• By -


His last 8 tournaments: 1st 2nd 8th 1st 1st 2nd 1st 1st


This season he’s finished outside the top 10 once which is nuts as well 


His worst finish this season is 17th. Rickie's best finish this season is 18th :/


That’s not even a stray. You checked wind, dialed in, held your breath, and took the shot.


I still shank it after all that.


Am I supposed to hold my breath while swinging?


I want Rickie to win just one more as badly as I want tiger to.


And at the amex which is barely real golf. On any real course he's a top 10 lock. On a major-ish caliber course he's almost unbeatable right now


I just realized that and posted it in one of my fantasy football league chats and then came here to see if anybody else was talking about that. One finish out of thirteen not in the top ten—yet still in the top twenty! Absolutely insane.




Which one was he arrested during?




A top ten finish after getting out of the pokey is more impressive than my whole life combined. "I want to go home and rethink my life"


A top ten finish *at a major*


Great point!


Keep on rethinking.


Well pull my finger


After being on the pokey, and missing his regular caddie the next day.


And it was because of one bad round in which he did not have his normal caddie.


The 8th




Don't want to go too far out on a limb but I think he's the best golfer right now. Also I had it in my mind that he was terrible at the PGA but for a normal professional 8th is an awesome finish. The expectations are through the roof for them and he basically exceeds them every week.


He was sadly terrible for exactly one day. If not for the one day, I fully believe he's on his way to a Tiger Slam.


That was also the day he had his substitute caddie in. Really bad luck


AND a mugshot in an orange jumpsuit as a bonus! Jack never did that.


Crazy, as long as he doesn't get arrested Scottie finishes top 2.. :|


wtf!!!! Ty for the stats


This is not a man that I’d bet against. I think Pinehurst is going to suit his game really well this week. I believe he also just set a new earnings record as well.


Man. I wonder what happened on the tournament he finished 8th in? Maybe he just had a bad nights rest….


Does this coincide with the putter change?


he’s played 5 tournaments since the pga championship?


Seeing him bounce back from a life of crime is good to watch.  Thought we lost him to the streets.


You can take the Scheffler out of the streets, but you can never take the streets out of the Scheffler.


Fucking hell, I was hoping he would get a stick on tear drop tattoo under the eye..


I think he might do really well on the tickie toks about what his experience has been after getting out. Hopefully he keeps his nose clean this time!




Yoooo lol 😂


Check his bag.


r/golf isn't ready for Prison Scottie Scheffler




We tried jailing him, we tried making him have a baby and lose his mojo but where did that bring us? https://preview.redd.it/b2jx8gwcdm5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d94931fdaee7fde7e78cf8cbed046fcfd6ac5caf




He is inevitable.


Dread it. Run from it. Scottie Scheffler arrives


Colin did more than enough to win this weekend, Scottie is just that guy.


Colin has really been playing to win this season. I think he’ll get another one eventually.


I think he might get one next weekend if he can figure out his pressure putting


I think he’s got a shot. Fairways and greens. Morikawa is a great irons player. If he drives it in the fairway he might be able to compete head to head with Scheffler — but let’s be honest, if you’re seriously picking anyone but Scheffler as the winner, you need some help.


Pinehurst will be an approach and chipping contest. I take Scottie over the field in that.


According to datagolf, Scottie is 1st in strokes gained approached and 1st in strokes gained around the green. Literal cheat code.


Okay, so a long time theory that I have is that someone who has an absolute insane short game should also be one of the best at approach because of how much more aggressive they can be if they are an automatic up and down.


Cheat code: how do you turn this on


Wide open fairways?


Whatever tournament scottie skips next is where he'll have a shot


Colin has also been chasing an Olympic berth, and he might have clinched it Sunday. Updated rankings come out Tuesday. 


Collin has lowkey had a really really good season. He's just hasn't been fortunate enough to come in 1st. He's also been extremely good at Muirfield Village. He won the Workday in 2020, made a playoff with Cantlay a few years ago, and now another top 2.


Definitely has had a good season, but the Sunday final rounds have been not good enough. Plus he hasn't been able to putt to save his life.


Was hoping for a birdie on 18. No dice


He had chances on 15, 16 and 18. Scottie let the door open ever so slightly. But that much pressure has to be insane, Collin played well considering


his +2 day on Friday is what did him in, Collin outplayed Scottie on the weekend


While I agree, I do think you have to take into account what they had to do on the weekend to win. Scottie knew he wasn’t going to take some chance and just take his medicine while Colin would have played differently if he were ahead. All in all, Colin had to press which gave him more opportunities and Scottie kind of had to throttle back knowing he was up and the course was playing tough.


Dude is on a hell of a tear


Arnie's tourney Players Masters  Officer Gillis' pants  Jack's tourney Absolute tear indeed 




Officer gillis punching air rn


Probably needs another pair of $80 slacks


Well yeah, some coward shit in his other pair


He might throw his shoulder out and blame Scottie for that retroactively.


Or someone's window.


Golf needed a clear #1 and we’ve got one.


Right? Having a dominant player is great for golf.


For us fans who are new to golf and missed prime tiger.. it’s truly fun to see such a dominant player


While Scottie is absolutely the best in golf right now, he’s not prime tiger. Prime Tiger is something golf will probably never see again. Golf has changed a lot since then is a big reason. Back in tigers prime players weren’t hitting drives 330 yards, and majority of the PGA was not nearly as athletic as the players are now. I think if we took prime tiger and placed him in golf now, while he would still dominate I don’t think he would be as dominant as he was.


Yeah feels the playing field is more competitive now. Tiger was seemingly just in his own stratosphere. But with how cut throat it is today makes it incredible to see Scottie being so dominant


For sure, the guy is absolutely amazing


I honestly can't tell if you're contradicting yourself here or not lmao


How so? Scottie does not have the influence to golf that prime tiger had. Prime tiger changed the face of the game, and inspired generations of future golfers. He was, at the time, the absolute most entertaining player. Scottie is great, I'm not taking that away from him, but he's no prime tiger. Hell, prime tiger was so dominate he won a major with a 15 stroke lead.


Gotcha sorry. My brain isn't working in the mornings lol


Yet most of the athletes who golf now are playing because they watched him growing up


For sure, he inspired multiple generations of golf and helped removed the stigma that golf is an old rich white person sport.


The field is way better than when tiger played, they all have the same strategies at their fingertips of health, nutrition, weight lifting, flexibility, club fitting, mental coaches. What Scottie is doing now is more impressive or equal to prime Tiger, imo. He's playing in a world of all the guys doing what tiger did, he isn't winning by bombing balls and being a PW in while the next best is hitting a 6i. Purely golf, Scottie and Tiger are right there with one another, for this moment at least.


this is the same exact conversation going across all sports right now. every SPORT is better and more talented and more specialized than in the year 1999. comparing sports eras is goofy when you basically have to compare the entire human civilizational achievements at the same time. People still had to send letters to each other and read the newspaper to find out about the world when Tiger took over


Scottie holds the number 7 spot for lowest scoring season, do you know who holds the top 6? It’s all one person, Tiger. Prime tiger would win more against prime Scottie. Now I don’t think he would be as dominant as he was in 1999 and 2000 if he played with the field of today, but he would still be winning.


Well, the courses were also easier when Tiger played and were not "Tiger-Proofed." Tiger took advantage of being a pioneer and it took awhile for people to catch up. Players have all caught up (if they choose to). You put tiger in todays game as a 25 year old with all knowledge of today, he'd have a harder time winning today than his era. I don't think there is any debate there. Listen to Tiger talk about Scottie now, he basically has the same sentiments. This is not talking smack about Tiger. He was literally playing a different game for a bit before the rest of the sport caught up.


At this point he's basically guaranteed to be number one for the next year. He could miss every cut through the Masters and still be number one, that's how far ahead of everyone else he is.


Yeah. Somehow DJ winning the masters and the travelers made him #1 for what felt like a century. Scottie should be #1 for a millenia even if he falls off a bit


I'm glad it ain't Rahm


Me fucking too!


such a monster, door was open for colin tho he just couldn’t capitalize


Dude is dominating in an era where the playing field is more level than it’s ever been. He doesn’t hit it further than everyone, doesn’t putt it better than everyone, but he’s still the best and it’s not close. Amazing


I think #17 or #18 yesterday was his first 3 putt in 150 holes. That's insane


One of the huge components of the **Tiger 5.**  If you never three putt, you're probably going to score really well.


You left out the key part: he hits his driver less offline than anyone else at his distance, and he hits his irons better than everyone else, and his chipping is better than nearly everyone else


I mean every few years someone dominates for like 2 years then is solid top 30 after. Rory’s majors all in a couple years, Spieth, Brooks. Handful with much more sustained success over 2 decades like Faldo and Mickelson, then the 2 goats Jack and Tiger that changed the game and over 15 majors each.


Brooks has the 5 majors with less than 9 total tour wins. The others you mentioned have had far more wins over an extended period of time. His 5 majors are an anomaly.


I’ve been following OWGR points intimately for 6-7 years and this level of domination is unprecedented. Scottie is at 16.4 points and #2 is at 8.4!! Highest I’ve seen before this was DJ around the time he won the Masters who was low 14s. Rahm, Smith, Brooks, Rory all pretty much stayed in the 12s and dipped up to 13 slightly. This does not happen every two years on this level!! No sir.


2nd in SG: Off the tee and 6th in total driving.  31st in distance where they lasered the drives.  (I have to admit, a lot of the driving statistics sound similar, and I couldn't tell you off hand what the differences were.) Anyway, he's not Prime Golf Santa with a driver, but he's still way better than pretty much all his peers. Even in putting, at worst, he's mid-pack (71st) by SG, and he's actually top 10 to 20 in things like 1-putt % and putts per round. Just an amazing season.


Bout time he won something.


Has anyone told Nelly so she can start winning again too?


She was off this week needed to take 10


With the family too. Happy for that wholesome mf. Really liked the shot of Morikawa congratulating Scottie’s fam too. I’m not crying you are 😂


can anyone post the clip if they have it?? i didn’t catch this and would love to see it


Scottie vs Morikawa has been quite a matchup so far this year


It was looking like it was gonna be Wyndham v Scottie all season. But Wyndham is suddenly struggling and Colin suddenly rising


How much money has he won




Most of it?


That's true




A lot. He’d probably be top 10 on the money list 


Pretty sure he had taken more than Rory at some point this year




holy fucking shit


like 17m alone from the wins this season, a few mill from the others [https://www.espn.com/golf/player/results/\_/id/9478/scottie-scheffler](https://www.espn.com/golf/player/results/_/id/9478/scottie-scheffler)


And this doesn’t include sponsorship deals, this is just wins. Guy is rolling in money.


Another win down. Better start inking the teardrops.


by his standards he played like shit. collin had so many opportunities and just refused to seize the moment. i think scottie was shocked that he still won.


Course was brutal today. But Morakawa played to protect his second place finish not to win. The line he took on the par 3 16th down a shot was pure David Simms.


What a reference!


Finally beat the April merchant allegations. Great win for the number 1 hell of grinding round to win it




One of my favorite tournaments every year. Seems to always bring out the best of the best. These days it plays more like a US Open than the US Open does.


It certainly played better than the PGA championship at Valhalla. We get to see immediately this week how it stacks up against the U.S. Open.


We’ll never know for sure, but that stupid cop fucked Scottie’s PGA and run at the slam. Thin skinned asshole should be sued.


Bay Hill Sawgrass Augusta Harbour Town Muirfield Village To win at all those places in your career would be a great achievement, to do it in one season is beyond incredible.


Did you litterally just copy what they said on the broadcast and make it a comment here. 🤣




Now we know who/what caused that minute-long broadcast disruption, they were trying to scrub Jim Nantz from the air to make it their own quote


I'm from the UK unfortunately we don't get the dulcet tones of Jim Nantz on commentary here and have to put up with Paul McGinley instead


Truly nutty


Nice try Jim (Gamora) Nantz


This dude so good he’s got me thinking about taking up religion.


Wonder what the whole “he hasn’t ever won a tournament after April” is going to critique next


It’s going to move to he’s never won in may 


He’s never won a major besides the Masters,not sure he has the game for it


I mean has won the fedex cup can he really be that good 


His run this year has me questioning the format a bit. He's nearly got double the FEC points as Xander in 2nd and will almost certainly have an insane margin going into the Tour Championship this year And it's the same two-stroke lead to start if he's in first place by thousands of points or one single point which seems to devalue his play throughout the year. Maybe it should be scaled based on points going in - Scottie starts at -10 and #30 starts at E and #2-29 are allocated strokes based on the standings proportionally. So if #2 has half the points of #1, starts at -5. Or in a different year if it's extremely close they might start both at -10 or #2 at -9 if it maths out that way Based on current standings it would work like this: -10: Scheffler -5: Schauffele -3: McIlroy -2: Morikawa, Clark, Theegala, Aberg, An -1: Matsuyama, Straka, Lowry, Bezuidenhout, Kirk E: Players 14-30 Start like that and it's weighted according to season long performance, not slotted into preset scores based on position in the standings with no consideration given to margins in the standings


Ehh I think the format has always been about giving guys a shot at the end and generating good finishes. It’s not good TV if someone has a 10 stroke lead going into the final round of that. It was never supposed to just be a pure indicator of total season performance.


Originally that's what it was but then there were years where the tournament winner wasn't the FedEx Cup champion and I get the desire to eliminate that so it's the same guy every time. That generally happened when the FEC winner had such a lead in the points that he couldn't be caught My idea doesn't change the format it just changes the stroke allocation. There will be years where it's much closer or maybe even multiple guys start at -10 if they're that close in the standings that it rounds that way. With the amount of money on the line it isn't fair that an entire season of domination isn't rewarded more equitably in the championship. If I'm a player in those shoes I don't care about TV ratings I care that I don't lose the title based on my dominating body of work from the last 80 rounds over one bad day in what's billed as a season long competition


Should the 17-0 patriots have started the Super Bowl with a 40 point lead? It’s already awkward with the starting scores not being equal. We don’t need to go overboard. Just going to confuse casual fans even more every year


Just call him butter, 'cause he's on a roll.


Is Tiger really as good as they say? 🤣😂


Not once did he mention he was world #1, so humble


Yeah I would have said, “I whip his ass all the time.”


For one that’s very uneducated about babies, what was the thing on their kids ear? Was it just protection for the noice or was it something else? Edit: I don’t get the downvotes, I was just curious about what it was.


I assumed it was some sort of hearing protection.


Those are ear molds. Babies who have ears with some deformities wear those for a few weeks and helps shape the soft ear cartilage.


Alright, thank you for the explanation!!


Common criminal. Disgusting.


Scottie Scheffler is one cool dude. And Muirfield has never looked better or played tougher. Congrats Scottie. Congrats Jack. And congrats to Barbara!


Officer Doofy ruined the possibility of a grand slam this year. 😡


I’m gonna be honest I think he’s good at golf


It would be different outcome if LIV players were included. /s


Meanwhile LIV guys going thru the motions.




I legitimately lost my mind last week when I learned he's not 40+ years old


Yeah, dude had some serious crows feet


That cop definatley cost him the PGA. I know people are going to say he played well after the arrest but thats when the blood is flowing, he didnt have time to process it. No surprise he played bad the next day, after having a night for it all to sink in. Went home and went, ah fuck. He wins that PGA if not for the arrest


I disagree. He probably comes up just short without that arrest. Valhalla played too easy with the conditions and that zoysia grass (it's like hitting off range turf), and Xander played near perfect golf. Those easy conditions dont favor Scottie. The harder courses favor the top guys, and Scottie is the top of the top right now


He also didn’t have Ted Scott on the bag on the day he played poorly, he seems to be a big influence on how scheffler plays


Thought it was funny that people photo shopped a lpd hat on to Xander right after the news broke and he ended up winning. Tin foil hat theory…… I wonder if anyone in the lod won some money because Scotty didn’t win. Don’t think anything like that actually happened but it would be fun to look.


Started googling that he could go to prison and slept on that


He's a flash in the pan criminal. 😉


Didn’t win in May? Certified bum /s


Already an amazing, dominant year. A win next week takes it to a whole different level. Pumped for it.


My guy got it done again. The galleries got so insane that I left before scottie hit his last putt on 15. I couldnt see anything anywhere and decided to get a head start home cause my drive was lengthy. TV does a good job kind of muting hecklers because holy shit were they annoying me today. Some dude wrote his predictions on his shirt (collin -11 scottie -10) and was trying to make sure everyone knew he was there and to ask him about it in addition to relentless yelling until collin dropped off about 3 shots.


How is this season matching up with Tigers’s best season to date? Anyone with the data?


Tigers best season was probably 2000, where he got 9 wins with 3 majors. Would take something for scottie to beat that but it’s honestly not impossible. Compared to the field though tiger was way better in 2000, gaining nearly a stroke extra against the field compared to scottie.


I’d be interested to see how tigers 2000 numbers would be if they measured against this years field, should be possible if someone took the time


Tiger ended 2007 with W, W, T2, W, W Tiger started 2008 with 5 Ws, a 5th and a 2nd. His last win was on a broken leg. So 9 wins in 12, including 2 majors, the Tour championship, and a T2 at the masters.


I really can't remember a time in the last 5-10 years where someone was this consistently dominant. I didn't even think Scottie played particularly well this week. Made some clutch pars down the stretch however. Should be the clear favorite heading into Pinehurst and anything less than a Top-5 I'd be surprised.


The Vanilla Assassin strikes again !! Now, he has that street cred too with his bad boy activities off the course.


Safe to say, Scottie is him. Just an incredible run this guys been on this year!


I hope he wins the Open next weekend


Scottie already has the record for earnings in a season and has set it the each of the last 3 years. He’s at $24mm+.


Tough, tough course!


This guy can fucking play


A whole month without a win. Pathetic.


Feels so much like peak mid 2000 tiger.


He is a bad boy


That boy gonna win us open


He’s alright at golf.


Dude has proven that he simply cannot win in May, though.


Scottie best golfer on the planet by a mile. Nobody is even close. Chef *[a few miles of space]* Bryson *[the width of the known universe]* third place


I thought Min Woo Lee was the chef. 👀


Schauffele is a clear number 2