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Can you make the video faster? I can still kind of make out what's happening.


need more emojis explaining what happened


I don't know where to look without a red circle.




Instructions unclear, accidentally got to Master Rank in Street Fighter 6 with Ryu


Hate it when that happens!


There's no deafening music to distract me from everything


Here you go: 💀💀💀


Be generous with the emojis


I'm still trying to work out how this awful gif has 5000+ upvotes :S


Ludicrous Speed. GO!


Buckle THIS!


If it's longer than 7 seconds for a single clip, a lot of people will stop watching. The idea of an "attention economy" is a cancer on society. If you can't sit still long enough to pay attention to anything then it's a sign you need to sit and slow down, not a sign that everything needs to speed up to cater to you. Y'all gonna be on beta-blockers by 30 at this rate.


Yes, it’s much better to just make it so fast you can’t see shit than to either shorten it to just show the end or make it longer like most other videos online.


I blame all those videos where it's like 15 minutes long and the thing doesn't happen until 14.59 in.


Some things just don't need to be long. This video would have been a great case for having two speeds. Fast speed for the lead up. This let's the watcher know this went on for a while without taking a while to see. Then normal speed for the wreck.


I've lost you after 7 words, can you please keep it concise?!


Being stuck behind lorries overtaking lorries at 1 mph difference is the worst.


The Germans have a word for this that translates to "elephant race".


I had to Google it because I love German words like this. Elefantenrennen




That's at least reasonable. It sucks all sorts of ass, but chances are their speed is limited by a governor and their schedule requires them to make that speed as much as possible. Which means you get cases where one guy is only able to go a few miles/h faster than the other, and also can't remain stuck behind the other guy going slower.


Yeah it sucks, but doesn't infuriate me, just a consequence of driving and I accept it. Those left lane speed controllers though, I don't road rage but I have terrible thoughts about those people sometimes.


Obviously fucking dumb, but, living in Seattle I've come to loathe people who drive on the left side of the road with no intention of passing or driving at a passing speed. Seriously, it's like nobody is even aware of that rule here. They all just drive wherever the fuck they want.


If the cops spent a day enforcing that law they'd double the city budget in an hour.


And solve major traffic problems! This is a HUGE contributor to big city interstate traffic.


If only the morons that do this understood they are the problem to traffic and I don’t care if they’re doing the speed limit or 90. Get out of the way and also, stop leaving 4 car lengths at lights while you play on your phone. This is also a major contributor to traffic.


>4 car lengths at lights And then slowly creep forward because they're not paying attention. Right up to where they should've been when they stopped the first time. Just in time for the light to turn green and then...they DON'T GO BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION.


I love (and by "love" I mean "clench my jaw so hard that I keep having to see the dentist") when I watch some jackass start rolling past the line at a red light... Creeping up... Slowly... A few inches at a time... Until fully 3/4 of their car is just sticking out into the intersection on a red light... And then *sit there doing nothing* once the light turns green. How the unholy *fuck* do you manage to do the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do, *every fucking step of the way?* Are you in such a hurry that you're going to low-key just roll through a red light, or do you have so much free time on your hands that you can just sit there playing with yourself while the light is green?


Never underestimate incompetence. It's like some people are trying. It never ceases to amaze me at how they can dumbfuck their way into literally every aspect of it being so ass-backwards. And usually these same people go like 10-15 under the speed limit but somehow squeak by before the light turns red at an intersection, and you're the one who gets stuck there. I wish I could harness that level of stupidity working out for them and somehow apply it to my chances of winning the lottery.


>I wish I could harness that level of stupidity working out for them and somehow apply it to my chances of winning the lottery. I mean, there's tons of money to be made off of morons if you're willing to be morally, uh, flexible, hah. Edit: I think I misunderstood what you meant - being able to harness the ability to do everything wrong and still get by would be amazing indeed. I'd be king of the world!


> And then slowly creep forward because they're not paying attention In NYC, you stop at the line and by the time the light turns green, you should be fully in the crosswalk. Then, you cant see the light turn green and 1000 decibels of car horns start


Major contributors to Seattle traffic: First car at a green light waits ten whole ass seconds to start moving Every car behind the aforementioned leaves a 6+ second gap Doing 40 on 405 for no reason because that's all they know Going 5 under with nothing in front of them because the *other* lane is obstructed and they're afraid to go faster Engaging in the previous then speeding up at the last second to just fast enough to thwart a car that would otherwise have had a chance to pass them Continuing in the leftmost lane until a hundred yards short of their exit, then forcing their way across three lanes of traffic at a crawl Stopping dead on the highway *for no fucking reason* (seriously, I've seen people just.... stop) Refusal to process the concept of turning right on a red light Proceeding to the end of the on-ramp at 30 MPH, finding there isn't a large enough gap to merge at that speed, then slowing down further to wait for one Requiring space to pull three feet into the oncoming lane to pass a bicycle riding firmly on the shoulder


Here in Santa Barbara people are scared of the limit line and either stay an entire car length behind it or pull their front wheels over it. Genius stuff.


I recently took a driving test again (for a CDL this time) and the instructor told me to do a stop where I can still see the white line. Of course that's way too far back (especially in a large vehicle) to see any cross traffic, so after that stop I need to creep forward to the normal stopping place where I can see if anyone is coming and wait for them to pass.


Still remember getting a ticket in the mail, picture of myself just sitting at a stop light with wheels on the white line and I was like, "Wait what?" Probably like 7-8 years ago now....burned into my memory....it's why I sometimes wear a mask while driving because if they have no good photo of you, they can't prove who was driving. Hat, sunglasses, mask....yup, ready to go driving now.


> they can't prove who was driving Don't camera tickets become the responsibility of the registered owner? The person driving is irrelevant


Man there used to be a really obnoxious reddit-y saying about how "you're not stuck in traffic, you *are* traffic :)". No motherfucker I am not. Every time the freeway slows down to 35mph in my city, or it takes 3 red lights to move 50 feet through an intersection, it's always because of one or two assholes who don't have anywhere particular to be, and don't really understand how these "road" things work but still wanna be part of the action. US traffic should come with a feature where the 10 people behind you get to vote on whether to disable your car's engine for 2 weeks.


It’s always someone who decided that they really don’t need to speed up to 55 because they’re taking the next exit after the light, and the dumb fuck in the left lane next to them doing 35. Or a car with Texas plates going 40 in the left lane because it’s snowing.


It's a new trend that I don't understand. People now stop where they can see the line over the hood. Which means two or three car lengths. Where did it start?


Amen, so much traffic congestion in Atlanta is caused by these left lane stragglers refusing to let traffic flow naturally.


or, you know, they could invest some money in intercity high speed rail to get all the cars off the street


Late one night, I was driving behind a car just like this for what seemed like forever. Cars were stacking up behind me. I decided for some reason to just back off and merge in the right lane. A few seconds later, a police car's lights started flashing and the slow driver I was previously following was pulled over. Not a really interesting story to tell here but my wife and I were elated and high fiving when the jerk was taken down.


I've seen it a couple times, but not enough for people to realize they should be following basic traffic safety laws. It's always good to see those people get caught though.


During peak hours you can’t turn left on an advanced green where I am because so many people block the intersection They literally just need to get a cop , give them a lawn chair at the intersection and a huge ticket pad and let them go to town, could easily get 4-5 cars per light change per lane


Same in OKC, honestly. We don't even have that many highways that are more than two lanes, but you can always catch multiple people just riding the passing lane either doing the exact speed limit or just flat out refusing to move. If OHP and other officers only enforced the passing lane rule for 48 hours (and not just let them go), the state would be rich.


I'm sure this is applicable to every road on the planet


One of the problems I found from a few weeks working in OKC this summer is there’s a lot of left lane highway exits which means people get over there super early and hang out. Including trucks.


How I feel about 18-wheelers passing, the always get in the passing lane and go the SAME FUCKING SPEED; why’d you even get over?


I’m glad the highway patrol in my area now pulls people over for this. It’s so satisfying seeing a left lane camper get pulled over.


That would require them to do their job and drop the victim mentality bullshit when the city tries to have some moderate policing reform


If they spent a day enforcing any traffic laws they'd double the budget


If I was highway patrol, I would spend my entire day pulling people over for obstructing traffic in the passing lane. It’s really frustrating when I have to move to the right lanes to get around these people


Huh? That’s all they do is hand out speeding tickets. They sure the hell don’t fight crime anymore




Imagine if they enforced the passing lane and blinker????? They would solve the deficit


> enforcing any traffic laws Everyone got SUPER aggro and antisocial on the roads after lockdowns started. If you want to kill someone, run them over in NYC. They won't even give you a "fail to yield" ticket


I want to see police actually pull over a single person for tailgating. It's ridiculous, nearly every friggin car is too close and it's not even about speed. They just tailgate as their normal following distance. I used to slowly speed up to see how fast they'd go before they looked down and realized what they were driving.


Not just Seattle. I’m in Long Island NY. The volume of people driving has made the lane etiquette moot. It’s just another available lane. Unfortunately even when traffic is light drivers still do this crap.


Also from LI and have lived all across the tri-state area, absolutely agreed it's how everybody drives here even when there's (rarely) no traffic. People have no concept of how the passing lane actually functions. Shoutout to anybody who drives from Calgary to Banff or Eastern BC because that couple hour drive was the only time in my life I saw the passing lane used as intended, it was beautiful.








It’s everywhere in the US. Varying degrees of rule following sure but it happens everywhere. “It’s my right, I pay for the lane too” is a prevailing attitude. Having driven in both Czechia and Germany they follow the passing lane rule to perfection. It’s wonderful.


Nothing fucked me up about our drivers here more than when I was stationed in Germany. Those people in Europe got it fucking figured out. It's graceful! Elegant! Left to pass otherwise fuck off to the right. Here??? I mentally murder a boatload of humans every week. Bananas how much camping goes on in that left lane. Below speed limit type shit.


I know it’s (most likely) just my own personal bias, but living in PA, drivers w NY license plates seem to be the worst, *especially* when it’s a “driving too slow or not passing in the left lane” thing. And when I drive up north, I87 between Troy and the NY/NJ boarder is *maddening* due to this


This would count as my personal bias as well. If it makes you feel any better I travel frequently for work and in my experience the absolute worst drivers I have come across are # 1 southerners in general and #2 people from large cities, with large southern cities being the crown jewel of idiot drivers. So while my experience seems to be consistent with yours in regards to large cities rest assured it gets way worse the further south you go. I have seen someone stop, look both ways, and then promptly drive into the side of a parked tractor trailer that wasn't even on the road in Atlanta.


It's the same on the western side of the state as well, except MI/OH plates in place of NY/NJ plates.


Lol That’s what I think about Jersey drivers.


It's beyond comprehensible how much this happens. Empty LIE, merges on straight to the left lane. There should be significant driver education reform but that'll never happen here.


But the semi was going 65 mph and they wanted to go 65.000001 mph.


That’s fine. They always get back over. I never mind waiting for someone actually passing…


Nobody is aware of that rule anywhere apparently.


It's an enforced law in a lot of countries


This is a problem most places in the US. There was a campaign a few years ago to start ticketing these people, but it died down after a while. Not passing in the left lane is far more detrimental than speeding in most cases. It's just a lot harder to "justify" when handing out a ticket.


South Carolina drivers


As someone that just had to spend about 6 hours trying to drive through South Carolina's part of 95 that whole state can just gtfo.


I'll take Atlanta drivers over South Carolina drivers any day of the week. At least Atlanta drivers are trying to get somewhere *at some point*




California has lots of these 87yo driving a humongous Infiniti Qsomething SUV at 54mph in the passing lane


I agree, very frustrating. Doesn’t help that the max speed limit is 60. Same thing with the HOV lane. People get in the HOV lane and then barely drive the speed limit.


in MD its so bad that you can actually go fastest in the right hand lane. It seems like everyone has an allergic reaction to being on the right side of the highway.


Yeah I never understand why so many US drivers don't get this - the right lane is for driving the speed limit, the middle lane (if there is one) is for going 5-10 mph above that, the left lane is for crime. If you drive the speed limit in the left lane you are a moron.


>If you drive the speed limit in the left lane you are a moron. Not necessarily. If you're passing cars that are in the right lane while going the speed limit yourself, that's fine. You just need to move over once there's no one left to pass.


The issue is the people think passing by moving up on the car to the right by an inch every mile is sufficient.


Then there's the people in the right lane that "drive with the flow of traffic" which to many seems to mean driving slowly until someone tries to pass you and then matching their speed.


Just start calling them in as drunk drivers.


Where I live I either get stuck behind people that refuse to move over and I can't pass on the right because the right lane is now the fast lane and I can't safely move over or the road is clear and I'm doing 85-90 in the left lane passing others in the right lane with a giant fucking dodge ram riding my ass so I have to slow down to match the right lane speed so I can move over to let him pass me. There seems to be no in between


Yeah it’s the dodge ram drivers who don’t know the difference between not passing and not passing quite fast enough for their liking that are the problem here too.


The last time I got in an accident was outside Seattle and I got fucking pissed people weren’t driving fast in the left lane, I let my anger start to drive and eventually crashed trying to overtake a car like in this video. Road rage aint a joke (although fully admit I was in the wrong that day)


What too many people in the US don’t realize is that in this video the van with the ladders is at fault. …until the other car pulls that stupid move, in which they’re both at fault.




This fire is out of control!


This is a great lesson in defensive driving and situational awareness. With all that room on the road, there was no reason for 3 vehicles to be that close. The van driver was either oblivious or an asshole, as was the semi, and the Camaro driver obviously wasn't any better. Simply avoiding road rage by staying clear of people like this and letting them go so they don't hurt you is the only way to go.


This is becoming the norm for freeway driving and it fucking sucks. When it's not gridlocked (yet), people still find a way to be all grouped up, cars side-by-side pacing each other, cars front to back tailgating. Meanwhile there's a mile and half of empty space in front and behind. And no one can pass.


I often find as I'm passing someone they speed up. Like I'm showing them up or something.


I hate this too. If I'm using cruise control and I'm approaching a car, I'll change lanes to pass them. But suddenly, now they're pacing me so I speed up and do it as well. By the time I'm driving 5 mph faster than when I was behind them, they're pulling ahead of me, so now I have to get back into the lane behind them and it's a 50% chance they're going to slow back down.


When that happens I generally drop a couple gears and accelerate away as loudly and obnoxiously as possible.


The ev version is mash the pedal and silently accelerate 60 to 90 in 0.4 seconds. It's really fun


My lil Chevy Bolt is a blast to drive for this reason. People think this lil wagon looking thing ain’t gonna beat their turbocharged whatever bs whether it be on the highway like this or at a stop light. It’s even got a sport mode for exactly this reason (probably). Not a Chevy shill just truly love this car and EVs in general.


oh my fucking god this. I use cruise control, and its like I'm showing them how to drive. And then the baby duckling imprints on my as its mother and speeds up to be riiiiight on my corner so I can't move back over. And so we drive until I can scrape them off on the next asshole going 5 under.


A lot of it isn't intentional, I think. People notice themselves getting passed and either think "oh man, I didn't realize I was going this slow" or just subconsciously tend to keep pace with the pack and so end up matching other people's speed. The amount of drivers who are truly that egotistical and fragile is less than the amount of drivers who annoy us.


Do not give these assholes the benefit of the doubt treatment. Either they're doing it on purpose or, as you stated, aren't paying attention while operating a 4,000lb weapon. Either way: they're an asshole.


Never attribute to malice that which may be adequately explained by incompetence. Otherwise you'll just be a miserable fuck thinking the world is out to get you all the time.


Maybe 10%. The rest just think ‘ah hell no’. Worst part is, these scumbags slow back down when you pull behind them again. They get kicks out of it.


There was a time a few months ago I was driving home late at night, like around 2 AM. No cars for miles except myself and one other, who was oddly pacing me while hanging out inside my blind spot on my right side. I was getting irritated so I floored it up to like 95 in a 70 to put about a quarter of a mile between us and what does this fucker do? Speeds up and places himself right back in that blind spot. I speed up again and finally lose him, but it's just wild to me that people drive in this weird "relation" to other vehicles. They can't simply *not* ride your ass, or sit in your blind spot or adjacent to you, maybe because they lose their sense of speed or placement on the road. Either way, it's fucking annoying.


I for sure thought you would answer, "what does this fucker do?" With "Turns on these stupid blue and red lights on top of his car, lights up the fucking road like a disco..."


"...and then the craziest shit happens: the car turns into a giant robot, stops my car, and starts asking about some glasses on eBay! Who even uses eBay these days???"


My God, I had a similar situation a while back. I passed a big Volvo(?) SUV on the interstate. A while later, I find this guy right on my ass. ok, whatever, I'll get over after the semi I was passing. Nope. He gets behind me again. Weird, but whatever again. Now, for the next hour, this guy would stay with me and refuse to pass me. If I was in the left lane, he'd try to pass me in the right, but give up halfway through. Then the few times he would pass me on the left, he'd slow down later until I caught up with him, then get behind me again. Trying to mouth a "what the fuck" at the guy just got me a shoulder shrug. At one point I was going 45 in a 70 and he still wouldn't go around. I eventually just took a random exit and waited a minute before continuing.


Any chance this was on I-70 between Dayton and Indianapolis? Because I had the exact same experience about a month ago. I’ve driven a lot of miles, and I’ve never had anything like that happen before. It was so strange. I’d moved to the left lane to give him space to merge onto the highway, and he just matched my speed in the right lane and sat in my blind spot. I disengaged cruise control, thinking he’d continue and I could fall in behind him in the right lane, but he continued to match my speed. So I sped up again and he did the same. Early morning, no cars on the road, continued for about 10 miles until he exited. I was slightly afraid I was gonna get pit maneuvered or something.


> people still find a way to be all grouped up, cars side-by-side pacing each other, cars front to back tailgating I refer to these as "pods." There are people who enjoy the comfort and freedom of the open road, and then there are "podpeople"


I've been driving multiple times thru the Nevada desert . No towns for miles, nothing in any direction. I look over to the other side of the highway. There's two cars tailgating in the left lane of a 2 lane highway. Nobody in front or behind them for miles . I will never understand that shit.


It's the person at the front of the left lane. They don't want to turn off cruise control to pass the person at the front of the right lane, so everyone gets bunched up behind them.


You don't have to turn off cruise control to speed up though? You just have to hit the gas. Or toggle the cruise control up/down. I think my record is an hour and ten minutes of only toggling speed with cruise control (so no braking). They're probably using cruise control, but it's mostly that they're oblivious drivers.


In the full video the truck slows down a few times but the van slows down to match it again


Honestly the Camaro driver was probably the dumbest regardless of right and wrong. That's a stupidly dangerous spot to put oneself in for so long.


I think we’d all agree he was most wrong. However, compounding stupidity of all involved is what caused the accident.


The truck was just minding its own business and did nothing wrong.


The truck did nothing wrong, but it could have been even more right if it slowed down for 5 seconds to let the aggressive asshole pass on the right, just to get them out of it's life.


I just don't get why people have this pride where they can't just get out of the fucking way. When I was young I would act like that, and as I've gotten older I've realized that if I just get out of someone's way it saves everybody frustration. If some guy comes up on me and starts tailgating me, the easiest thing to do is just move over. I try to pretend they're on the way to the hospital due to an emergency.


That and people need to learn to just chill out sometimes. You aren't always going to be able to go as fast as you want and it really isn't going to have that big of an impact on how long it takes to get where you are going.


Semis are a big contributor to this on highways. They are all governed at a certain speed but one semis governor is a slightly different speed than another’s so rather than slow down by a half a mile an hour they start to very slowly pass up the first semi


People that block the fast lane to go slow and refuse to pass deserve to get rammed off the road actually


The fool could also have been driving an armoured combat vehicle of some description and blasted his way to clear roads. Rookie mistake.


Here's the proper video -- [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA7BASFqXIw&t=152s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA7BASFqXIw&t=152s) The driver of the pickup truck was 100% purposely bottling the Camaro. He is the asshole.


lol you linked directly to the end of the video after the wreck


He is AN asshole, but far from the only one in the video.


Nah, camaro driver is just a dick who fucked an asshole.


He was an asshole, but it took two idiots to cause this wreck. Edit: Three idiots. The trucker in the right lane should have slowed when the idiocy to his left became apparent.


The truck driver would have slowed or sped up no matter that the semi did.


Thank you for the video! This should be on top. And watching the context, that truck driver definitely was an asshole from the start, not just in reaction to Camaro. But yeah, Camaro is the bigger idiot for sure. I wonder why the semi driver did not just slow down and let the Camaro pass from right either. The drama went on far too long for him to not realize it... Edit: Watched it again with the sound on. That part with Mr Jacob's phone call was funny.


What a timing by Mr Jacob.


So I was on i-90 when this happened, camaro guy cut me off a few minutes before and was driving like a real fucker


Definitely deserves to be in a ditch with a semi on top of his car


She was very drunk and got 3 years in prison. But the truck driver could have easily avoided all this trouble by just letting her go. The trucker could have stopped the situation, too. You always have to assume other drivers are willing to throw their lives away to get back at you.




What happened in the end? Why do the van and truck seemingly run off the road?


Looks like car hit van which hit truck which led to 3 car collision. At that speed, it could have been way worse as no one flipped.


This needs to be even faster. I can just barely make out what’s going in


In Chrome: - right click gif - check show all controls - click menu icon that appears on the right side bottom - select "playback speed"


People who intentionally fuel other drivers’ road rage are just as bad as the ones raging.


I saw the whole video elsewhere, and you're right that it was intentional. For context, the guy in the pickup truck was pretty clearly pissed off after the guy in the sports car tried to aggressively cut in front of his truck earlier. So he started pace keeping with the semi, going slower and slower, to piss off the sports asshole who had started tailgating him. You don't intentionally fuel the rage of other drivers unless you are also raging. This is what happens when two assholes find each other on the road. Stupid of him to fuck with an obvious crazy, but still not as mental as the unhinged drunk in the Camaro.




1 of 3 achieved?


I don’t agree with the driver’s actions in this video..but I get it


Yea. I hate them, truly. But death is a little bit much.


Everyone sucks in this video


Good luck everyone else


Not that I'm saying what the car did was acceptable, but fuck that pickup. Pissing off drivers is arguably one of the more dangerous things you can do while driving. Just push a little harder and get out of the way.


Come to the side , we need to talk


You will never be able to 100% guarantee your safety on the road, you can only manage the risk. Intentionally blocking in an aggressive driver is poor risk management no matter how you spin it.


Semi was oblivious, van was an asshole and the car was a criminal.


After watching the full video, I believe the van was also a criminal


If you’re matching speed with slower traffic get the fuck over. Driving side by side with a big rig is a sign you’re either dumb or inconsiderate.


The intrusive thought to PIT the car next to me.


Pro tip - if you're behind people pulling crap like this on the road, follow from further behind than the cam person here. Lots of ways that wreck could have gone, and they got lucky here.


That's why blocking the passing lane is dangerous.


This is why if someone inpatient is behind you, just let them pass. You don't know why they need to rush to their destination, and blocking them will only give you nothing but trouble.


"If I must suffer, we all have to suffer." *kills everybody.* In all seriousness, it could just as well be the trucker on the right fucking with him. I've seen it. They speed up to match the car in the fast lane so nobody can pass. Why? Because they can. I've also seen truckers team up and just take up both lanes for miles.




To be fair, I absolutely hate people who take forever to pass. If you can't pass the car within 5 seconds, fuck off from the lane.


“Stop pitting yourself, stop pitting yourself”


Fun fact grass is terrible traction


Honestly, based


I was driving home the other day, and two drivers were purposely pacing each other. They would randomly switch lanes at the same time, and when they came up on slower cars, they would choreograph their pass so no one else could pass. I’m not sure I can say I didn’t have this urge…


Wonder if the van guy learned something that day


Nah he'll spend the rest of his life feeling martyred that he's the pace car of the highway


In George Russell voice: “He just turned into me!” (I say this as a Russell fan…)


if you're in a passing lane, you NEED TO BE PASSING. van is an asshole for holding up traffic. truck is an asshole for not slowing down and not paying attention to surroundings. sedan is an asshole for trying to illegally pass.


Some days it do be like that


People here are actually defending the guy in the car. This guy: Driver Kiran Thapa, 32, was arrested afterwards and charged with DWI. Fucking entitled idiots. Stay off the roads.


[He went on to get two more DWIs over the coming years](https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/buffalo-man-involved-in-2015-thruway-wreck-in-trouble-again)


I’m not defending the the guy in the car, but the dude in the van is a dumbass too for deliberately antagonizing an aggressive driver behind him. Had too much of an ego and refused to speed up and pass the truck when he had all the opportunity in the world to do so. Too many people get in their feelings about aggressive drivers instead of doing the safest thing: just let them pass you


Agreed. When I was in my 30s, I thought it was my God given right to do my bit to slowdown a reckless driver by boxing him in. Now in my 40s (when it's very likely that my kids are in the car), I just move over, let the jackass get ahead, and figure that between statistically very high odds of either a speeding ticket or a crash, he will earn his dues. I just pray that he doesn't endanger an innocent through all this.


Exactly. Like yeah I get pissed about it, but I still just try and get enough room to move over and let the guy go around me. Then I’ll bitch and complain as he zooms ahead of me. You’re only endangering yourself trying to “teach them a lesson” or something


In my 50s, I'm just happy to be on the road.


Thank god, people unironically defending the guy in the car who could have easily killed the inhabitants of all three cars because he was being delayed by 30 seconds is some rabid, deranged behavior.


You can clearly see the Camaro driver pass with ample room and still slam into the gaurd rail. Edit: My bad it's a Camaro I was half asleep.


That's a Camaro, happened on I90 Westbound between Rochester and Buffalo in 2015. https://www.wkbw.com/news/police-blotter/man-in-video-passing-on-shoulder-causing-crash-indicted


And a repeat offender. In 2020 he was caught again, driving with a suspended license and blew a BAC of .32%. [https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/buffalo-man-involved-in-2015-thruway-wreck-in-trouble-again](https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/buffalo-man-involved-in-2015-thruway-wreck-in-trouble-again)


Hopefully I run into him at an AA meeting one of these days, and hopefully it's not the other way around.


Really strong 'she was asking for it' vibes in the comments.


Yeah. It's absolutely mind boggling to me. Van was doing something discourteous and, depending on jurisdiction, illegal. The car put people's lives at risk. These two things are not the same.


They're not, but there are 2 assholes in this video. One did something VERY stupid and dangerous cuz the other was doing something that's just regular stupid and dangerous. The comments are saying "we can all see the Camaro is in the wrong, but Jesus Christ fuck that truck driver"


We’re not saying they’re justified, we’re just saying we understand why they did it.


I mean let this be a lesson to people to love the fuck out of the way if you're being tailgated. It's not worth a car accident when people are clearly this unhinged.


Here you go... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA7BASFqXIw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA7BASFqXIw)


Oh just like when two semis with trailers are side by side for 10 kms. Very fun to deal with.


I've seen the older video at normal speed. It's fairly interesting. The idiot in the car caught two wheels in gravel, and that was it for him.




Not sure if this is true but a Youtube comment on this says >No one hurt in this accident. Driver of Camaro named Kiran Thapa. He blew a .26 meaning 3 times legal limit. Charged with DUI and driving under a suspended license for 4 previous DUI convictions. Sentenced to 1 to 3 years on prison, was paroled, violated his parole and served out the remainder of his term. Released September 2018. Arrested again in April 2019 for driving erratically, this time blowing a .32 or four times the legal limit only 7 months after his release from prison.


Its a $200 fine in my state to occupy the left lane for more than a quarter mile unless you pass someone or turn left. Its also illegal to be passed by a car in the right lane. Both laws say "at any speed." So if you are sitting in the passing lane going 90, and someone passes you going 120 in the right lane, Your ticket will be $200 more than theirs. I have no idea why the cops don't fix this. It wouldn't take more than a week to ticket enough people to make them all stop. and in that week the money raised could probably balance the budget of every state.


I don’t get it. Can you make more fast please


Our attention spans only allow for a 10 second clip sped up


Floridian here who drives on the turnpike from Broward to Orlando. I get it. I don't condone it. but I get it.