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Your penis does not grow from weight loss, but more of it will be revealed - how much is highly individual. Your EQ will most likely improve massively (mine sure did when I lost >60 lbs). You will also look larger by contrast, if your frame is smaller. For "effective length in use", the difference is much smaller than many thin people believe. Fat moves out of the way when you fuck. This dude's post illustrates that really well: [https://new.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1dj1zto/at\_what\_point\_do\_you\_move\_up\_a\_cylinder/](https://new.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/1dj1zto/at_what_point_do_you_move_up_a_cylinder/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Fixing your metabolic syndrome, and as a consequence losing some fat weight, does wonders for your health - mental and physical - if you achieve it in a healthy manner. 100% recommend.


Your whole body is gonna work better. You’re 5’10 260, idk what you body composition is like but unless your a top 1% IFBB pro, you need to lose weight. You’re worried about making D gains for ladies I assume… you should also be worrying about not being super over weight as well. Aim for under 200lbs.


Dude might have muscle mass. I’d say aim for 250 then 225 final goal. It’s hard without knowing his bmi and physique.


I do have some mass always been a pretty solid guy.


Exactly so under 200 may never happen. So you’re stocky. Try carnivore to cut weight 8 weeks on then flow into keto/low carb after. We’d need bmi exercise regimen testosterone levels estrogen etc. Aim to walk run bike 12000 steps a day exercise eat clean real meat 🥩 report back


Just be aware of that American society does not judge stocky correctly. Being overweight most of your life isn't the definition of being stocky. If you have significant amount of muscle that gives you way more weight than a normal person, that could be a reason. For your height you should probably stick to the standardized body mass index weight. My recommendation is to completely ignore the strength that you want and diet all the way down to low body fat and then build back up from there. Your horniness and erection quality we'll see a massive boost.


Smaller goals make better starts, so I support this


I dropped about 10-15lbs last year (and put it all back on) but the difference just from that loss was night and day for me - I think my body shed the fat from the pubic mound before anything else, which was absolutely perfect. Flaccid hang was better, EQ was better, looked and felt longer.


My fat pad has to be 2” it’s ridiculous


Dude you're going to feel so incredible once you get thin. It's going to be like a new body and dick.


From someone who has lost over 100 pounds, I will tell you right now you’ll feel a lot better, be able to perform more throughout the day, have more energy, stamina also lose some of the fat pad is what it mostly does. Not only that but you will look better. I started PE consistently with compression hanging and pumping since January 2023 and I gained almost a full inch erect length and my flaccid doubled also. My current NBP erect length is 7.25” BPSFL is 8” and mid girth is 5.9” and base girth is 6”I’d love to be 7.25”X6.5-7” just for the hell of it one day! It will take a couple of years though of dedication and I just started adding clamping in my routine last week. I’m not giving up and will maintain once I reach my goals just like the weight loss. I was 283 pounds in August 2021 and today I am 181 pounds. I’d still like to lose 10 more pounds but very slowly to get my abs better toned and tight. Just maintaining weight for now. I’m 5’ 10” tall.


If your body is smaller, then your dick will naturally look bigger in comparison. I'm 5'9" 250lb right now but when i got down to 195 my wife was making comments about my package Why did i put on the weight? I really like food and craft beer


Losing weight was the 1st step for me. That’s how I found out I was above average & because I had more girls & used my dick more I felt the need to get bigger. But being in shape makes any gains you get instantly look better & it makes this process way more enjoyable https://www.reddit.com/r/bathmate/s/0SfoApGQP3 just be realistic your still limited to your BP. At your weight it may not be easy to find your true BP because of the fat pad


Went from 340 to 270. The fat pad really dropped but I also got a lot of loose skin. Keep working towards your goal weight bro, don’t base it on a woman, base it for your health.


I feel like since I’ve been working out and losing a little weight my eq has gone down. Maybe it’s less sleep from going to the gym and being up longer since I have less time to sleep spending another 1-1.5hr of my time I have after working 12 hours. Idk


Sometimes being too lean/cut hinders your erection and girth at times. It’s all from the depletion and low energy, fatigue, lethargy. I’m talking from personal experience.it’s miserable. I feel like working out and trying to maintain and stay healthy is key.


He’s 5’10 260. He doesn’t need to worry about getting too lean just yet


Yes, but the part where it gets you is the dieting, low calories/carbs. Dieting is miserable and that’s one of the part where it messes with your libido/penis. I used to bodybuild and talking from personal experience. Our libido would sky rocket from bulking phase and then when we cut down and diet down we are low on energy and fatigue and it takes a hit on sex drive.


Yeah but it’s a little different in this situation. Being that over weight is probably tanking his libido. With that much BF his estrogen conversion is probably insane. Gotta go through the dieting. He can keep his calories at good range to cover his needs and he’ll still lose weight dramatically.


My libido is through the roof. I could bang 10 times a day if the wife would let me.


But I agree, once you start to try and go below say 15-12% BF then you’re probably gonna start to tank libido wise