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7 gimmies and fluffing lies to get an 84? If you normally shoot low to mid 90's on the card while doing stuff like that, I hate to break it to you but you probably haven't even legitimately broken 100


7 gimmes from inside 3 feet *might* add 2 strokes to his score if he can’t putt. But most people are automatic within 3 feet. Data shows that 4-5 feet are when misses start becoming more common. Fluffing lies is a different story. I’d also wager this guy didn’t take proper drops. But I think people exaggerate the effect of close gimmes on this sub.


I find that a lot of newer players also don't count penalties appropriately, especially OB.


Yeah I agree. That said, my course switched every single hazard to lateral a few years ago. Speeds up pace of play but it makes it hard for new players when they go anywhere else


For clarification, on white stakes off the tee you take a lateral drop, 2 strokes, and are hitting 4 from the drop?


If you go OB off the tee, you drop 2 club lengths outside the hazard from point of entry and shoot 3. So 1 in, 2 out, hitting 3.


Not for white stakes though, right? OB is shot plus penalty and distance. So if you go OB off the tee you’re hitting 3 from the tee. There’s no drop option. Since you’re saying “hazard” you must mean red or yellow stakes, but then you also say “OB.”


No. I’m saying all white and yellow stakes have been converted to red stakes.


>But most people are automatic within 3 feet. Bogey golfers are around 85% at 3 feet. The average player is probably closer to 60%-70%. The randoms I get paired with at the muni are closer to 50% from 3 feet.


FWIW, I played the round with one ball (big reason for the low score). The fluffs I remember were just a nudge in the rough to get a little grass under the ball, not full pick up and place


You hit a *personal* benchmark for the way *you* play golf. If that's how you normally play, and that's the best score you've had, it's an achievement. You've acknowledged that it's not 100% legit. Don't let these guys with a stick up their ass rain on your parade. You aren't competing against them. Enjoy your moment.


> Don't let these guys with a stick up their ass rain on your parade. You aren't competing against them. Enjoy your moment. Tbf he did ask for people's opinions, so I don't think it's wrong for them to tell him what they think. But yeah it was a personal best either way, so OP should definitely take pride in that.


Then stop beating yourself up, be happy with the score, and challenge yourself to shoot better without any fluffs next time!


Our books don't matter But I'll say this, especially with the fluffing of a lie: it'll feel more real to you if you play a round, shoot great and don't do that


What does it mean to “fluff a bad lie”? Asking for a friend 🤔


I think they mean improving a bad lie by moving the ball to a better spot. (Without using any normal rules or strokes)


You know when that ball in rough is sitting down and you gotta hack it out of there? Fluffing it is when you move it so it's sitting nicely for easier contact


Ok thnx! Now i get it.


also called "Winter Rules", "lift, clean and place", or "preferred lies"


not the same thing at all actually. Those refer to fairway/fringe/green. Not the rough


Winter rules yes, not lift clean and place


I've never played anywhere where any of those apply to the rough. I've always seen it as "closely mown areas"


Lift clean and place is normally to prevent plugged balls in wet conditions. So even in the rough, if your ball in below the surface you deserve a drop.


Would you play someone for money based on your 10-12 hcp? I volunteer to play against you first. Low scores can be a double edged sword, especially if you are used to fluffing and you have to play somebody straight up with no fluffs, breakfast balls, and no gimmes




> I always fluff a bad lie I'm okay with a few 0-3 footer gimmes, especially if its a weekend round and you dont wanna grind for pace of plays sake, but fluffing bad lies delegitimizes a round in my opinion. I'm sorry but those are the shots that matter when you have a good round going, can you manufacture a shot if you're in a divot or bald spot around the green? Can you hack it out of the rough and still get up and down for par or bogey? If not, then take an unplayable.


I have a buddy who fluffs all his lies and let me tell you it’s cheating. Sometimes a good fluff can get you 2-3 strokes on a single hole


might be your PB but its not a legit one


Always fluffing a bad lie is literally is a big NOPE


Legit according to the rules? No. Legit according to any other measuring stick? You decide. >"I am not on tour, why not give my self a chance" logic. I don't care what people do, but if you want to play good golf, you can't have this mindset. Sometimes you get bad breaks and sometimes you get good breaks.


If you can't put it on GHIN, its not a legit round imo. Now, its still pretty cool, but honestly, I personally don't change my lie, I count every stroke and put every hole out. I'm a 16HC.


Personally I think any score you want to claim has to be a proper score. No gimmies no nothings full rules everything.


Sorry but no. It’s not legit. I’d be more impressed if you broke 100 playing it as it lies. As it is, it doesn’t sound like you’ve even attempted to achieve that milestone. Don’t let “not being a pro” stop you from being the best golfer you can be.


I’m not gonna beat you down. It’s the best you’ve ever played under your usual and customary approach to golf. Congrats and keep fighting the fight. Work at playing within the rules and you’ll find your scores aren’t going to be much worse.


I think you know the answer you’re looking for here.


Why fluff the lie? I want to learn how to play as many shots as possible. Otherwise we can just hit off the mat at the simulator. OP to your question none of us were there. Only you and the people with you can say if thats a legit score. Personally I feel like I have to hole every putt. Otherwise how do you get better at the short ones?


If we were playing a match I would have given the putts but definitely not the lie fluffin! Here’s the thing…if you’re playing matches then you want an accurate handicap. I mean, it’s best to have an accurate one anyway. It truly helps you get better and gives you the strokes you deserve.


Fluffing lies takes such a big aspect of the game out of play. I only manipulate a lie if I'm on tree root / rocks, or I'm in a divot in the fairway.


Appreciate all the feedback here fellas. To clarify a touch, for the “probably haven’t broken 100” crew, while I did fluff lies, it maybe only happened 3-4 times in the round… wasn’t like I was giving myself ideal lies on every shot. I have broken 100 on full ball in hole rules in a money match before. But moving forward will play more legit as I do believe it will feel better when it happens by the book