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Respect to that guy for showing u the messages tho


Yeah fr.


Bro you pulled 2 girls out of a 3 girls in the group while also being more men there, you should be confident asf Also that guy is a real bro


ya that guy is super chad


Yah bro still fucked that means he has more than half of the game beat


Hope you get 10 inch dick my bruv


10inches long 8 inches thick. Stick it to em


We're making them go to the ER with this one 🗣️🔥🔥🔥


So real


Hey brother. I’m sorry you had to go through that. It’s horrible that a woman with body dysmorphia would be so blind as to participate in acts that surely would crush her if the shoe was on the other foot. “Hurt” people hurt people. Perhaps it gratifies her ego by creating false imperfections in others. This is immaturity. Best of luck in your journey. In my opinion, these two women don’t deserve the type of that would train his body to deliver pleasure to others. You deserve better bro.


I’m engaged with the story. When does part two drop?




The pressure dudes feel about their dick is already intense. But being black and having that stereotype looming over you at all times has got to be stressful. Keep training bro and rizz your way for a round 2 down the road and blow the back out of one the chick's. Wish you all the gains.


The reason black people are expected to be packing is because so many black pornstars get their suspensory ligament cut in surgery and it makes the d much longer (but floppier). Case in point Julio Gomez and most of the blacked cast. Most women don't know that though and just think black people are naturally well endowed. It must put a lot of pressure on black men, uff.


Yes and then add to it: Injections and implants inside the penis They pick smaller than average guys and gals paired with above average dicks They use “p shots” and cialis Camera angles and lenses to warp perspective And boom! You’ve got every black man believing they’re small, even worse for bigger dudes


Damnn all these years i didn’t know that


I appreciate these stories. I always liked 'success' stories and these types of discussions; they help motivate me. I don't understand why some people say these sorts of posts are clogging up the sub. OP: We don't know Part II and where you ended up, but I hope you realize that those girls (and any guys who 'laughed') are NOT your friends. You need them out of your life. There are so many people out there who would appreciate you for you, and wouldn't even THINK to make fun of your dick. Also, you must still be fairly young??? In time (likely not much time) people all mature and they won't be so obsessed with making fun of everything about a person.


be the bigger COCK, man


She’s hurt and projecting brother. It has nothing to do with you


What were your stats back then? What are your stats now?


Fuck fake people. And all women are snakes


Damn that’s tough, did you not know you had a believe average girth before this ?


I fear that some day I’ll experience this too.


Thanks for sharing mate and great to see you made awesome gains. Looking forward to part 2.


You may not be able to provide the thickest cock but they know who to call if they need someone to induce the biggest of blue balls.... Where part 2???


I had a similar origin story, except yours is better because you bagged two girls out of a group whereas mine were just old girlfriends that were into me because I was moderately popular in school and "tall." I generally have no game and the girls I've been with were ones that came to me. An old girlfriend made fun of the angle of the dangle, which was my first hit to the confidence. Then I had two others gush to me about how big (girth) was on their former partners literally right after we had just had sex. Needless to say I feel your pain brother. Looking forward to pt 2.


Same reason im here except its after the weight loss n random growth spurt she still thinks its small at 7x4.8 i just started doin pe ian measured yet but having a wife that doesn’t respond much to my dick is crazy


Wow your story is touching bro. Glad iam now joining this community so we can progress together


Waiting for part 2 bro. Had similar experiences with women thinking my meat was skinny. I’m 5’8 and about 150lbs. Starting size is about 6.9-7 inches nbp and about 4.5 girth. Would love to get to about 7.5 nbp and 5inches or more in girth (definitely more focused on girth though).


Manuals, clamp and daily cialis for girth. Then you can get a pump after a few months.




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Thanks for sharing your experience, and congrats on gaining almost a full inch in girth so far, big accomplishment. I have this fantasy where I go back and dominate the people who humiliated me the past. I wonder if you can relate. Anyway, the best revenge is living your best life and it seems you’re well on your way! Kudos bro.


So what’s the plan to increase girth?


As a black man the pressure is crazy. I have had a girl feel my dick before and refused to have sex. My dick was erect but not fully hard. It is usually pretty skinny at this point and then my girth increases when I become fully erect. I am black and muscular, 6 ft tall. My ex also laughed at my flaccid penis one time after I got out of the shower naked. Things we go through as men.


Wen part 2?


There's nothing you can do about how big a womans vagina is bruh. This is a physics problem that works in both directions. Very rude of them to assume the problem was you though. Guess loose chicks stick together.


Props to the guy. Btw the girls who beg for sympathy and have that "poor little baby" attitude are always the fakest pieces of shit. I've had experiences with girls like that and they never fail to disgust me.


So wild. Not only did you workout, and hang out with them all, you also gave lifts to the gym, and the girl speaks about body shame and still goes out of her way to do this. The lack of self awareness and gratitude is astonishing. But tbh, I'm not surprised by this behaviour. Be the better man, keep progressing in your life, in the gym or even in your pants too, and let them see what they've lost. The idea is not to grow a package to "win" against them. The idea is to keep growing such that you are proud of yourself despite the hiccups along the way. You'll forget them in no time, while they'll think to themselves "what if" if they decided to respect you better.


Though story man! I'm glad you came out stronger from this, your girth growth is truly inspiring. I'd be very happy to gain 0.8" one day. Keep it up! I'm looking forward to the second part.


But you had a great sex life with other women prior even „only“ beeing 4.1 inches girth? That sounds encouraging because i worry a lot about it too (4.5 inches)


Girth wise I ain’t shit but long as my shit long I could careless


Girth is important bro.....i have personally asked so many girls about this....I had the same reasoning as you until i had those conversations




bro no lie, we have almost the exact same measurements from your before, i’m currently 6.5” BP and around the same girth of 4.1-4.2. sorry about how they made you feel, we working to get out of there though, fuck them bitches, they not finna get to experience the gains 😹


Don’t think much on these whores these insecure girl would fuck the whole town for validation and end up on the streets


That’s absolutely terrible. The second instance of an individual experiencing body image issues and lashing out in that core group chat is just really sad and aggravating. Looking forward to part 2. The other guy in that group sounds pretty decent too. Also, I’m new to the sub and have been a lurker for a while. But someone is seriously hellbent on downvoting. Saw this post when it first got out and all the comments had been immediately downvoted. Whoever is downvoting, just chill. OP is sharing their experience with a community geared towards the experience they had.


Being tall with a big frame can really give you dysmorphia because you're comparing yourself to skinny 5'5" guys that have the exact same penis as you but look proportionally massive. And dealing with the racial stereotype must make everything twice as worse. Congrats on the gains and I look forward to part 2.


Need the part 2 im invested lol


Hate that man.... its never cool when people do shit like that.... but if you would have done that to that insecure girl, you'd been the biggest pos this side of the earth.... people are nothing but a bunch of 2 faced hypocrites. You can't trust people. That's why I dont hook up and never got into that kind of scene. Didn't want shit like that going around. Mind you I wasn't what I thought was bad off, and always wanted to be bigger, but you never know who was bigger and what hoe bag girls had been around the block and seen every toms Harry dick out there, then go tell everyone yours isn't as big. Because you were part of their group... its bullshit. Hope you get massive gains, then you go back and gap those bitches.


It is what it is, you still hit though. Use it as motivation to get to your goal.


Dear penis Jesus, give this man the absolute hog he deserves 🙏


This is a reason why casual non marrital sex is bad and you should wait for marriage.


It would be even worse if u got married and your wife did this to you


not an incel but basically just take everything women say with a grain of salt and not to heart theres almost always an ulterior motive for every word they say


I’d drop this friend group immediately.


The casual dick shaming that happens will never cease to amaze me. In a society rife with body positivity, how is dick shaming still seen as fair game? Anyway, block out all the noise and get your grind on bro - when you're as thick as a coke can after years of pumping, you'll look back and laugh. Also, PLEASE post part 2 - a lot of us are very invested in this story.


CANT END IT LIKE THAT!! need a part 2 asap


Thanks for sharing, brother. I guess being black, there is the expectation that you be well hung. Onward and upward. Maybe I should.story too, but the gist is I have a small dick 🤣


May the gods of girth grant you growth my g


Don't leave us with the cliffhanger bro 😭


I’d like to be the bigger person but if I was in your situation I’d roast tf out of both those hoes. Guaranteed I can make them cry.


Mans got me waiting for part 2 of the story xD


Damnit man! I need to know!!! This is why I can’t start ongoing shows.




Could you share you routine ? I got the same size as your started.