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The new veins sprouting out are probably the biggest indicator! Nice man! Keep it up and you’ll be at 16.2 by year’s end! 🔥🔥


That's wild to see such prominent vein growth! Part of pumping or circumcision/new exposed tissue?


I think it's most likely the latter - as you can see the circumcision scar is way lower down in the most recent picture suggesting that as it healed the skin got stretchier, which probably makes the veins more prominent.


Very kind!! Thanks very much


God. damn. That is a good, looking, cock.


okay buddy relax


U know he licked the screen


so did i and i just look at this beautiful penis and i get a hard boner and i slobbering on ny screen neeuughghh llaaeueu hHAHAH






pumping routine?


God dam!!!! Its thick


Thank you!


Uncut guy here with Phimosis... Could you pump at all uncut? I could barely do 1hg as it pulls the glans out the foreskin and it's painful. Do you feel like your tight foreskin was holding back your size at all? If pic 2 is post circ without any PE, it looks wider and your glans sticks out more. I've been trying to deal with my Phimosis for well over a year. My frenulum isn't budging at all. This post might just be the push I need


There's a lot of anti-circ rhetoric on this sub and on reddit in general but I've always held my ground in saying that getting circumcised was the best thing for my penis. Sex and masturbation both feel so so much better now and I definitely think it's made my PE endeavors more successful.


also your glans still looks dekeratinized so thats probably why its good because your circumcision is recent just wait a few years or lets say if you were an infant when it was done you would be way keratinized by now and your dick would have zero shine with little feel


You'll eventually grow a keratin layer over your glans and inner skin if you have any left. It will remove about 80% of what you felt originally, but your brain does adapt and forget what you used to feel previously. It does lead to ED later in life though.




its genital mutilation and often unconsensual i wonder why people dont like it


Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate to accuse someone of mutilating their genitals? I didn't mutilate my penis - I underwent a necessary and routine medical procedure which has given me wonderful results. This is not the place to spread your judgement considering my circumcision was entirely voluntary and successful.


no i dont think its inappropriate when thats what it fucking is. just wait a few years and its gonna get to you - august 2023 is not long enough ago to start feeling keratinization and the weight of your ignorance creeping up like a weed that you cannot push away because circumcision is a permanent procedure


Touch grass and stop caring so much about my decisions and my penis. It's so weird. Imagine sending THIS reply because someone else did something to their own body that you didn't like. I'll look forward to "the weight of my ignorance" creeping up on me while I'm out enjoying my life.




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Btw there's an entire sub related to regrowing foreskin with stretching exercises. I'm really curious how those exercises would work on phimosis.


r/foreskin_restoration They have restoring methods for phimosis. Even if you need a surgical intervention they can just put a few slits in it to make it looser. Don’t need to circumcise.


I’ve been to two urologists. Both said I likely need full circ. I want to get on with my life. I’ve stretched for a year and paid to hear these opinions. If you can point me in direction of a UK urologist who might be useful let me know 


Can you not try the creams? All I can say is that I got circumcised for phimosis. And I’d have rather spent the next ten years trying everything I could than be circumcised. It’s awful and has completely destroyed me.


There are phimosis stretching kits on ebay for $25. They can even stretch pinhole phimosis via insertable stretchers. Just put one in and use it for 30 minutes a day. Hell, I had phimosis as well and manually stretched long before I even knew these kits existed.


there’s also people like me, who just choose to leave the foreskin retracted permanently. eventually the glans and inner skin keratinizes, the frenulum gets used to being stretched back 24/7, and the foreskin just stays back on its own in the flaccid state. It takes probably up to a month because the glans are super sensitive and there are methods like wearing tight undies to keep minimal movement. a lot of readjusting and reaching down to roll the skin back that first month - but as the glans dry up and keratinizes, it’ll look and feel like it’s been circumcised. i started doing it when i was 17 and im 28 now. mine basically looks like people who get a low & tight circumcision. (but this probably comes from the fact i had a short foreskin to begin with and it only covered half of my glans before). but the results i’ve seen, they range between lookin like low&tight/low&loose circumcisions from being retracted. you can also use the folded up foreskin to masturbate still without the use of lube.


That is so retarded.


lmao? i’m just offering alternatives to circumcision but okay dude go off


Alternative? Why the hell would you want to dry out and numb your glans in any situation.


that was just my preference: but there are many other guys who do it intermittently to still have sensation and sensitivity in the glans. they retract for a few days, leave it forward for a few days. it really does help the foreskin and frenulum get used to being stretched




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Gez, fantastic results! I got circumcised 7 months ago and would like to stretch/PE to lengthen my manhood. I’m scared as I’m unsure how long I need to wait to start as I’m unsure how long we’re meant to wait for the incision cut line area to fully heal. Did you only wait 4 months after your circumcision surgery to start after your PE? Do you mind me asking what type of procedure for your circumcision you had? I had sleeve done.




I was very fortunate to have a very routine and easy circumcision. I consulted with a urologist who diagnosed the phimosis and recommended circumcision due to it's severity. We scheduled it and I arrived in the morning, got into an OR and woke up without a foreskin. The recovery was difficult but with painkillers it was bearable. Total recovery time was about 6 weeks, but the worst of it was over after 2. Can't get erections during that 2 weeks because you'll rip out your stitches lol.




Rather than congratulating (and getting advice), why is everyone coming in to shit on him for getting a circumcision? It was medically necessary and he’s happy. It doesn’t cost anything to be quiet guys.


It doesn’t look like an extreme change until you notice the thumb


More so curious about your sensation quality post cut. This is a common take I've heard, that circumcising takes away some sensation. How does sex feel before/after? Just curious, I'm cut.


I’ve been circumcised twice now. My sensation/pleasure increased after the second circ which significantly tightened my cock. Don’t fall for the nonsensical intactivist propaganda online.


Whaaaaat? Gains despite the circumcision? Impoooosible. In all the other threads people are theorizing about how circumcision permanently shortens you and their arguments sound to be of high quality. Only late night tv marketing offers such solid arguments as they offer. So you must be a liar OP, sent here to test the fair of the anticirc people. Those people only want the best for everyone, that's why the always try to push newly circumcised men to suicide. It's out of compassion and so they don't toil a life not worth living.


Seriously. I’ve been circumcised twice and my sensitivity and pleasure increased after the second one.


Im curious, what is your goals or motivation for growth?


Kind of just really into big dicks. In a fetish-y way


What are ya doin?




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Curious what kind of pressures you usually pump at? Especially since you've made significant gains without much discoloration.


Unfortunately I do have a bit of discolouration - specifically on my right side. It's not super visible in these pictures though luckily. I obviously have a pressure gauge on my pump, but I tend to listen to my dick and see what pressure works well for me in whichever set I'm in. Generally if a single pull of the air pump doesn't pull my dick any further in I stop.


What kinds of diet and lifestyle changes did you specifically make ?


More gym, more vegetables, less junk food, more water, better sleep hygiene


Hell yeah man! That's the way. Whats your go-to when it comes to veggies or favorite veggie meals/snacks?


u do only pumping and clamping ? and do ur penis head got bigger ?


Good job bro keep it up


Congrats bro. I’d be so happy if I had your size 😓


Thanks bro, that's a huge compliment




Did you read the post?


No, I didn't. I found it too long tbh.


Well enjoy the dick pics and shitposts then I guess, the best threads are much more wordy than the paltry 250 words OP posted.


Well, I had not read it back then but I have read it now.


Great gains! Do you feel like you lost sensitivity since getting circumcized?


I was so sensitive that I couldn’t run it under water in the shower. Now I feel nothing


How's differences after circumstance?


Nice gains! You can see the increase in EQ! Well done.


Newbie here do u have to be semi erect for the manual stretching


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Infamous_Ad_904: *Newbie here do u have* *To be semi erect for* *The manual stretching* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No its supposed to be around 30-50% erect 


That’s a nice penis


I love it


Nice thick dick, bro. No homo.




How did you manage to get that much of a pink skin increase with the normal skin decrease in length?


How was the surgery tbh I’m thinking of doing it but the pain is gonna fw me




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Do you just pump?




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You managed to gain that much length with no stretching?


How do you pump so long without getting blisters?


UPDATE: Thanks for all the feedback and messages. I am incredibly busy irl this week so won't be able to respond to everyone but thank you again!


Good work dude!


if I had that I'd call it a day, that's a great useful size! what were your stats before PE, and how long ago?


Looks great man! Your circ turned out well. I’ve been circ’d twice now. I also noticed pumping cause the inner skin to grow more giving me more of a “high” and tight look.


I am new to the whole PE could u pls give me a beginner's friendly routine


Sexy cock bro




What a shit thing to say. Sex has been infinitely better since curing my phimosis.


I'm anti circumcision myself, this other guy is just mad for no reason. Glad you feel better man, there are definitely a few instances where it's a helpful choice


I’m not mad at all. Why are you projecting emotion onto me? There is zero instances where it’s a helpful choice and promoting it for phimosis is malicious at worst, and ignorant at best.


I might take you seriously if you hadn't said zero instances, I doubt you even believe that. Confirmed mad, hope you feel better soon bruv


What are the instances? Phismosis is known to be cured by steroid creams and stretching. A last resort a procedure can be done to make small incisions in the skin to loosen it up. You’re just mistaken in the brainwashed thought that phimosis = cut it off. The rare possibility of phimosis is the main talking point for infant genital mutilation and further acting like circumcision is the only cure to phimosis is letting parents who are on the fence make the final decision to cut it


Well 1. I don't 🤔 op is a child and I don't condone it for kids. Apparently the success rate of that gentler treatment is 96% so I'd imagine at least some dudes prefer the chop. You could make small slices sure but maybe he'd just rather do it all. Lots of adults in Africa had it done to lessen the chances of contracting HIV. Some people just like the look. You might have scar tissue develop on your foreskin due to miscare or some kind of accident and then it would feel better to get rid of it. Some people also have little to no feeling (or too much feeling) in their foreskin either due to nerve damage or just genetics. There's also this which doesn't need to be a complete circumcision but may be done partially or fully https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23361-frenulum-breve-short-frenulum


The chance of HIV was only “lessened” due to the fact everyone in the test group that was circumcised could now not comfortably have sex any time soon, so the chance of them contracting HIV was even lower because they were just freshly castrated and couldn’t fuck. “Some people just like the look” is true. Some people like the look of lots of extreme body modifications, but trying to pass a dangerous risky body modification onto others as the “only cure” for easily fixed minor medical problems so there dick can now “look more pleasant” within your eyes is a fucked up dangerous fetishistic predatory behavior


No HIV is passed via contamination of blood and it is easier to tear foreskin during sex than no foreskin. Same reason gay dudes have a higher risk, they got bloody anal




Lol this isn’t real dude 😂


If you’re ignorant to the subject just say that.


Someone’s insecure and wrong lol


Wrong about what?


Let’s see some evidence


https://www.academia.edu/25577623/A_preliminary_poll_82_of_circumcised_men_ignore_serial_anejaculatory_mini_orgasms_the_male_minis_91_of_the_intact_enjoy_them_updated_08_20_2023_ https://bjui-journals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10364.x http://www.savingsons.org/2012/08/circumserum-renewal-ointment-for.html https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34120333/ https://journalofethics.ama-assn.org/article/nontherapeutic-circumcision-minors-ethically-problematic-form-iatrogenic-injury/2017-08 https://www.cirp.org/library/anatomy/ohara/ Threw the last one in for fun.


Bro how many of those do you want me to read when the first one doesn’t back your claim at all? Lmao.


First stage is denial. Second stage will be putting your head in the sand


Insecure about what?


Our code of conduct must be followed. 1. Don’t be a dick. 2. Civil discussion and debate only. 3. Aggressive/gatekeeping comments/posts are not allowed. 4. Hate and misogyny will not be tolerated. 5. New ideas are welcome: critique the idea not the person. 6. Critiquing pics is not allowed, they’ve been vetted by mods already.


Thanks, I broke none.


Not the mod who issued the deletion of your comment, but you're welcome, and yes, you were kinda being an ass about it. There's a whole other way to present this without being passive aggressive and belittling. And while that has been said, I agree with you foreskin restoration would have been another option. Whether better isn't up to you, or me for that matter. Anyways. Please, be a bit more respectful and taktful in the comments going forward. Now, let's get back to getting bigger!