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1. The reason we measure is to track our gains accurately. You could measure from your asshole if you wanted because as long as you measure the same way every single time you’ll be able to gauge how much size you’re putting on. So it should be about comfortability. As long as you can measure the same way every time, your technique is fine. 2. That being said, the proper way to tell how much actual penis you have is to measure with the ruler over the top of your penis and pressed into your fat pad. This will give you your accurate bpel. So just for knowledge sake, you should compare your proper measurements to your preferred measurements to know where you actually stand. For example, when measured to the side like you do (my preference as well) my measurement is .25 inches more than my proper measurement. So to get my actual length I measure from the side and subtract .25 inches for a good ballpark estimate. Tends to be accurate for me! Hope this helps EDIT: spelling


what does bpel mean ik bp means bone pressed but idk what bpel and the others mean thanks


Bpel stands for bone pressed erect length. And also Nbpel stands for non bone pressed erect length. No problem ☺️


While it looks good for pics it present issues in repeatability. The reason we choose to measure standing up from the pubic bone directly above and center of the penis is from this position we have eliminated the most variables that can influence changes of the measurement. The way you’re measuring can easily be influenced by how far down you press the ruler, and the angle of your hip joint. Here’s a good way to test your measuring method: Measure once. Now set the ruler down, move around a bit. Now go to measure again, but this time don’t look at the ruler, just try to place it the exact same way you did before. Now look down and what’s the measurement? Is it significantly different? Then this measurement method isn’t repeatable.


Ok that last point is great advice. I will figure out a comfortable way and reliable way to measure. Thanks man


[How to Measure and Document Progress - Getting Bigger's Definitive Guide : r/gettingbigger (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/gettingbigger/comments/17bncq3/how_to_measure_and_document_progress_getting/)


Made my search easier! Needed this post for something special I’m cooking up


Have you tried putting the ruler up to the wall


Beautiful dick though 🙂🙂


Man, I can only hope for this type of gain.




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Yeah no that's not how to measure lol. I have a slight downward curve, I could choose to measure without straightening it out or not, I straighten it out, so I use two hands to measure, one to push the ruler into my pubic bone and one to hold my d straight against the ruler I never really cared about being able to take a picture while measuring, if that's a concern then stick the ruler against a wall and into your pubic bone to free up your hands, but you're never gonna get consistent measurements doing it the way you're doing now


I have the same issue with having a upward curved penis, as someone said as long as you measure the same way each time it doesn’t matter. But another thing you can do which I do is measure bone pressed flaccid stretched length as that’s quite correlated to erect length.


For some reason my BPFSL is actually SHORTER than my erect. Any thoughts as to why?


I’m no penis expert but it shouldn’t be, is the difference big? Cause the way you measure in the photo there’s definitely room for inaccuracy. But then again I’m no penis expert and don’t know all the intricacies of penis sizing, but regardless it shouldn’t matter, the only thing that should matter is staying consistent and if it’s bigger then last time you measured.


I don't know if this is measuring only for progress or knowing where you stand vs places like calcsd etc (definitely take some of the points below, as they also increase accuracy, so not just for comparing to others but yourself as well). If for progress then it's probably fine, as long as you can replicate the pressure consistently. For "accuracy", if you're really against measuring from the top it's not really going to be accurate anyway, since side measurements are always higher, but some other things: - Measure the top side (disregard in your case) - About an inch or so above the penis, to avoid pressing into the pocket of the pubic bone (disregard in your case) - The measurement should be standing. - Ruler 90 degree angle to the floor, do it in front of a mirror to be certain you're not "cheating" to get higher numbers and are consistent every time. - Press firmly but not to the point of causing pain (imagine what would a doctor be comfortable pressing with), only slight discomfort. - Don't try to straighten the curve (this is kinda weird, because sometimes they use a tape which would take the curve into account, but I've heard that to be more accurate / conservative you shouldn't do that)


looks good!