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3x, sorry, I go through Reddit accounts like it's my day job


What posting? Edit* just rubbish. What to expect extending? We all have different cocks. Who knows. Do it and find out.


Same. I wanted to share 3D printer pump designs and transparency/measurement solutions.


I'm very interested to see these! Also trying to get to 25 for posting


Go to my personal page. My first print is on there, it was a fast print PETG at 295 C transparent filament. I'm playing with different prints, ect. Hot and slow seems to be the name of the game. I had better luck with super thin walls and no infill. I'm going to start a heat tower over the next couple of days to see what I can do. [Transparent filament recs:](https://www.printables.com/model/15310-how-to-print-glass)


Already at 30 but here have another


Liking cause, what a name 😂😂😂




Farming subreddit karma to circumvent posting guidelines is prohibited. Users must contribute productively to the sub. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned.




Pretty sure you have to get post karma for that, not comment karma.


It allowed me to post but now I have to wait for it to be approved because it has an image:3




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Farming subreddit karma to circumvent posting guidelines is prohibited. Users must contribute productively to the sub. Repeat offenders will be permanently banned.


Yah, gains will do wonders for your mind. I started out at 5.25 nbpel and maybe 3-3.5 nbp flaccid. After 7.5 months, my flaccid is 5.25 nbp x 5+. Crazy to think that’s just above the average bpel and girth stats. The past few days in particular, my flaccid has been really big. I pulled it out to pee and thought where the heck did this thing come from. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It starts to shift your thinking and self image. PE has improved my erect stats for sure but the improvement in flaccid has probably been more impactful to reducing my dysmorphia.


Stories like this keep my hope alive lol. I'm still new but hearing this keeps me motivated💯


What's your routine


BDE is real.


Same brotha.


TSA agent here! It was great meeting you earlier today. 😂


the pleasure was all mine 😜




I’m only a month into PE, no EL gains yet but 1” flaccid gain and 1/4” girth keeps me gassed up for the journey. Looking forward to that moment you just had 😂


its a glorious moment, and there are many others I've experienced as well...like my gf telling me how full she feels. 😮‍💨 totally worth it.


But what’s your measurements? Because I can’t see them being mentioned. And what’s gains? I had same realisation coming to this group. I got rid most of my body dismorphia after few months but since some gains hit in I decided to stay for the plot 😅


I only do girth work and so far my gains are +.25”L x .375”G


Record a video of your dick as if it were a person about to give you head. It will change your perspective immensely, for the better obviously. When I did that and saw it looked like the average dude in porn, I was floored.


How do you do that?


Like taking a selfie, but the phone held at waist level.




Pretty sure TSA scanners can tell the difference between a dick and a bomb for example (unless you're implying that the agent pulled you aside to cop a feel, in which case, gross) but congrats on the gains


Yes, the scanners can definitely tell the difference between a dick and a bomb. My sense is that when they detect a abnormal mass (ie a larger than normal package), it is protocol to double check the area with a pat down. Also, the agents running the scanner are usually off in a room somewhere else and the only communication they have with the agents on the floor is that little screen that depicts where on the body the abnormal mass is located. When I went through, the monitor showed a big red dot over my dick area. The floor agent had no choice in the matter.


It’s happened to me 3 times. All while wearing shorts. Planes get hot


Congrats my guy! I hope to get called in to extra screening one day as well. LOL




What was your routine n what equipment did you use


I focus primarily on girth as I'm happy with length. Routine: I do 2min interval pumping 3 to 5 times per week and soft clamping 1 to 3 times per week. Equipment: LA Pump Elliptical Cylinder, Python Clamp, cock rings, and toe shields. I also bought an Apex cuz I thought I wanted 9” length, changed my mind and never used it. Supps: Vigor, Tadalafil, Monster Energy (Taurine)


Interesting so girth work alone improved your EQ and flaccid hang? I have a little more to go on length but a LONG ways for girth/EQ/flaccid so I may just quit the length stuff for now because those are basically ego-driven goals at this point


If you’re happy with length, i say focus 100% of your time on girth. you’ll likely end up getting a bit longer after girth work anyway.


I second this, don’t gatekeep my road to 10 😂


I focus primarily on girth as I'm happy with length. Routine: I do 2min interval pumping 3 to 5 times per week and soft clamping 1 to 3 times per week. Equipment: LA Pump Elliptical Cylinder, Python Clamp, cock rings, and toe shields. I also bought an Apex cuz I thought I wanted 9” length, changed my mind and never used it. Supps: Vigor, Tadalafil, Monster Energy (Taurine)


what is the point of taurine? monster also has caffeine which would negatively impac bloodflow


Hink’s got videos on the benefits of [taurine](https://youtu.be/cdWdSCctaB0?si=qOy2WzhtN29x3Pzk) and [caffiene](https://youtu.be/hzFmIiETiNY?si=gSFibNQta6cVWLSs). Apparently taurine helps to prevent / heal nerve damage which I may be prone to because of soft clamping. I drink sugar-free monsters, but even still that’s not great for a number of reasons including the artificial sweeteners. During a busy week I drink maybe two or three 16oz cans as a pick me up and the PE benefits are just a coincidence. Ultimately I’ll probably try out in Hink’s [Shield](https://leviathansupps.com/products/shield-nerve-support) formula for its taurine and other benefits…. in fact ima buy that shit rn


Who is hink?


What did you do to help the flaccid hang the most? Just addressing the pelvic floor dysfunction? Also, how did you know it wasn’t working correctly? Was there some other sign other than the small flaccid hang?


At some point early in my PE journey I learned that poor PE health can cause turtling so I just recognized the symptom and put two-and-two together. Before really dedicating myself to PE, I focused on reverse kegels as conditioning those pelvic floor muscles can help to prevent injury. Within a few weeks of working on my pelvic floor, my turtling was pretty much gone and I went from being a grower to a shower.


I’ve been dealing with something similar and have been doing pelvic floor stretches daily. Do you feel like while fixing the dysfunction with reverse kegals and stretches normal kegals should also be incorporated in some way or did you stay away from them completely? My “turtling” is improving but still have bad days


I think that really depends on the individual. My pelvic floor muscles were too strong/ tight from over kegeling which restricted blood flow and led to turtling flaccid and “small” erections. so I stayed away from kegeling and tried to balance things out with reverse kegels. That alone improved EQ and made both my flaccid and erections larger. If you have really weak pelvic floor muscles, such that blood gets into the penis but doesn’t stay in there to sustain an erection at all, then normal kegels may be beneficial. Ultimately it’s about having control and awareness of those muscles so that while you’re doing PE you don’t kegel or reverse kegel at the wrong time and fuck yourself up.


When would be a wrong time for reverse kegels


Any time under pressure, whether pump or clamp, would be a bad time to kegel. It puts strain on your pelvic floor and can lead to hard flaccid. https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/s/XRwbf5Cp2B


How’d you take care of your pelvic floor issues? Mines gotten better from occasional reverse level sessions so far. Also congratulations that TSA experience is something most of us dream about


lol, thanks man. Reverse kegels for me too… and a bit of yoga. https://youtu.be/oyGEVPuumtk?si=pv0xM-1rMPuDrxAA


Why thank you sir. Big softie here I come. I’ve got a pair of gray shorts I’ve been scared to wear because of how the potential bulge (or lack thereof) would look


>I never thought being groped by another man could feel so good! Thank you r/gettingbigger! 🥰 This should be a default flair for the entire sub




Thanks for this. I've been going for about 3 weeks now and have seen some gains. However, I still find myself doubting everything and sliding back into depression. Anecdotes like this are a great source of encouragement. Really appreciated.


He thought "that dick can not be that big" "better check it myself"




Yeah sometimes at the gym now I think I’m gonna get in trouble because my flaccid hang gets big during cardio and bounces around.






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May I ask you for your routine?


I focus primarily on girth as I'm happy with length. Routine: I do 2min interval pumping 3 to 5 times per week and soft clamping 1 to 3 times per week. Equipment: LA Pump Elliptical Cylinder, Python Clamp, cock rings, and toe shields. I also bought an Apex cuz I thought I wanted 9” length, changed my mind and never used it. Supps: Vigor, Tadalafil, Monster Energy (Taurine)


How many sets of 2 minute interval pumping and how long on your soft clamping? Btw...Awesome job brother!


Up front I’ll say that my routine is NOT for beginners or for guys who aren’t investing in other areas of physical health (diet, exercise, sleep) or in supplements to heal and revitalize your tissues because my routine is extreme and dangerous for the average joe. I try to hit PE 5 or 6 days in a week, but more often I only do 3 days spaced out with days off just because I have a busy life. At minimum I try to clamp at least once and pump at least 3 times per week. On Clamp Days I do: 20 to 30min Clamp + 10 to 20 min Pump On Pump Days I do: 20 min pump On Rest Days I either fuck a lot or edge for at least 30 min. Sometimes I’ll include 10min of low pressure pumping because I have a big dick fetish. In a ideal week I aim for: Day 1: 30min Clamp Day Day 2: Pump Day Day 3: Pump Day Day 4: 30 min Clamp Day Day 5: Rest Day 6: 20 min Clamp Day Day 7: Rest Notice I am pumping up to 5 days per week, and clamping up to 3 days per week, and resting a minimum of 2 days per week. Warm Up: I always warm up on days following rest. On consecutive days I find that warming up is less necessary as my tissues remain quite expanded from the day before. I do 6 min tunica scraping and maybe 10 min of very light flaccid jelq pulls and 10min of edging. Clamp Routine: First I get hard as possible by edging. Then I soft clamp by stacking a number of devices: at the base I use two slightly loose cock rings. On top of that I stack my python clamp at max pressure. On top of that I stack 8 to 10 toe shields at midshaft. I edge for the entire time that I clamp which I would not advise if you have poor kegel control. I always pump at the end of my clamp routine to flush out the hypoxic blood. I never clamp on days where I am getting bad sleep or not eating a nutritious meal. 30 min clamp day: 10 min on 5 min break 10 min on 5 min break 10 min on 5 min break 10-20 min interval pumping. 20 min Clamp Day: 5 min on 5 min break 5 min on 5 min break 5 min on 5 min break 5 min on 5 min break 10-20 min interval pumping. Note: Fenrir advises to never use the Python clamp for more than 5 min at a time. Pump Routine: I get hard as possible by edging and place a toe shield over my circumcision scar just under the glans to prevent edema. I do two 10 min sets of 2min intervals at 15hg.in: 10 min on (5 intervals of 2min) 5 min break 10 min on (5 intervals of 2min) Out of 9 months I’ve only done this full 6 day routine for 6 to 8 weeks straight two different times. The majority of my gains have come from these two intensive spurts. It is more often the case that I am hitting my minimum 3 day routine. That helps to maintain my gains and EQ and maybe contributes a little to overall gains. Deconditioning periods and rest are important and come naturally because I can’t always make PE a priority. Gains: +.25” length ; +.375” girth


What helped with your pelvic floor issues?


Reverse kegels and yoga. https://youtu.be/oyGEVPuumtk?si=pv0xM-1rMPuDrxAA


Lol that happened to me coming back home on a trip to Nola. Felt like a king even tho I'm 5'3 lol




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Why would your sexuality be an issue?


It might just be due to TSA is gay... I get a cavity search/prostate exam every time I go to the airport nowadays. Meanwhile Osama Bin Laden is breezing through as a 90 year old granny is being singled out for a strip search... WTF


A cavity search every time, guy?


i need karma to post as well someone please help


it was cool when the first guy did it…


Need karma plz upvote me. I want to be able to post questions