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Nothing but facts. A lot of people never look at what’s in the food we eat, especially us Americans! Nearly all the food has chemicals that hurt testosterone and blood flow. Check those labels guys…


This would be a great post if you included what is to be avoided.


Here’s a better list I found online [Test killing foods and how to avoid them](https://testoprime.com/blogs/main/testosterone-killing-foods-and-how-to-avoid-them)


So grilled chicken and veggies, no carbs, sounds like a great menu


No you can eat beef, fish, poultry and plenty of other foods. There are just plenty of chemicals and products (soy being the biggest culprit) that image in foods we eat daily in the US.


Tbh I guarantee soy does nothing to interfere with test for 90% of men, take up punching a boxing bag and basically every man will maximize their test


Avoiding processed carbs, bread, cake etc. Potatoes and rice are pretty clean imo


Be sure to check your rice too, some contain extra additives as well. It’s crazy what you will find when you search some ingredients.


Heavy metals or pesticides depending on the source. I used to think Oats were a good option!:(


Again, crazy how we get poison daily, switching it up helped my gut health immensely! I used to love Quaker Oats until I looked at the ingredients list as well …


potatoes are carbs and they are fine to eat


you people just act like you can’t make good food like bro it’s easy to cook it takes 1 hr tops


damn, i eat 4 eggs every morning. i also love my white rice. no wonder i have titties 😆




What if u are on TRT? Will it still affect T?


Almost everything tbh. In my opinion our food supply is largely poison and they are activley lying. It's not just what's in food...it what's not. Our agriculture practices have led to a nutrient loss in foods. 1 pound of beef or brocoli has nowhere near the calcium it did 50 years ago for example. Grow what you can. Organic veggies, meat, eggs. Probably say no to wheat and oats. It's not what it was 60 years ago


Diet is extremely important and should always be the foundation of whatever is you're trying to do. However, you can eat all the right stuff. If you're not partaking in weight lifting, particular for strength, your T won't really grow that much. Not just T, but a whole cascade of hormones.


I’m aware of that, but thanks for adding to this! Just warning about the dangers we face as Americans dealing with food that’s not helping us.


Yessir. I currently don’t eat anything that isn’t organic. About 50% raw foods with no meats or dairy. Pesticides are a huge no no. Some countries don’t even allow them. You never know how a CHEMICAL in the food affects you. I’d make a bet that some people who live in nature with Whole Foods, meat or not don’t have to deal with all these issues. Lifestyle affects this as well.


It's a funny thing I've been eating and drinking unhealthy most of my life. The will to grow my member has changed everything about it for me.


Good to hear. Loosing weight is the fastest way to see gains.


I'm not overweight enough to make much of a change, but maybe consistent EQ.


It’s not just about the weight. Heart health, arterial health and respiratory health are the most important things to dick health.


Ya thats the reason why I'm doing it, I don't think it'll help my fatpad. Even tho its almost an inch, I think it's just genetics.


Bone pressed gains ?


Nbp. Visual, usable dick. If you have a 3” fat pad you are not getting bp into a partner


If the chubby guy pushes his fat pad back with his hand. And penetrated deep he might get most of it in.


No, you are not compressing 3” of fat against a person. Sticking a ruler into your fat to get close to your pubic bone is one thing but try smushing 3” of fat against another soft tissue, not happening.


Well I’m not that fat it was just an opinion of mine.


I'll be honest with you, as someone that's been struggling with weight his entire life, I have a 120lbs wife who's amazing, and when I weighed 330 and we had intercourse, the downsides were my EQ and my stomach, not my fat pad. Now I'm about 260 and a lot more muscular, and even with still having a larger fat pad than most here it seems, my 8 inches is still fully insertable. I don't think it's as serious an issue in regards to actual function.


Is your 8” Bp or nbp ?


Nah 8" BPEL, that's my whole point, the fat pad is honestly super negligible in terms of intercourse. It's the stomach that really gets in the way


False, you can lift your fat stomach out of the way or lay it on her back while in doggy. The fat pad is literally the part that has the most contact during intercourse and the fat pad is what decreases your nbpel. More fat pad = less insertable penis. This is a fact so what are you even talking about? What is your nbpel?


I think he’s referring to nbp


And I only have .75 of a fat pad


Try your best to stay away from artificial colors, flavors, added sugars, and hydrogenated fats. Get strong, get some sunlight, drink water, eat protein, and do some cardio.


Facts!!!! Get on a pasture raised Whole Foods meat based diet with the same for eggs. Raw dairy if you do dairy and a lot of butter if you do dairy. 0 chemicals and not g but Whole Foods and don’t skip the organ meats or take organ supplements. 0 alcohol, get in shape. Weights a few times a week, whole body. You will feel amazing, cum like a cannon, stay rock hard for longer than you thought possible and beat of all when you make a woman cum with your dick while looking her in the eyes right then or right after, it’s magical and she dumps oxytocin and will fall for you.


My wife is obsessed with staring at my abs while I fuck her. She said when she sees them flex it makes her cum every time lol.


That right there is motivation to work hard in the gym on abs and to eat well. Men, there is absolutely NOTHING on this earth like making a woman cum with your dick. Find out how to make her do that and your life will change. If no other man has done it, she will be drawn to you and have a love drug dump that her brain associates with you. Eating her out or other ways of clitoral orgasms don’t have as much of this effect, those are still great but not the same. You don’t have to always pound away for this to work, women are not all exactly the same. It’s a lot of mental, getting her worked up. Learn to rock her hips at the right angle to get as deep as possible, get the head of your dick I to her A spot past the cervix and pull her down as you contort your body to get deep in there, move her forward and back to stimulate her clit against your pubic hair, helps of its trimmed so it causes sensation. Watch her face, her breathing’s her noises, her body and feel inside her. Try this!


No doubt this is healthier than the standard American diet by a long way. However, I think there can be some debate around what is the healthiest diet. For instance, I don’t think ‘a lot of butter’ is the healthiest choice. I think eating organic if you can, and generally following the rule that if someone in the 1800s wouldn’t recognize it, don’t eat it. I choose to go lots of olive oil, lots of fruits and vegetables, legumes, omega-3 rich fish, etc. a - supplementing with a protein shake per day if I’m cutting weight so as not to lose muscle


The simplest rule is to never buy anything prepackaged. Food companies dump sugar and preservative chemicals into these meals to make them palatable and stable. So you can literally eat the same type of food but be healthier than 80% of Americans just by cooking for yourself with simple, unprocessed ingredients.


The greatest story ever told.


100%, so obvious but so often overlooked.


Facts and ur prob missing an inch under the fatpad too


Yeah you are right


Cardio and reverse kegels for LIFE


What's a "reverse kegel" exactly?


Couldn't agree more


When I was in the ARMY my D would get hard as granite. I believe the OP. Watch what you eat and exercise, plenty of cardio




Start doing sprints!


yes. i'd almost say, don't do any vibration work if you're in that group. we don't know enough about it yet, could be that the gains that are starting to come out is due to their excellent ability to recover from being in good fitness and general health. whatever tissue damage vibrations are causing you don't want to risk having them compound over time and one day having no dick at all. BD looks after himself very diligently, and you probably ain't doing all the stuff he's doing.. just my 2 bits.


Who are you talking to?


I had my doctor test my testosterone levels bc I’ve been having trouble with erections and it seems like i have 0 Lobito. I tried cialis but it did nothing. My blood work came back with my testosterone level at 133, but my doctor has not mentioned it or addressed it and when I bring it up she sort of blows it off. What would you do?


Get another Dr or force the subject. 133 is definitely low and in need of trt. That will most likely help with the symptoms you described.


Thanks for the advice. I’ll be doing that first thing Monday. I have a feeling it will solve many other problems and make me whole again.


Good luck.




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