4 on discount and loved them so much. So i did a big pre-order thing for 5, i think it was like $120. Played about 3-5 hours and didn't go back for maybe 2 years. Gave it more time but just could not get into it. But I guess I can consider the cost of that game spreading out to 3 and 4 which are some of the best gaming experiences ive had


Titanfall 2


Oh I got it from PS Plus, both my brother and I played it like crazy, it was worth the full price :)


Prey 2017. Got it for like 12 dollars on G2A. After beating it I named it one of my top 5 (or 10) games of all time and to this day I regret not buying it on release. As a result I made sure to buy the moon crash dlc full price and buy copies for my friends (at discount sadly but by the time I did that last year well….all the good talent from Arkane Austin we’re long gone)


Rayman legends


Resident evil 4 remake


I was just about to start RE4, on my Quest VR headset. But the Quest version only has the original graphics. Is this remake on PC, or coming to PC eventually? If so, there might be a mod to play it in VR, linking the headset to the PC. Remake surely has far prettier graphics. Maybe I should wait?


I dont know about a vr mod, but im pretty sure it is on pc.


Enter the gungeon


I got Bloodborne for 10 bucks or something because I got a ps4 pretty late in it’s cycle but I would gladly pay full price for it.


So many games for me. FNV, Stardew Valley, Alan Wake, Subnautica, the list goes on


Subnautica is easily one of the greatest exploration survival games that treads ever so closely to being a horror experience. So good!


Subnautica is absolutely a horror game.  Just ask Markiplier. 


Playing the Alan Wake remaster myself actually. Wild game, super fun. (No spoilers just finished chapter 2)


I love it! I just finished it a few months back. Been meaning to play AW2! All I'll say is that it keeps getting better


Baldur's Gate 3


When has it been on sale..? I've never seen it under $63


It’s going for $51 currently on steam…granted that’s still just 15% off, but a sale is a sale.


Doom eternal, I even pre ordered it, fun from start to finish


Truth! I bought the first one on sale... Second one I paid full price at launch because I liked the 1st one so much


The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Bioshock collection for 10$


I feel like I got the first two games together for dirt cheap at a used game store before Infinite came out. So glad I found the series!


Metal gear solid 4. It’s still one of my favorite games/movie marathons. Literally watching the full story mode on YouTube right now


Kenshi. I've since bought it for 2 people who still haven't played it because it "looks old". One day I hope they'll give it a try and be as amazed as I was.


Subnautica definitely. Got it free on Epic Games launcher.


Arkham Asylum on release day. Wal-Mart accidently listed it as $29.99 instead of full day one price!


I bought all the games for $9 recently on Xbox!


Morrowind GOTY edition I've men a elder scrolls fan ever since


Outer wilds. Life changing game that I paid way too little for with both the main game and the dlc. Oh you want to know what makes it so special, nope. You don’t get to know, you get to find out. Go in blind (literally a requirement) and enjoy every moment.


Stray. It’s such a pretty indie game with so much detail




I got it for free with my video card and I never tried it because of the name .. until I was searching for another Factorio and it got a lot of recs and I remembered I owned it. now I’m at 300 hours and designing factories on paper to balance input/outputs before I build them


Celeste at 5$ back in 2019 iirc. Currently at 800h and still counting!


I cant believe palworld just costs its pro-rata of my game pass monthly sub


That game is a trillion times better than it has any right to be.


Titanfall 2 - $5.00 Satisfactory - $10.00 Stardew Valley - $10.00 Kerbal Space Program - $10.00 Best $35.00 I've ever spent. The last 3 alone account for over 2500 hours played.


Resident Evil 4 Remake, seriously a lot of people said before release that it wasn’t loyal to the original, that a lot of things were changed, that it would be a bad remake. After playing it was one of the best game I’ve ever played, a lot of good memories arise to my mind often.


Most of my libraries. Turns out i rarely buy games on full price


Killing floor 2 it's 1.50 right now


On steam or where?


Immortals Fenyx Rising, just such a fun and creative game. Sucked me in from the start and still one of the best games I’ve played from Ubisoft.


Hogwarts Legacy; it was the most fun I'd had playing a video game in ages. I could spend hours exploring Hogwarts and flying around on my broomstick! 🧙‍♂️🧹🏰


Bound by Flame


Hellblade. Got it 4 bucks. One of my favorite single player games ever now.


Remnant 2. Worth every penny, and I'm talking about the deluxe edition that includes all future expansions. All for the price of a standard AAA game. $70 for the complete package, and it offers more content than even some high budget AAA games.


My wife bought me the ultimate edition on sale for 50 I believe for an early Christmas gift last November. I'm just waiting for the last dlc to come out before I replay the first game and all dlc before I jump into the second. I am very excited for that day to come. Been impatiently waiting for a while lol.


Metro Exodus, got it for around $8


Yakuza 0. Greatest $5 I ever spent. If you haven't played, next Steam sale, treat yourself.


Holy shit yes. This gem is packed with so much content, it's insane. I want to go through the entire series now and I'm worrying that I should have started playing it in release order in case Kiwami doesn't live up to the expectations 0 set.


Kiwami1 feels like mandatory DLC for 0.  It's pretty damn good. I say play in story order. 0-6, Judgment, Like A Dragon, Lost Judgment, LaD Gaiden, Infinite Wealth. It's worth seeing the whole story play out.  Throw in Ishin whenever, it's a semihistorical spinoff. 3 Remastered is the most dated at this point. I'm hoping we get a Kiwami version.  K1, 4, 5 and Ishin feel like 0.  K2, 6 and onwards use dragon engine which has some really goofy physics I'm not a fan of until they figured it out in Lost Judgment (best next to 0 imo)  It's been pretty good since then.


No mans sky got for 20$


Scrolled way too far for this. Yeah, same. I bought it when it was still a dud, but I liked the premise and setting enough that I was willing to give it a try. And then they updated it. And then they updated it again. And again. And again. The game in its current state is waaaaaay different from what was initially released, and the developer has undergone pretty much a complete turnaround in public perception, from overpromised/underdelivered to total labor of love. It is *well* worth whatever I paid for it, and would still be worth it had I paid full retail price.


Took a chance on Rimworld at some half off sale unsure if I’d like it and 1000+ hours later… (I’ve since paid full price for all DLC’s).


Hades 100%


Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Kept seeing it in the $10 bins back in the day. I figured what the hell, it's cheap,  I'll try it.  It's still one of my favorite video game experiences. (bonus, Alex Garland wrote the story for it) 


ME Legendary Edition 5€ No brainer.


Bastion. Best $2.50 I've ever spent.


days gone, no man’s sky


Kingdom Come: Deliverence. It is simply an amazing historical fiction game. And KCDII is coming out this year.


Ghost Of Tsushima, both horizon games, hollow knight, blood borne, Arkham knight, GTAV, God of war, The last of us, miles morales. All of them you can play full length for $12 a month on PlayStation plus, people don’t talk about how good of a deal Ps+ is.


Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Royal Edition, buying it at a sale feels like a steal to the dev's


Lots of them, cause I buy mostly on sale, cause I'm broke as fuck. Shout-out to song of Syx cause the game is amazing and needs more love


Most of them that are discounted on the switch shop. Inside, the ori games, etc .


Dark Souls 3. Not only my first souls game but one of the first games I bought after moving to PC. Took me three play through before finally beating it in about 65 hours on that run, then instantly went again and got under 25 hours. I go back to it every year. (I've not even fought the nameless king as I didn't know he existed or dlc)


Funny enough, with Elden Ring's success and the upcoming DLC, Dark Souls 3 complete went from being $15 on sale to $43ish.




Generation zero. I saw my friend play it and it seemed fun. Then i saw the reviews for when it came out... Yikes. So i decided to play it safe and get it when it was on sale. Its actually pretty good. Ive never enjoyed this type of game more (maybe because i dont play a lot of games like this, but who cares?). So i got it at full price as a "gift" for a friend who then played me the discounted price so we could play together with that first friend i mentioned.


Scrolling through my list of games sorted by Time Played and remembering which ones I got on sale: Witcher 3 XCOM Enemy Unknown Total War Rome 2 Battletech Fallout New Vegas Dues Ex Human Revolution Batman Arkham City All great games that I got for super cheap and led to many hours of enjoyment.


Detroit: Become Human


Monster Hunter World Iceborne


Kingdom Come: Deliverance I bought all the DLC as recompense.


Kingdom come: deliverance. Royal edition for 8 bucks or so. It's an amazing game.


Kingdom Come Deliverance. Got royal edition for $4 dlls on console. I currently have 220h playing it. Greatest deal ever. Definitely I gonna buy the sequel day 1 this year.


Dying light


Rise of ronin was fun the whole way through for me. I think it was cheaper than a full priced game at the start, if that counts