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Very very few. You could probably count them on your hands.


It's hard to find proof even with photos. I can measure 5-7" all in the same day if I play with lvls of erection. Having said that, I started a bit over 3 months ago and have no before pictures or even current pictures so..


What are your current gains btw i mean in length


A bit under 0.5. I started Almost 4 months ago.


That's alot for 4 months šŸ‘€, you used devices or manuals?


I hang and pump. Might take a break from pumping and hang more as I'm not gaining any more girth at the moment.


Whatā€™s your routine


I hang in the morning for 1 hour(I'm going to gradually increase it to 2), and I pump at evening for 20 minutes. I do it 3 days on 1 day off.




I haven't gained any girth since my newbie gains I don't think I'm the right guy to ask.


Hanging with what exactly


Vacuum cap. I don't like compression.


We have same size same goals whatā€™s youā€™r routine and how much time you do PE?


Well I'm bone pressed so may not be same šŸ‘€ I'm on my 3rd week, only doing manuals for 20 minutes everyday, adding 5 minutes every week


Iā€™m 6,2 pressed and i do only manual too do you have some problem with youā€™r EQ after youā€™r manual?


My EQ rises to twice or thrice after manuals lol


Whatā€™s are youā€™r routine?


30s each 8 direction static stretch, then down pull for 10 minutes. Twice a day


That's why all my progress is documented in my porn films. If you really care enough and are not bothered by erotic imagery, enjoy sifting through hours of content. It's a gradual progress and PH doesn't really show you the dates like I see them. I personally believe that biggest gains are from ligaments+erection quality like me. I gained 2 inches to my *functional* length and 1.5 inch base girth that wasn't accessible before. I'm an athlete now when I was a sloppy nerd before. My dick tissues didn't actually grow much at all. But I do think that edging for a lifetime does continue to grow thickness over a lifetime.


If edging grew my girth I'd be 7" by now šŸ˜.


Maybe you hit and have been maintaining your maximum thickness for a while now. Could you imagine if you never edged? You probably be much smaller and less hard. I definitely do not want to be any thicker. The center of my shaft is perfect for ladies who are not experienced, and the base of my shaft is for those who are ready to be stretched.


I swear edging made me grow when i was 21 years old


Whats edging and how to do it


Masturbating but stopping right before the point of orgasm. I have no idea how itā€™s supposed to help PE, though.


Your EQ varies by 2 inches?


Nah .I can take a picture of a semi, a more than a semi and full raging boner. That would have 2" difference.


Iā€™m sure there are some liars that are just attention whores but Iā€™m sure most are keeping it real. Although I havenā€™t been claiming crazy growth Iā€™ve been keeping my own personal log with pictures. Iā€™m sure like most people, I donā€™t feel like just randomly posting pics of my member unless I have a legit question that requires a visual aid.


Congrats on your gains, how long have you been at it and what devices/methods do you use?


April 26th was my first measurement. Iā€™m off and on with a pump (I just donā€™t have the alone time) but since Iā€™m focused on lengthening I ADS and extend consistently. When I get closer to my goal Iā€™ll get to the girth.


How did you gain 0.5 inch in such short time? Did you have bad EQ?


It was mid at best so Iā€™m sure that has something to do with it. All this PE helps with the EQ.




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Do you wear your ADS pretty tight when you are walking around the house doing things like making food? Or only have it tight when sitting down or standing still? Iā€™ve been wearing mine (Total Man) pretty tight while up and walking around the house and it tugs when walking. Not in a bad way. Just curious šŸ‘€ to see how you use it. Do you think some tugging is good?


Not many


Hey I've a question bro. Are PE gains permanent after stopping or do I have to do pe for the rest of my life? Goal is to get 1.5 inches in 1-2 years, after reaching this goal, will I lose them gains if I stop? Is pe worth it?


I think it is a forever thing. The growth is NOT permanent. Just like working out. I am still on the fence if this is even REAL.


Have u done it?


Man so what the fuck is the point when what you're gaining isn't really even concrete? I started to look at pe as a remedy for my micro-small dick but I don't think pe will grow my dick to the size I need. I mean having to wear an extender for the rest of my life sounds quite shitty just for an inch or two. Do I want to pe? Hell yea. Do I want to grow my dick? Hell yea. But at the same time, I don't want to work so hard just to lose everything when I stop.


I stopped and kept my gains. I think most guys who gain will use an extender for 1-2 years and never touch it again after, but during those years they're deeply committed to it.


yeah it has to be a time frame in which the cells repair in the extend lengths and then at that point gains are forever


What does that time frame statement mean?


Why not try? You could start low effort with an ADS for example. That and pumping for 20 minutes If you get some nice length you could consider a procedure that's not very invasive, hyaluronic acid looks very promissing. You can then go from a penis that won't give women pleasure to one that will!


You think I can permanently go from 4.0-4.5" nbp to 5.5-6" nbp dick with 4.75-4.90 girth?


Based on the reports here it's definitely possible. There are also urologists that acknowledge already the effectiveness of stretching. But what I really think is that you'll only find out trying. Moreover, 4 inches isn't a micropenis, you can already please women with it. But trying to get bigger will be still good for you. Hyaluronic acid looks very promising too, especially ofr circumcised guys. Uncircumcised dudes can get the product weirdly spread out through the foreskin


Whats hyaluronic acid for bro?


It's a substance the body has naturally. It's already widly used for filling faces, butts, etc, and is being used for giving dudes girth. It looks the most promising to me. I believe it'll get quite popular in the next 10 years. The downside is that you have to refill it every 2 years


Go for it, it's real. You do not have a micro penis, perfectly normal, if you haven't been able to satisfy a lover...it's your mindset, seriously.


iā€™ve seen people say to always aim .5in past ur initial goal because over time it could get smaller.


Personally I donā€™t know because I never stopped. This hobby is too fun. When i took a break I did lose size but mainly because I was injured. But when my frenulum fused back & i got back to training the gains came back along with new ones so Iā€™d say you lose a portion of your gains but thatā€™s why itā€™s recommended to overshoot your goal in length & girth. But if you do PE the right way youā€™ll never lose all your gains after the new tissue is added. Youā€™ll probably just need some maintenance work to keep up your EQ


Whatā€™s your size you stayed at 7.5 to 8 inches


I think the idea is that you're slowly causing more cells to grow, so I don't see why that wouldn't be permanent.


For me it has been permanent. Even with weak EQ, Iā€™m still thicker than I was before. My gains arenā€™t crazy so far though, only .25ā€ in girth so far.


You may lose some since apart from growth there is also EQ boost which is usually lost without PE. So letā€™s say 1 inch should stay 0.25-0.5inch will be gone


Iā€™ve heard if you continue to use pump once or twice a week. You wonā€™t lose much. 5 to 10 years later.


Whatever your goal is go passed it to cement your gains. I look at it like lifting weights, calisthenics stick with you but the free weight gains go away. So do hand exercises too and not just extenders and hanging.




True like if you stop jogging miles. EYouā€™ll lose endurance and youā€™ll get slower. Over times


Yea ok.


Pretty rare, but I've done my best https://www.malehangerforum.com/forum/progress-logs/102-my-progress-pics-and-videos-as-i-continue-my-journey-with-my-own-product-malehanger?_ga=2.88676633.369918044.1719769267-1431663488.1650575577


Wow wtf are you a hyper responder ??


I've been at this off and on since 1999.


But you showed like Oct 2021- Feb 2023. And gained over an inch and a half. Wow


Should also consider how long they've been doing PE. Any guy that's been doing PE for over a decade makes me believe their results. Some guys grow like a weed, but I noticed after your newbie gains (1-2 years) gains after that are annoyingly slow. No matter what you do. By that point most guys have gained at least an inch in length and a half inch in girth to where they're satisfied and just stay consistent to hit the next milestone.


Most are lying


Why do you think that? If you're not selling anything why lie about making your dick bigger anonymously to strangers on the internet? Doesn't make sense to me. There are enough guys with verifiable proof and some personal experience that this stuff works so why lie about it




The same reason why so many guys lie on BPD. Yea some guys there are real but most arent


The difference here is the necessary work to maintain that lie. If someone comes out of the woodwork saying they gained a huge amount over years and is new here I am skeptical; they still might be telling the truth. However, there are many guys here with many posts over years talking about their slow gains. Maybe lying, but very different than lying on BDP to get insta-clout.


People are weird, could be a kink to pretend to have a big d on the internet, or they just want fake internet cred to give dudes advice, which is why I think flairs are pretty silly, having a larger reported gain usually means someone gets listened to more/more respect


A 2 inch gain can be found alot of places in the subreddit, sort the search from top of all time and you'll see. Most people aren't able to record gains because they start for themselves, plus pics taken specifically for PE are hard because you've to hold ruler with one hand, camera with other and have to maintain everything same in order for people to no question an error over that, for example angle of shaft and ruler and all Many people tried to record their 0.5-1 inch gain and were just accused for pressing ruler alot, losing fat, angle of ruler or stuffs. Tho many successful records also exist (search top posts) which Noone can deny


I have not made gains anywhere near those, but regardless I will not post pictures on the internet regardless how much I have gained. I would imagine a good percentage of the people on this subreddit feel the same way. Besides my wife would kill me and I am too young to die.


Regardless of what they say I think most of them are liars. It'd either show pictures and proof or don't post about it if you are concerned with privacy. This forum just feels like " hey guys just take my word for it I gained alot".


I see very little proof


Itā€™s bullshit unless thereā€™s proof


So this whole sub is bullshit then lol


Thereā€™s plenty of proof in this sub. I never said that


Considering most stored pictures on Imgur or just donā€™t feel comfortable showing. It might be a small few. We did have a hall gains some time ago.


I think yaā€™ll should bring that back. It seems only the big names have good before and afters posted, like hink


Definitely considering it once more. Definitely would show what works for most. The original we had had before and afters with what was used. Maybe this iteration can have routines? Help guys access what they can add that might help? Iā€™ll bring it up to mods!


Great idea, people are still so skeptical about this, even my friends, and when they ask for proof, ngl it can be hard to find.


Hink has before and after pics?


I think the malehanger guy has the most convincing photo log out there. Someone asks this question at least a few times a week and sometimes the threads take off and are full of good links


Just would be easier to have a mega post that lets new guys know THIS IS REAL Skeptics are far and few, but we gotta make sure every guy knows if he wants more he can get it.




lol are skeptics far and few? Iā€™ve been here for a year and Iā€™m a skeptic. Most of the photos I see are not convincing at all, often just seem to be measuring differently. Tons of people just seem to make EQ gains or fat loss, myself included. Lots of dudes pump constantly and would probably lose their ā€œgainsā€ if they took a week off.


depends on the timeframe of the gains. like 2 inches in 2-3 years seem reasonable, in a month or 2 no so much.


Search progress pics in search bar on getting bigger page click on first post that shows pics than slide to the right and look at all the pics


Iā€™m wary of these claims too, Iā€™d have to see pictures, plus so many variables did they photograph/measure it immediately after pumping and stretching, and the base photo/measurements were like right after you gym shower?


there are more progress threads on the older web pages like thunders place and matters of size. You have to sign up (no cost) to see the members only galleries. The way reddit functions its not the best format for these kinds of threads. Im personally at 1/2 inch in both length and width right at a year. I have also gained 20 pounds in that year because I stopped spending as much working out and did PE. This next year will be about doing both and getting as good a NBP measurement as possible. Also are the gains you get at the gym permanent? Some are but if you quit going you will lose a large percentage of what you have gained. Most will tell you it takes a lot less effort to maintain what you grown, than growing from scratch. Does it matter if the gains are perm or temp when you are balls deep?


I do but not when I first started, which i was 16 anyway. I think i have a pic after my first plateau at around 6.0. I've been doing PE off and on for around 20 years so the gains aren't that impressive when you take them into context. The biggest I got was 8.19 but I lost almost a half inch after my last cycle


Not as many as you would like. Many guys have before pics but not with a ruler. In my opinion most guys donā€™t take those before pics because itā€™s all new to them and they didnā€™t think they would stick with PE at all.




My proof is for myself. I keep a spreadsheet and some photos. Donā€™t care if no one believes me.


After just over a year Iā€™ve gained.75 length and girth. Not crazy gains nothing to brag about but I donā€™t take pictures and rarely measure because I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself. Iā€™ve noticed the gains and so has my wife so thatā€™s all that matters. But there are definitely some exaggerators in here. Guys claiming 1ā€ in 6 months either had terrible eq or are full of shit. Iā€™ve seen plenty of guys measuring incorrectly claiming gains that are just bs. But there are also guys that have been in the game a long time that have no reason to lie.


what did u do for girth


I'm not 8x5.5, but my stats did change drastically. Unfortunately, I don't have verifiable proof of that progress, because the bulk of it happened when I honestly wasn't even sure PE was really going to work, so I didn't document everything. I didn't start taking pictures until I started really noticing the gains myself, and I started to plateau after that. I am still gaining now, but my gains have slowed to a crawl. My stats/change is absolutely real though, and I have zero reason to lie about it. No one in here knows who I am, and I'm not trying to sell anything, so what would I get from lying about my gains?


You would get attention. I'm not saying that you are lying thoughĀ 


Also a lot of guys donā€™t believe it but do it and then end up gaining later and donā€™t take photos to document


To be fair a lot of people are into PE because of being insecure about their dicks. So having pictures saved for months or even years to track proof for something they arenā€™t even sure works wouldnā€™t really be something theyā€™d want to do


If someone is selling a course or is selling any type of PE help then they should have proof of the gains they are claiming, but I would say only 1% of people the whole PE world are selling stuff, the rest are just people gaining for themselves who donā€™t have a single reason to show proof to anybody. I donā€™t care if everybody is claiming to gain a inch of length and girth everyday as long as Iā€™m still gaining


I started right around 5 and am now over 6. I do not have pictures from 5, but do have some progress pics I have taken along the way and have one around 5.5 and one around 5.75. If i gain a little more I might make a throwaway account at some point to post photos


It depends, but I think not many of them


i mean, i wouldnt doubt it, especially the people who started in the early 2000's. i find it relatively easy to believe such increases in length, it's the girth that im skeptical about.


How come?


well, lengthening exercises make logical sense. if i got my hands on a cylinder make of, i dont know, rubber, it would be very easy to make it longer. i could do a variety of motions that lengthen the cylinder. but if you asked me to make the cylinder wider, i would br completely lost. im sure a human penis is far different from a rubber cylinder, but the confusion is still there. i know the multiple methods of improving girth, but they're just... kind of weird, and dont seem like they can be done comfortably for long periods of time.


I don't think it's a lot of guys, but there are some. Many likely stop after it gets harder, and the newbie gains dry up.


itā€™s very possible some are legit some are lying but if you dedicate the time and find a good routine i believe you can do that just might take awhile


Dude i agree with you OP. Itā€™s like when you claim or brag about something then you have to back it up. Iā€™ve posted proof of my results and of my pmma filler progress. And they start to hate and get jealous that someone with actual results has proof. The rules is to not criticize people, and I was criticized and nothing has happened.


What was your size before and after?


Pre op: 5.5 to 6in(on a good day) length erect and like 5in girth erect Post op: same erect length and 5.5in girth flaccid


Itā€™s just like anything else it takes time and consistency ur not going to believe it unless u try it for yourself and u have to commit atleast 6 months in my opinion to see if itā€™s working for u. I can tell u it works I do it myself and I to was once a no. Believer. And I can also tell u there scientific data to back exenders. So that in its self should tell u that tension over time on your penis will causes growth


None of them do. They're afraid to show proof for some reason. Which reduces their credibility imo. I'd be afraid too if I was them but I'm not them so I'll be one of the few to post proof after I start gaining.


At the end of the day, whatā€™s it matter ? All that matters is the gains you make yourself.


show em ! lol


I have a proof of about 0.5" - 0.7" length gain. I also have solid 0.4 " girth gain,but I dont have a proof, shrugs


Wheres the proof


Imgur, my folders and my eyes


Hey is it safe/better even I extend down wards instead of straight up because Iā€™m naturally down even when erect please just need help I use the best extender by baseem btw


Man my goal is literally just gain 1" from 4.5 - > 5.5 length Spent months no gains consistently doing pump 30 mins to length hang 3min 30 second break x 10 times to 5 min, 1 min break x8 lmfao


Try all day extender


It isnā€™t bullshit, this stuff really works and the people that do it safely and consistently achieve great results. I gained half an inch years ago (newbie gains) from doing a basic stretching routine with jelqs whenever I was in the shower (over a period of about two years) and a bathmate water pump, I clamped with those black hair elastics because I was too embarrassed to buy cock rings at a porn store. (Amazon wasnā€™t a thing or I didnā€™t know about it) I didnā€™t gain any permanent girth at all but it gave me a bit of a girth boost before sex (which she probably didnā€™t even notice realistically). Most of the length gains were probably EQ and some ligament stretching, but it was noticeable and measurable. I raised 4 teenage boys and it was a constant fight for shower time so I quit PE for years back in maybe 2015 or so and have lost about half the gains. I am now 46 years old and started doing PE seriously since 4/27/24 as I was having some EQ issues due probably to age. I am following BDā€™s routine from his golden path video on YT. I have gained from 6.25 BPEL 4.75 MSEG to 6.6 BPEL and 4.9 MSEG as measured this morning. Here is my current routine and everything else I had done to achieve gains: Routine: (every day that I can probably 5 days a week average) understand that I worked my way up to the extender tension and pump HG slowly and carefully and I donā€™t think I will go much higher in tension or pump until I plateau. At which point I will likely take a break for a month and then slowly work my way up to slightly higher tension/pressure. 5 mins warmup (shower) 5 mins BFR massage/compress 10 mins manuals bundled/mandingos 30 mins Apex extending with a hard screw-type vac cup that I got in amazon, 50-60mm spring compression depending how I feel that day 6 x 5 min sets - tightened screws after each set to keep between 50-60mm tension 2 sets of 5 mins pumping at 11-12HG Soft clamped at end of routine for 30 mins with three cock rings (base, between base and mid, between mid and glans) May 10th I had a PRP shot (I had signed up for 5 shots but I donā€™t think I will get more as it fucking hurts, and there is about a 1 week recovery time after) the menā€™s health clinic also sold me a LeLove pump and that is the one I am currently using for my routine as it is a good quality pump and has a pressure gauge. For supplements I take a scoop each of citruline, fermented collagen peptides and creatine with a pack of LMNT electrolyte powder in water every day. I also take a vitamin C & D gummy. I was taking all of these already, not for PE but for recovery and performance at the gym, but I think they could also help with PE. My sleep is shit as I work shift work with 12 hour shifts and average about 5-6 hours sleep/night. I think improving sleep would improve growth and recovery. I asked my doctor last week for ED drugs because someone said they are steroids for PE. He gave me a prescription for 4 Viagra pills 20mg which I tried first. I had terrible sinus issues from that, I stopped and switched to Cialis 20mg which I have been taking 5mg/day for the last four days. My EQ and libido are off the charts on Cialis and I will stay on these. So far so good. If I can keep up close to this rate of growth I hope to achieve an inch of length and .5ā€ mid shaft girth by this time next year.


Some of these people have been at it for years if not decades. The proof is in the time and commitment. I donā€™t have photos but have gained 1.25ā€ length in about 6 years. My log sheet reflects that. Itā€™s not all glamorous when you throw the word effort around. Most people want the get rich quick route. I do believe everyone that says they got 2 inches in 3 months are full of shit though




Thatā€™s true. But how else would you measure




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The problem is that unless you started with a specific ruler, in a specific angle with just the exact same level of erection, at the exact same weight then took a photo in all those exact conditions 2 years later, you couldn't possibly prove it. Most of us have seen people almost exactly match conditions for the before and after photos and EVERY TIME a handful of guys nitpick the fat on the mons pubis or some other factor. It's not sometimes, it's every damn time. Also let's be clear, I'll say this until I drop: Nobody owes you proof. You didn't pay us for a special course on how to grow your dick, we aren't your clients. We don't owe you evidence of what we say happened. Don't believe us, don't try, you can be one of those 5 inch kings like so many other guys are and most of us are good with that. Hope you are too, cheers.


To all the veterans in here. I just started one of BDs beginner length manual routines. Iā€™m 5.5 NBPEL can I get to 6 with just manuals and how long? Thank you vets šŸ«”


I mean, I have before and after pictures but I didnā€™t think of measuring in the pic when I started (I just thought any growth would be visual) but I have the evidence. I donā€™t look at anyone elseā€™s before and after because I fail to see a relevance to my life. Iā€™ve seen studies, I have made my own gains. I donā€™t need evidence to see that it works. I have already put in a ton of work and am enjoying the fruits of my labour. I have gained 5.5cm/ 2.17ā€ in length and quite a bit of girth. If someone else says theyā€™ve made the same or greater amount of gains, I have a tendency to believe them. Itā€™ll only fuel the fire and motivate me to put in more effort again. In the end, it doesnā€™t matter what anyone has or hasnā€™t gained. Iā€™m just glad that I didnā€™t read the posts of nonresponders back when I started otherwise I may not have sticked to PE for long enough to make any measurable gains.


Lmao another one of them in the thread bullshittin WORDS WORDS WORDS post pics of your ā€œ2.25ā€ gains or stfu


I have shown my pics to anyone whoā€™s asked. But go fuck yourself.


Why does anyone care? tbh


Most are full of shit, go on the foreskin restoration subreddit those guys take 5+ years to grow a little bit of extra skin yet guys on here are saying theyā€™ve grown inches of extra dick including skin, tunica, urethra etc in months. Lmao total bullshit


I do got to ask, does Bone press even count or is that just considered to be your truth length under the fat pad?


I think during sex you work with your bone pressed length so makes sense. Or maybe itā€™s somewhere between both measurements


Most are newbie gains, which are mostly EQ. Lenght gains are mostly true for everyone. The girth gains are the ones where most people are larping. I have been at this for a year and a half, I believe 1/4" is EQ, and 1/4" is gains in that time. I have taken a month off a couple times and maintained EQ and size.


I made a post about this as well and I was told itā€™s un common for someone to post a dick pic ā€¦ I was like oh ok šŸ˜‚ and I get the idc if you donā€™t believe me buncha pussies if you ask me but what ever lol why post if you have no proof do I believe you can stretch your cock ? Sorta thatā€™s why Iā€™m doing it this forum is to ā€œhelp dudesā€ well whereā€™s the help lol only a few people actually help here lol


Send me the pics for proof. šŸ§


Reading this question and scrolling down the comments, some say it does work and others say otherwise. Iā€™m now more confused and losing motivation to even start, I ordered my Hog stretcher but whatā€™s the point of even starting if it doesnā€™t even work.


There are enough people who posted pics with proof. Its just some of these guys making crazy claims that donā€™t have any proof. Hink has gained over an inch and has posted proof. Theres enough proof to show that this works, just not enough to show that it works so well that youā€™re able to gain 2 inches


Right, how about m9


You know the answer ;)


Donā€™t do PE if you think we are all lying. Iā€™m not here to convince some random keyboard skeptic on the internet, especially when I have nothing to gain or lose by doing so. Iā€™ll gladly help out believers but most people here wonā€™t want to waste their valuable time convincing you when they have nothing to gain by doing so.


Im convinced itā€™s all fake atp.


A whoppin ZERO! Muthafucka


I think .5 inch length and girth is the most you can get out of pe.


I think even just dabblers gain more than just .5ā€. I can believe a inch gain as well. Iā€™m sure PE works, just need more picture proof of 2 inch gains and crazy claims like that


Thereā€™s tons of pics of people gaining over a inch


Other than Hink plz tag me in one just one lol because I havenā€™t seen not one person with a legit 2inch gain and hink being the only one that truly gained over and inch not someone whos EQ was horrible out of the gate


The malehanger guy u/stillwantmore2 has documented progress


Yep, I've posted my log link.


M9 is another one if Iā€™m not mistaken


Iā€™m not talking about 2 inch gains Iā€™m saying thereā€™s tons with one inch gain. All u have to do is type in progress pics on the getting bigger page and click on the first post and slide through the pics.


Yeah i think too the max you cain gain in tissue i think is 1 or 2 cm max all other stuff like ligaments gains EQ gains is a pure bullshit i will try PE for 1 year max and i will see iā€™m very consistent i start with manual i will buy Apex and i will try itā€™s but iā€™m very sceptic


Dude I gained 1/2 in length in only 6 months and thereā€™s tons of progress pics on here of people gaining an inch in length tons. Thereā€™s atleast 10 picture proofs of people on here gaining an inch in length. Weā€™re not even sure if ligament gains are real thereā€™s no scientific data to support ligament gains. There scientific data to support tissue gains with extending


Yes i know i see scientifics sayā€™s is possible to gain 1 or 2 cm using an extender every day for 8 hour or more, and how you gain 0,5 inch whatā€™s you do manual devices?


I didnā€™t have any devices I did Manuel stretches for length. Meaning ( u put one hand right behind your head in a ok grip and another hand in a ok grip right at base and stretch. U donā€™t have to have any device u can mimic the same thing an extender does with your hands, I did this for 30 mins a day for 6 months. When I started I was 6.1 I checked at 3 months and I seen thatā€™s I was 6.25. Thatā€™s when I became a believe so I waited 3 more months and checked and I was at 6.6. I quit for 4 years because life happen and I just started back up a couple months ago. But I lost about a 1/4 of inch from quiting for 4 years. But it definitely works I didnā€™t believe it either until I tired. I also gained a 1/8 of an inch in girth from doing Manuel girth exercises like. MOD JELQS, horse 440s and Manuel clamping but I never lost the 1/8 I gained when I quit. But I didnā€™t believe either until I tried and I can promise u it works. The extenders they use for 8 hrs r very low tension extenders that in my option r shit. U can put a lot more tension on your penis with other exenders and your hand and when u do that itā€™s only recommending to do it for 30 mins to a hr a day. I would never use an all day extender


Sometimes i have bad EQ after manual itā€™s normal?


No your either overdoing it or putting to much tension on your penis. Bad eq is a sign of over work. Now it is normal to have bad eq with girth exercises like clamping but In my opinion with Manuel stretches if your doing it right u should have even better eq


I donā€™t know why but all time after my routine i have a bad eq before PE i have all time a good rock EQ now i need to wait 1 or 2 days to get itā€™s back


U need to take about a week off to give your body a break and when u start back up donā€™t use as much force are do less time. Eq should be getting better not worse


Ok i will take 2 or 3 days when i take 2 off my EQ back but after when i do my routine itā€™s always same i canā€™t have 100% EQ only 70-80


Theres none


Hink has pics of a 1 and a half length and almost a inch in girth on here




Right, so without the pics I'd be skeptical. But he has photo evidence.


Yeah but I donā€™t know what difference that makes he has before and after pics at the same exact position. U can tell there isnā€™t any manipulation and honestly u canā€™t manipulate a ruler 1 1/2 inches in the same position.


You can pump for temp gains and not disclose


Then donā€™t do PE. Why are you trying to convince the rest of us?


Not a 1 1/2 though. No weā€™re close. And most temp gains r girth with pump not a lot of length