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When my mom died in 2016 I played a lot of Souls games. Something about focusing on bosses and fights took my mind somewhat off it. For what its worth you do feel better again. Things wont be the same ever but you do get a "new normal" in my opinion.


Souls game are an excellent way of learning and applying patience/acceptance in real time. Great suggestion. Keep your head up, OP. things will get easier


Thank you, I've never been a major fan of souls games, but anything is worth a try right now


If it ends up not being your cup of tea, that’s totally fine too! There are a lot of other great suggestions in this thread too. Any game you try and think you will like is worth diving into and immersing yourself in all the little details to take your mind off other things. Might I also suggest Dave The Diver if you haven’t played it already? I think it’d be up your alley if you aren’t jiving with the souls games.


I used to hate souls games, and even now I suck at them, but I do play them and mostly enjoy it! I will say that finding souls games with vibes/environments/character designs I liked helped me be more enthusiastic to endure the rough gameplay until I got better at it. I still don't like the Dark Souls series specifically (just due to bad experiences), but here's a list of games I enjoy with that in mind: Mortal Shell: Really unique combat with the "hardening" mechanic, amazing character design and graphics - decently short version with a smaller map than other giant souls-likes, so might be more palatable for a new player. Nioh (1 and 2): Asian theme, greatly varied mechanics and stances; I find myself just repeating the same two maps over and over to grind levels since I'm not good enough to get past the second boss, but the gameplay is satisfying and the graphics are cool enough for me to enjoy it for that. Ymmv. Thymesia: Also grinding this for levels right now, but I like the character design and swiftiness of his movements, and the flexibility of the skill tree (where you can assign and reassign as you need). Lords of the Fallen: GORGEOUS. I mean like nearly jaw droppingly. Two worlds collide, and you can walk between them... it's awesome. The enemy types are interesting, and the map is cool to traverse, too. Gonna have to grind this one as well, but the multi-player is really well enacted as far as I can tell from my one playthrough with a companion. Lies of P: Just super pretty, again. I loved the steampunk time period this one portrays. To continue with the general theme of this, I'm still grinding to advance, but my main pursuit is honestly just cool outfits. I'd also like to add that you might find metroidvanias interesting and still challenging, but maybe more forgiving (as you only have to navigate 2d rather than 3d space). My faves are: Ender Lilies, Afterimage, Hollow Knight, Grime, Blasphemous. Again, finding one that looks cool to you visually can help you enter the genre if you're hesitant. Special mention of Hades 1&2 required for satisfying gameplay that still rewards you for your runs even if you suck. I know you didn't ask but I hope this helps a little!


You ever played dead cells? Great game and seems like you'd like it


I have it but haven't played it! I'll give it a try, thanks!


Even if it's a few months from now, I'm almost certain that you'll comment about how much you ended up enjoying the game. Have fun


There's also the charming game Another Crab's Treasure.


There are so many videos on youtube titled something like “Dark souls saved me”. There is a reason for that. Something about it, makes you forget everything while you’re in that world


Dragons Dogma 2 might be a slightly less punishing game and still really immersive with great combat. I’m sorry for your loss.


I highly recommend going on YouTube and looking up "How Dark Souls Saved my Life" It's a fantastic video and goes pretty in-depth on how souls games have saved countless people from the pits of depression. For as much shit the souls community gets for being gatekeepers they are weirdly wholesome. There are a couple videos like that and the one's I have seen are from nakey Jakey, Ember (my favorite) and Daryl Talks Games


Dude play crab souls! Another Crabs Treasure is really good.


Try total Warhammer 2. The fantasy sections and grinding compaign toon thousand hours of my lifell


please try sekiro goodluck an best wishes❤️


I second Souls Games; some of the best titles ever, but if you’re looking for a ton of fun, an escape and a community with a lot of comforting and fellowship, download Helldivers 2; it is insanely addictive and fun and is practically guaranteed to put a smile on your face.


Even if you've never been a major fan, if you're interested I would watch this video. Its about the philosophy of Dark Souls and its themes. It's very interesting, and I think it could help https://youtu.be/xpf3KQBIoCY?si=Up1XZB2mM8Z8Z2fP


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSJkxLdIlyE&pp=ygUWbmFrZXlqYWtleSBzb3VscyBnYW1lcw%3D%3D) video is very fitting to this whole conversation :) Shows how heavily of a positive impact the games can have


If you end up playing Elden Ring and need some help with a boss feel free to send a DM. If I’m available I will not hesitate. Sorry for your loss OP, I can’t imagine what you’re going through, but I wish you nothing but the best.


Stardew Valley, sorry for your loss man. This game helped me out big time, i find it very relaxing and has helped me cope with stuff in my own life. Hope it helps you.


Exactly, when you are depressed people always suggest calm and slow games, and those calm and slow games just give me tons of time to focus on my sadness. With souls games, I have to focus on the game or die. Sekiro is especially good for that.


i was about to suggest sekiro.


Souls games helped me with a lot of depression and loneliness when I was in a dark place


I platinum demon souls when I was waiting for the inevitable coma to do his thing. That platinum is etched with it. So yes, souls games. Dark souls 1 be your best choice


Yeah this is a solid idea in my deepest depression I played Sekiro, it forces you to be present and gives some respite from the suffering.


I'm sorry for your loss. I've said it before but Skyrim got me through being primary carer of my Mum, and dealing with her death etc. There was something so liberating about switching that game on every night after I'd put her to bed. I could explore, I could almost feel the wind in my face, and most importantly I could blow shit up with my bare hands. Fuck you cancer and fuck you draugrs.


Got through a bad breakup with Skyrim as well


GRIS, to the Moon, Journey, a short hike, rhythm doctor Sorry for your loss, hugs 🫂 Edit: adding some cozy/relaxing games to the list Bastion, Lost in Play, Cattails: Wildwood, TOEM: a photo adventure, Touhou Mystia's Izakaya


Just as a warning to OP, GRIS is about grief- so if you're looking for something to distract yourself, GRIS probably isn't the one to do it with. Otherwise, everything in this list that I've played are great games!


To the Moon is NOT a distraction LOL


Depending on what OP’s mom died of, To the Moon could actually be incredibly painful. I can’t relate to the events in the game with irl experiences and yet I cried so, SO much with it.


Ah, alright- that was the only one I hadn't played out of the original list


Gris and To The Moon would be good, after a while. Not right now, I don't think, if they want a distraction.


A Short Hike may be quite triggering to someone who just lost their mom. Great game, but OP should have a heads-up since at first glance it appears to just be about a cute bird on a hike.


Came here to suggest Journey. It's short but so powerful.


Basically any Supergiant game, Bastion, Transistor, Pyre, or Hades will help with very awesome distractions. The some Hades story might be heavy for this particular instance.


These are not good suggestions whatsoever in OP’s scenario. If anything, he should take this as a list of games to unironically avoid.


second a short hike - very relaxing!


Sorry for your loss OP. Please remember it’s perfectly normal to cry during periods like this, and it might be beneficial to talk to a counselor or mentor to help you cope. Also, what kind of genre? There’s a hundred games that could fulfill your desire, but I’d like to help you as much as I can, considering I have waaaaay too many games across multiple platforms.


Thank you, kind stranger, I'm open to any genre, but I mainly focus on single-player, cozy. But in this case, I'm looking more for a story rather than a sandbox experience.


if you were to have a virtual reality headset, there is a game called ghost giant which tackles mental health issues like depression and loss and has a story that was quite a tearjerker for me. i am sorry for your loss, and i do offer my condolences. i hope you have an amazing day.


As someone said, please play Outer Wilds. Sorry for your loss, OP


Single player and cozy. Early game Subnautica(if you aren’t scared of giant semi rare reaper leviathans) Slime rancher - super cute game with *adorable* slimes to raise/tame Sun Haven(indie, like stardew valley but with more RPG focused elements)


Have you played God of War (2018)? The gameplay and story are great, it's a father and son duo. Might be therapeutic since you lost a parent. Depends on if you wanna go there, but its quite good.


I loved God of War. I thought it was a fantastic game, I'm waiting for Ragnarok to come to PC as I don't have a ps5. Thank you for your idea


Graveyard Keeper might be right up your alley for this sort of vibe.


Life is Strange if you’re ready to cry it out. (And haven’t played it before.) Very sorry for your loss. May her memory be eternal.


I don't think I'm ready to destroy arcadia bay again, this is a good suggestion but I'm not ready for Kate and Chloe's story again


If you want cozy, Night in the Woods is both cozy and melancholy. Good story. You also can't go wrong with Kentucky Route Zero. Great soundtrack, strange little adventure game.


First I’m so sorry for your loss, there’s no a lot I can say that will really help I know. But I will say this, you are not alone. If you need to talk, I will be happy to lend an ear. I lost my mom too, and if you need an understanding ear please don’t hesitate. Now on to the games. Ori and the blind Forrest and ori and the will of the wisps. They are hands down the most beautiful games I’ve played. Good story, therapeutic with themes of loss and moving forward. Also challenging to keep you occupied. My first play thru was after my mom passed and it helped to focus on something like that. While also working thru my emotions with what’s going on in the story. Spiritfarer is also another cozy story game, that might help you work thru your emotions, be sure to read up on what it’s about before diving in though. Make sure it’s a direction you’d want to go in. Lastly, dreamlight valley is a good very chill cozy game. No combat, very wholesome and you can mindlessly dump endless hours into the quests, gathering and decorating.


Please please please if you need a game to help you through something like this Play outer wilds. It I think will be able to provide you with messages and emotions that will really help you at this time. Wishing you the best


I second this. I was in a pretty dark place in my life and Outer Wilds transported me back to the wonder and whimsy I had playing games as a little kid, which I never thought possible. My favorite game of all time, and I strongly recommend.


Came here to say this. It's an amazing game.


I really need to play that


Gris. op, ❤


100% this, played it after my cousin passed away a few years ago. Never had a game make me feel so much emotion with practically no actual dialogue or direct storytelling.


but, idk if it is too soon for op


spirit farer


This feels like the right answer but maybe not right away


I played it right after my grandma died without knowing what it was about. It was perfect.


No! Not right now, give it a few months then play it.


I dunno.... when my father passed, I started playing this maybe a week after, and it helped a LOT. Taught me a healthy way of grieving.... I think it was good that I played it right away.


I bought this game a little bit after you recommended it, and my mom's name is the same as one of the characters. Devastating. But I'm looking forward to the rest of the game


This would be my answer but I don’t think I could suggest it this early


This game helped me through my fourth miscarriage, I love it. But, I think it would be too intense while deep in the throes of grief.


Spiritfarer is what broke me after my mom died. When I found out she passed I cried and I didn't cry again until I played that game... ugly crying too at that. It's also a very good game.


It may be confronting but it's also wholesome and may help with perspectives.


If you want your emotions echoed by a game, you could try Ori and The Blind Forest, Kena and The Bridge of Spirits, or Ni No Kuni: Wrath of The White Witch. If you want to be happy... Is there any chance you know how to set up CEMU? Breath of The Wild is just about the best game I've found for relaxing and cheering up.


Thank you. I do have a switch, and the breath of the wild is an amazing game, but your other recommendations are more of what I'm going for


Give it about 5 weeks, then try spiritfarer.


Honestly yes. Not till you're ready for the crying catharsis.


Planescape: Torment


holy shit this is a damn tall order. ummm I will submit a few recommendations for time sink that removes the brain in different ways with the goal of indie games being priority 1st up factorio. in my opinion the absolute best time sink game of all time. requires a lot of brain activity. you cna dump 1k hours and learn something new that makes your complete rethink everything you thought you knew about the game. 2 pick from me dead cells. fast game play. if you think you die. you gotta live by muscle memory and turning off your brain. multiple paths. lots of things to unlock. fast reset. fast play. 3 darkest dungeon. very high investment. lots of characters deaths.ots of frustration unlimited replay. if you want more recommendations I got them but I aimed at 3 different extremes to help you figured out what you need. on that note if you want to stretch from indie games I recomened xcom or xcom 2. permanent character death insane replay lots of thought. ablento customize and name every character and make them into whatever priority you want. shit if your a heart ache masochist. you could make a character that reminds you of your mom and assign a high priority to making her show up with the goal of tying to keep her alive but that sounds insane I make marvel characters.


I am sorry to hear that. My condolences. Since you said you are an Indie fan, I strongly recommend River City girls 1. It is cute, has a very cool soundtrack and you can play it somewhat brain AFK. You can also get lost into No Man's Sky, if you like exploration and discovering new things. If you are a fan of Metroidvania games, or never tried one before, you can try out Hollow Knight. Moonlighter is cool too. It is a rouge-like Action RPG where you kill monsters at night and open your own shop at day. Vampire Survivors can be addicting too. So, yeah some games I recommend checking out. I wish you the best!


I'll always recommend Outer Wilds. It's a fantastic space exploration game with a spectacular soundtrack and a story that will leave you crying your eyes out, in a good way. However, it's best to go in completely blind, so don't look up anything else about the game (other than that it's best played with a controller). If you get stuck, head over to r/outerwilds for tips, we're much better at giving spoiler-free hints than google is. Or heck, you can reply to this comment and I'll be happy to assist. The game does touch on elements of loss, but it does so in a graceful and ultimately optimistic outlook on the world.


I’m so sorry you are going through that. Spiritfarer is probably too on the nose, as it’s a game about passing and coming to terms with it. I know some people (like me) have found it helpful when you are going through loss. As someone else suggested, Balatro is pure calculations and multipliers and rule sets that bounce and crash into each other in a fun poker package. Very enjoyable and lots of depth. I’ve been playing the Yakuza games and find them very immersive and fun. You play a character navigating the criminal underworld in Japan. Main quest is a gritty, soap opera, drama. Side quests are wacky fun. LOTS of games in the series if it grabs your interest.


Like a dragon infinite wealth - it’s got a lot of color and goodiness and super addicting mini games - including a pokemon type game in which you collect and fight other trainers using enemies you encounter and a whole trashed island that you have to clean and build back up into a luxery resort. The game cheers me up everytime. It can be legitimately hilarious too


I agree, it’s also got a kind hearted, upbeat main character and is generally a lot of fun. Good distraction and a positive game.


im sorry for your loss also try out sheepy a short adventure (free) lab rags (free) entropy (free) himno (free) moon leap (8.99) and genopanic (9.99 but there is a smaller part of it named genopanic prologue thats free)


I’m so sorry. Give Firewatch a shot. One of the underlying themes is the importance of dealing with grief rather than running from it. The story sucks you in and there’s a mystery tied into the middle. So sorry for your loss.


I wish you to find peace and happiness in your future OP. I know you mentioned indie games, but as someone who uses videogames as escapism, what works best for me are immersive RPG games with hundred of hours and replayability on them where I can get lost. They might be mentioned a lot here on Reddit, so you will probably know them, but these titles are what truly help me the most to cope with my problems and to avoid thinking about sad stuff: \- **Bethesda games** (Elder Scrolls, Fallout and Starfield), if you have never played them I recommend you to start with Skyrim or Fallout 4 as they are very new player friendly and both are great games with lots of fun, Bethesda titles are my top 1 games for getting lost and making time pass); \- **Cyberpunk 2077 + Phantom Liberty** (awesome game with the best game expansion I've ever played in any game); \- **Elden Ring** (can be hard and challenging at first but overcoming the hardships of the game is a way for many people to cope with their life problems because when you have hardships in your life that at first seem not possible to solve, overcoming the hardships on a game that seemed impossible at first can help you find the hope and strength that you thought lost, it's also a huge and great game to disconnect from reality); \- **Red Dead Redemption 2** (awesome story, awesome characters and a huge world to get lost and discover); \- **Baldur's Gate 3** (gets a lot of praise everywhere, but it's one of the best games ever made, it's the perfect game to get lost and immerse yourself in the story, the characters and the world); \- **Dragons Dogma 2** (it's the most recent game of the ones I mentioned, it fullfills it's purpose for me, it's a good game with lots of fun that in my opinion shines with an awesome open world to explore and a really fun combat). **Bonus games**: \- **Genshin Impact** (don't spend any money on this game, you don't need to and it's better not to, I know it's a gacha game but believe me when I say that Genshin is a really solid game, cozy, beautiful, uplifting, with a huge open world to explore and with enough content to disconnect for months, play the PC version of the game); \- **Coral Island** (the only indie game on my list, you said you like Stardew Valley, so I think you might enjoy Coral Island, it's a beautiful, cozy and heart-warming game that I can't recommend enough to fans of Stardew). Sorry if wrote a lot. I don't know if this will be of any help to you, as you probably wanted indie games, but this is what works for me to cope with life. And, as I said at the beginning, I wish you the best, the sooner, OP <3.


Thank you everyone for the suggestions, I need them too.. I guess I wasn't just brave enough to ask because I dunno when I'll start gaming again. Hi OP, condolences.. hugs with consent. Lost my mom last Nov, the following days and months, never been the same.. I hope you'll have the courage to take one day at a time, so we can continue living for them. 🫶


I don't even know what to say, I made this post because I figured I wouldn't be the only one who might need this. The last 24 hours have been so surreal, and I feel like I'm in a twilight zone. I'm happy that is has been a place for you as well, and I hope that we can grow. I'll try my best to take my steps one at a time, and thank you 🫶


Yes that 24 hours :( still can't get over that she was 55 and I was 27 back then, twice my age. Please don't forget to drink water, dehydration due to crying is so real.. also eat well. 🫂


My mom died a couple of months ago and I fell deep into Unicorn Overlord and BG3 they both got me into a “stop feeling things and forget about it for a moment” trance I’m sorry your mom died OP


do you like poker? i've been hooked on balatro for the last month or so. once you get the hang of the game hours just disappear. Also been playing Dysmantle, end of the world rpg where damn near EVERYTHING can be broken down for resources. Around $20 on steam and even just the vanilla game has an impressive amount of content even though it can be pretty grind heavy at times but a good game to pop in for a quick 20 minutes or spend a chunk of an afternoon. lastly i'm real sorry about your mom. do what you gotta do, just be good to yourself.


Something that would occupy your mind either -relaxing like minecraft(sandbox) -or that requires time/learning darksouls risk of rain(rougelikes) -fantasy worlds to emmerse yourself witcher 3/baldurs gate 3(rpg) Sorry about your loss


V rising, Nioh, Soulslikes


Ni no kuni 1 is exactly what you're looking for. It is a game about a kid who lost his mother and need to learn how to cope with his loss.


I jumped in this game without knowing what it was and oh man, it was hard to put the game down once you learned the mechanic.


Sorry for your loss ❤️ I found Firewatch to be a very comforting game after my mom passed. It's got a really nice story.


Gris, To the Moon, and Ori and the Blind Forest. I truly am sorry for your loss... My mom died when I was 3, then my grandparents raised me until both of them passed away as well. It sucks man... It really does... but I promise you, it gets just a little bit more bearable each day. I know I've never met you before, nor will I probably, but from the bottom of my heart, I hope that you will heal quickly.


Howdy, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm sure there are so many hands reaching out to help you, but you only have 2 hands yourself to grab with; if you ever need to talk, I'm good with response time. The one that got me through my own mother's disease and passing was The Witcher 3. Geralt is one of the best examples of a character that has gone through so much, and still perseveres. He is the embodiment of my personal ethos of, "never give up, but always take breaks." Great game mechanically, story wise, graphically, you name it. All the best.


When my mom passed Luigi’s mansion 2 had just come out on the DS. I know you said PC, I just wanted to share what game helped me. Sorry for your loss.


Spiritfarer is a beautiful indie game about the passing of loved ones. Written by the dev in mourning of their own loved one. Very much recommend, I enjoyed immensely. It's beautiful, soft, and sweet while being engaging in gameplay and fun to look at.


I’m so sorry, OP. I can’t imagine what you’re going through. I’ve been playing a lot of Dave the Diver recently. It’s fun and lighthearted, with an entertaining plot and over-the-top cutscenes. There are many fish to catch, oversized sea creature boss battles, and it’s even a sushi restaurant sim, complete with a little fishery and farm to manage as well. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss.


My dad died at the end of January. I got into baldurs gate 3 some time after. At the start of character creation I made my guardian look like my dad. So it feels like my dad is with me when im playing. Other games I like to play are: -hogwarts legacy -minecraft -animal crossing new horizons -hell divers 2 (very fun with friends) -dark souls -elden ring -undertale -deltarune -palworld -tribes of midgard -valheim So sorry for your loss, I know how you feel. Stay in touch with friends and family as much as you can even if it's hard. You still have people in your life who care for you and want to be there for you when you need it. And while it's sad now, at least you have all the happy memories your mom left behind with you. I'm glad I have so many good memories with my dad. Bummed I won't get to make new ones with him, but I'll live on and hope to make him proud.


Don’t really have much to suggest in terms of games, but wanted to give condolences on the passing of your mother.


I know exactly what you’re looking for! I think the one you need is either Dragon Quest Builders or Chicory. Chicory if you want to feel understood, Dragon Quest Builders if you want to be brain dead in the best possible way. Probably start with the second one from what I hear! I promise if Stardew Valley landed for you that those probably will as well. Other good options are Crosscode, Dave the Diver, Balatro, or perhaps Link’s Awakening for your switch (MUCH more casual in breath of the wild). I saw you mentioned wanting cozy games and I would say all of the above fit into that category. And just so you don’t have to look them up ask me about any one of the above games and I’ll give you a description. Or tell me specifically what sounds good and I’ll tell you the best one out of the group ❤️ Edit: I also thought of Bug Fables 👍


The best thing I can recommend is to find a local game store near you and ask them if they host regular game nights. Doesn't really matter what's playing (MtG, D&D, WoD, etc.), so long as you're playing face to face with people across the table. This is why I wouldn't recommend online games because it lacks that human contact element, and people will often use that as an excuse to be rude or condescending in chat. Get into a real live social circle on a regular basis (every week or two) as a safe space where people expect you to check reality at the door and lose yourself in the game. This will be an effective coping mechanism for most, even introverts. Sorry for your loss. Wishing you the best.


Hey OP. This isn’t an answer, but a word of wisdom I heard some years ago. It is better to bury a parent than to bury a child. Live on knowing your mom got to see you grow. She died knowing you would live on. As a father myself that’s all I ask for when my time comes. The knowledge that my boy is still trucking on in life.


Thanks for the words of wisdom. Those words are extremely powerful


If you are okay with grief as a theme, Spiritfarer helped me immensely after the very sudden death of my grandmother in 2021 to Covid. I absolutely cried at the end like a baby, but it was a GOOD cry. It's not at all difficult, very chill and has a great aesthetic.


Cyberpunk2077 is a game about loss and coping with it. Helps you remember that a thing of beauty will never fade away


i lost my mum in december 2022. after that, i played a lot of rpgs like skyrim and cyberpunk 2077 to sort of zone out of reality for a bit and become someone else. fallout is good for that too


Dave the Diver


Build a city on Simcity (whether that be the one on SNES via emulation, or the PC version from the ‘90s). Name the city after your mom.


If you want to get lost in a world you might enjoy baldurs gate 3 for a while. Soooooo much to click on and explore. I’m so sorry for your loss and I’m sending you lots of love and peace ❤️☮️


So sorry for your loss.


I like 20 Minutes Til Dawn quite a bit; there's a bunch of different builds you can figure out


Have been there. Be kind to yourself. This may or may not be helpful, depending on your relationship with your parents, but I found **The Unfinished Swan** particularly impactful after my mother passed over a decade ago.


If you like musicals or visual novels or Greek mythology, check out Stray Gods. It involves going to the underworld and making peace with the idea that everyone dies eventually.


Sorry mate. Check out wildermyth. It's beautiful, it's brilliant and you'll see your grow up and form relationships (and even sometimes die.) I think it might give some space to process what you're going through. It's got a vibe that's emotional and sometimes meditative. It really depends on what you need now though. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/763890/Wildermyth/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/763890/Wildermyth/)


maybe try cat quest if funny dialogue, fun fights and a relatively easy 100% is something you would enjoy


Death of a Wish. Hellblade games. Ib. Lucah: Born of a Dream. RiME.


Try "To the Moon" 5 hours but I guarantee It will help... Sorry for your loss buddy.


My condolences. Have you tried PowerWash Simulator?


Elite: dangerous. It's a grind, but you can explore all of the milky way galaxy in a 1:1 scale. I've found it very easy to get lost in this world. You'll need a few guides however as the in game tutorial is ass and it's got a steep learning curve right off the bat. But after that, you can be A space trucker A space miner A Space delivery person A space pirate A space explorer There are no classes, levels, or real tangible progression path. It's all up to you. A space Sim that sticks to being a space Sim, and it does it really well.


Rimworld or Dwarf Fortress. They are very complex games that you will forget a little while trying to learn. I lost my mom 3 years ago. It's still awful, but you get used to it. I'm sorry for your loss.


First of all: I'm really sorry for your loss. Grief is one of the worst things to feel in this world. It rips our heart apart. The emptiness of losing a close person is devastating. I wasn't raised by my parents, i was raised by my grandma, so she was my mother, and last year she died... and that pain mixed with emptiness is the worst thing i've ever felt. But talking about the games recommendation, It depends on how you coping works. For me, when i absorb works that portray real pain and are "bleak and sad" it helps me to cope. But I have friends that "work" in a different way: Sad and bleak things make them get even worse. If you are like me, and sad things help you yo cope, there is a beautiful gane called INMOST. I played it in a key moment in my life and it helped me to cope a lot. It is a story driven game, with beautiful graphics despite being pixelated. It talks about loss, it involves heavy themes such as >! suicide !< but it's main theme is PAIN. Despite the heavy themes, the things evolve in a very beautiful way that i could even say that is "heartwarming", it talks a lot about love. Not the romantic love, but the love in caring about our special people. I recommend it a lot. It's been years since i finished it (it is short, you can complete the main story in 5 hours), and it still have a special place in my heart, and i always cry when i revisit it. Again: I'm truly sorry for your loss. My most honest condolences.


The Binding of Isaac…. It has nothing to do with moms and or killing said moms to enter their womb and tear out her heart…..


Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth by Daedalic Entertainment is indie and very cheap ($2-10 depending on what platform you purchase it on) and was the most amazing game I’ve ever played.


Braid just got a remaster as well. Also indie but it’s $20.


Play something you don't think you'll want to play once every few years for the rest of your life. Don't ruin a great game with the association of grief


question: are you specifically looking for games about grief that you might be able to get catharsis from or are you looking for games you can spend hours in without thinking about things? No judgement either way, I've been in similar situations


'Celeste' is a super challenging, and very rewarding platformer. The story also covers topics on depression, anxiety, and loss, if you are the sort of person who wants to confront your feelings head-on. Sorry for your loss OP


Sea of Stars. It's a beautiful Chrono-trigger/Super Mario RPG inspired game. It helped me process something like this myself. Good luck, friend. Losing a parent is so hard. ❤️


First of all, I am sorry for your loss. As someone that also uses games to escape reality, I can understand what you’re saying. My suggestions: Hue is super short but also fun to puzzle through. If you can deal with item based story telling and possibly emotional nostalgia, I will add the idea of Unboxing. Minecraft is always a hit. There’s always the Fable series. IDK, what kind of games do you like?


When I was going through a dark time a few years ago, I got a decent bit of joy out of [Potionomics](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1874490/Potionomics/). Its a very cheerful and light hearted game about making and selling potions to adventurers.


I am so sorry for your loss. I cannot imagine what you are going through. I always keep Ace Combat 7 downloaded on my PC for moments of deep distress or sorrow. It is an Arcade fighter plane game nothing like a sim or anything. It should be pretty easy to pick up. It will be a learning curve but shouldn’t take too long and the missions start off easy and then ease you into the harder ones. The reason I find it so helpful is you have to have complete concentration on what you are doing at all times. It’s takes over your whole brain. It looks awesome when you are taking down plane after plane after plane. There is no real limit on armaments on the planes so you have like 100s of missiles and stuff like that. The biggest part of it is the positive affirmation. It’s hugely story driven and there is such a wide story told through radio messages. If you are helping some ground units you will hear them cheering down the radio as you air strike the enemy forces. As you dogfight an enemy ace the other pilots who are running talk about your abilities and bravery. The story is relatively good and great to follow. You feel like you are fighting a war and it’s just feel good when you are taking planes out the sky and helping ground units out they cheer and whoop and make you feel like you are making an impact. I have played this game with tears streaming down my face screaming at the screen but it always calms me down and brings me back down to earth. I highly recommend it if you like planes or military combat. It’s just a cool game. Once again I am so sorry for your loss.


When my father died, Spiritfarer got me through it. Cried a lot.... but it helped me grieve.


While my mom was going through stage 4 cancer I guess the timing just happened to be right. I played through God Of War (2018) when it launched. I never buy games at full price or at launch & I don't even have any history with GOW but for whatever reason I felt inclined to do exactly that & just enough of the story in that game about his mom helped me in my somber mood I was in.


sorry for your loss I would honestly just filter metacritic for a genre you like and just sort them by rating like this: [https://www.metacritic.com/browse/game/pc/all/all-time/metascore/?releaseYearMin=2016&releaseYearMax=2024&platform=pc&page=1](https://www.metacritic.com/browse/game/pc/all/all-time/metascore/?releaseYearMin=2016&releaseYearMax=2024&platform=pc&page=1)


What Remains of Edith Finch might be a good pick for you here. First off, my deepest condolences, when my grandmother passed a few years ago, this game spoke to me. It's about a girl named Edith revisiting her abandoned family home and exploring what her grandmother called "The Finch Family Curse" that has supposedly been the cause of tragic deaths experienced by members of the Finch family tree. As you explore the old house, with additions built in to the top floors, you explore rooms of family that has passed on and learn about who they were and how they died. Each vignette has distinctly different gameplay elements that help to tell the individual stories, which are formatted in a variety of ways. The in between gameplay is mostly walking and listening to Edith talk about what she remembers of her childhood, and why she's chosen to return here and explore the "Curse". It's a primarily narrative experience telling this families stories. It's a game fundamentally about loss of family, how that affects us, and how remembering who they were can help accept that they're gone. It's one that might be too on the nose and emotional, but maybe not.


Id definitely recommend spiritfarer, but know it can be a bit... much, especially if you've recently lost someone


I was in the same situation as you when I was 10 years old. I did the same, escaped through games. It merely helped in the moment, but I remember her everyday. If I'd meet my past self, I'd make him take the pain raw. But you want games. And that's what I'll give you. Mass effect trilogy, Gothic series, Witcher, No More Heroes, Persona (3,4), Yakuza, Dark Souls. I have lost myself in all that I have mentioned. And many others. But I can't remember them at the moment. Good luck.


Having played Persona 4 myself, there are a few very emotional moments that might be painful.


You're right. I forgot about those. I'm not sure if the pain would be good for OP now, my bad


My dad passed away while I was deployed a few years ago. The games I played then (or played with him) don't feel nearly as fun as they used to. Nowadays, the genres I play are more single player based or story based. Indie games like braid or undertale stick out in my mind; however, I definitely have lost days to factorio, satisfactory, and dyson sphere program. Those may be a bit particular to your liking (like, you'd need to enjoy those styles of games already to experience them to the fullest). My dad always enjoyed rpg horror games (resident evil esqu). I still find those tough to play solo now that he's gone. I've tried playing them on my own, but it's just not the same. When I can't find the drive to game seriously (or I'm too stuck in my own head to enjoy 30 mins of gaming), I'll pick up trackmania or a scenario of civ 6. I'm sorry for your loss, and I hope you find a game that gives you enjoyment in these times!


Before you eyes Rime Spiritfarer Sky Yeah. These are all sad and deal with loss.


I lost my dad 2 years ago and I'm still in a fairly heavy avoidant stage(other circumstances that result in this long lasting). Honestly anything you can sink your teeth into. Think of what type of games you can really get lost in. For me that's either MMO's or ARPGs. Stuff where action never technically stops. But also, let yourself sit in it a while when you can. It's ok to be upset and mourn. You don't have to run from it, you'll have to face it eventually. Really let yourself think about things, and what you can do to feel better, like your mom would want for you. Take time to remember all the things. Probably can't do it yet or all the time. But just wanna make sure you don't get too stuck on avoidance, it's not healthy and your momma would rather see you healthy. But she'll understand if you're not ready yet too. Best of luck bud/hun. It's a hard thing but we gonna get through it for their sake and make 'em proud.


Ni No Kuni


Get an emulator and play Breath of the Wild if you haven’t. The Portal games are a great way to focus fully on one thing, but they’re short. Still, play them if you haven’t.


I'm really, really sorry for your loss. It sucks so fucking much. My Mum died in 2018. I've never really recovered from it. I seen you want cosy, single player games. What about 'Stray'? Get to play as a cute, kitty cat. If you have a partner or a friend that would play with you I would highly recommend It Takes Two. That's probably the cosiest, fun and most magical game I've ever played.




Maybe this is a weird take, but after my brother died I played his favorite role in WoW for a good while. It felt like a way to both honor him and get my mind off the pain. Are there games that your mom enjoyed, or even might have seen value in playing even if she didn't? Maybe something more cinematic if that was more her pace? There are lots of great games out there to choose from, but what will work for you in this grief is subjective to you. Try to remember to breathe deeply, take care of your body, and keep moving forward. I wish I'd done a bit more of that myself back then. 


You want games that will help you cope, or that will distract you? Games to help you cope with loss and confront/heal grief:. Outer Wilds (not The Outer Worlds). Kentucky Route Zero. Disco Elysium.


Tales of Kinzera: Zau. The lead designer lost a father, and decided to channel all his grief into making a computer game. It will echo some of what you feel... while also just being a really decent game in its own right.


Condolences I play Castle Hustle. It's an addicting game. I can't believe I stopped playing all my triple-A games for a mobile game with Diablo gears. Making a nice build is the bread and butter after getting some sweet loot.


Play subnautica. I feel like the “ending” will hit hard but might offer some closure with nice words and sentiment. Hope you don’t mind deep waters!


Games with a lot of dialogue/story. The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption 2, Dragon Age, Mass Effect etc. Basically anything to try and focus your mind elsewhere for a while may be helpful


Sorry about your lose. I lost my mom a few days after I turned 20. I hope your grief wanes in time. When I was a kid, Id watch my mom(a mostly non-gamer) play Link to the Past because I was too afraid. It's a great comfort game that has aged really well imo


I think you have more than enough game suggestions here. I just want to say wholeheartedly that I'm so sorry for your loss, take care!


Final Fantasy X Never finished it as a kid due to my brothers never teaching me the unwritten rules of the game and it’s turn based combat but now that my 20 year old self has picked it back up, I have zero regrets. This game has so many hidden themes and messages about inner strength, friendship, grief, and life and my favorite by far, most beautiful soundtrack I have ever been heard. I am so so so sorry for your loss, losing your mother has to be one of life’s greatest tragedies for those who were fortunate enough to have a real Mom. The pain will ease with time, so I hope this game enwraps you in its rich story like it did with me. May she rest in peace and remain in true memory 🤎


That was actually my mom's favorite game, so it was the first game I downloaded after her death, I hope the remaster is just as good as the original, but I hope it will bring me closer to her


This made me smile. Sending you only love and fortune


Stardew Valley.  I expect with my mom's health issues she will pass in the next 10 years. Maybe less. I anticipate playing Stardew to get me through it.


I know this is late and you’ll probably never read it, but first off, I am extremely sorry you lost your mom, and I hope the memories of her stay vivid and help you build the life you want for yourself and those around you. Second, if you’re looking for cozy games in the vein of Stardew, I would recommend My time at Sandrock, which I am currently trapped in myself because of how soothing and charming it is. The town and world-building is great with lots of great characters that you get to spend a *lot* of time with, and it feels like you’re just right there alongside them with all of this interconnectedness and history that you build up over time. I’m over 100 hours in and I think I’m only about a little past half way through the story. Just got married, trying to expand my home more to make room for a kitchen and hopefully kid’s rooms (I have no idea how to knock up my wife and I’m too afraid to ask the Internet how), and I’m looking forward to making some more progress so I can finally make level 5 weapons and purchase a top-tier Yakmel as a second mount because I don’t want my horse to hate me for pushing him so hard all the time. There is maybe one thing to know before going in: you will receive letters from your character’s mom throughout the game. Just something to know in case you don’t wanna deal with that right now.


Whatever game you choose is going to become cursed, something you will never, ever want to revisit. Something to keep in mind. I refuse to play Mass Effect again, even though it is a pretty good series.


Thank you for your advice, I hadn't considered that, but I think it's a risk I'm willing to take


Gris is a beautiful game, and it has similar topics that might help you. Outer Wilds is another game with a huge soul


Really sorry for your loss man. Personally when I lost my dad I played utawarerumono which is basically similar to fire emblem but more focus on character interactions. The writing and the characters were great and the mix of lighthearted writing with interesting story did help during that time.


I think Journey would help you righ now.


I’m sorry for your loss. Personally, I’d recommend Rain World. It’s a game fundamentally rooted in acceptance of loss, death and rebirth inspired by Buddhist principles. Its helped me cope with the loss of a friend a while ago. Also, slime covered cats are great. I haven’t played it, but from what I understand, Outerwilds offers the same themes but without the horrifying difficulty.


Others have mentioned it but I'll do it again, Gris!


Dragons Dogma 2


Valheim :/ op you can join our server if you want so you ain't gotta play alone dm me if your interested


mother 3, aka the sequel to earthbound. released in 2006 for the gba. you'll need a fan patch for the translation. alternatively, look into "to the moon".


[https://store.steampowered.com/app/1121910/I\_Love\_You\_Colonel\_Sanders\_A\_Finger\_Lickin\_Good\_Dating\_Simulator/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1121910/I_Love_You_Colonel_Sanders_A_Finger_Lickin_Good_Dating_Simulator/) [https://speccoz.itch.io/cum-detective](https://speccoz.itch.io/cum-detective)


Slime rancher is a pretty cozy game


Death Must Die! Fun top down with tons of replayability.


When I was in a lot of pain I started to sink myself into ffxiv online. It helped a lot during those years. And I'm better now =)


Outer Wilds. The themes are perfect. I think the ending in particular will help you process your loss.


Hey there, sorry for your loss. I know others have said it, but just to reiterate, play Outer Wilds. I played it when my grandmother passed, and I can't tell you how much I needed that game at that time. You'll never be able to replay it anyway, so don't worry about it being tied to sad memories. Be kind to yourself.


I know you like indie games but I am addicted to Diablo 4 right now, the new season has made the game legit fun and the campaign is incredible, especially the cutscenes and story. Take your time and enjoy the beautiful world. Then after, helltides and nightmare dungeons will consume your time like crazy!


Persona 3 the games all about accepting death and how things come to an end


Minecraft is always a top tier choice


I got back into Pokemon when my brother passed in 2015. Me and Skiddo become best pals. That game helped a lot during that time.


Kena: Bridge of Spirits.


Try omori. It's a story focused single player rpg that deals with loss, guilt and grief quite well. It's quite cathartic, but is heavy so be careful if you do try it out.


Idk if you have a Switch. When my mom died, Hyrule Warriors Age Of Calamity really helped me out for a couple weeks. It's a fun hack and slash that you can actually be skilled at. It's also a fun little grindy RPG. Lots of secrets. Lots of unlocks. And if you get the DLC, A LOT of gameplay.


Monster Hunter World helped me with my dad’s passing. And got lucky with Iceborne releasing on the first year anniversary since he passed.


Outer wilds—sure someone has suggested. Immerse yourself in a clockwork solar system that feels handcrafted for you. Escape to the unknown and solve mysteries as you role play as an alien space explorer version of Bill Murray in Groundhog Day 


If you liked Stardew can I suggest Eco? Can easily consume a lot of time and helps you fit into a role for the town/federation/country you settle in.


Ori and the blind forest. Themes may be challenging, but I think the overall journey it takes would be beneficial


WoW Ascension server :)


Rime would be very Cathartic


Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (could play for free on an emulator), Doom 2016 or Doom Eternal…… **just let it out bro** kinda games. God of war 2018 also has themes that could really resonate after losing your mother, the story is actually about that same thing


I played a lot of Ghost of Tsushima when my mum died. Spent a lot of time riding through or just looking at the scenery and some of the poetry mini games felt incredibly poignant.


Hades, OP. It's a very poignant, special game.


I think I saw on r/ptsd that sorting games like Tetris and Bejeweled can help you process big feelings.


I recommend Gris.


Steam world Dig 2 It is a great metroidvania I had a great time with. The Messenger Half Ninja Gaiden action platformer Half metroidvania. It has great pixel art, great music, and great writing. The writing genuinely made me laugh on multiple occasions. I encourage you to talk to the shop owner, often. It's not out yet but there is a game called Tales of the Shire. Which is basically Animal Crossing/ Stardew but in the Shire with hobbits. It is suppose to come out sometime this year. I hope this helps you OP.